A/N: Don't hate me.

Adrien was expecting some big show when he got home. His father making gigantic threats and enforcing most of them. Eventually he might have been able to convince him to let him back into school. Maybe.

But when he got through the door the only person waiting for him was his mother. He couldn't form any words, instead he let out out a small squeak. He practically tackled her to the ground, hugging her. She put a hand on his back, bringing him closer.

The younger blonde pulled back, wondering if this was some kind of cruel trick. Maybe his father was trying to get back at him for how he'd acted. The warm look in her eyes was unmistakable. She was exactly as he remembered. Tears filled his eyes, and the brave Cat Noir was reduced to a sobbing mess in his mother's arms.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his father watching from the stairs. The look on his face was one of sadness and despair. Adrien couldn't comprehend why but closed his eyes and continued the embrace. A few seconds later Gabriel joined the hug.

"I missed you, Mom," His voice broke slightly, "Dad...I'm sorry for what I did," They pulled him deeper into the hug.

Gabriel sighed, "Son, got to bed. We'll talk about this tomorrow," Adrien looked up at his father, confused at what he had just said. It was barely six o'clock. The surprise was apparently evident on his face, "Just do it, Adrien. At least go to your room. Have some fun."

The boy nodded, obeying his father. No use arguing, anyways. If he deliberately disobeyed him again there would be no second chances. Reaching the door, he turned the knob but found it already opened. Pinned to his wall by a peacock feather was a letter.

Adrien, I know this letter will reach you, unlike the others. You couldn't find the true meaning behind my shrines, and although straightforward I must make this letter brief. I don't have much time left, and I can't tell you much. You have no reason to trust me, and if I were you I wouldn't trust me either. Just keep my warning in mind: Do not trust Gabriel Agreste.


Marinette sat in her room drawing in her sketchbook. She was a little hung up on the fact that Cat had bailed on her without even saying goodbye. He never did that. Maybe he was being affected by all of this more than he let on. She was guilty of the same thing.

As Ladybug she'd seen her fair share of violence but never a real murder. Luckily, she still hadn't seen the process. Only the aftermath. Although that was still horrendous. When she accepted the earrings Tikki hadn't told her she might see someone's dead body. Master Fu seemed to space on that fact too. But Ladybug and Cat Noir were now murder investigators. She hated herself for ever suggesting it to her partner.

When her mom called her for dinner, she decided she wasn't hungry. Every time someone even mentioned food she imagined the families eating without their brothers or sisters. Without their mothers or fathers. It made her sick. Her mom and dad didn't understand her sudden change in demeanor but tried their best to work through it with her. The only thing that could give her any kind of solace was the Peacock behind bars. Sooner rather than later.

Opening her phone to the Ladyblog, Marinette was surprised to see a breaking story: Anonymous source, dubbed 'The Peacock', reveals the secrets kept from you by the police, Cat Noir, and Ladybug herself.

The story was a hit. Thousands of comments. Multiple shares to social media. Tapping the story, she quickly skimmed through it. The murderer themselves had just blown the whistle on it all, and backed it with actual evidence. Checking the comments, she found exactly what she was dreading. They were in an uproar. Public trust was gone.

Dialing in the familiar numbers, Alya picked up almost immediately, "What's up girl? Have you seen how much traction my latest story got? Check that out!"

"Alya, that's why I'm calling you. You just destroyed the public image of your idol, her partner, and the police," Marinette was exhausted physically and emotional. Almost too much to keep the anger and overall sense of loss from seeping into her voice, "Didn't you think of that?"

"Oh Marinette, don't be dramatic. This'll blow over by the next time an Akuma attacks," The amateur reporter responded, "Can't you just be happy that I got this much attention from all these other news sources?"

Marinette ran a hand through her hair, sighing, "I'll see you at school on Monday, Alya," Her friend said goodbye and she listened for the click. Hopefully, Cat Noir had seen the post too. Maybe he'd meet her somewhere. Tikki had been listening in, although she was practically asleep too, "Sorry about this Tikki, but I've gotta go meet with Cat."

Transforming, she exited through the roof and took off. If he had seen the blog he'd probably want to meet too. Jumping between the roofs, she realized that The Peacock had done more to destroy them than any Akuma had this whole time. They'd never even caught a glimpse of them.

Arriving at the Eiffel Tower,'s top she was oddly surprised that Cat Noir wasn't there. Usually if something important but not Akuma related happened this was where they'd meet. Maybe he was just running a little late.

