Minato's Sister?
The day passed uneventfully for the tenants of Izumo Inn. They had been greatly surprised that Harry had winged Miya, except for Musubi who just clapped happily. Minato had been shocked to find out that she was a Sekirei as well.
At MBI things were much different. When they discovered that not only did their spy get winged by someone, but another supposedly impossible to wing Sekirei was winged they went into a panic. The fact that it was the same person that winged the other unwingable Sekirei just made them panic more.
The only ones not panicking were Takami and Minaka. The former was irritated while the latter was even more intrigued by the mystery man. He was rather miffed that he lost his spy though.
"What is this man!?" Takami yelled. "Not only did he wing a broken Sekirei, but now he winged the strongest Sekirei there is!"
"I know, isn't it incredible!?" Minaka exclaimed, excitedly. "Someone who can wing those two Sekirei will make this game so much more interesting."
The gray haired scientist growled before leaving the room in a bad mood. It was bad enough that her son was involved in this damn plan, but an unknown element living in the same building worried her greatly.
'Perhaps I should get in touch with Homura,' she thought to herself.
Outside Izumo Inn…
A limo pulled up in front of the Izumo Inn in the middle of the night. In the limo, sat Takami wearing a light purple dress that showed a good deal of cleavage. The door opened and Kagari leaned down.
"You're picking me up with a black limousine?" he questioned. "How luxurious."
"I promised you didn't I Homura," the head researcher said. "It's better to be flashy if you can, isn't it?" As Kagari, or rather Homura, entered she continued, "I know a day has gone by, but we did cause you quite a bit of trouble with this case."
"Not that I was really needed," the man said. "I slowed down one of Mikogami's Sekirei, but didn't do much to actually help."
"I'm sure you holding them up helped more than you think considering they only had to fight one Sekirei instead of two," Takami said. "Anyway, how is number 108 doing? She was winged by someone we have no information on and it is unsettling."
Homura hesitated, thinking on what he could tell Takami. He trusted the woman, but Harry wouldn't like him spreading things about him and he wasn't sure he wanted to find out what the man would do should he found out. He decided to leave his powers out of it and tell her of his character.
"She's fine. She fell asleep after getting some food. As for Harry, he seems like a good person Takami," he started. "He seems to have been a great help to Akitsu, he treated Kusano with great care, and he somehow got Miya comfortable enough to want to be winged by him." He paused before saying something he was sure she would like, "He also seems to hate Minaka for this plan he's concocted. I don't think you have to worry about him."
Takami was silent, taking a draw of her cigarette and breathing out. She was surprised to hear that the man didn't like Minaka without even talking with the man, to be honest though that wasn't very hard. He must actually have some morals to hate the plan that was in place. Most men would, and do, love the idea of either getting several women as their own or people they could use as weapons.
"I suppose I don't. I just don't like that an unknown is part of this," she confessed.
"Well, if you need reassurance, Miya won't let him do anything that she doesn't like," Homura assured the gray haired woman. 'Though I kind of doubt Miya will need to do anything.'
She sighed, "Yes, I suppose that is reassuring. I just hope that he won't make this plan more difficult than it already is."
'Oh, I think he will, but not the way you are thinking,' he thought to himself.
Harry, Akitsu, and Miya were all sitting in the living room. Harry was watching the news while Miya cleaned the table from breakfast. Musubi was standing waiting for Minato, who came down a moment later.
"I'm going now," he said.
"Have a nice day," Miya said.
"Do your best at work!" Musubi cheered, throwing her arms up making her breasts bounce. Saki would have seen him off as well, but she was going to follow their Ashikabi to make sure he stayed safe.
"See you later Minato-san," Harry said, glancing at him. Akitsu bowed her head to the young man.
Minato smiled and waved before leaving the inn. When he left, Harry returned his attention to the TV.
"The abnormally growing plants in the arboretum were completely eliminated overnight by the MBI," the new announcer said. "The elimination methods were not made public, but MBI claims that pesticides were not used at all."
Harry glanced at Kusano, who was sitting on the porch. Feeling sadness coming from her, he stood up and walked over to her, "Ku-chan? Is something wrong?"
The young girl stared at the tree for a moment before tears started forming in her eyes. Alarmed by this Harry quickly knelt behind her.
