Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own any material that may appear in these loops, they all belong to their respective owners. Now please enjoy another set of loops.


Geoff ran up the stairwell of the CN Tower with Brody ever since he Awoke that loop, he started running up and down stairs to train for this particular task. It was a lot of stairs after all.

He was happy to know that he wasn't the only looper in the loop this time either. He had sent out a Ping earlier, and Duncan, DJ, Gwen, and Bridgette had all Awoke this time as well. It was great to loop with friends.

Speaking of friends…

"Um, Geoff? What's going on? Didn't we already climb these stairs? Why is everyone else doing it too?" Brody asked from behind him.

Geoff nearly fumbled on a stair. At the next platform between flights, he turned to face Brody.

"Dude, you're Awake!"

Brody looked confused at his best friend and teammate's statement. "Uh, yeah, I've been awake all day. Unless I've been sleep-running. Is this a dream?" Glancing around, he lifted a hand to touch Geoff and find out if he was a figment of his dream.

"Nah, dude, this is real! Long story short, we're looping!" Geoff quickly explained. Before Brody could ask a question, he added, "I'll explain on the flight. Right now, we gotta bounce." He and Brody continued up the stairs before any of the others could catch up to them.

Brody stared at Geoff, the information Geoff had just given him slowly sunk into his mind. "Whoa… that's really wild."

Geoff nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is. So, anything you want to do this loop? It's your first one, after all."

His friend put a finger to his chin in thought. "Well…"

"Looks like we're bunny bagging!" Geoff declared after reading the tip.

Brody whooped. "Second one to grab a bunny goes in the sack with it!"

Once Kitty put the last bunny in the Sisters' bag, Emma tied it shut. "That's the last one. Let's go!"

Geoff encouraged them as they passed him by. "Nice going, dudettes!"

"Ya know," Brody spoke up, causing Geoff to look at the sack sitting on the ground next to him. "It's actually pretty cozy in here."


The Playa was bustling with activity. Everyone who was either eliminated, or not competing were just going about their day outside of the competition. Everything seemed peaceful.

At least, that was the case until Sammy ran onto the scene.

"Everybody, run!" She exclaimed frantically.

Ezekiel, who had been relaxing on a lounge chair, sat up while removing his sunglasses. "Why, eh?"

Sammy quickly explained, "My sister! Amy! She-!"

A sinister laugh cut her explanation short. Everyone looked upward, and soon saw Amy, dressed as a wizard, flying around on a broom.

"This will teach you for being so nice to Samey!" The evil twin cackled, raising what looked like a wand. She pointed it down at the others, and fired what looked like a burst of magic. This caused everyone to jump to their feet, and flee in terror.

As he ran, Ezekiel ducked a blast. "Yeow! What's going on?"

Sammy had been running next to him, and turned to him. "You know how I say my sister is a real witch? I think this loop is taking it literally this time!"


Katie and Sadie squealed upon hearing about the next challenge.

"We're bike racing next! This is so exciting!" Sadie told her friend, bubbly as ever.

Katie nodded in agreement. "Totally! This is going to be so much fun!" She frowned as a thought came to her. "Wait, this is the one where the last person to cross the finish line is automatically eliminated. What're we going to do?"

The fat BFFFL gasped. "I have an idea."

Chris stared at them. "A tandem bike? Really?"

The two girls regarded him with rather cheeky smiles.

"You never said we couldn't build a tandem bike," Katie pointed out.

"Besides, we figured you wouldn't object anyway," Sadie added.

Chris raised a finger to argue, but lowered it when he found he had nothing to say. "Fair point." He walked off to judge the other bikes.

Ezekiel walked over, impressed with the girls. "You built a two-person bike?"

Sadie gave an affirmative nod. "Yep."

"Uh, if the last person to cross is voted off, doesn't that mean whoever is sitting on the back of the bike will be voted off if your bike is last?"

