Hey everyone. I'm so sorry for the long wait for the final chapter of this story. Truth be told, I had most of this written all those years ago, but the problem was, I had no idea how I was going to end this story. So...basically I've had writer's block for about...ehhh...5-6 years. lol I'm sorry, but I finally came up with an ending! I really hope that you all enjoy this final chapter! This was a blast to write and slightly difficult to write the mean girl parts. Had to tap into my inner mean girl, which...not that fun at time since I've met lots of girls like Umeko.

Anyways, away from the sad, I'm so happy to see that some of you reviewed, put me on alerts and favorited me! You guys made me really excited to hear that you liked this story! I was nervous about keeping everyone in character and I wasn't going too OCC in this. Please let me know what you think of the last chapter! I want to know if I did this right and if the ending was good. You can always leave a review or even PM me. I always try to reply! This is bittersweet to end this story, but I'm so happy that I was able to accomplish writing for one of my favorite animes growing up. If you ever want to read more of my work, I have other stories out there to read! Including a Doctor Who one on the way! Thanks everyone! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran High school Host Club. I only own Reiko and a few other characters that I made up that aren't part of the story line.

NOTE: Inner Me will be italicized to make it easier to read lol

Review Responses- Thank you to those who reviewed this story! You guys made me so happy to hear what you thought! Just thought I should reply to your reviews like I do with all of my stories. You guys are amazing! ^_^

Kaylen: Ugh...tell me about it. Hate them too. Awww I'm sure you could do a great job! :) Thank you soooo much! And yes, I love Ouran as well!

TheDoctorsMate200: Well here's your chance :)

Amarenima Redwood: Thank you sweetie! Now you get to find out! :)

purplefeather9: Thank you sweetie! I'm glad you like it! :)

Finding the muscles in my legs I began to slowly drag myself back towards the music room to collect my things. I couldn't believe that I have to give up the Host Club and leave because I was being blackmailed by the worst person in the whole Academy. And...give up Mori.

As I turned the corner down the hall I almost ran into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss Hara." Kyoya apologized to me.

I looked up at him, trying to wipe my tears away. "Oh it…it's okay, Kyoya-sempai."

Narrowing his eyes, he tilted his head to the side slightly. "Are you okay, Miss Hara?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I just…I think I'm gonna go home, I'm not feeling very well right now."

He stared at me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, trying to calm myself down. "Yeah, I-I'll see you tomorrow." I said, walking past him as fast as I could.

When I reached the music room, I stood outside the door, taking deep breaths as I prepared myself to go inside and face everyone. 'You can do this; just run in, grab your books, and then rush out before anything happens.'

'You don't have to listen to that snot! She can't do this to you! You should tell someone that she's threatening you. Maybe she would get kicked out instead of you.'

I mentally sighed. 'I want to…but I…I can't. I know how these situations work; I'd sing like a canary and she'd deny it and find some way to turn everyone against me. I think it would be best if I just stay away from them for awhile…just wait until this drama fades off. I just don't want to risk it.'

'I still say that you should do something.' Inner Me insisted.

'I…just wanna wait. Right now I just want to get out of here as fast as I can.'

'Be careful; don't show anyone that you're weak, especially not Umeko.'

I was pretty sure that it was going to be hard to just walk into the room with a poker face after being threatened out in the hallway.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

A few girls glanced over at me, but most of them kept their focus on their Hosts or their tea and cakes.

As I walked through the room to my seat I could feel my heart pounding through my chest. 'Please don't panic; keep it together. Don't pay attention to anyone, just focus on grabbing your books and getting out before anything goes wrong.'

'You'll be fine. Calm down!' Inner Me shouted.

"Haruhi! You can't be serious!" Tamaki whined. "I can't believe that you would marry…those idiots!"

I guess they were still arguing over the 'wedding' still.

"For the last time Sempai, there is no wedding!" Haruhi growled at her superior.

He moaned as he went into fetal position in that lonely dark corner of his.

Oh no…here we go again.

"It can't be true…it just can't. Why would those two take away her like that? I'm the only one who tells her she can and cannot marry." He whimpered loudly.

The twins were sitting on their couch with satisfied expressions as they watched their plan unfold.

Well at least they're happy.

As I was nearing my seat I was beginning to breath heavily. 'What am I going to say to Hunny? To Mori? Oh man, what am I gonna do?'

When I reached my seat Hunny looked up at me with a smile. "There you are Rei-chan!"

I tried to smile back. "Hey Hunny."

"Are you gonna tell us another story? We've been waiting for you."