"Ku-chan, are you ok?" he asked worriedly. Kusano turned around and burrowed herself into his chest as she continued to cry.
"Shii-chan," she choked out.
"'Shii-chan'?" the immortal repeated, confused.
"He was my friend who was a little older than me and we were very close," she began explaining, tears still streaming down her face. "The tree told me… Shii-chan took the plants I grew and…"
Harry blinked in surprise. She said what the news had just been talking about. The TV hadn't been that loud so she couldn't have heard it. He then remembered what she had told Minato. That she heard him despite being so far away because of her connection to nature.
"Shii-chan has the opposite power of mine," Kusano continued breaking him from his thoughts.
"The opposite?" he questioned, having a slightly bad feeling about that. If she brought things to life, though it seemed focused on nature, he was worried what his power was exactly.
"What should I do?" she asked, slightly desperately. "Without Shii-chan, the same thing will happen again."
That was when Harry realized why the two knew each other so well. Despite their powers being polar opposites, this Shiina kept Ku's powers in check if she ever lost control like when she created the forest he had found her in. Because of this they spent a great deal of time together and became friends with each other.
Harry raised a hand and petted her head getting her look up at him. "Don't worry Ku-chan, I'm here and will help you keep it from happening again. So will Akitsu-chan and Miya."
Kusano stared at him for a moment before smiling slightly and hugging him. "Thank you Harry-kun."
The immortal kissed the top of her head before standing up. After telling his Sekirei he would be back later, he left the inn, deciding to have some fun. He threw his Invisibility Cloak over himself and apparated back to Teito Tower.
When he reappeared at the building, he cast the intangible spell on himself and walked through the walls. With a Marauders grin he began to start a bit of chaos for MBI.
Harry couldn't wipe the grin from his face as he walked home. He had played all kinds of pranks on the people of MBI. He had magically sealed several important rooms, used the color changing spell to make people's clothes the most outrageous colors he could think of, and even managed to hit Minaka. He had turned the man's white hair neon pink, changed his clothes to bright green, and gave him a modified language lozenge. It made it to where someone could only speak the language that was set into the lozenge, the one he gave him being gobbledygook. Unknown to him the Disciplinary Squad wasn't in the building or he would have likely had to deal with at least one of them… or, more than likely, he would have pranked the hell out of them.
He had stayed for a while to see the reactions to his pranks and wasn't disappointed. Everyone started panicking and freaking out. It was during the chaos that he had come across a woman with gray hair, wearing a lab coat and had an eyepatch over her left eye, that had managed to escape his prank spree. He left her alone this time, but decided to prank her if/when he came back. Her reaction was rather humorous as well. Her expression at seeing the different colored scientists, workers, and guards as well as not being able to get into certain rooms was thunderous, but when she ran into Minaka it changed drastically.
She couldn't stop her lips from twitching and he could see the mirth in her eyes when she saw his brightly colored clothes and hair. When he started talking what she thought was nonsense, she smirked and he heard her mutter about not having to listen to his insane ramblings for a while.
Harry returned just as Minato was walking towards the inn. When he came level with the younger Ashikabi he spoke, "What's up? You seem to be rather deep in thought."
The boy jumped, not having noticed the older man's approach. With a sheepish smile he answered, "Well, I was just thinking about Seo-san. He was only the second Ashikabi I have met, but he has been one longer than either of us. I was just thinking that I had some questions for him."
The immortal nodded in understanding. While he didn't really have questions he could appreciate the boys want for information.
They walked inside and entered the living room… where Minato promptly facefaulted at seeing Seo sitting at the table. Harry sweatdropped at his reaction.
"Sorry did I surprise you?" Seo questioned after Musubi and Miya welcomed them back.
"Why is Seo-san here?" Minato asked.
"He… Seo-san was Takehito's best friend," Miya answered. Harry could sense a rather intense dislike for the man sitting across from her.
"Well, that's how it is," Seo said.
"He only comes here when he doesn't have anything to eat. Even though he's such trash he's still Takehito's best friend."
Miya said all of this with a sweet smile on her face, but Harry swore that he saw a hannya mask materialize next to her. When Seo flinched back when it appeared, he figured that he hadn't imagined it.
