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We have come to the end of second year.

Enjoy and Review!

Chapter 14: 2nd Year

It was the end of the school year. OWLs and NEWTs had been taken. Final exams for the other years had been passed. People were making plans for the summer holiday. And the MacGregor's were making good on the promise their little sister had made on their behalf.

Kenzy had completely forgotten about the Fat Lady's request until said portrait had stopped her from entering one day, enthusiastically telling her how all the portraits were excited about their performance. Kenzy had quickly redirected herself to Shawn, who in turn dragged her to a less stressed Adam so they could both give her grief.

Honestly, one would think they hadn't ever performed in front of a large crowd. At least this performance wasn't intended to impress a bunch of rich people, and inspire them to donate to the charity they were singing for.

The boys took action, Shawn rushing to his dorm to find any pieces of music he might have packed and Adam requesting a meeting with Professor Dumbledore to find out exactly what arrangements the Fat Lady had made. The next twenty-four hours had been filled with the trio practicing by the Black Lake. Kenzy hadn't gotten to see her friends and invite them to the performance. She'd seen Lucius walking with his friends, but as they still weren't speaking after their last argument Kenzy had decidedly not made eye contact.

She really couldn't think of Lucius without getting angry and sad, so she'd focused on her singing. Shawn and Adam had still wanted to throttle her, Shawn had made it clear there would be payback, but both were satisfied with their sound at the end of the day. Shawn had selected some Wizarding folk songs and some Scottish ballads. Kenzy knew if she didn't have that photographic memory she'd have had to keep the music with her during their recital.

Now, the three siblings had set up in a big circular room filled with empty portraits. Kenzy had tuned her violin, while Adam had set up his base. Shawn was on the cello, a chair had been summoned for him as he would have a hard time playing standing up. Kenzy had realized long ago that their parents had picked different instruments for them to learn for reasons like this. Each instrument suited them. Kenzy could not hold a bass properly while Adam's fingers were not slender enough for the violin. Personally, Kenzy thought he just hadn't wanted to try but their parents had taken the excuse. Shawn had tried the violin for a while before going to his cello when he'd winced at the sound of high pitched notes every time he'd practiced. The current setup worked for each of them. Shawn and Kenzy often went crazy with their playing, Kenzy constantly trying to reach her brother's level of skill, while Adam kept them grounded and with the beat. It was sort of like their lives. Kenzy and Shawn were the crazies and Adam was the sane one.

Pretty soon, different bodies started filling the empty Portraits. Kenzy had learned that this room was specifically designed as a retreat for the various portraits in the event that something went wrong with their own frames. It had been built after a devastating fire had damaged many portraits, some too far gone to ever bring back. Kenzy had questioned what made this room more different and durable than the rest of the castle, but Professor Dumbledore had simply chuckled and inquired about their musical experience.

At the corner of her eye, Kenzy watched as the man himself walked into the room. Behind him, other members of the staff followed.

Her eyes bugged out a little. "No one told me the professors were going to be here for this." She saw Hagrid's big frame come in last, cheerily waving at her when they made eye contact.

Adam snorted. "Professor Dumbledore wouldn't miss this for the world. Each of our Head of Houses would consider it mandatory for them to be here. Everyone else…" He shrugged. "It's not every day a couple students make promises to portraits." His finished with a glare directed her way.

Kenzy's shoulders hunched. "I told you, I was very distracted when she asked."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "So you've said."

Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat, cutting off all the chatter going on around the room. "Portraits and Staff of Hogwarts, I would like to thank you for joining us today. I was very intrigued when the Fat Lady told me these three had agreed to perform together. It is not every day an opportunity such as this arises. Perhaps Professor Flitwick will gain two new students for his choir tonight."

Adam's brow furrowed at Professor Dumbledore's words while Shawn sent another stare her way. She grinned sheepishly at him, knowing that Shawn despised singing in choirs with a passion. He'd made it clear on more than one occasion that he'd only sing with his siblings.

When Professor Dumbledore gave them the floor, Adam looked at his siblings and started the slow head nods that was their cue to start the first song.

