A/N - This chapter has been improved, and thanks to my lovely BETA ohlookamockingjay that has helped me improve this chapter 3

Chapter 1

"Hold her tight, you fools," Bellatrix Lestrange snapped irritably. She guided the two Death Eaters to the Dark Lord - her dark eyes glaring at them dangerously, her hand holding her wand tightly, her footsteps echoing. "Hold her tight," she whispered harshly when they entered the room. Both the Death Eaters held blond girl's arms tightly.

"What's wrong Bella? And who is that?" the Dark Lord asked dryly. His eyes landed on the girl. Her hands and feet were tied, and her mouth was gagged with something that looked like a scarf.

Bellatrix stepped forward, facing the Dark Lord. She bowed her head. "My Lord, I bring you Potter's friend," she said. She turned and signaled to the Death Eaters to come forward and drop the girl. They dropped her onto the floor with a grunt.

The Dark Lord nodded, satisfied, he smiled wickedly. "Well done, Bella, well done," he said. Bellatrix grinned, proud of the praise from the Dark Lord. "Release her, I would like to see her," he said.

Bellatrix nodded with pleasure. She flicked her wand. The rope disappeared from the girl's hands and feet immediately, her mouth no longer gagged. "Stand up," she said harshly.

The girl stood facing the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters. Her face was covered with hair. She thought this was the end of her life. She had been captured by the enemies-surely, they were going to kill her. She would not give them any information about Harry Potter. She flinched when Bellatrix swept her hair from her face roughly, almost making her topple.

"A friend of Potter's, my Lord," Bellatrix informed him. She was holding the girl's face up so the Dark Lord could see their new prisoner properly.

The Dark Lord put his elbows on the table and intertwined his long fingers. He watched the girl closely. She was dressed like a Muggle. Dark blue sweater, black jeans, and black ankle boots. He looked at her face. He grinned. "What a pretty girl," he muttered quietly. "And her blood status?" he asked.

Bellatrix blinked. She really didn't have any idea about her blood status. She just stood there stiffly holding the girl tightly.

"Her blood status, Bella," he repeated, "I'm not any getting stronger here." The tone of his voice was rising. Bellatrix took a step back, and looked down nervously. Her nails grabbed the girl. She was about to open her mouth but stopped when Lucius Malfoy answered.

"Pureblood, my Lord," Lucius said firmly. His wife and his son sat beside him. He had been observing the girl since Bella dragged her in. Without seeing her face he knew who she was. The girl had something that made her easy to recognize, but he wasn't sure what it was.

The eyes of the Dark Lord turned to Lucius. "A blood traitor," he commented. It wasn't a question, and Lucius knew it, so he didn't intend to answer. "Must be a Gryffindor," he scoffed.

"A Ravenclaw, my Lord," said Lucius. He didn't dare turn to face him, he was worried he had offended him.

However, Voldemort laughed. The other Death Eaters laughed along with him, except the Malfoy's. They didn't have any idea what was so funny. "A Ravenclaw, thought you'd be smarter than to side with Potter," he sneered, his laughter grew louder.

"Fool," Bellatrix whispered roughly in her ear. She cackled.

"Well, joining you would be the stupidest thing ever," the girl responded coldly. The room fell silent. Bellatrix dug her nails deep into the girl's arm. The Death Eaters glared at her, and so did their Lord. His eyes were dark. She glanced at the blond boy. He'd been looking down this whole time.

"How dare you… you filthy scum!" Bellatrix shrieked. She let go of her and pointed her wand. "Crucio!" she cursed.

The girl fell to the floor. She tried to hold back the cry that was going to come out of her mouth, but couldn't. She screamed in agony. It was a pain she had never felt before. She didn't even know it existed till now.

"Stop, Bella," the Dark Lord commanded. He leaned back into his chair, looking at the girl lying there, powerless. Bellatrix put down her wand, she wasn't satisfied. She pulled the girl's hair violently. The girl gasped. "Where is Potter?" Bellatrix hissed at her. The girl was panting; she couldn't find her voice (but she didn't care if her voice disappeared, she didn't want to answer anyways). When the girl didn't respond, Bellatrix slammed the girl's head onto the floor. She cried a little. "Where is Potter?" She demanded again.

"I don't know," she answered. She didn't know where Harry was. But she knew that he was looking for something.

"She's very tough," remarked the Dark Lord. He stood up and took his wand. He approached the girl. He walked around her. He watched her bleed and smirked. Bellatrix stepped back. "Where is Potter?" The Dark Lord asked.

"I don't know." She refused to break down. If they find Harry and killed him. The darkness will rule the Wizarding World. And she didn't want that to happen.

