As Finn rose from his deep slumber he looked around the room once again feeling a strange emptiness. Ever since Jake moved in with Lady, Finn has felt a bit more lonely, sure BMO is always around doing this or that and offering the occasional game or two, but it's just...not the same. Finn sighed deeply. "Well I better get out of bed before I wanna go back to sleep." He said getting to his feet and walked towards his dresser. He reached inside and pulled out his light-blue T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, a pair of socks, and his trademark bear hat. "Wait hold up." Sniffing his armpit Finn realized just how long it had been since he took a shower."Oh Glob I reek." He said as he walked towards the shower.

Finn set his clothes on top of the sink and stripped of his nightshirt and boxers and stepped into the shower. He turned on the cold water and jumped inside hoping it would wake him up faster. But as Finn was in the shower something a little odd happened. His boxers started to float away, and not ten seconds later they were out the door along with whatever or whoever causing them to float. Once they were in the middle of his bedroom they stopped. "*sniff sniff* Mmmmm." Hummed a voice. "*SNIFF* Glob I needed this." The voice said. Seconds later a figure started to appear. "*sniff sniff* Oh man that smell is intoxicating." Marceline said as she held Finn's boxers to her face almost using them as a mask. Marceline knew she shouldn't do crap like this but she just couldn't help herself, hell sometimes she hated doing this but there was just something about his scent, and him, that she couldn't resist.

As Marceline felt as if she was in her own personal ecstasy from inhaling Finn's boxers she pulled them away from her face realizing she had an idea. "Hahaha I see no reason not to have a little fun at the weenie's expense." She snickered. She floated over to his desk and grabbed a black marker from one of the drawers and wrote her trademark M on the back of the waistband. "Man I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees this." As she went back to sniffing Finn's boxers she felt her phone vibrate. "Huh?" Pulling it out of her pocket she answered the call. "Hello?" She asked. "Marcy where are you!? You're late for the meeting!" Bubblegum shouted. "What that's today!? Shit, hold on I'll be right there Bonnie just tell the others to wait." She quickly hung up her phone and shoved Finn's boxers into her back pocket as she flew out the window heading towards the Candy Kingdom.

A few minutes later Finn stepped out of the shower and grabbed his clothes and a towel. "Weird where'd my boxers go?" He said as he scratched his head. Shrugging it off as him just misplacing them again he walked to his bed and began dry off. As he finished he put on his clean clothes and jumped down the ladder to the kitchen and got started on breakfast. After he ate Finn began to clean the dishes, but as he was cleaning BMO came running to him and shouted. "FINN, FINN, YOU GOTTA HELP ME FIND SCRUBS. HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN TELL ME WHERE BEBE TOOK NEPTR!" Not having a clue what BMO was talking about Finn said the first thing that he could think of. "Ummm...Did you check the attic?" Gasping BMO nodded. "Of course, Scrubs would hide in the abandoned part of town while he waited for the heat to die down. Thanks Finn, I'll make sure to mention you in my victory speech for when I catch the perps." Shortly after, BMO took off running for the attic. With a sigh to his fortunate relief, Finn laughed a little. "I don't think I'll ever understand you BMO."

Putting the last of the dishes away Finn put on his backpack and grabbed his sword as he made his way down to the front door. He then proceeded outside to try and go on an adventure, like he used to do with Jake. But before he could get moving Finn heard what he thought was radio static. "Huh, I thought I threw that old radio away last week." He said walking over to the pile of trash and scrap by the side of the treehouse. But before Finn could get halfway there he suddenly fell to his knees in pain. Finn screamed in agony because it felt like someone just hit his head with a sledgehammer. The pain felt like it lasted hours but in reality, only seconds passed by. Through all the pain Finn began to hear a faint voice echo through the noise. "!" On instinct, Finn drew his sword and pointed it at the source of the voice ready to strike it down.