"Tsk, you are still as scary as before," he muttered.
"Uh, excuse me, but…" Minato started, getting the older Ashikabi's attention. "You look like you knew I was a resident here."
"I did," Seo confirmed. "It was your lunch."
"My lunch?" Minato asked, utterly confused.
"You gave me some of it. That was Miya-chan's taste." He turned to Harry and asked, "How's the little girl doing by the way?"
"You mean Ku-chan?" the immortal clarified. He looked to the side and saw the Sekirei in question hiding slightly behind the door looking frightened.
"Oh, there she is," he said, before waving for her to come over. "Hey, come here." When Ku didn't move he got an irritated look on his face. "Huh? I was being a nice guy and going to save you the other day. If you don't listen to me, I'll make you-"
He was interrupted by a flash of silver and green. He looked down and gulped heavily when he saw a dagger pointed at him. He noticed that the dagger seemed to be glowing a dark green.
"Continue talking to Ku like that and I will have no problem teaching you a lesson Seo-san," Harry said, his face and voice void of emotion and his eyes as cold as ice.
Seo, as well as Minato, shivered as they felt an aura of death surrounding the raven haired man. Musubi felt a thrill run through her at the power that Harry was emitting. Miya just watched on, appreciating the aura that he was surrounded by. It was similar to the one she had learned from Takehito, but it was his own. Kusano just hid behind her Ashikabi.
Seo made a mental note to never get on his bad side. When he nodded slowly, Harry sheathed his weapon and turned to the young girl.
"You don't have to worry about the mean man anymore Ku-chan," he soothed, petting her head.
Miya couldn't help, but giggle at what had just played out as well as what Harry called the trash that was her late husband's friend. She was glad that he wouldn't stand for Seo's behavior. Having heard her giggle, Harry grinned and wrapped an arm around her waist.
Seo noticed this and shot to his feet and exclaimed, "Whoa, what's going on here!"
Harry glanced at Miya, who smiled and said, "Not that it's really your business, but Harry is my Ashikabi." She was surprised at the thrill that went through her at that thought.
Seo's eyes widened in shock. He had been able to wing the strongest Sekirei even when Takehito couldn't?
"You serious?" he couldn't help but ask.
"Very," Miya said. She turned to her Ashikabi and smiled warmly at him, "I had started reacting to him a day or so after he came here and, after he helped me get some closure with Takehito, I decided to become his Sekirei."
The man nodded absentmindedly, to be able to wing the strongest Sekirei, and with only two Sekirei of his own, showed that there was more to this man than meets the eye.
"Hello, excuse me!" a voice called out suddenly.
Miya, Harry and Minato all left the living room and walked to the front door. Standing in the doorway were the twins that were Seo's Sekirei. They were dressed completely differently this time. Instead of the outfits that would fit someone with a S&M fetish they were dressed in maid outfits.
"Is that idiot over here bothering you again?" the one with the bigger bust, Hikari he believed, asked.
Harry didn't like distinguishing between two people in such a way, but it was the only difference between the two to tell who was who without talking to them.
At her question, Seo entered the hallway with two bags of rice under his arms and walked toward his Sekirei.
"Yo!" he greeted. "Thanks for coming to get me."
The twins gritted their teeth for a moment before they jumped at him and proceeded to beat the tar out of him, yelling at him about bothering others.
"Um… Seo-san?" Minato spoke up, interrupting the pounding. When they gave the young man their attention he said, "I know we didn't really do much, but you were willing to help, so thank you. I just wanted to tell you that."
Seo stood up with his arms crossed and said, "Don't worry about it. When I look at you, I can't leave you alone, you know?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. He held it out to the boy, "Here."
"You 'handle any problems and troubles'?" he read the card, as the twins passed him carrying the bags.
"I'll make a special deal for ya," he said, following Hikari and Hibiki.
"You charge money!?" Minato exclaimed in disbelief. Miya gave him a stare that said she knew he was going to say that and disapproved as much now as before.
"We're friends now after all," Seo said, looking over his shoulder.
Harry snorted next to Miya. If they were friends then he wouldn't charge the kid at all.
The five followed Seo and his Sekirei outside. The twins turned back and bowed, apologizing several times for their Ashikabi while crying anime tears.