I noticed that Mori was no longer in his chair. 'Maybe I won't have to see him when I leave.' I mean I would love to see him, it's just that it might be too painful to see him when I leave. Not to mention, I don't want Umeko to see me talking to him.

I took a shaky breath before replying, "Um…I…I can't, Hunny. I-I'm not feeling very well and I think I'm gonna go home." I explained, trying not to cry.

He frowned, tilting his cute little face to the side. "Are you okay?"

I tried looking down at my shoes. "N-not really. I think I'm coming down with something. I'm sorry if we can't read another story today."

"Oh…it's okay. I hope you feel much better. Maybe we can read another one tomorrow."

I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Y-yeah…maybe. C-can you hand me my books please?"

I could hear Hunny shift around then he held them out for me to take. "Here you go, Rei-chan."

Taking them in my hands I turned around, trying to avoid Hunny's eye contact. "S-see ya."

As I was about to turn around I bumped into someone. Lifting my head up, I saw Mori standing in front of me. "I-I'm sorry, Mori-Sempai."

He just smiled. "Aren't you going to stay?"

"Well…I…" Out of the corner of my eye I could see Umeko smirking at me.

The tears in my eyes began to slide down my cheeks. "I…I can't Mori-Sempai. I…I have to go." I said as I tried to walk around him.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around to look at him, disappointment was written across his face. "Is something wrong?"

I could feel everyone's eyes on me in the room.

"I-I have to go." I sniffled as I shrugged off his hand and practically ran out the door, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Finally that freak left." I heard Umeko mummer as I ran past her.

That one girl managed to take away everything that I have left in my life; Umeko won and I lost.

The very thought had me practically sprinting down the halls, my tears burning everything around me as I ran from the room.

When I made it halfway down the hall I let the tears fall as I began to cry. I tried to keep my sobbing quiet, but at this point I couldn't do it.

Since I didn't have the luxury of riding in a limo like most people did, I had to walk home all by myself. And to make things worse, it was raining. Just great.

After some time had passed, I finally stopped crying, but time didn't help my heart heal from the pain I experienced awhile ago. So here I am now, dragging my feet through muddy puddles and hanging my head as I walked away from the best thing that ever happened to me. I still can't believe that I'm not going to see the Host Club ever again.

What were they gonna think when they don't see me coming around anymore? What will Hunny think? And…Mori? Will they be sad? Will they try to find out why? Or…will they forget me?

I can still picture that look in Hunny's eyes when I told him I had to leave; oh he looked so upset. He was like my little brother and I was like his sister. What will happen to him now?

And that disappointed look in Mori's eyes. I've never seen him give me that expression before. I wonder what was going though his head when I told him I was leaving. I wish I could turn around and go back to tell him what was really wrong, but if I did that…I would probably be banned from ever attending Ouran Acadamy ever again. I'd rather watch Mori from afar then never see those deep dark eyes of his again.

As I kicked a puddle on the sidewalk, I began to think back to what Umeko had said to me. How could she possibly know what my parents think? Then again, when you're from a rich family, your life is always part of the gossips that you would hear around the social circle. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school knew.

My parents and I didn't really see eye to eye and truly never understood me. When I was born, my parents didn't really have that 'excited to be parents' look. Instead, it was more of a 'oh no, we have a kid to take care of now' feeling. I was an unplanned birth and when word got out about me, my parents didn't want to tarnish their reputation by giving me up for adoption. They kept and raised me, but they treated me just like one of the servants in our house.

The only person who treated me like one of the family was my grandmother. Just like the story I had told Hunny, my grandmother would take me to the bookstore and she would always buy me books. That's how I got that nickname, the 'Violet Bookworm'. Also I had natural violet colored eyes; it wasn't normal but I didn't care because it was who I was.

My parents only stuck by my grandmother's side because she had a huge fortune and my parents couldn't wait until she died last year. I was heartbroken of course, but I don't think my parents could have cared less. However, at her funeral when they were reading off her will, something happened; my parents weren't even listed in her will. They were stunned and asked who got all of her money. To their surprise, her entire fortune went to me.

Naturally they were furious and tried to take it from me, but since I was eighteen I could make my own decisions and I decided to leave the house. I bought a small apartment in Haruhi's neighborhood because I could care less if I lived in a big mansion or not; I liked living in that little building of mine.

Unfortunately, since I didn't have any transportation I always had to walk home. I mean I liked getting the exercise and fresh air; it's just that when it rained I would get really sick sometimes from being soaked. Also I had that fear of running into a gang or something. It's always that fear of being defenseless when you're being attacked that freaks me out. Well who wouldn't be scared of that?