"WOAH WOAH FINN ITS US!" Shouted the Science Cat. Coming back to reality Finn realized he was pointing his sword at his longtime fight buds Science Cat and Spear Bear. Putting his sword down Finn began to apologize. "Finn it's ok, I'm still in one piece ain't I?" Said the cat."Yeah Finn you're ok we should've known not to sneak up on you." Said Spear Bear. "Moreover we should be asking if you're ok, you looked like you were in a lot of pain when we showed up." The cat said putting his hand on Finn's shoulder. "What do you mean?" Finn asked. "Umm, you do remember being on the ground screaming in pain a minute ago right?" Asked the bear. "No, should I?"

Quickly wanting to change the subject Science Cat said. "You know what nevermind it's not important anymore, besides we came for the weekly fight today, you feeling up for it Finn?" "Sorry dudes can't, I gots biz to take care of in the Badlands." "You mind if we ask what it is?" Asked the spear-wielding bear. "I'm not sure what it exactly is I'm gonna do there, all I know is it's important." "Oh ok as long as you know what you're doing Finn. By the way, we know a small town near the Badlands you should check out while you're there." Said the cat. "Yeah, we go there for supplies every now and then." Said the bear. "What's the name of it?" "It's called BombDrop, and it's on the edge of the Badlands." The cat said pulling a map out of his pocket. "Thanks guys I owe you one." Finn said taking the map. Waving goodbye as his friends left he made his way to BombDrop.

About 3 hours later Finn was in the middle of the Badlands making his way to the town. "Glob damn it's hot as balls out here." He said taking off his hat. "I thought those guys said it was on the edge of the badlands. But I've been in this desert for almost an HOUR!" Finn thought his brain was gonna melt it was so hot. "Dammit how much farther is this place?" He asked himself whipping the sweat from his forehead. But shortly after he saw what he thought was nothing but a big pile of rubble from when the bombs went off turned out to be a city! "Holy shit that must be it!" He shouted as he sprinted towards the city. Entering the small town Finn felt a rush of excitement from what he saw. Motorbikes, carriages that were drawn by huge lizards, jewelry that looks like it'd be worn only by the higher-ups of Ooo royalty, all sorts of things he and Jake used to see on their adventures.

As our hero marveled at all the things around him a female figure strolled up to him. "Like the view stranger?" The woman questioned. "Yeah totally." Finn said not paying attention to the woman in front of him. "Would you like me to show you around?" She asked taking a step closer. Now looking at the woman Finn noticed that she was actually really pretty. She was a humanoid mutant with light blue skin, long black hair, bright yellow eyes, and sharp fang-like teeth. The beautiful woman was wearing a pair of jean short-shorts, a bright pink tank top, a large sun hat, and what looked like wooden sandals. Not long after Finn couldn't help but look at her more 'obvious' features as well. Her breasts seemed to stretch her tank top to its limits. And he thought her butt was large to say the least. Finn being the guy he is couldn't help but look, and the woman took notice of this and grinned. "I uhh, umm." Finn tried to say something but was just a little too flustered. "I'll take that as a yes, oh and by the way, the name's Persillica but you sweetheart can call me Percy." She said winking at the hero and taking his hand as they walked down the street.