"What is with that person?" Minato questioned.
Miya giggled before saying, "Like I said before Sahashi-san, he's a trashy human."
She and the other girls turned around walked back inside while Minato stared at his landlady, sweatdropping. Harry just chuckled and started to follow them when Minato spoke up.
"Um, Harry-san?" he said. When the wizard looked back at him he continued, "What was going on with your dagger? It didn't look like that at the forest."
"Ah, that. Well, Minato-san that was the poison infused into the blade," he answered nonchalantly.
"P-poison?" the younger Ashikabi stuttered.
"That's right," Harry confirmed. "The reason it didn't look like that before is because I put runes on the blade that make it to where I can switch it between being coated in the poison it is infused with and being a normal blade."
Harry walked back to the inn, leaving a stunned, confused, and rather scared young man behind him.
Harry lay sleeping in his bed with Akitsu, Morana, and, surprisingly, Miya laying with him. Morana had managed to talk Miya into it by stating that all they were doing was sleeping with him. Though while Akitsu wore a familiar chemise and Morana only wore her bra and panties once more, Miya wore a night kimono, which she would wear till she spent more time with Harry. Miya and Akitsu were on either side of him, Akitsu holding his arm between her breasts while Miya just laid next to him with his arm wrapped around her waist and Morana was holding onto his right leg. Kusano had been sleeping with them as well, but had gotten up moments ago.
The sleeping immortal suddenly grunted as something collided with his chest. He glanced down to see Ku clutching to him while shaking slightly. Casting the intangible spell on himself and Ku, so she wouldn't just go through him, he phased through Akitsu's arms and Miya's body so he wouldn't wake them as he sat up. What he didn't realize was that they were awoken from being jarred as well. After cancelling the spell, he began petting the young girl's head.
"Ku-chan? What's wrong?" he asked, quietly.
"G-ghost," she whimpered.
Harry blinked at that. He had not seen a ghost at the inn. Granted it had only been a few days, but he would have noticed already if there was a ghost. He was sure that it was the person that was hiding in Izumo Inn. Miya was keeping the person secret for a reason so he would wait for her to tell him.
"Are you sure it wasn't just one of the tenants?" he asked her. When she shook her head, he asked, "What makes you say that?"
"She had glasses and red hair," she told him.
'A woman with red hair and glasses huh?' he thought. He suddenly felt a wave of nervousness come from Miya, telling him she was awake. 'So it is the person that she is hiding. I wonder if she's a Sekirei as well.' He focused back on the scared girl in his arms, "I doubt we'll find anything right now so let's go back to sleep." Ku, however, shook her head. "Too scared?" She nodded. "Well, we'll just have get you calm is all."
Harry waved his hand and summoned his violin. After tuning it he slowly began playing a calming melody.
[Zelda's Lullaby (Violin Cover) Taylor Davis]
As he played, he kept an eye on Kusano. Ku's eyes started drooping as the music continued. When he finished, she was sleeping peacefully while hanging onto him.
Smiling softly, Harry banished the violin back to his trunk. As he slowly laid back down he felt Miya and Akitsu, telling him she was awake too, grab onto him. He turned to Akitsu and was shocked to see that her eyes weren't completely dull anymore.
"Akitsu-chan?" he questioned quietly.
She leaned forward and kissed him passionately. Harry was startled by the, for her, bold move. He didn't know it, but the song and his playing it to comfort the young girl had touched Akitsu greatly. When the ice Sekirei pulled away, he stared at her in shock. She blushed before pulling his arm between her breasts again.
He then turned to Miya and saw her smiling warmly at him, admiration shining in her eyes. She, much like Akitsu, leaned forward and gave him a loving kiss. He was surprised at the sudden show of affection from Miya so soon after her winging. After a moment she separated and gave him another warm smile before snuggling back into his side.
Harry leaned back with a rather bemused expression on his face. Even after living so long, women still confused him at times. He could guess why Miya was feeling what she was. The purple haired Sekirei seemed rather maternal, especially toward the other Sekirei. So him helping the youngest Sekirei there is, showed how much he cared about her and Miya loved and appreciated that.