At Ezekiel's question, the girls frowned. They glanced at each other.

"We haven't really thought about that," Katie slowly admitted, as if hesitant to face the holes in their plan.

Sadie agreed, "Yeah, how could we have forgotten?" She was quiet for a few moments, and then opened her mouth again. At that point, Katie also opened her mouth.

"Dibs on the front seat!" They called out simultaneously.

The skinny BFFFL scowled at Sadie. "Hey, you can't call dibs on the front seat. I called dibs on the front seat."

"Well, so did I!"

"I was eliminated before you last time. It's your turn."

"But, it was my idea to build a tandem bike."

As the two friends descended into bickering, Ezekiel watched awkwardly. After a minute or two of watching the argument grow more outlandish, he backed away to go prepare his own bike for the races.


Max rubbed his hands together gleefully as he stepped into the island's control booth.

"Finally," he monologued to himself, "after one humiliating display after another, I will finally show that I am EVIL!" Sitting in front of the control panel, he looked over the buttons. "What does this one do?" He pressed one, and the chair he was sitting in slammed him up against the ceiling. When the chair descended back to floor level, Max was disheveled. "Let's try a different one." He pressed another button, and this one caused the monitor to start playing online cat videos.

"Meow! Meow!" A cat on the video mewed.

The villainous wannabe rolled his eyes at the display. "While I may enjoy cute, now is not the time to. I must call Chris, demand that money, and then go back on the deal once I have the money." He glanced over the panel once more. "Let's try these, then." He pressed a couple keys in a random order.

"Island self-destruct aborted," said a computerized voice.

"What?!" Max exclaimed in surprise. "That was not what I intended! Re-engage the self-destruct sequence you stupid contraption!"

Chris' face appeared on the monitor. "Whoa! Max? You stopped the self-destruct? You're a hero!"

Max thrust a finger in Chris' face. "I am most assuredly not, you simpleton! Once I figure out how to operate this control panel, I will unleash my fury upon you!"


"Something seems wrong here," Sky murmured to Shawn and Jasmine, who were sitting with her on the beach.

Shawn counted on his fingers. "Let's see here- exploding boat, swim to shore," he looked up at the nearby woods, "radioactive forestry. I think we're on season four."

Jasmine put her chin in her palm. "That's really weird. We don't come onto the show until season six. I can't recall a loop being so out of order."

"It's different, I'll give it that." Sky glanced at the woods. "I'm just wondering. Since we're here, does that mean Zoey and the season four cast are on our season this time?"

Two seasons later…

"Never did this before, but now I suppose I can cross it off my list!" Zoey thought out loud quickly, tugging at the cord of her parachute. A parachute came out, and slowed her descent. "Alright!"

Cameron tugged the cord of his parachute, and stared in confusion when his pack opened. "Um, I don't think psychology textbooks belong in a parachute pack."

Above Cameron, the textbooks hit Sam in the face.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" The gamer held a hand to his face. "I know my parents tell me to hit the books, but I don't think they meant like this!"


Gwen sat on a stump, sketching the local flora and fauna. It was interesting for her to note. As much a baseline would stay the same, it seemed like nature played out differently each time. Every time she looped, every time she came to this exact place at the exact time, different things happened like a squirrel would go to a different tree than it did in the last loop. She was even considering putting together an art display for the other loopers to see.

"Hey, Gwen!"

That hyperactive voice caught Gwen off-guard, and caused her to draw a long, sharp line right off the edge of her page.

She didn't even look away from her page as she quickly attempted to erase the mistake. "Izzy, what did I tell you about sneaking up on me while I'm sketching?"

"I don't think you ever told me anything," Izzy replied thoughtfully. The crazy redhead soon shook it off. "Anyway, guess what? I'm not on the RCMP's most wanted list this loop!"

At that, Gwen actually paused, raising a skeptical eyebrow in response. "Really?"

"Yep! Turns out some other crazy redhead beat me out of my spot. Gee, I wonder who it is," Izzy curiously wondered.

