Because there's not enough James/OC stories to satisfy me, and I can't help what my muse gives me.

JKR rules this universe. I'm just being a rebel.

Chapter 1: First Year

Kenzy MacGregor was nervous as she walked with her parents passed the barrier of Platform 9 3/4. Her brothers had already gone ahead of them, excited to catch up with their friends. It was Kenzy's first year going to Hogwarts, and although her brothers had assured her being muggleborn was not a disadvantage, Kenzy had already read through all the required textbooks.

She didn't like the thought of being behind.

Kenzy could see other parents, muggles like her own, gaze in amazement around the station. As she was the third magical child in her family, Kenzy's parents were used to magic. She wondered if they'd had the same awestruck expressions when they'd first brought Adam.

When the time came for her to board, her mother hugged her so hard she couldn't breathe. Her father was more careful, but she noticed the tears in his eyes when he pulled away. She would miss them, but she was also excited. She'd dreamed of attending Hogwarts since Adam first got his letter when she was five. It had never been a question if she could do magic. Her brothers could, so obviously she would too.

The compartments were taken up by older students, but Kenzy managed to find one with a lone boy in it. His head was resting against the window, his eyes closed. His clothes were wrinkled, and he looked like he'd had a rough night. She tried to be quiet as she situated herself, but he woke up anyways.

Kenzy winced, "I'm sorry. Everywhere else is full."

His smile was shy. "It's no problem. My name is Remus."

She smiled back at him. "McKenzie, but everyone calls me Kenzy."

She took her seat next to Remus as two more boys stumbled in. Both had black hair, though only one's was curly. The other had glasses that had slipped to the tip of his nose. She noted his hazel eyes as he pushed them back up; they were friendly. The other boy's eyes were gray, wariness in his expression.

They introduced themselves as James Potter, and Sirius Black. They were loud the whole train ride. Kenzy and Remus tried to be disapproving, but eventually joined in on the joking around. Their personalities practically demanded it.

"MacGregor, McKenzie!"

Kenzy walked up the steps, smiling when she heard her brother shout, "Don't be nervous, Sis! The troll comes later!"

Someone whispered, "Another one? I thought they were muggleborn?"

Kenzy frowned. What was wrong with being born to Muggles?

Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head. Kenzy didn't jump when she heard the sorting hat's voice in her head. Adam had warned her. "I see, another MacGregor. Your family has strong latent magic to produce three magical children. You're naturally smart, that memory of yours would be a boon for Ravenclaw, but I get the feeling you would not thrive in that house. You are kind, and hard working. Those are definitely good Hufflepuff traits. Still... Ah, there it is. Yes, I see it now."


Kenzy quickly made her way to a clapping Sirius and Remus. Both her brother's gave her a thumbs up before turning to their friends. She wasn't surprised when James was sorted into Gryffindor, he'd only bragged about their future house every five minutes since she'd met him. The last to be sorted into Gryffindor was a chubby boy named Peter.

They were halfway through the feast when Sirius said, "Hey Kenzy, I thought you were muggleborn."

She frowned at him, remembering the comment from earlier. "I am."

James snorted, "Yeah, and I'm the Minister of Magic. You have a brother in Ravenclaw, and another in Hufflepuff. That's three magical children born to the same pair of Muggles. It's unheard of."

She shrugged, "My parents really are Muggles. I still remember when they first learned of magic. It was when Adam got his Hogwarts letter."

Sirius smirked, "I bet that was a nasty shock."

She thought back on the memory, and shook her head. "A shock yes, but not an unwelcome one. My dad's a policeman, and my mum's a doctor." At their confused looks, she said, "I think the equivalent is an Auror, and a Healer. They deal in weird things all the time. We'd all shown signs of magic by the time we were toddlers, according the them, so it was really a relief to find out they weren't crazy."

James' face lit up in excitement. "That's fantastic. My dad's an Auror, or he was one. He's semi-retired now. They only call him in an emergency these days. Healer's are neat as well. They patch up Auror's after a good Dark Wizard hunt."

Remus laughed, "There's more to being a Healer than patching up Auror's."

Kenzy groaned, "Don't even start. Adam is a 6th year now, and that means he's decided on a career choice; a Healer. My parents were very pleased. I told them I wanted to follow in dad's footsteps, and join the wizard police. They had him smother me and Shawn in facts about Healers, and Auror's all summer. Poor Shawn doesn't even want to be an Auror. We were ready to drown him just last week."

Sirius was shocked. "But isn't your brother a Hufflepuff?"

"And?" She asked. "He's also known for his Beater skills in Quiditch. Trust me, Shawn has his violent moments."

Their conversation came to an end as the Prefect's started ushering the students to their common rooms. Their tower was guarded by a portrait of a really fat woman who had decided she needed to give them an opera performance. She was quite terrible, everyone was wincing, but Kenzy made sure to clap at the end. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy, but the Fat Lady was happy, and that was all that mattered to her.

Kenzy and her brothers happened to have inherited their father's great singing voice. Their mother on the other hand was very bad at singing, never able to remain in tune. It always warmed her heart whenever they listened to her, because even she knew she was bad. Kenzy had a feeling that was the case with this portrait.

She said her farewells to the boys, eager to get to her dorm. As much fun as the boys were, she was excited to meet the girl's she'd be rooming with.

AN: I have about ten chapters written for this story, so I figure now was a good time to start posting. This story has been in my head for a while now.

Let me know what you think in the reviews!