What he didn't understand was Akitsu's reaction. He had been able to see emotion in her eyes after he had finished playing and he wasn't sure what had caused it. Deciding not to ponder the mind of the fairer sex, he just settled into bed and let sleep take him again.
Morning the next day passed uneventfully. At noon Miya was standing at the front door, a bouquet of flowers in her hands, with all of the tenants, except Kagari, standing at the genkan. It was the anniversary of Takehito's death and she was going to visit his grave.
"You want me to join you Miya?" Harry asked.
Miya smiled at her Ashikabi and said, "No, Harry I'm fine going myself."
Harry stared at her for a moment, then said, "At least take Akitsu-chan if you don't want me to go with you." When she opened her mouth to protest, he cut her off by moving close to her and whispering, "You just spoke with Takehito after so long so you might be more emotional than usual. Please have Akitsu go with at the very least."
The lavenderette held his gaze before sighing, "Very well."
Nodding in satisfaction, he turned to the quiet Sekirei. "Akitsu-chan, please head out with Miya just in case she needs support," he requested.
The ice Sekirei stared at Harry for a second before nodding and moving to stand next to the landlady.
"We'll see you all later everyone," Miya said. "Take care of everything while we are out please."
Harry kissed them both before they left. When they did he turned to the others and said, "I think that I'm going to get a better look at the city. The only time I saw any of the city was when we were looking for Ku-chan and I wasn't really paying much attention to things at the time." He looked down at his last Sekirei, "Do you want to go with me or stay here, maybe spend time with the other Sekirei."
"Oh, oh, Ku-chan, let's make lunch together!" Musubi exclaimed excitedly.
Kusano got an excited look in her eyes and nodded enthusiastically. Harry chuckled at her excitement. He kissed the top of her head before he left the inn.
Harry used his broom to travel through the city, his Invisibility Cloak wrapped around himself and the broom Disillusioned. After he got a good lay of the land he decided to walk back to the inn. Landing in an alley, he made sure that there weren't any cameras and that he was under cover. Once hidden from any cameras he pulled of his cloak and took the charm off his broom before he stored it again.
He exited the alleyway just in time to see two people collide off to his left. The girl had black hair with a cross-like clip in it and she wore a white shirt, red tie, black skirt and stockings, and brown boots. The young man was of average height and slim with messy silver hair. He wore a white shirt as well that had a bigger collar, a black backpack, tan pants, and he wore boots too.
He sweatdropped when he heard the girl just about shout "Bishōnen!" when she got a good look at the boy she had run into. He was about to leave when a yell caught his attention.
He looked up to see two of whom he suspected to be Sekirei. This was reinforced by the fact that they were standing on the roof of a building without a care and they were wielding weapons. One was a girl with long blond hair done in pigtails. She wore black stockings, a black Chinese styled dress with one yellow vertical stripe in the middle of it.
The other girl had long black hair pulled over on the left side of her head. She was wearing a traditional kimono with no sleeves, and had a bow tied around the waist on the back of the kimono, along with a flower tied around the waist in the front. She also had a tatoo on her left arm. Like with every Sekirei he had come across, minus young Ku and, of course, the males, the two had impressive busts.
"Honestly," the blonde spoke. "Running from place to place like that." She brought a finger to her lip in a painfully fake innocent expression. "My master will scold me if I don't take you with me."
"No!" the white haired Sekirei shouted. "I won't go with anyone who bullied Ku!"
This caught Harry's attention and he drew two conclusions. One was the fact that these Sekirei had the same Ashikabi as the scythe wielding woman from the forest. Second, the boy on the ground was likely the Shii that Ku had mentioned.
"You are so stubborn!" the blonde complained. She pulled out a whip and said, "I guess I'll make you feel a bit of pain then."
She lashed out with her whip, sending it hurtling toward the pair. The girl jumped and pushed Shii out of the way. The whip hit the pavement and caused a small crater to form from the impact. She said something to the boy that seemed to make him blush. The whip wielding Sekirei and the ravenette then started yelling at each other.
Shaking his head, Harry decided to show himself. "Well, now this is interesting," he said, getting all four's attention. He looked up at the two on the roof, "You two seem to be in league with the scythe swinging Sekirei." As the Sekirei's eyes widened in shock, he turned to the girl and boy. "And you seem to know Ku-chan. You wouldn't happen to be Shii would you?"