Chris stood before Team Kinosewak at the bonfire ceremony.

"You all made a lot of blunders today. Max, you set up a trap to prove to your own team that you were evil. Shawn, you freaked out because you thought you saw a zombie. Amy, you were just annoying. I think I've made my point," Chris mentioned as he held up a plate of marshmallows. "Marshmallows go to Shawn, Amy, and Ella. Max, Scarlett, this is the final marshmallow. Who's going to get it?"

The villainous wannabe snorted as if it were obvious. "Me, obviously." Scarlett rolled her eyes beside him.

"The last marshmallow goes to… Sca-!"

Helicopter blades whirled as an RCMP helicopter approached the island with a searchlight.

"Scarlett! We know you are down there! You are under arrest!" A man's voice boomed out of the copter.

Shawn pounded a fist on his knee. "I knew it! I knew she was a part of the zombie conspiracy."

"Please," Scarlett scoffed, "I would never get involved in something so trivial." She pulled her glasses off, and undid her bun. As her teammates marveled at her new look, she glared at the helicopter with an accusatory finger thrust at them. "You idiots will never catch me!" Turning on her heel, she ran off into the woods. The helicopter roared overhead as it followed in pursuit.

Chris and the remaining members of Team Kinosewak gawked in silence as the whirl of the helicopter's blades faded.

"Well, I guess that answers that question. Max, the last marshmallow is yours." Chris tossed the last marshmallow.

"Naturally," Max stated smugly, catching it to the others' dismay.


"Why are we here?" DJ asked hesitantly.

Duncan turned to him. "Izzy told me about one of your fears, so I'm going to help you with this one."

DJ regarded his friend uneasily. "Which fear did she tell you about?"

"The one about how you're afraid to get a tattoo, which is permanent, and how your mom would probably ground you forever for it. She also said you're also afraid of how much it'll hurt."

"I've heard about how painful getting tattoo is, so my fear is justified."

"It's not that bad. I mean, I've gotten a tattoo, Courtney's gotten a tattoo, Geoff's gotten a tattoo, even his friend Brody got one." Duncan pointed out.

"It's still permanent."

"It would be permanent, if we got them when our lives were still normal. Look, Courtney and I got our tattoos during the baseline of events. What I've discovered after looping back in time is that the tattoos we get during the loops aren't permanent. Say one loop I decide to get one on my back, and I get it. The next loop, it's gone. So in a way, the tattoos are temporary. What do you say?"

DJ stared at the tattoo parlor. "I don't know…"

Duncan rolled his eyes at DJ's hesitance. "Come on, just this one time. If you don't like it, you don't have to get another tattoo in another loop, and if you're still concerned about your mom, you can crash with me or Geoff until she cools off."

"I don't want to disobey Momma, but if you say it's just for this loop and then it'll go away… alright, I guess I'll," the gentle giant gulped, "give it a shot."

"Alright! Come on, let me introduce you to the guy inside. He's the one that gave me mine."

"Dude! You got a tattoo! Nice!" Geoff praised, staring at the tattoo on DJ's back.

"Eh," Duncan shrugged as he stared along with Geoff, "it's alright. He originally wanted to get a tattoo that said 'Momma', but I shot that suggestion down. The rabbit was his next idea after that."

"Gotta say I've never seen a rabbit tattoo before. Nice job, Deej."

DJ put his shirt back on, concealing the tattoo. "Thanks, G. Duncan was right. It wasn't so bad, but it still hurt a bit. Maybe I'll try again some other loop."

"Haha!" Izzy boasted, startling all three young men. "Fear defeated!"

"Where did you come from?" Duncan questioned.

"Funny story! See, it all started when my mom and dad wanted a baby-!" Izzy began to ramble.

All three boys immediately clamped their hands over their ears. "I don't wanna hear this story!" DJ exclaimed, trying to tune her out.

