Author's Notes: I was introduced to the idea of "name drabbles," where the character speaking gives a sort of monologue, and each sentence starts with a letter in their name. For example, the first letters of Lily's four sentences spell out "L-I-L-Y". So when I wrote this, I was trying out the name drabble thing, and sort of fell into the idea of the four characters "spelling out" their love stories. It's pretty depressing.


Lily: Looking

Looking at you, James, is something I do all the time. I like to look at you because I want you, I love you, I need you.

Looking at me, however, isn't something you usually do. You're usually looking at Sirius.


James: Just Because

Just because I like to look at Sirius doesn't mean I'm in love with him. And just because I dream about him at night doesn't mean that, either. Maybe it means I love him, but that's just because he's my best friend.

Every time I look at him and Remus together, I feel sad and wistful just because I don't have someone to love that way. So just because I feel that way when I look at Sirius doesn't mean just means everything.


Sirius: Sometimes

Sometimes I think things haven't quite evened out between me and Remus. I mean, I don't mind if he's a little quiet about how he feels. Remus has always been sort of secretive. I can't blame him for that - I just have to accept it. Until he's ready to love me as much as I love him, I can wait.

Sometimes I think I'm in denial.


Remus: Really

Really, I've come to accept the way things are - that life, and love, never turn out how you want it. Even if you begin with the best of intentions or the highest of hopes, it really doesn't work out. Maybe that sounds cynical or depressing, but I think it's merely realistic. Usually it takes people a lifetime to learn these things - I'm really quite proud of myself for accepting it now.

So I really don't mind that Lily will never love me - really.