The white haired boy's eyes widened in shock. "You know where Ku-chan is!?" he yelled, shock, relief, and worry clear in his voice.
"I do," he confirmed. However, before he could continue the blonde interrupted.
"You!" she shouted. "Yomi told us about a raven haired man getting in her way and winging number 108 before she could get ahold of her."
'So her name's Yomi, huh?' Harry smirked up at the irritated Sekirei, "That's right. I put a stop to that girl trying to take Ku-chan against her will. Besides she was reacting to me so that woman had no reason to be there."
Shii sighed in relief. At the very least Kusano had been winged by the person she was reacting to. He took a closer look at the apparent Ashikabi of his young friend. The man seemed very confident and, for some reason, felt rather powerful.
"Is she here?" he asked, hopefully.
"She isn't with me no," the immortal answered. "She's at Izumo Inn with a few other Sekirei and another Ashikabi."
This got the ravenette's attention. 'Izumo Inn? That's where Minato said he was staying,' she thought. 'What in the world is are Sekirei and an Ashikabi. Is Minato an Ashikabi?'
"HEY! Don't ignore us!" the blonde yelled.
Harry didn't even deign her with a glance as he said, "I think it would be a good idea to leave."
As the two nodded, the whip wielding Sekirei gritted her teeth. She reeled her arm back and sent her whip whistling back at them.
Harry jumped to the side, avoiding the strike. He grabbed the whip and, grinning at the blonde, yanked. Not expecting the move from them, the Sekirei was pulled forward and off of the building. He then grabbed his companions hands, they took off running.
"I think we should lose them before we head to where I'm staying," he said over his shoulder as he released their hands.
"I have an apartment I rented that's nearby," his fellow ravenette said, pulling ahead of him. "Follow me."
The two boys followed the girl through the city. Ducking in alleyways and slipping into crowds to lose the two they were sure were pursuing them. They eventually did and entered the young woman's apartment, though it was night when they finally did. She was on the ground panting from all the running while the two males were unfazed.
Harry clapped his hands together, "Well since we aren't being chased anymore I think we should introduce ourselves."
"Well, what you called me was a nickname, my actual name is Shiina."
"Yukari… Sahashi," the girl panted out.
Harry blinked in surprise and repeated, "Sahashi?" At her somewhat hesitant nod he asked, "Are you related to Minato Sahashi at all?"
It was Yukari's turn to blink. "You know my brother?"
"I live at the Izumo Inn where he is staying."
"Huh," was all Yukari could manage. To run into one of tenants of the inn her brother was staying at, and being saved being them no less, was not something she was expecting.
"Yeah," Harry agreed. "Anyway, my name is Harry Potter."
Shiina gasped, drawing the two's focus to him. He blushed slightly at the attention.
"You are Harry Potter?" he asked, once he'd calmed down.
"Yes, I am. You know about me?" the immortal asked, curiously.
"I've heard several MBI personnel talking about how you were able to wing two Sekirei that weren't supposed to be able to be winged," he said.
"I suppose that would be a point of interest for the people there," Harry mused to himself.
"Sekirei? Winged?" Yukari asked confusedly.
The two males glanced at her, Shiina rather hesitantly. Harry leaned over to Shiina.
"You should go for it Shiina-san. She's your Ashikabi," he whispered. At his surprised and questioning look he said, "I'll explain later. For now, you get yourself winged." He then stood up and asked the girl, "Do you mind if I use your shower? Haven't taken one since this morning."
"U-um, sure. I-it's over there," she pointed to the room.
"Thanks," he said, before leaving the two to themselves.
Before getting in the shower he called the inn to tell Miya about his circumstances and that he might be gone for a couple days. He also told her that he was going to likely bring them over since Yukari was Minato's sister and Shiina wanted to see Ku. He did ask Miya to keep that a secret from the two in question to surprise them. Miya had giggled and agreed with him.
After hanging up he entered the shower. When he was clean, he asked Yukari if she minded him staying the night with him sleeping on the floor. The girl had blushed, likely from the thought having two boys in her room, but said it was fine.
When the three woke up Harry thought that they should head to the inn as soon as possible. Yukari, however, said that they should get Shiina some clothes first. The immortal acquiesced her request and went with them to get the clothes.
