Three days have passed since Anton and Natalia departed from the center of Ashfeld, going further northeast to where the Blackstone Legion lay. Anton walked gently along the stream, collecting water with his palms, the horses neighing softly behind him. Natalia drew the horses and tied them near, and she took a seat next to the Warden. "So dear warden, what's our next location to defeat Apollyon?"

Anton sighed, grabbing his flask and dunking it into the river. "We have to reach to the Iron Legion, they can assist us in taking on the Blackstone's forces."

Natalia was unpleased with the answer. "I thought we were going to defeat Apollyon."

The warden scoffed slightly. "Don't be foolish, young one. I know that your career into battle is young, but it's not like the fairytales your mother sang to you."

Natalia leaned on the horse. "Do you think we can actually defeat the Blackstone Legion? They're one of the most powerful groups in all the land."

"Defeating the legion isn't the goal." Anton stood up, closing his flask. He walked over to the horse and withdrew the large canvas the horse held on its back. "It's killing Apollyon. If she's gone, then the Blackstone Legion is soon to follow. If not killing her, than doing the most damage to her army is."

"But you just said that killing her wasn't our mission!"

"I thought you meant just by ourselves. We need assistance. It's why we're going to the Iron Legion, and pray they accept our plea."

The Peacekeeper huffed and frowned, taking out a few apples and feeding the horses. "I suppose that can work." Natalia grabbed the other side of the canvas and opened it, spreading the thick fabric out on the floor. "Even though I don't see how it'll stop all the fighting. Apollyon is just taking advantage of our already existing problems."

"It's a start," Anton replied. The tent was pitched and ready to be used, the Warden throwing some of their things inside. "We'll spend the night here, hope we come across a town or castle tomorrow."

Natalia nodded. "It's a little early to set a tent, wouldn't you say dear Warden?"

"Can't hurt to be prepared." Anton chuckled. Natalia gave a small chuckle herself, heading to the stream. She cupped the water into her hands and drank, quenching her long thirst. When the water began to still, there was something...odd. Natalia had something catch her eye, however, in the streams reflection. A dark plume, too dark for clouds. It was thin, and seemed recent, then another plume rose merging with the other.


"Anton, there's smoke in the horizon." Natalia turned around, already seeing Anton glaring up the sky.

"Too thin to be a forest fire or a volcano, must be a village. Pack up your things, we found a new place to visit." Natalia obliged and collected her things, Anton freeing the horses and mounting one of them.

"I knew it was too early to set the tent!" The Peacekeeper followed soon after and rode her horse, following the trail of the smoke.

The ground shook, an explosion of a burning, oil-slicked catapult destroyed the top wall of the castle. Leon Evendale tumbled, gripping the hilt of his longsword angrily as the shouts and battle cries of the army fought outside against the Viking invaders. He regained his posture completely and looked over the balcony of the tower, seeing the mayhem and destruction below.

A soldier barged into the room Leon was in, his voiced course and tired. "Lord, the Vikings have almost breached the gate!"

Leon turned around and looked astounded at the guard captain. "What, have the villagers been evacuated?!"

"Yes sir, they're hiding below in the castle's lower levels."

Leon brushed the blonde bangs off his forehead as he reached for his helmet. "Take a small group of soldiers to the lower levels and defend them with your life. I don't want these savages to rape and ruin my people!"

"Y-yes sir!" The guard captain ran off. Leon hurried down the spiral stairs as the tower shook yet again, heavy dust piling on the Warden.

Vikings, I've never fought Vikings. Leon's heart pounded in his chest, the castle still rumbling around him. He gripped the blade in his hand until his knuckles turned white, the sounds of battle getting louder and louder. Leon reached the door as the crowd of soldiers cautiously looked at their leader. "Open the door." Leon put on a fearless voice, "Let's give these barbarians their goal and send them to Valhalla!"

Leon's heart raced in his chest, drowning out the cheers around him. The dust shifted down, the heavy wooden doors opening to the bright sunlight that reigned down upon the group as they charged and cried out into battle. Leon saw the carnage in front of the steps of his castle in full view, the blood of his men and of the Vikings running like a river in the grassy floor. He almost didn't noticed the broadsword blade of Viking swinging to his left.