'Please don't let them find me. Please! Don't let there be someone hiding out in the dark. I don't want this tonight.'

But as cruel as fate is to me at this moment, I walked right past a group of scary looking guys. 'Why me? Why must the world hate me sooooo much? Just leave me alone.'

I kept my head down as I tried to walk past them as fast as I could.

"Hey baby, where're you going?"

I squeezed my eyes shut as I continued to walk away from them.

"What's the matter, Girlie?" another one shouted at me.

Faintly I could hear their footsteps following behind me.

"Aww come on baby, don't run. We just wanna talk."

Suddenly I felt someone grab onto my backpack and turn me around abruptly.

I came face to face with four really intimidating older guys.

"Wow." One of them awed. "You're even prettier from the front."

I could smell alcohol on his breath.

'Get away from them!' Inner Me shouted.

I tried to pull away from them, but then I felt the one holding onto my bag grab my arm.

"Aww what's wrong?"

"I think she's scared of you, Souta." One of his friends snickered.

Souta glared at his friend. "Shut up! She's not afraid of me." Then he looked back at me. "Are you, baby?"

I tried to tug my arm back. "Leave me alone!"

Souta looked at his friends with a smirk. "So she speaks."

One of his other friends smirked. "Feisty one too; just my type."

"Let me go!" I yelled at Souta as I punched him in the face with all my might.

He recoiled in pain as he let go of me, stumbling backwards.

As soon as my arm was free I started running away from them as fast as I could.

Suddenly I felt someone grab a hold of me again and threw me up against a brick wall of an old dirty alley. I cringed in pain as I felt my head crack against the wall, causing me to practically see stars. "Ow." I whimpered in pain.

As I slowly opened my eyes I could see four blurry figures standing in front of me.

"That was a pretty dumb mistake you just made, baby."

When my vision finally came into focus I could see Souta standing in front of me, showing off a bloody cut that now graced across his cheek. He motioned to his friends.

I felt two of them grab onto my arms, holding me up against the wall with no meanings of escape.

"So you wanna play rough now, do ya? Well what a coincidence, so do we. Right boys?"

The other members in his gang chuckled wickedly.

"N-no…please…stop." I whispered, trying to move my sore body, but I could barely even think straight since my head was still pounding.

Souta's smirk grew. "Sorry baby, but you had your chance for us to play nice and you blew it when you punched me. Now we gotta teach you a lesson about using 'proper' manners with us."

I drew in a shaky breath as I closed my eyes, letting tears run down my cheeks.

So this is how I'm gonna go out. Getting my life ruined by the one nasty girl who could do anything she wanted to me, never telling the Host Club good-bye and why I had to leave, and most importantly…never getting to tell Mori how I feel. All because I was going to be beaten up and probably something much worse by a couple of drunken idiots. Why must my life end like this?

'Well it's been a pleasure getting to help you out and talking to you.' Inner me told me. 'Wish it didn't have to end like this.'

I mentally sighed. 'Yeah, me too. Thanks for trying to help me all these years.'

'No prob.'

Souta laughed. "Ready for a couple of real—hey back off dude, we're busy!" I could hear Souta yell.

I cracked open an eye to see a taller figure standing behind Souta.

"She's ours so go away man; go find your own." Souta told the figure.

Suddenly the figure grabbed a hold of Souta's shoulder and punched him square in the face, sending him to the ground.

As soon as Souta hit the ground his friends let go of me so they could attack the guy who knocked out their leader.

My legs buckled underneath me, causing me to fall to my knees. I watched in awe as that mysterious figure beat the crap out of them. Whoever this guy was, he was strong. But why is he doing this? Is this random guy trying to save me? Or is he just trying to get rid of these guys to keep me for himself?

After he finished my strange savior came towards me quietly. A small trickle of fear nudged the edge of my conscious as he crouched down in from of me, his face hidden in the shadows.

As he reaches out to me, I flinch back, shutting my eyes tightly. 'Oh no, don't let him be another one.' I prayed to myself.


My heart skipped a beat when I heard that familiar lower monotone voice. 'No, it can't be.'

I cracked open an eye to see if my prediction was true and I found myself staring into those deep dark eyes that I fell in love with. "M-Mori-Sempai?"

He stared at me as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Are you okay?"

Despite everything that occurred today, I launched myself into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. All I wanted at this moment was to be held and safe with somebody I could trust; Mori was the right person for the job.

Wordlessly, Mori picked me up and held me bridal style in his arms. Then he began to walk through the rain as if it didn't bother him. I hid my face in his shoulder as I continued to cry.