When they left, Harry couldn't help, but feel sympathetic with the male Sekirei. Somehow, Yukari had convinced the boy to wear a white dress. She said something about hiding his identity, but he could feel her enjoyment at how he looked.
When they were walking he nearly stopped when he felt greed coming from nearby and was sure that it was directed at Shiina. He made himself continue, so that whoever was emitting that feeling didn't get suspicious. They eventually moved away from whoever he had felt and they got clothes for Shiina.
Astonishingly the shopping took pretty much the entire day. Harry knew that women could shop quite a bit, something he dealt with easily with three wives, but even they didn't jump from shop to shop for so long.
Yukari bought the boy plenty of clothes, but he also got several dresses that were similar to the one that he was wearing. Harry had sweatdropped at the thought that the girl would still try to dress the boy up in a dress.
The next morning Shiina brought up something he had asked before.
"Potter-san?" the boy spoke up.
Harry waved his hand, "I told you Shiina-san call me Harry. Besides the fact that I'm not big on formality, you are special to Ku-chan."
"Sorry, Harry-san," Shiina apologized. "I was just wondering how do you know Yukari is my Ashikabi?"
The immortal leaned forward, "You can feel it can't you Shiina-san? Like you are being pulled toward Yukari."
Shiina blushed slightly, "Yes, I do. But what I'm wondering is how you know."
Staring at the two for a moment, he sighed slightly before saying, "I suppose I can tell you. If you can keep it a secret. And I don't mean just from civilians, but from MBI, other Ashikabi's and Sekirei. I'll likely reveal what I can do soon, but until then I don't want anyone knowing."
Shiina and Yukari exchanged looks before they swore that they wouldn't tell anyone. Seeing that they would keep it secret he told them what he had told the tenants of Izumo Inn. Halfway through the explanation he sensed someone one the roof and, with a subtle wave of his hand, cast a Muffliato around the room. When he had finished, Yukari and Shiina stared at him with wide eyes.
It was Yukari that broke the silence by exclaiming, "You can do magic!? Can you show us some?"
Harry chuckled at her reaction. "To answer both questions Yukari-san, yes I can. Do you have a suitcase or something?"
She gave him a confused look before bringing out a medium sized suitcase. With a flick of his wrist his wand shot to his hand. Waving it over the luggage, he cast several charms on it before he stood up.
"Now to show you what I did," he said. He walked over to her mirror and picked it up before returning to in front of the suitcase.
"What are you doing?" Yukari asked, bewildered. "That won't fit… in…" Her voice trailed off as Harry slowly lowered the mirror into the travel bag. She gaped in shock at how her mirror, that was much taller than her suitcase, actually fit inside of it. "How?"
"Magic," the immortal said, slightly cheekily. He chuckled at her puffing her cheeks. "An undetectable expansion charm as well as a spell that will keep things from shifting even if you threw it from the roof. This is how we are going to pack your things up and head to Izumo."
"That should make things easier to store, but won't it be very heavy after we get everything in there?" she questioned.
"Oh, I forgot to mention the feather-light charm I put on it. So let's start packing your stuff shall we?"
Yukari agreed and the three began packing all of her belongings. She had only rented the room for a few days, so she had no problem packing. As they were Shiina spoke up.
"Um, Harry-san, I know you explained about yourself, but you never exactly explained how you knew about me and Yukari-san."
Harry paused, "Hm, I suppose I didn't." He continued packing as he explained, "I have abilities involving souls. It was how I was able to heal Akitsu so she could be winged. The one I used in this situation is my Soul Sight. As you can probably guess it allows me to see one's soul and I can see both of yours reaching out to each other."
Shiina nodded in understanding as they finished packing all of Yukari's belongings and Shiina's clothes. Before they left Harry suggested that Yukari go ahead and wing Shiina. Yukari blushed when the two explained how that was achieved. After a minute of hesitation, Shiina walked up to the ravenette and kissed her. Blue wings erupted from the boy's crest.
Harry grinned before beckoning the two to come closer to him. When they did he cast the Portus spell on one of his books that he had taken out. He told them to touch it and, once they had, activated the portkey making them disappear in a swirl of blue.