"Oh, but you haven't even heard about how I tried to switch myself at birth!"


While relaxing at Morocco's Chill Zone, Sanders and MacArthur sat back in lounge chairs underneath an umbrella. While Sanders laid back to try and relax in the hot climate, MacArthur was busy draining a rather large cup of lemonade. MacArthur continued to chug and chug until her eyes suddenly bulged. She immediately stopped chugging, and spat her mouthful of lemonade at Sanders.

"Hey!" Sanders cried out indignantly, sitting upright and glaring at her partner. "What the heck was that for?!"

"Déjà vu!" MacArthur quickly answered. "Is it just me, or haven't we already been here?"

Sanders took a look around them. "Come to think of it, you're right! We have already been to Morocco, and I'm pretty sure the race is already over. What's going on?"

MacArthur shrugged. "I have no idea." Glancing around, she soon spotted Brody and Geoff pitifully trying to make a sand castle with Morocco's dry sand. "Hey! You, hot stuff!" Brody looked up at the call. "Come over here a sec!"

Brody, followed by Geoff, walked over to the Police Cadets.

"Question for you two," Sanders said, "any idea why we're in Morocco? We feel like we've already been here."

"Sure, we have an idea." Brody answered, and motioned to his partner. "Geoff."

Throwing his arms up with pizazz, Geoff declared, "You're looping! Welcome to the Looper Party!"

"Huh?" MacArthur raised an eyebrow, completely lost.

"So, we're going to be doing this over and over again? That's completely nuts." Sanders decided after listening to Geoff and Brody tell them the story.

"It's not so bad. It's actually a whole lot of fun." Geoff replied, pausing as he thought back. "Actually, there are a few loops that were pretty bad. I remember one loop where Blaineley framed my Bridgey-Bear for a bank robbery. It was awful seeing her locked up until the gang and I bailed her out."

"So we can do a whole bunch of crap, and we get no permanent karma for it? I'm in!" MacArthur pumped her fist. "I think I know what I wanna do first."

Sanders glanced at Geoff and Brody flatly. "This is probably going to end badly."

Sanders blinked in surprise as she watched Josee and Jacques depart from the show after being eliminated in Dubai. The two Ice Dancers were in tears; well, mostly Jacques since Josee was in a rage and security had to escort her out. "That ended surprisingly well."

Beside her, MacArthur snorted. "Of course it did, not all of my plans end up going insanely bad. Give me some credit."


Sierra moaned in despair, slumping on the table in front of her.

Sitting beside her, Gwen cast her a glance. "What's up with you?"

Lifting her head up, Sierra answered, "We're in one of those loops."

"Define those loops."

"We're in one of those loops where we're all attending the same high school." Sierra gestured to their friends scattered around the high school's cafeteria. "I write fanfiction in my spare time when I'm not blogging, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen the cliché 'everyone is in the same high school' setup. Being here at school is one of the reasons why I love our usually normal loops so much- because we're out of school then."

Gwen shrugged, going back to her sketching. "High school isn't so bad. I have friends there."

"Easy for you to say," Sierra remarked, "I have no one. While everyone appreciates my Total Drama blogs, at school they like to pretend I don't exist."


"Yeah, but at least I'm not alone whenever we have one of these loops. It's nice having all of our friends from the show here with us."

Gwen nodded. "That's true."

They heard a scream, and eventually learned that Duncan had given Harold a mega wedgie. The pair of them shrugged at the occurrence. It was perfectly normal for bullies to give nerds wedgies in school.

15.10 (Fused Loop with Mario)

Chris sighed in bliss as he reclined in the seat. "It's nice being on vacation. I can't wait until we land."

"Yeah," Chef agreed, and then frowned at the host. "But did we have to bring her, though?" He pointed at Blaineley sitting in the next seat over with his thumb.

Blaineley scoffed at him, smoothening out the wrinkles in her pink sundress. "It's not a picnic going on vacation with you two either."