I can't believe that Mori just saved my life. How did he know where I was? If I was not mistaken, I heard that Mori lives on the complete opposite part of town. Why is he here?

Mori carried me around for awhile until he stopped suddenly. "Where's your key?"

Lifting my head up from his shoulder, I tried to look at him. "What?"

"Your house key." He repeated.

I looked around at the building in front of us and realized that we were at my apartment. My apartment?!

I pulled the key out of my pocket and handed it to him as my brain was freaking out, wondering how he knew where I lived.

He unlocked the door and walked inside, shutting the door behind him.

A cold chill went up my spine as we entered the freezing cold room. I shouldn't have left the air on before I left.

Mori walked over to the couch and set me down. His big but gentle hands touched my face and arms, looking me over. "Are you hurt?"

I unconsciously rubbed the back of my head, which was still sore from hitting it on the wall. "My head hurts a little. I um…I have an icepack in the freezer."

He went into the kitchen and within seconds, he returned with a small ice pack. He held it out to me for to take, not saying anything.

I took it from him and held it up to my head. "Thanks." I winced as the cold touched the sore spot on my head. 'Geez, that hurts.'

Mori sat down next to me, not really saying anything. He just stared back. It felt strange. Especially since I was never alone with him. Hunny was always with him, but he wasn't here now. What could I say?

I shouldn't even be doing this right now, sitting with him. Mori isn't supposed to be near me at all. Why am I not telling him to go? If Umeko finds out that Mori is here, especially at my house, she'll never get rid of me probably before tomorrow.

But at the back of my head, right behind the bump, I could hear my inner me yelling at me to stop thinking that way. 'Don't let him go! This might be your last chance to talk to him and both of us are dying to know why he was there at the right moment and saved your butt! Ask him!'

I could feel my cheeks warming up as I tried to find the voice to talk. "M-Mori-sempai, h-how did you know I was in trouble?"

He didn't answer me.

'Of course, we're talking to the silent gentle giant.' Inner me mumbled. 'Don't give up! Get an answer from him!'

"I…I mean, how could you know? You don't live in my neighborhood at all. In fact, you live on the opposite side of town."

He looked away from me and stared at the floor.

Hesitantly, I gently touched his shoulder. "M-Mori-sempai?"

He looked out of the corner of his eye. "I followed you home."

My heart skipped a beat. "What?"

"I saw you crying. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"You did?"

He nodded in response.

"Oh…thank you." I mumbled, a small smile creeping onto my lips.

'Well isn't he sweet.' Inner me commented.

"Why were you crying?" he asked, finally meeting my eyes.

I looked away, tears gathering in my eyes. "I…it was nothing. I just didn't feel good and I needed to get out of there before I…"

I felt his fingers under my chin as he turned my head back towards him. "That's not true, Reiko."

I shut my eyes as I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. "I-I can't tell you."

"Yes, you can. We know it was Umeko."

My eyes shot open as I stared at him in surprise. "What?"

Mori pulled out a cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number before holding it up to his ear. "Yeah, I'm with Reiko." Then he held the phone out to me.

Hesitantly, I took it from him and held it up to my ear. "H-hello?"

"Hello Miss Hara."


"Um…hey, Kyoya-sempai. What's up?"

"You don't need to worry about Umeko threatening you anymore. She has been reported to the school."

My heart jumped "Wh-what? Could you repeat that?"

'Smart boy says what?!' Inner Me gasped in shock.

"Umeko has been suspended for threatening you and she is no longer a customer at the Host Club."

"But…how…you…" I mumbled in shock.

"I overheard your conversation out in the hallway this afternoon and heard Umeko threaten you. So I confiscated the Academy cameras and showed the video to the Headmaster. She was suspended for a couple of weeks and she has been officially banned from the Host Club. Any other members that were involved with the harassment have been warned and I can safely say that there will be no more harassment."

Everything seemed to be going by so fast. "Are…are you serious?"

There was a pause. "Yes, I believe I am."

I could feel my eyes water. "I…I don't know what to say."

"Just think of this as a favor from the Host Club. I don't think the hosts could go on without you being there every day."

I sniffled. "Thank you, Kyoya-sempai."

"You're welcome, Miss Hara. Have a nice evening."

The line went dead.

As I lowered the phone, I tried to process everything that was happening all at once. Tears began to roll down my cheeks, but this time it wasn't because I was sad. I was completely overwhelmed for the fact that the Host Club did that for me.

