Heyo everyone! Been a bit for Tell her you love her, and I'm sorry for that. I thought that this would be a twoshot story and haven't really planned much for it, but now I have somewhat of a basis for it. So I hope you all enjoy the next chapter!

Aidansidhe- That is true yes, I've always hated Oc's because of that, so I'll try not to do what others do.

Jiore- I am trying yes.

"This is it." Ruby said as she held the door open for Weiss, who smiled towards the girl leading the way into the lobby. It was a small nice inn, but cozy as well.

The redhead gave a quick wave to the receptionist before gesturing for Weiss to follow, the girl's suit case in hand.

"We've been staying here for a week now, everyone pretty much knows us." Ruby said as she fiddled with her key, trying to make sure she was ready for when the door came to view.

"How are the others? Speaking of which where are they?" Weiss asked as she followed the redhead down a hall. Ruby hummed stopping in front of a door before slipping her key in.

"They have another room, while Uncle Qrow and I have this room. But since Uncle Qrow is out and about now... I guess this will be our room." Ruby paused as she pulled Weiss' bag into the room soon closing the door when they were inside.

"Jaune and the others are likely in town seeing what information they can get on the whereabouts of Cinder..." Ruby felt a small shiver go up her spine, but chose to ignore it.

"Cinder..." Weiss whispered as she sat on the bed closest to the door. It's been at least six or eight months since she's thought of that women at all. The things she did, all to one kingdom in that short amount of time. Many good people died that day, images of Penny and Pyrrha flashed in her mind.

So many good people.

Ruby frowned as she left the girl's bag near hers.

"Do you want anything to eat? I can go pick something up." When Weiss didn't respond Ruby sighed going over to the girl. She stood in front of her before putting both her hands on the girl's cheek, just to place a light kiss on her lips.

"What... Ruby?"

"You spaced out..." Ruby whispered the frown still on her face. "Listen, we don't have to talk anymore about what happened, to be honest... all four of us never really mention anything about what happened. It's all still fresh in our minds that... we still feel like everything is just a dream. A bad dream that no one wants to have anymore."

Weiss nodded leaning more into Ruby's hands. "One day... but you're right. For now, we don't. I don't think I can handle anything else right now... now that I've been kidnapped." Weiss replied trying to lighten the mood just a bit.

At this Ruby chuckled the frown being replaced with a smile, this is turn made Weiss smile. She longed to see Ruby's smile again. That laugh and smile... could someday be the death of her.

"Kidnap the princess in the tower, like the books my mother used to read."

"Oh really? Tell me about them." Weiss asked as Ruby sat next to the girl not even bothering to take off her shoes. Something she got in the habit of since she started out of the rode with the rest of JNPR.

Never knowing when they'd have to be up and at it. Anything could happen in a split second, and they wouldn't want anything else to happen.

"So, Jet... what's so important about this girl." She asked watching from the rooftops as the two girls they had followed entered an inn.

The man, known as Jet hummed as he flicked a cigarette to the side. "Something about an eye for an eye, Cinder wanted her... however she had to stay with Salem. Then Tyrian failed and here we are. Stuck with a clean up job."

Aqua giggled as she leaned over the edge of the roof. "So... does that mean we get to kill her... because I do see that in my future."

Jet rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Calm down pixie, Salem wants her alive. So that's what's going to happen... though she didn't say how alive." He said as he slipped a knife from his pocket, he slid his finger down the blade watching as the skin split just a little, only to heal by his Aura.

"Why does Salem always have to be a party pooper, I'd love to make this girl scream... and by the looks of it, I'd make the Schnee watch as well."

"Well, you can't always get was you ask for. Let's just hope that bird doesn't interfere." He said twirling his write with the knife in hand as he walked to the edge of the roof where Aqua sat.

"And it looks like the welcoming party is back..." True to his word; Jaune, Nora and Ren walked down the street heading towards the inn. All unaware of the two watching them up top.

"So, keep him busy... you know where he is, with the generals assistant... probably bangin' her. If you know what I mean." Aqua said a wicked smile on her face.

"Then what are you going to do? I can't leave you alone to take care of this, you'll make a mess out of it."

Aqua smiled. "Oh dear Jet, you really don't understand. This is a piece of cake my dear... they've got nothing on me... plus... Salem never said we couldn't kill her friends... did she?"

Jet smirked shaking his head. "You are one crazy son of a bitch, you know that?"

Aqua hummed a smirk on her face that was growing by the minute. "Then it's settled, when the sun sets... we move. Don't screw up hun, or I'll be spotted."

Jet leaned forward his nose touching hers. "Same to you darlin, same to you."

Qrow sighed as he flipped the flasktop open, he took a quick sip of it before closing it back up.

"We sure she's even here? Or anyone at all from her party is?" He asked looked towards the older Schnee sister. Who gave a frustrated sigh slamming her papers on the desk.

"For the fifth time Qrow, I believeā€¦ General Ironwood wouldn't have sent me here if he didn't think this was the right place. Now can you just sit there for five minutes without saying anything?"

Qrow huffed as he leaned back in the chair, he closed his eyes. "Sure thing Icequeen, time to get some beauty sleep then."

Winter sighed again shaking her head, she kept her head down as her eyes scanned the papers. "I just hope I am right, for once." She whispered looking up towards the window.

"And I hope you're safe, dear sister."

So it is going to be slow at first until I figure out more of how I want this story to go, but I hope it is good so far. Again, I am sorry I have not written much for this, I've been focused on work and school and more OFL's and YouTube. I've been focused on a lot, and I'm trying to change that. So, I hope you all have a goodnight and stay shiny!