Lucius was watching from one of the hidden entrances to the vast room. When the portrait in the Slytherin Common Room had vanished, Lucius had been intrigued. The long dead Slytherin alumni never left his portrait. He'd also been bored, having no exams to study for and no interest in spending time with this friends. He'd been off since his fight with Kenzy but could think of nothing to make things right with them again.

He'd always known she wouldn't change her mind about becoming an Auror, but he'd held out some hope that they wouldn't someday be enemies.

So he'd tracked the portrait using a spell from one of his families books, and had come upon the Headmaster's announcement. He'd known Kenzy could sing, she frequently hummed while studying, but hadn't realized the talent ran in the family. What surprised him more was her use of an instrument. That particular skill had never come up. The song they were currently playing was not complicated on her part, though he could tell it could be if her middle brother's constantly moving fingers were any indication.

He wondered why this little performance was even going on. Nearly the entire staff of Hogwarts was there, along with the portraits. Hogwarts had seen plenty of talented singers and musicians. He'd never heard of anything like this happening in his recent memory. He would know. His father and future lord liked to talk about their old school days. If something like this had happened, they'd have known about it.

Then the three started to sing in sync, and Lucius knew.

His eyes quickly found the Headmaster's form, scanning his body for any movement. There, just under his massive sleeves, Professor Dumbledore's wand was moving in a complicated pattern.

Lucius clenched his fist, moving his eyes back to Kenzy and her siblings. He could see it now. The three were so tuned to each other, singing and playing from their hearts. They concentrated on nothing but each other, none giving anyone else in the room their attention.

It was old family magic Professor Dumbledore was playing with. It required those of the same blood to be in sync with each other, for their magic to intertwine. It had been used, was still used, in the strengthening of wards. Lucius had heard the Dark Lord telling his inner circle that Hogwarts' wards had diminished over time. Being Headmaster, Dumbledore had to know this as well. Of course, he'd try this method of bringing more protection to Hogwarts. It was risky, the connected had to think of the place as home. Lucius wondered how exactly Professor Dumbledore knew the spell, it was considered a lost magic to everyone except a few Pureblood families.

Lucius looked at the absolute innocence and joy on Kenzy's face as she played with he brothers. The Dark Lord could never learn of this. His father expected him to report any information that could be of use to their Lord. Lucius had already taken risks by befriending Kenzy. He supposed it wasn't such a huge shock that he'd keep this a secret as well.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team was walking back their common room after a long afternoon of practice. James hadn't seen Kenzy since breakfast yesterday, and he had been concerned when she hadn't shown up to practice. Kenzy never missed a practice if she could help it. Fabian hadn't know where she was at, which was surprising because the bloody git practically stalked her when he wasn't off doing something with his twin.

James had mentioned it to Kenzy once, but she'd just blushed and stammered which confused James greatly. Who in their right mind liked being stalked?

He turned so he was walking backward, having explored Hogwarts enough to know he wouldn't bump into something anytime soon. He asked, "Hey Bell, you know what happened with Kenzy?"

Jason said, "The Headmaster personally excused her from practice today."

Fabian turned to look at their Captain, concern on his face. "Is she alright?"

Jason nodded, "She's perfectly fine."

When he made no move to say anything else, James sighed, "You can't really say that and not tell us what's going on."

Jason shrugged. "I'm not sure you're supposed to know."

James and Fabian protested at the same time. "I'm her best friend!" "I'm her…"

James smirked triumphantly at Fabian for not being able to come up with anything that trumped his best friend status before turning back to Jason. The 7th year sighed, "If you nosy gits must know. She and her brothers are performing for the adults today, some promise they made to the portraits or something. Headmaster Dumbledore just told me she was to be excused from practice."

James' eyes widened. "Kenzy never told me this. Why would she keep that a secret?"

Marlene, who'd been silent this whole time, said, "Kenzy doesn't have to share everything with you. Maybe she didn't want anyone to be there."

Fabian scoffed. "Why not? She has a great voice, and her violin playing isn't half bad either."