"Er, you may want to buckle in, folks. The landing's going to be a bit bumpy." The pilot told them over the intercom.

The three adults did as they were told, and promptly felt the whiplash that the pilot had spoken of.

Definitely frazzled once the plane stopped, Chris unbuckled, and made his way off the plane. "The heck's going on?"

One of the interns pointed further down the runway. "There's some sort of weird graffiti distorting the runway. The pilot wasn't expecting this so that's why the landing didn't go as smoothly as it should've."

The host shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing Chef can't fix." He snapped his fingers, and called for Chef. "Clean this up, will ya?"

"He can't," Blaineley answered to the call, sitting down in the shade of the plane's wing. "He's too busy fanning me." Chef grumbled, waving at her with a big fan.

"Sir," one of the other interns spoke up, "I think you might have to take care of this."

Chris groaned miserably. "Fine, just let me find a way around this mess, and I'll see if there's anything on the other side that can get rid of this stuff."

The host wandered off towards the end of the runway.


Brody gave the camera a 'shush' signal for the audience and the cameramen to stay quiet. Sneaking up behind Don quietly, Brody reached his arms out.

With a yank, he pulled Don's pants down.

Don looked down at his feet. "What the?!"

Brody whooped, laughing as Geoff came to join him. He turned to the host. "Dude, it might not be April Fools' Day, but you just got pranked!"

"Big time," Geoff nodded.

Pulling his pants back up and fixing them to how they were moments ago, Don narrowed his eyes at the Surfer Dudes. "If you hadn't already placed, I'd be tempted to give you a penalty."

The two dudes looked at each other before chorusing brightly, "Worth it!"


"And you're all going to stay in here until the day is over. Don't touch my stuff!" Chef roared as he closed the door to the mess hall.

The five remaining campers- Duncan, Courtney, Gwen, Trent, and for some reason, Ezekiel, sat around the table, looking at each other.

"So," Trent spoke up, "guess we're Lunch League-ing today, huh?"

Ezekiel gave him a strange look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Duncan answered, "He's making a reference to a famous movie." He glanced at Gwen and Courtney. "So, either of you want to get straight to making out in the pantry? It can substitute for the school closet."

"Drop dead, Duncan!" The two girls hollered at him.

"I'm so confused…" Ezekiel mumbled, only to be patted on the shoulder by Trent.

Trent smiled at him. "You'll learn in time." He reached into his Subspace Pocket, and pulled out his phone. "I have The Lunch League on my phone. We can watch it together, and then maybe you'll understand this whole situation."

The homeschooled boy thought about it for a moment, and then shrugged. "Sure, not like my parents are here to stop me from watching it, eh."

The musician brought the movie up on his phone, and the two of them, along with Duncan, Gwen, and Courtney all ended up crowding together to watch it.


Courtney giggled, something rather unexpected of her.

"Justin, you charmer…" She swooned. "You always know what to say."

"What can I say? I'm a beautiful face who can tell what the future holds." Justin said in reply, showing off his gleaming smile.

"Can you tell me what my future holds?" Courtney asked, scooting closer to him.

Justin teased, "You mean… besides me?"

The two leaned in closer and closer for a kiss.

A hand collided with the back of Justin's head. The model recoiled.

"Ouch," he winced as he raised one hand to rub his head. "The back of my head has modeling contracts too, you know."

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Noah asked bluntly, entering Justin's line of vision. He turned to Courtney. "Courtney, sorry to interrupt kissy time with Anti-Me over here, but he and I need to talk."

Caught off-guard by the twist of events, Courtney consented, getting up to leave the premises. Justin reached out a hand after her.

"Courtney, wait! We were about to kiss!" Justin pleaded. He faced Noah, frowning. "I hope you're happy with yourself. You probably just let a whole lot of viewers down."

"Believe me, I'm happy with myself," Noah answered, "I'm happy that I stopped you from toying with a girl like you always seem to."

