I just want to thank everyone who has reviewed this story!

I appreciate every review I receive and am glad to hear how much this story has been enjoyed!

It truly helps me to be inspired to continue this :)

This chapter is shorter than the previous one. However, I hope you enjoy it all the same!


Specks of light littered the infinite darkness that acted as a backdrop for the waxing crescent moon. It's light reflected on a river with a gentle current. Crickets chirped as fireflies danced in the cool night air. Owls occasionally called out to each other from the surrounding treetops. Blades of grass and wildflowers rustled in the soft breeze. The flowers were soon plucked by small hands before delicate fingers began to carefully weave the plants into crowns. It was something that Rin had learned from her mother during their travels.

Corners of a mouth raised as lavender eyes enjoyed the view before her. The small glade within the forest was more soothing and relaxing than the shiro had lately been. It provided a nice small break from the stress of recent events. Something that was very much needed. She glanced at the daiyokai who gracefully walked towards a tree before sitting down and closing his eyes. A signature action of his that only made her smile more. All that was missing was Jaken's grumbling towards them and the two-headed dragon, Ah Un, who silently watched. The reason her daughter had missed their traveling so much was now understandable. Excluding the danger of Naraku, moments like this was nicer than life at the castle. It was much more freeing. There was no one who would judge if one had proper etiquette. No overly heavy layers of kimono nor the need to watch what you say or do when dealing with certain people. Freedom was given in its purest form in moments like this.

As the small girl continued to play with flowers, her mother collected enough pieces of wood for a small fire. Once that wood began to burn, Kimiko went to the nearby river and caught herself a fish. After making sure Rin was still full from her dinner, the fish was cleaned and placed down to be roasted by the small blaze.

The inu yokai's eyes opened ever so slightly as the woman sat near him. He resisted the urge to furrow his brow as anxiety laced her scent. The purpose of this brief outing was so that she would be able to relax to the point that her appetite would return. Yet, once more did that emotion plague his sensitive nose. Only, this time it was different. Her anxiety was accompanied by guilt. The reason as to why escaped him even after he pondered over the fact.

"I'm sorry," her voice broke the silence between them. Her tongue wet her lips as she hesitatingly met his gaze. "Lately, I've only been a burden to you."

A burden? While there had been issues as of late, the only one who could truly be blamed in the end was him. It was his duty as an alpha to ensure the safety of his pack. Instead, he had tossed Rin and her to the side while he focused on issues that only affected him. The woman's comatose state was an event that could have been avoided had he not neglected his responsibilities. Even the events with Kaito was due to his lack of action. "I know not why you claim such," he spoke. "Both Rin and you are the ones who have struggled with the true burden. The two of you had to deal with the constant ramifications of an alpha who failed to do what was required of him."

Kimiko opened her mouth to speak, only to have him continue before she could utter a word. "Since the death of my father, the West has been under my protection. Any issues or threats are eradicated almost as quickly as they emerge." Golden eyes broke away from their focus on her as they settled on Rin. Crowns of flowers slowly stacked up as she continued with her task. "An alpha's role is not that different. Just as a ruler takes care of the needs of his people, an alpha must do the same for his pack. So why is it that I succeed in one role, only to fail in the other?"

Strands of black hair fell across her face as the woman shook her head. Though he didn't look at her, he could feel the intensity of her gaze upon him. "You never failed as an alpha, Sesshomaru." Her voice uttering his name made him meet her eyes once more. The lack of his title had not gone unnoticed. The small action normally resulted in a glare or warning, however, at this moment he couldn't find the will to care. "I will admit that you struggled in the beginning, but so did I. All relationships, regardless of nature, don't always start easy. There are differences to overcome, boundaries that each person has to learn, and so much more. An alpha's responsibilities may be similar to that of a lord's, but for an alpha, it becomes more personal.

"That alone is something you are not accustomed to, which is understandable. It's difficult trying to get used to something new like that. It's not like I've made it any easier for you, as well. You may have taken me in temporarily as your alpha female knowing of my situation, but I only continue to inconvenience you." A blur of silver movement is all she saw before Kimiko felt a nipping pain on her ear. Her hand flew to her ear as her face held an expression of shock and confusion. Had he done what she thought he did? "Did you just... reprimand me?"


Though it was not a word of confirmation, she knew exactly what he meant. He had nipped her ear. An act that an inu would do to make a packmate stop a certain action. She dropped her hand from her ear as her brows only furrowed. "Why did you? I was only trying to say that I cause you tro-" Another blur of movement and small sensation of pain caused her to yelp. "Stop that!"

"I will stop only if you do," he said. "You claim I have not failed you, yet you speak ill of yourself. I will admit, some of your decisions are questionable, but not once has this Sesshomaru thought of you as a burden. Everything that has happened as of late has been due to this one's shortcomings. Had protocols been changed once the damn snake and his mate had arrived, Kaito would never have had the chance to get close to you."

Every word he spoke was said with complete honesty. The yokai had indeed questioned her decisions and logic regarding certain things. However, that did not mean he had considered her a burden at any point in time. He was the one that had caused issues for his pack and himself. When she was in heat, he had distanced himself from the woman. The idea he desired a mortal was something that had unnerved him at the time. Now, as he stared at the woman before him, he could only feel foolish. Sesshomaru had seen the results of his actions and the damage it caused. He reacted without thought, without contemplation. Had she remained comatose a little longer, it could have very well caused Kimiko her life. And that is what truly had bothered him when he had realized his desires. Humans die.

His withdrawal from being near the human woman was an attempt to prevent himself from feeling for her more than the attraction he already held. Just the idea that one day, he would live in a world where Kimiko and Rin no longer existed caused a twinge of pain in his chest. Golden eyes watched as the human child set down her last flower crown before moving to the fire to flip the cooking fish. Sesshomaru's focus then went back to the onna who sat near him. Once more, he had pictured how she had been pinned under Kaito earlier that day. It only caused his jaw to clench and teeth grit against each other in suppressed anger. He refused to fail as an alpha anymore.

"Mama! The fish is cooked!"

Breaking away from his gaze, Kimiko smiled at her daughter and nodded. For a brief moment, she turned back to him. "I'll stop thinking I am a burden to you only if you stop claiming to have failed as an alpha. In terms of a pack, I would consider this my second one and you are my favorite alpha by far." Her face lit up with happiness as she looked around the small glade. "Only a considerate alpha would have made this brief outing just to help one relax. The fact you did so, means so much to me, Sesshomaru." Kimiko leaned in close to him and placed her lips on his jawline. An inu action that expressed gratitude to another. Though it was normally done by mates, she figured it would be okay considering her position in the pack. Not dwelling on what she just did, Kimiko stood up and quickly went to get the fish before it burned.

The simple action caused warmth to radiate inside his entire being. It was a feeling he could not describe, only that it occurred in certain actions she did. A smaller similar reaction would still occur just from having her near. Sesshomaru could not understand what the warmth was, but he chose to no longer question it. It was far more enjoyable to just bask in the feeling. While he still had no plans to mate her, the daiyokai silently made it his goal to ensure both humans lived the maximum amount of years they naturally could. He wanted to enjoy what he felt for as long as possible.