A few hours after Percy showed him around the town she stopped near the town's saloon. "Is something wrong?" Finn asked turning to his escort. "No sweetie, just thought you looked thirsty." She said with a mischievous grin on her face. "Oh well ok, now that you mention it I guess it wouldn't hurt to get something to drink." As his beautiful escort walked into the saloon the entire place went silent. All eyes were on her and Finn as the took their seats at the bar. No one was saying a word, all their attention seemed to be focused on them. Suddenly out of nowhere, Percy shouted. "THE FUCK Y'ALL STARING AT!?" And just like that everyone's heads snapped back to their drinks, looking scared shitless. With a heavy sigh the saloon's scruffy bartender walked up to the pair. "Dammit Percy, I thought I told you to quit that shit." "Not my fault people are rude." She said smiling innocently. Shaking his head the bartender got two glasses. "Regardless, what's your poison?" "I'll have a Cosmopolitan today and my friend here will have a 'Sex On The Beach'." She said quickly winking at the bartender. The large man nodded and began making the drinks. "Whats a 'Sex On The Beach'?" Finn questioned. "Hehe, it's just a drink I thought you'd like sweetheart." She said sweetly. "Oh, thanks I'm always up for new things to try." He said with a smile on his face. That only made the beautiful woman chuckle. "Man the stories really are true." She said as the bartender handed her the drink she asked for. "Thanks Oscar, but where's my friend's drink?" The large scruffy man looked towards Finn. "You sure you know what you're doing boy?" He asked. "Pretty sure." Finn wondered what he meant. "Boy you are probably the dumbest kid around or you got balls of steel." The bartender said as he started to howl with laughter.

As he finished whipping the tears from his eyes he handed Finn the drink. "Bottoms up boy." The bartender shouted. Finn only shrugged as he began to gulp down the foul tasting drink. "Blegh what is this!?" Finn said spitting what little of the drink that was still in his mouth back into the glass. "It's a 'Sex On The Beach' Finny." Percy said seductively. "What did you do to me?! *cough cough*" He shouted as he went into a coughing fit. Finn got out of his seat but he could barely stand. Holding him up Persillica walked out the front door and said. "Put the drinks on my tab Oscar, I'm gonna take my time with this one." That was the last thing Finn herd before he blacked out.

About an hour later Finn started to regain consciousness. "Ugh, my head." He said trying to rub his head only to realize that he'd been stripped naked and tied down to a bed. "What the fuck!?" He shouted. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, those or enchanted ropes, the more you struggle the tighter they'll get." Persillica said as she appeared in the doorway. Finn turned his head to look at her, but to his utter surprise, she was in nothing but frilly almost see-through lingerie. It was dark purple with black lace going all around it and to top it all off she was also wearing a see-through nightie that stopped halfway down her thighs. Seeing her like that gave Finn a boner that wasn't gonna stop anytime soon, and seeing this made the sexy woman grin evilly. "Like what you see hero?" She asked seductively as she strolled up to him.

Finn shut his eyes and shouted. "What in Glob's name are you doing!?" She only looked at him with a smile. "What's the matter Finny, never seen a girl like this before?" She asked. "N-no I have." He said turning red as a ruby. "Then why are you blushing?" She asked as she climbed on top of him. "How the fuck am I supposed to react in this kind of situation!?" He shouted as he began to squirm. "Oh Finn, it's so cute seeing you squirm. It makes me feel like I could do anything and you can't stop me." She said sweetly as she ran her fingers up and down his chest. "Hahaha. Quit dammit! Haha that tickles!" He yelled as he laughed. "Ok Finn, I'll stop if you do something for me...Open your eyes."

Knowing he didn't really have a choice Finn opened his eyes and saw that she took off her top. "I saw you staring at them at the edge of town Finn." She said as she leaned closer to the hero. "S-sorry, I couldn't help myself." "It's ok Finn I was actually extremely flattered, knowing that the hero of Ooo thought I was pretty." She smiled as Finn only blushed more. "And that's when I had an idea." "What?" She grinned. "How about I show you, and if you behave I'll untie you."

Before Finn could say anything Percy slammed her lips into his with all her strength. Finn tried to stop her but as she warned him the ropes only got tighter. Feeling Finn trying to resist she shoved the small pill she had been holding in her mouth down his throat. Feeling her unusually long tongue and the pill go down his throat made him gag. "*cough cough* What the hell did you just give me?" Grinning she took off the rest of her lingerie. "Just a little magic medicine to help you relax and be a bit more obedient." Finn gritted his teeth, he knew what she meant. "You aren't gonna get away with this." "Frankly Finn I don't really care. All I care about right now is getting what I want." Finn tried his damnedest to fight the pill's spell taking effect but his body couldn't fight it anymore.