Justin threw his hand out at the direction Courtney had gone off in. "You call that toying?"

"Yes," Noah said sharply. "The whole 'knowing the future' thing. Cut the crap, pal. Have you gone back in time?" The model stiffened at the question.

"Who wants to know?"

The know-it-all nodded to himself in satisfaction. "Just as I thought. Your actions the past few days have proved it. You're looping."

The model's gaze narrowed at Noah. "How do you know what going back in time is like?"

"Because I've done it, moron. Everyone here has basically done it more than once already except you."

"They have?" Justin gaped in shock. "How come they don't remember?"

Noah shrugs. "Our memories vary from time to time. Anyway, I don't want to talk to you for longer than five minutes. Here," he handed Justin a book. "This will tell you all you need to know about looping."

"Aw, I hate reading…" pouted the model.

"There are pictures of the girls in looping phases where they're really hot," Noah enticed.

As if Noah said the magic words, Justin cracked open the book. "Really? Where?"

"You'll find them as you read. Enjoy." With that said, Noah walked away, shaking his head. "Imbecile."


"Mom and I had to wait seventeen hours for you to come out!"

"It was seventeen minutes! It's always been seventeen minutes!"


The twins quieted instantly at Eva's outburst. The rest of the Killer Bass table stared in terrified awe at the bodybuilder.

"At the rate you two bicker, I'd rather have Katie and Sadie here than you two." Eva huffed, picking up her tray and heading towards the trash bin.

Amy and Sammy, along with the rest of the team, stared at Eva leaving before the twins turned their attention to their other teammates.

"Who's she talking about?" Sammy asked.

"But I have to be on the same team as Sadie, or I'll die!"

"I'll break out in hives. It's true."

"Shut it!" Chris ordered, silencing the two girls. "No team swapping, end of story." He walked off, as the teams got into introductions.

Right after Chris left them, Katie and Sadie clutched each other.

"I'll miss you, Katie!"

"I'll miss you more!"

Dave leaned towards Beardo and Leonard, despite his feelings against them. "I'll miss being able to sleep at night."

"I can make you a nice herbal remedy for your insomnia," Leonard offered, taking out a spellbook. "First, I'll need three hairs of the rainbow sheep, one match covered in goat's milk, and the spit of a giant."

Dave facepalmed. "I wish I was on the other team…"

15.1- Dun dun dun! Dudes, Brody has joined the Loops!
15.2- Great, now Amy's even worse than usual.
15.3- They'd totally build a tandem, and then argue over it.
15.4- Max Fails at Villainy, now including cat videos.
15.5- Season Swap!
15.6- If anyone would be worthy enough to replace Izzy on the RCMP's Wanted list, it'd be Scarlett.
15.7- Remember kids, tattoos in the real world are permanent, and are very expensive to remove.
15.8- Freeze, dirtbags! The Police Cadets have joined the Loops!
15.9- I'd go to their school. Anyone with me?
15.10- Gee, I wonder who would vandalize a runway.
15.11- Dudes have to prank.
15.12- Is the Lunch League the sequel to Breakfast Club?
15.13- Dun dun dun! Ladies, Justin has joined the Loops!
15.14- Both pairs are equally insufferable, except one pair is better off apart, and one is better off together.

Loopers: Alejandro, Anne Maria, B, Beth, Brick, Bridgette, Brody, Cameron, Chef, Chris, Cody, Courtney, Dakota, Dawn, Dave, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy, Jasmine, Jo, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, MacArthur, Max, Mike (along with his alternate personalities of Chester, Mal, Manitoba, Svetlana, and Vito) Noah, Owen, Sadie, Sam, Sammy, Sanders, Scarlett, Scott, Shawn, Sierra, Sky, Staci, Sugar, Trent, Tyler, and Zoey.

If you want to write a loop, go ahead and then PM it to me so I can include it in the next chapter.