The 2nd Years turned to Fabian in shock. "Kenzy can play the violin?" They asked in unison.

Gideon joined the conversation. "Didn't you guys know? She plays the violin, Shawn the cello, and Adam the bass."

James jaw clenched. "No, we didn't. How do you two know?"

"It was during the final preparations for Molly's wedding," Gideon explained. "One of the violins was going to back out because their instrument was undergoing repairs. Apparently, this would have thrown the whole thing off. Our mum was ready to foot the bill for a brand new violin, but Kenzy had her violin in her school trunk and offered it to the musician."

Marlene nodded. "That was handy. I guess we shouldn't be too surprised. Kenzy once told me her parents made them perform at different charity events her mother helped with. It would get boring if all they did was sing, yeah?"

Everyone agreed and the topic switched to the last and final match of the year. It had been put off because so many of the Slytherin Quidditch players were either taking OWLs or NEWTs.

James listened halfheartedly, his mind still on Kenzy. She'd been off these last few weeks. When she thought no one was looking she'd chewed on her lip and stared off into space, a sign he was quickly acquainting with her thinking too much. Had it been because of this? He'd watched her sometimes stare ahead of them during dinner with a sad look on her face before looking back down at her plate with focused attention.

He shrugged, thinking it had to be this. Kenzy would come to him if something was really bothering her, he was sure of it.

Kenzy walked back to her common room later that evening, smiling a the portraits as the again thanked her for the lovely performance. The recital had been a success, the three siblings relaxing once it had been over. The Fate Lady along with Professor Flitwick had praised their ability to perform and make it seem like they weren't on performing for an audience.

In truth, the trio did forget oftentimes that people were in the room when they performed. It was a source of bonding for the siblings when they did this, their bond as a family growing stronger and closer each time. Kenzy now understood after reading books on familial bonds that it was their magic doing this, but it was still something that only they shared.

Her brothers no longer wanted to kill her, that family magic working in her favor. She was sure there would be some form of payback eventually, Shawn held on to grudges a lot longer than a Hufflepuff should, but they'd ended on a good note and her brother's had even congratulated her on a job well done before parting ways. The would never have done that if they'd still be aggravated with her. As promised, Professor Flitwick had tried recruiting her and Shawn for his choir. Shawn had thrown her to the wolves, claiming she just loved choirs. The lying git. Professor Flitwick had promised to owl her music to go over during the summer, and then taken off before she could protest. She had wanted to join the dueling club, but there was no way that was happening now.

None of her friends were hanging around the common room, so Kenzy went to her dorm. In all honesty, she felt drained. She figured it was the adrenaline washing away from her tense nerves of the last day. She actually felt like she'd been dueling with Professor Juniper, but Kenzy hadn't really done any magic with all the preparations.

Thankfully none of the girls seemed to be here either so Kenzy crawled into bed, kicking off her shoes and not bothering with the rest. She frowned as she noticed a bulging pouch with a note attached to it on her pillow. Taking the note, she read the two words in the familiar regal penmanship that Lucius favored; I'm Sorry.

Grinning a little, Kenzy opened the pouch. She dropped the pouch in shock, pinched herself and then grabbed it again. Mandrake Leaves filled the pouch, enough to stretch the bad to the brim. There were enough for the four of them and then some. Lucius thought she was the only one trying to undergo the transformation, yet he'd sent her enough for all of Gryffindor House to participate in.

More than anything, Kenzy was glad they were okay again. She'd been afraid he'd stop his friendship with her. She cared about him dearly, but she didn't think she could take it if he'd continued to try and change her mind on her career choice. The Mandrake Leaves in her hands were a sign from him that he was letting it go, helping her even.

Locking up the leaves in her trunk, Kenzy went to sleep happy that all was right with her world again.

AN: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Forgive any glaring mistakes I missed. It's 4 in the morning for me, but I couldn't sleep until I got this out.

I'm curious: Did anyone else was the 24 Hour Roosterteeth Live Stream for Extra-Life?

Let me know what you think in the reviews!