"Ready Finny?" She asked seductively. "Dammit, you're gonna pay for this." "Mmmm, yeah use your anger, I want it rough." She said rubbing her body against his. "Now just relax and let's enjoy this." Percy took Finn's large member into her hand and began to stroke it. Finn hated admitting it but the feeling of her cold hand against his member felt really good. And Percy could see it written all over his face. Licking her lips she kissed the tip of his member and then began licking it. That made Finn let out a small moan. Hearing it made her giggle a little. Focusing her attention back to Finn's manhood she wrapped her lips around the tip and slowly lowered her head down to the base of it. As Percy bobbed her head up and down she played with Finn's balls. It felt amazing in Finn's mind, to the point where Finn let out another moan. As he did she suddenly stopped. "I think that's enough foreplay, let's get to the real deal." She snapped her fingers and the ropes untied themselves from Finn. Seeing a chance to escape, Finn quickly jumped out of the bed before she could say anything else. "Stop." And like she told him he did just what she said and stopped mid-sprint.

"Now turn around Finn." And with a feeling of defeat, he turned to face her. "Now I have just one request to ask you Finny." "What?" He asked balling his hands into fists knowing exactly what it was. Grinning sinisterly she leaned in close to his ear and whispered. "Ravage me Finn." Like a puppet on strings, Finn was no longer in control of his body and pinned her to the bed and began to kiss her furiously. Taking it a step further Percy shoved her tongue into his mouth and almost back down his throat. Finn and Percy's tongues wrestled for dominance over the other. Getting more and more into it Finn's body began to rub his rock hard dick against the outside of her pussy. Breaking the kiss yet again she said. "Come on baby give it to me, gimme that fat dick of yours!" She moaned. Finn unwillingly did what she asked and thrusted into her as hard as he could all the while still trying his damnedest to refuse her commands. She moaned in ecstasy feeling his hard member now inside her. But she noticed that Finn was still trying to resist and only gone in halfway. "Don't hold back baby I want it all, I want you to break my pussy and make it remember the shape of your dick." She whispered seductively in his ear. Doing as she commanded he thrusted all the way into her. "Now fuck me Finn, FUCK ME!" She cried out. Finn gritted his teeth in anger and began to pump his large cock in and out of her dripping wet pussy.

"Oh yes baby, yes, yes, YES! I want you to fuck me harder Finn." She said in ecstasy. Finn's body obeyed and began to thrusts harder and harder. And as he did he put his mouth to her breasts and sucked hard on them, and that only made it better for Percy. She felt like she was gonna split in two at any moment. Finn filled his mouth with the left breast and sucked harder on it and began torturing the right, pulling, twisting, and pinching the nipple, making her moan louder and louder. "Oh Finn." Finn began to reach his limit, and so did Persillica. "Dammit!" "What is it baby?" She moaned out. "I can't hold out any longer!" "Me neither baby, let's cum together." She said wrapping her arms and legs around him almost begging for him to cum. Finn REALLY didn't want to, but even Finn can only hold out for so long. As Finn thrusted inside of her for the last time he felt the dam break, he came inside of her. "Ohhhhhhhhh!" moaned Percy as she felt Finn's cum fill her. Finn groaned with her as more and more of his cum filled her insides.

A few minutes later Persillica laid there with Finn looking passed out and a smile on her face. "Hmmm, I wonder if I get pregnant from this one." She asked herself pulling the covers up and cuddling with our hero. Finn knew this was bad and he had to escape and fast. There was only one problem, how in Globs name does he do that!?

Well that's the end of the first chapter, I know it probably sucks. If you have any comments or ideas for a future chapter I would greatly appreciate it. Oh, and if anyone can guess what Finn's drink is made with gets a request filled out in a future chapter. Well, that's all for now and I'll cya in the next chapter. Later Stoners Baiiiiiiiii.