They actually cared about me enough to try and report Umeko for threatening to get rid of me, and it actually worked. I wouldn't have to stop coming to the Host Club and I don't have to be possibly expelled from Ouran Academy. And most importantly…I stole a glance at Mori, who was smiling softly down at me. I don't have to avoid speaking to Mori anymore.

But what happens now?

Mori is sitting with me on my couch in my apartment!

'Well…say something! You've got Mori in your house, the Host Club got rid of Umeko, and Mori saved your life from a bunch of drunken idiots! For the love of this guy…say something to him!' Inner Me shouted inside of my head.

'Like what?!' I shouted back.

'Tell him about how Umeko threatened you.'

'He already knows about that.'

There was a pause.

'You know what I mean.'

'What?! No! I'm not ready for this!'

'Yes you are. Just tell him already. Tell him that you like him.'

'No! I can't do it! He's not going to-'


I mentally shook myself out of the argument with 'Inner Me' and looked up at Mori, who was now looking at me with the all too familiar serious stare.


"Are you okay?"

My breath was caught in my throat. "I…I…" My throat dried up, my heart was pounding so loud that I could feel it in my ears, and my hands were trembling.

Suddenly without thinking, I shot up from the couch. "I-I can't do this!"

Next thing I knew, I was rushing out of my house and into the pouring down rain. I ran through the streets, dodging a few cars as I tried to find my way through the dark.

'Get back there right now! Do you hear me?!' Inner Me shouted, pointing towards my small apartment.

"I cant!" I cried out to her. "I can't do this! Mori deserves more than me!"

'No he doesn't! He deserves to have you! You're just too chicken to try and tell him!'

I gasped when a car nearly missed me. "I just...I can't do it!"

'You're going to get yourself killed out here!' Inner Me screamed as a pair of headlights came into view.

My legs couldn't move and my heart plummeted when I realized that this would be the end.

Suddenly, I felt myself being swept literally off my feet and soared through the air, the sound of the car horn blaring in my ears. Something warm pressed to my face when I felt my feet hit the ground once again. A puff of air left my lungs when I realized that I was no longer in the street, but on the sidewalk nearby.

"Reiko." Mori's voice spoke softly from above.

My head lifted from his broad chest to meet his dark eyes that shone through the night. "M-Mori?"

Slowly he stood up straight from his crouched position. My legs shook beneath me and threatened to buckle, but Mori made sure to keep me from falling.

His hand gently brushed my soaking wet hair away from my face as he gazed down into my eyes.

"M-Mori...I...I'm sorry...I just..."

Before I could utter another word, Mori's mouth found mine, pressing his lips against mine gently.

Everything froze around us, including my heart for a moment, as he kissed me in the pouring down rain. The only thing that I could feel was his warm lips upon my own. It was as if the rain had stopped for a moment so that every single raindrop around us could watch this very shocking moment.

When his lips parted from my own, it seemed that everything returned to normal, even my own heart beginning to pound inside of my chest.

'Did...did he just kiss us?' Inner Me said, her own voice sounding breathless. 'In the rain? Because...that's awfully cliche...'

Mori just smiled softly, rubbing my cheek. "I like you too, Reiko."

As soon as those words were spoken, I felt the weight on my shoulders drop. Did he just say he liked me? Did Takashi Morinozuka just admit that he liked me?! And...did he say 'too'?! Does that mean that he knew?

"I...I...you..." I began, trying to find the words to say.

He nodded once before pecking me on the forehead. "I know." he mumbled against my damp skin.

My eyes closed at the feeling and my heart rose inside of my chest. It was as if it was on a cloud.

Mori pulled me into a hug, letting his soaking wet clothes press against my face. I didn't care if it was cold or not, I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the gesture and wrapping my arms around his torso. Neither of us moved as we stood in the rain together, letting the cold and fat raindrops fall on us.

'Huh, looks like you really lucked out in this. Umeko was suspended and banned from the club, Mori saved your life not once, but twice, and now...he kissed you and admitted that he likes you. I call that a happy ending, huh? Hey, maybe you should kiss him this time. I want another one.' Inner Me said with a smirk.

Listening to her, I reached up to gently grab Mori's face and tugged it down so our lips could meet once again. Mori smiled against mine and kissed me back.

'That's my girl.'

Well what do you think? Cute? Sweet? A train wreck? lol Hopefully not the last one.

Anyways, that's the end of this story! I hope that you all enjoyed this short journey with me! I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm still shocked that it took me this long to write this story and post it! But I don't regret a thing! Let me know what you think of this story and I hope to see some of you reading my other work in the future! Thank you everyone! ^_^