"That will be all. Class dismissed. Have a nice weekend." The teacher drawled, writing up the last of the chemical equation onto the board. Immediately, the class began shoving their books into their bags, all too eager to leave.
Marinette yawned and stretched her arms above her head, only to be abruptly shaken by Alya.
"What is it–"
Alya grinned and held up her phone, interrupting the girl. Marinette squinted at the phone.
"A contest?"
"A party," Alya corrected excitedly before taking her phone back and quickly scrolling through it, all the while wearing the same grin. "And not just any party! A fashion party! I just found this during class earlier while I was playing on my phone."
Marinette raised her eyebrow, not quite getting it.
Alya rolled her eyes before turning her head.
"Hey, Adrien! Why didn't you tell us you were hosting a party?"
The boy in question looked up in confusion, his bag already in hand and ready to leave. He tilted his head.
"A what? I'm not—Oh," Adrien said, realization dawning on his face. "You mean the fashion contest?"
"Well, duh! It's like a ball, isn't it?" Alya said. "You should have told us!"
"It's a contest," he corrected, shifting his bag strap. "A fashion contest. I didn't think it was worth mentioning."
"But it's basically a ball, right?" Alya insisted, discreetly nudging Marinette.
Adrie shrugged. "I guess. But only models or designers are allowed in and that's only if they wear an outfit either they themselves made or a designer had made. My father decided it would be a good publicity stunt."
"So anyone is allowed in if they wear a handmade original dress?" Alya pressed.
"Or a suit, if they're a guy," Nino butted in with a grin, slinging his arm around Adrien's shoulder. "Why, you thinking of coming?"
"Are you going too?" Alya asked curiously. Then she pointed accusingly at him. "Wait, why didn't you tell me about this if you knew about it?!"
Nino held up his hands in defense. "Hey, I knew that you were going to find out one way or another. Plus, even I only found out today. I was going to tell you later."
"Mhm. But last time I checked, you were neither a model nor a designer." Alya raised an eyebrow.
"Adrien hooked me up with a designer whose designs I can wear," Nino replied easily. "Is Marinette here going to make you two some dress?"
Marinette blushed red as Adrien looked at her curiously.
"A-Ah, I don't, um, know...I just found out s-so…" Marinette scratched her cheek nervously. "B-But if Alya insists then I guess I can…"
"That'd be great! Here." Adrien shuffled in his bag for a little bit before pulling out a small stack of envelopes held together by a paperclip. Carefully peeling away two from the bundle, he handed them to Marinette, who took them in a daze.
"These are invitations to the contest, er, ball. Whichever you prefer to think of it as. If you do decide to come, you'll need these to get inside so don't lose them."
"T-Thank me–you! Thank you!" Marinette stuttered as she took them, her blush growing more prominent by the second. Next to them, Alya and Nino exchanged a smirk.
"Excuse me?"
Alya groaned.
Chloe pointed a perfect manicured hot pink nail at Marinette and Alya, an offended look on her face. "Did you just give them invitations? Adrien, you know you don't need them at the party. Plus, it's be, like, so embarrassing! Can Marinette even design? And don't even get me started on Alya's hair! Nothing can tame that mess!"
"Chloe, don't be mean. Marinette's a great fashion designer. She won that hat contest, remember?" Adrien said placatingly. But it was in vain.
"Don't remember, don't care."
"Yeah, you don't remember because you cheated in that one, remember?" Alya smirked, crossing her arms. "And sorry, I'd take my hair over yours any day. You don't gotta be jealous of these locks, Chloe."
Chloe bristled. Behind her, Sabrina's mouth had formed a perfect 'o'.
"Why you little–!"
"Annnnd look at the time! We should really be getting home now. C'mon, Nino." Adrien quickly grabbed Nino by the elbow and steered him away, nearly running out of the room.
"Ah! Wait! Adrikins!" Chloe turned quickly, Sabrina obediently jogging after her out the room. "I still have to know what you think of my dress—!"
"Ugh, I can't stand that girl!" Alya crossed her arms and huffed angrily. "Just who does she think she is?! The freaking mayor of Paris?"
"Not quite, but close," Marinette laughed as she handed one invitation to Alya and stuffed the other one into her backpack. "C'mon, we should go too. If we're going then I should really start on those dresses."
"Girl, I know for a fact that you already have a dress or two designed and ready to go. Heck, you already made me some before." Alya rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "You don't have to make me one. Just focus on making one for yourself."
"Yeah, but I've never made one for a ball before," Marinette explained. "If the contest is themed as a ball, shouldn't the dresses be ball gowns?"
"Er…" Alya pulled out her phone, sticking the tip of her tongue out as she checked.
"Invitation...Food...Ooh, that have fancy food...Yadda yadda...Ah, there it is! Shoot, you're right. Is it too much trouble?" Alya asked, frowning at Marinette. "I don't have to go if it's too much. I just assumed it was any kind of dress and that you could just use one of the ones you made before."
Marinette shook her head. "It's okay! It's no trouble, really. We just finished with testing so I have a lot of free time. Plus, I've always wanted to make a ballgown."
"Aww, thanks Marinette, you're the best!" Alya grinned and put her arm around Marinette, guiding her towards the door. "Tell you what, I'll come over as much as I can to help! How does that sound?"
"Alya, you nearly broke my sewing machine last time you tried to help."
"Oh come on, I'm not that bad!"
"Third time's the charm, right?"
"No, I said I wanted gold trimming! I don't care if your supplier ran out! I. Want. Gold!" Chloe shrieked into her phone before ending the call and hurling it across the room where it hit a sofa and fell safely into the cushions. She almost felt irritated. At least she could get a new phone if her current one broke.
"Chloe, what are you going to do about those two? You know, Marinette and Alya," Sabrina spoke softly as she looked up from the packet of homework she was working on. Of course, there were two packets as they were both for her and Chloe. But not that she was complaining.
Chloe growled. She had almost forgotten about that. "I don't want them there! Can you imagine it! They'll be the laughing stock! Not that I mind but it'll be so irritating seeing them there! It was supposed to be my night with Adrien! I'm the one who is supposed to be dancing with him! I don't want them to ruin it with their filthy presence!"
"Then why don't you tell the guards to not let them in?"
"I don't want my Adrien knowing I did something like that! It is at his mansion, after all. I need something that can't be pinned to me…" Chloe frowned before snapping in realization. She turned to Sabrina and smirked.
"You are going to destroy their invitations!"
"But wouldn't they just get new ones from Adrien?" Sabrina tilted her head questioningly, her pencil hovering just over their papers in a pause.
"Not if you destroy them right before the ball. They can't ask for a new one if it's too late," Chloe said triumphantly. "I'll find a way to distract Adrien from his phone after school Friday until it's all over so he wouldn't know and you'll destroy their invitations after school ends! It's the perfect plan, believe me."
"But Chloe—"
"No buts! I know what I'm doing. And my homework. Hurry up and finish it already! It's been an hour!" Chloe said impatiently, looking down at the other girl.
"Yes, Chloe."
Author's Note:
Just an idea I've been playing around with. I'll be basing this off Cinderella so forgive me if this resembles another story plot (I actually don't read other Miraculous fanfic so I don't know if this is too similar to another one)
Tbh, I don't know if I'll continue this one. If this gets enough interest then I'll start working on this one as well as my other ongoing stories.
Reviews make me smile :)