Leaning against the railing, the spotted hero sighed. She wouldn't be able to fix this like they usually did. Magic didn't help in every situation, it seemed. When movement flashed in the corner of her eyes she expected the cat she had grown accustomed to. But all she saw was a flash of blonde hair and then nothing.

Before she could turn around something metal was pressed against the small of her back. This was not her partner. In fact, it was most likely the person who'd ruined them. At least she knew their hair color now, "Don't move Ladybug. You've seen how most confrontations with me work out," The voice was feminine, but she didn't recognize it.

"I want you to call off the investigations into my art," Marinette was disgusted at how she described her crimes, "If you don't then I think my little smear campaign will evolve into something a bit more dangerous. The public will cheer me and shun you and your sidekick."

"And if I just refuse right here and now?" Ladybug practically growled out. She heard an audible sigh from the monster behind her.

Pain erupted from her back, the feather being jammed into her, "I should've known you wouldn't just roll over like a good girl. Now I'll leave you gift wrapped for the kitty. I've heard he has quite the fascination with you and you've been denying him. Maybe he'll take advantage of this, have some fun with you."

Ladybug was tossed to the floor carelessly, eliciting a small scream of pain. The feather had bent at a horrible angle. The Peacock walked to the edge of the tower, glancing around, "I was hoping to see your Cat's reaction to this. He doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon, though," The boot that met her skull brought her out of consciousness.

Cat Noir stood at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, his lady nowhere in sight. Had they always met at the top? Eh, he had been a little spacey lately. Deciding that his earlier run was definitely not enough to get his energy out, he prepared to climb.

Just as he was about to launch himself to a more climbable area, the elevator reached the bottom. Who would be up there other than Ladybug? The door opened and revealed exactly who: The Peacock. Although an almost lifeless Ladybug was present in the elevator too.

It took him a second to realize what he was staring at. The Peacock was blonde like him but was a bit taller. He hadn't expected the murderer to be a woman, though. When everything finally clicked in his head, he rushed forward.

All he had to do was get her to retreat so he could help Ladybug. Drawing his staff, he swung. The Peacock raised an eyebrow before dodging last second, "Why does every damn person always look at me like that?!" He yelled before swinging again more forcefully, putting himself off balance.

Peacock grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back. Ripping the staff from his hands, she slammed it against his head. When he was able toget a look at his staff he noticed there was a bit of blood splattered on it. Cat Noir tried to get her off of him, to no avail. When he tried to slow down and think through his options, she suddenly stood.

Scrambling to his feet, he glared at the overconfident woman in front of him, "I prefer dueling rather than hunting," She said, smile spreading across her face, "If I didn't give you a chance then this wouldn't be fun."

Adrien felt a sense of dread wash over him at the sound of her voice. He'd heard it somewhere before. He couldn't place it exactly, but it was clear to him that he knew this person.

Deciding that her identity could wait, he assumed his fighting stance again. He'd have to make due without his staff, as she was now using it as a prop to entertain herself. The blood dripping into his face was quite a bit off a handicap, too. She gave him a look of boredom, before smiling again and lunging at him.

Barely managing to dodge the attack, Cat Noir attempted to prepare for the next one. She speared his staff at him, hitting him in the chest. While the wind was knocked out of him, The Peacock struck.

She charged forward just like he had, but instead of using a weapon she tackled him onto the concrete. She snatched the staff from him, tossing it to the side. She pulled a feather from her side, which now that he looked closer clearly had some sort of sheath.

A wave of pain washed over him as a more blade-like feather was stabbed into his chest violently. When he gasped, she smiled. Had he really just been stabbed? A flash of green filled his vision, and then his suit was gone and Plagg dropped onto his chest, unconscious. The kwami and the feather sticking from his chest were the only things he was focused on.

The Peacock stood, clearly satisfied with her work. She started running, before taking to the rooftops like a superhero. Adrien coughed, a small bit of blood accompanying it. The boy slowly and painfully dragged himself to Marinette, who was still unconscious. Her kwami sat by her, just barely awake.

The revelation didn't surprise him very much, he had suspected her. When Tikki saw him he raised a bloodied finger to his lips, "D-don't tell her I know. Please."

Reaching into his pocket, he called the only person he could think off. His father. When he picked up immediately, he assumed the search parties were summoned for him even before the call," Adrien? Where are you? You missed dinner."

Adrien sobbed, "Daddy it hurts."

"Adrien! Are you okay?" He could practically feel his father's fear through the phone. Adrien tried his best to get out the words he needed to.

Coughing up another bit of blood onto himself, he brought the phone up to his mouth, "Eiffel Tower," Was all he could manage before he too blacked out.

A/N: Don't hate me, but even if you do a review is encouraged. Please.