Leon quickly blocked, he shoved the Viking down and stabbed the blade into the Viking's neck. He pulled out and shoulder bashed an incoming Viking and swung his sword left striking its target dead. A flying axe hurdled towards Leon, he quickly ducked under, the axe piercing the stone wall behind him. A Berserker ran towards him screaming as he jumped and brought down his axes. Leon quickly parried off the axes and unbalanced the Berserker. The Warden quickly sliced across the Berserker's throat. The body fell gurgling and limp onto the bloody ground.

Suddenly a booming voice stopped the sounds of swords clashing, broken and sloppy Latin bouncing off the walls. "Warden! Face me!"

He quickly looked towards the castle gate, and saw the large Raider that had called to him. The Raider was large, scars and tanned skin covering all the cloth and armor couldn't. His attire was colored with the colors of red and white, presumably the clans colors. Bones decorated whatever else he wore, the femurs of fallen enemies proudly displayed on his hip.

"If I face you and I win, will your men leave?"

"Yes! And if you lose, we take plunder!"

Leon readied, raising the blade to his head and pointing it to the barbarian. "So be it!"

The fighting around them resumed. The Raider roared and charged towards Leon. He swung his Daneaxe to the right of Leon. Leon dodged and brought his blade down on the Raider's head. The Raider used his handle to block it and hit Leon with the bottom end of the axe. Leon stumbled back, his hands gripping the blade handle until his knuckles turned white. The Viking didn't give him with a chance to recover as he brought a light attack to his chest, nearly piercing the chainmail and leather that protected him. The Warden recoiled back, circling and watching the Viking ever so closely. The Raider's expression was hidden under the bone mask he wore, but Leon could only think that his expression was that of amusement, just like an animal toying with its prey before the kill.

Leon dug his heel and readied his shoulder as he launched himself to the Raider. "Miserum!"

The Raider shifted right just before Leon collided. He quickly grabbed Leon and pinned him, charging into a wall before he threw Leon against it and kneed the Knight's face. Leon's perception and his awareness went hazy as the the Viking chuckled heartily. He looked upon the massive figure as he grabbed his gaze and lifted it back of him, ready for the Final blow.

Leon realize he had failed. The Warden closed his eyes and waited for the final blow. He felt a swish of air and blood splattered over his helmeted face. After that, he didn't feel anything.

Am I dead? He wondered.

All he saw was black until he heard the continuing sounds of battle, a horn blaring to signal retreat. He opened his eyes and saw the Raider on his knees in front of him, blood showering the blade that was stuck in the confines of his shoulder and neck. The sword lifted up and the Viking was thrown to the side, revealing the wielder of the sword, the colors of faded blue and yellow. He held his sword on his left hand and extended his hand to Leon.

"The battle is won, friend. Celebrate your victory." The Warden told. Leon grabbed his hand and hoisted himself up, thanking the other Warden as the Viking ran out of the main gate to the river nearby. A Peacekeeper nearby finished of a Viking, walking up the two.

Leon steadied himself into position as the Vikings seemed to be retreating now, his breath heavy and his sword scratched. His men confidently cheered as their Norse invaders began retreating back into their boats on the river that bordered the Myre and Ashfeld. Leon turned to the two.

"Thank you for saving my head back there."

"It wasn't a problem." Anton replied. He held out his hand. "I am Anton, she's Natalia."

Leon grabbed his hand. "Leon. Leon Evendale."

"We came when we saw smoke, thought you might need some help." Natalia said.

Leon held his bent helmet, feeling the area where the knee struck. "Your timing couldn't have been better. This is the first time that the Vikings ever reached my domain."

Natalia sheathed her sword and dagger. "I've noticed. They're going more and more south…"

Anton looked at the carnage around him, seeing the men of Leon piling up dead Vikings and collecting their weapons. "This didn't happen by chance, Leon."

"What do you mean?"

Anton stood a little silent.

"We have much to discuss, Lord Leon. Once your done helping your men and people, we'll discuss our situation." Natalia added. "We'll be here when you're done."

Leon looked between the two and nodded, heading to lead his men and his people back to their homes.

A/N: Long time no see huh?

This chapter's OC is Leon Evendale by Golden Sheath.

So congrats on the Vikings for winning the first season. We knights were close but we manage to get second place, good job! Also, have you guys had the chance to play Shinobi or Centurion? You should try to buy em if you can!

Now for a little news:

I had a bad writers block for the past few months, which explains the long delay. So my solution is to introduce a new story, an SYOC based off PlayeUnknown's Battlegrounds! I'll have the App ready later today, I hope you all will enjoy it!

Anyways, leave a review, i'd love to hear your guys' responses.
