Hi, everyone! So this is my first fanfic on here! I wrote fanfics a few years ago but we all know how things from when you were younger can turn out when you look back at it again. *shivers* ANYWAY, this is to get used to writing again and hopefully I get better at it. Please forgive me if it turns out bad or if there are a lot of grammar mistakes (terrible at grammar).

At some point, I will go back and fix mistakes or rewrite chapters when I get better.

Edit: This chapter has been updated. It is longer than the original, hopefully, it is also better.

I hope you enjoy and please review!


I felt numb as I laid on the ground. Their screams and cries sounded muffled. Rin ran to my side. I stared into her beautiful brown eyes as they filled with sorrow. As her tears splashed onto my face, I tried to comfort her. I wanted to tell her that it would be alright; that I loved her so much. When I tried to speak, blood filled my lungs and I began to choke. This only made her scream more.

So focused on trying to breathe, I didn't realize I was now being held until I saw his eyes. He too had such beautiful eyes. I told him so often how much I loved them. If only I could tell him again. Maybe it would make him smile once more. I would rather see that than watch as anguish, pain, and fear seep past his barriers. I don't want him crying to be the last thing I see before I die. I want only happiness for them.

As my vision quickly began to blur, I mustered up the strength to put my hand to his cheek. "I love you," I managed to choke out. Hopefully, it came out clear; I couldn't tell. Everything began to blur faster. The last thing I managed to see were those golden eyes.


The laughter of children from my window caused me to wake up. Still groggy, I wiped my eyes and yawned. Slowly, I went to the small opening and stuck my head out. A group of smiling children greeted me as they pushed each other in an attempt to get closer to the window. I chuckled before letting out another yawn.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of being woken by you all this morning," I asked.

"We wanted to see if you would play with us today," Yuki exclaimed. She was a small girl who wore a tan yukata. "Kohaku left with the other slayers and Sango took Kirara with her. That leaves you to play with!"

"Yeah," Akio added in. "You know the other adults are no fun! Come play!"

"All right. What do you want to play?"

Yuki turned to the others and they all began to whisper. She faced me once more and smiled. "Hide and seek!"

"Alright," I responded. "Though only in the village. Since many of the slayers left and I would be the only adult with you, it wouldn't be a good idea to do so in the forest."

Cheers echoed from the group of children as I pulled my head back inside. After a quick change of clothes, I walked towards the entrance of the hut. The hut itself was nothing spectacular. It was small in size. After I was old enough, I had Ichirou, Sango's father and leader of the village, build me the small hut so I could live on my own. I had been living with them since he had stumbled upon me as a small child. Years ago, I had lived in a secluded village and it was eventually raided by bandits. Being the only survivor, I left and wandered through the forests barely surviving on my own.

Upon exiting the hut, children surrounded me, each one talking simultaneously. Quickly, I placed the tip of my right index finger to my lips. The silent gesture managed to quieten the kids. Pulling my hand away, I spoke. "One at a time. I cannot hear all of you talking to me individually at once."

"We were trying to decide where we should play," Sora responded.

"Hm. Let's see. Hiding inside houses is off limits. Everyone needs to remain outside and in the village. No hiding in the cave or within the graveyard! There will also be no climbing. I do not need someone getting hurt and parents blaming me for it... again."

Akio scratched the back of his head as he avoided my look towards him. He had climbed on top of a hut once and fell through the roof. The fall hurt his leg along with one of the villagers he fell on top of. Seeing that it was my idea for the game and did not place any rules, I was held responsible.

After everyone agreed to the rules, I turned around and counted out loud. Laughter and playful screams separated into every direction, eventually becoming silent as I finished. With ease, I found most of them, except for Akio. Some of the ones who were spotted ran off in search of him and the others followed me. They were all eager to find him since another round could not begin until then. I decided to walk the perimeter of the village and stuck close to the large wooden wall that surrounded the village, protecting all who live within from what lurks outside. As I got closer to a scout tower, I noticed no one was on duty. Confused, I squinted my eyes as I looked to make sure that I saw correctly. Besides a quick change of shifts, someone was always up there and it was nowhere near time for that.

Movement from above caused me to stare up at the sky. Something was falling. Not able to make out what the object was, I quickly pushed the children back to prevent them from being hit by it. With my back turned towards it, I could hear as it landed not far behind me. Glancing at their reactions, it was something terrible. The kids stood there frozen with wide eyes, not making a sound until Yuki screamed. I spun around and almost threw up at the sight that greeted me. A bloody corpse laid on the ground ripped to shreds. Before I could even react, horns sounded from the other scout towers as yokai flew down from the sky.

Pointing to the nearest hut, I screamed, "Get inside! NOW!" As they scrambled to do as they were told, I darted towards my hut. Once inside, I grabbed my katana and unsheathed it as I ran outside once more.

In those few moments, many had already died as one yokai spat out fire, burning villagers along with a few huts. I ran through the village, killing any yokai I could as I desperately searched for the other children. As I turned a corner, I saw Akio crying over his mother's body. I was not the only one to spot him. A long, yellow snake-like yokai quickly descended down aiming for him. As I ran to his side, I managed to cut off its head with a swing of the sword just in time. The small boy made no reaction, instead, he focused on his dead mother. With a quick glance, I saw as even more yokai appeared to attack the village.

I silently cursed whoever hired most of the slayers. Had they still been in the village, we would probably have stood a chance. Though many of the villagers knew how to fight, it did not mean they were warriors. They were only meant to deal with minor threats while the taijiya were away and this was nothing minor. Seeing that there was nothing more I could do, I grabbed Akio's hand and dragged him towards the hut the other children hid in.

Once inside, I turned to them and put a finger to my lips once more. Some continued to cry, though not as loud, and others held their hands over their mouths to try to stop any more noises from coming out. For a little bit, it seemed that most of the yokai were on the other side of the village. It was torture as we listened to villagers screaming. Eventually, the screams stopped and the demons came closer. The children whimpered but tried to remain quiet as possible. Moments pass and the only thing that could be heard was dead silence.

"A-Are they gone," Akio whispered.

Suddenly, a loud crack came from above and caused them to scream as the hut caved in on us.


I was awake but could not yet move. My eyelids felt so heavy. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't open them.

"I found her in a collapsed hut. All the children in there with her had died, however, she managed to stay alive. Although her wounds were bad, they weren't life-threatening," a male voice explains.

He found me? Someone was alive? Who is he?

Sobs and sniffs filled the silence until a woman spoke. "I'm glad that someone else at least survived...Though, she won't be happy it's her.."

That voice... I know that voice...

"S-Sango," I managed to choke out. Hearing her gave me the strength to be able to open my eyes.

"Oh, Kimiko! I'm so glad you're okay," she wept.

Ignoring the pain and her protests, I slowly began to sit up. Scanning the room, I noticed four people I didn't know. A hanyo dress in red, a monk, and a girl dressed in improper clothing holding a fox yokai.

After an attempt to soothe my dry and sore throat by swallowing my saliva, I decided to ask something I would regret. "Who are these people? Where are your dad and the others? Did anyone else in the village live?!"

Sango's face lost the very little joy it had.

"Kimi... Everyone is dead."