"Interesting," he said quietly. He waved his wand and muttered, "Crucio!" The girl screamed once again, but this time the pain was worse. Her scream filled the room, making the Death Eaters watched grimace. Bellatrix smiled broadly. "Where is Potter? Give him to me and I'll let you live."

The girl coughed, she felt the blood coming from her mouth. "I would rather die than tell you where he is," she said firmly. She wasn't a Gryffindor, but she was a Ravenclaw who is smart enough to not let her friends get hurt or worse, killed. She is not important. If she dies it will be fine. But if Harry dies, everyone will be trapped in the darkness, and no one will l rescue them again, no one. "I believe in Harry Potter with my life. I would give my life just to make sure he stays alive and kill you. All of you," she added. She was calm. She wasn't afraid of him. She wasn't afraid of anyone.

Voldemort was losing his patience. This damned girl had just insulted him. She insulted the Dark Lord, the most powerful wizard in the Wizarding World. "Crucio!" he yelled. He and Bellatrix tortured the girl until she lost consciousness. She wouldn't die. They would use her as bait to lure Harry Potter out of his hiding place.

Draco's eyes widened in horror at the sight of his schoolmate being tortured by his aunt. What in the name of Merlin was that girl doing? She was putting herself in danger. That girl was insane, he knew it, but he never thought that she had the courage to say something to offend the Dark Lord. Suddenly, he felt a pang of jealousy. He wasn't as brave as her. She was brave to protect Potter when Potter preferred to hide away with Granger and Weasley.

"I believe in Harry Potter with my life," she had said. Deep down, he sneered. Harry Potter, Harry Potter my ass, he thought. If only Potter would come out and duel the Dark Lord face-to-face sooner. Then it would all be over.

When he was little he always wanted to be a Death Eater like his father. But when he finally became one, his life was fell apart. It hit his mother the hardest. After he got the Dark Mark, Narcissa started locking herself in her room. He shouldn't have. He should be at Hogwarts instead of sitting here with idiots looking like a goddamn fool. It's all because of Potter. Stupid Potter.

Granted, the Dark Lord was more than pleased with his ability in Dark Magic. Voldemort always said that he would be like his aunt, Bellatrix, or even better. He didn't know if he should he happy or unhappy with his praise. Being like Bellatrix? Dear sweet Merlin, he didn't want to be like his insane aunt. He shuddered at the thought.


Bellatrix's voice brought him back to the present. He looked around and realised there was only him, his parents, and his aunt left in the room. Voldemort and the rest of his followers had left. The girl was still there, lying helpless. Was she still alive? She was too young to die so soon.

"Draco, come here," Bellatrix ordered.

He got up and approached her. "Yes?" He asked hoarsely.

"Take her to the dungeon. We will use the girl as bait for Potter," she said dryly. "I'm going with the Dark Lord to take over the Ministry." She told him, but he didn't even care. Bellatrix shifted her gaze to Lucius. "You coming?"

"Of course," said Lucius briefly and coldly. He fixed his robe and whispered to his wife. "I'll be back." Narcissa nodded. Then Lucius and Bellatrix left, leaving his wife and son with the prisoner.

"What will we do with her?" Draco asked his mother.

Narcissa sighed. She got up and crouched near her. "Poor girl," she said quietly, "we must take her to the dungeon. Can you carry her, Draco?"

He frowned. He bent down and picked her up. He glanced at her. She was breathing, but unconscious. She was very pale, almost like a ghost. She looked so innocent. He would never be able to hurt her. Did that make him pathetic?

"Do you know her?" Narcissa asked as they walked downstairs to the dungeon.

"I do," he replied, "she was a year below me."

"She must be very close to Harry Potter," Narcissa murmured.

Draco tried not to roll his eyes. "She always followed Potter around like a lost puppy."

Narcissa ignored him.

"Be gentle," said Narcissa as they reached the dungeon. Draco gently laid the girl on a thin mattress that was in there. She looked so fragile, like crystal glass. He glanced at his mother. Narcissa took her wand and muttered a spell under her breath to make bruises on the girl's face disappear. Not much she can do to heal the girl.

"Why do you treat her?" Draco asked, narrowing his grey eyes.

"I don't want to see her die," she said, "and I've always wanted to have a daughter." She took a handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and her head.

That was no secret to Draco and his father. Narcissa had fallen ill with an unknown sickness when Draco was 6 years old. The Healers had to do surgery on her and as a result she couldn't conceive again. It had saddened Draco at the time, he actually liked the idea of having a little sister.

Narcissa watched the girl. She liked her already. This girl was a gentle and loving person. Without her realising it, her hand had reached for the girl's blond hair and she was stroking it gently. "What is her name?" she asked Draco, not bothering to look at him.

Draco sighed. "Luna Lovegood," he replied.