I do not own Skip Beat! (would be nice though. Sadly I have no artistic skills :( ) Thank you Yoshiki Nakamura for all of your wonderful talent and creativity.


Chapter 1

Lory Takarada's hands shook nervously as he gingerly removed the old envelope from the family photo album. This was something he needed to do, needed to confirm. He gently opened it, taking care not to rip it and spill the precious contents out. It was the only thing he had left of him. He gingerly removed three strands of the tawny brown hair from the tied lock that had been cut from his late brother's head when he was small and carefully placed it in the plastic baggy. He placed the tied lock back into the envelope and put it back between the pages of photos of his younger brother. The young man that almost 19 years ago had been taken from him through troubles from his dear late brother's activities.

He sighed deeply as he placed the album back into the bookcase and put the baggy on his desk with another that contained a few strands of strawberry blonde hair. "Why didn't I see this before?" He asked quietly to the empty office of his mansion. "So careless of me...". He labeled the baggies and called for his trusty body-guard and servant.

"Sebastian... I need you to hand deliver these to the GenCo DNA lab for me. It is very important. I cannot stress to you how important this is to me." Lory's voice was shaky and seemed like full of remorse.

"I understand Takarada-sama." The young man took the baggies from him and left the room to fulfill his task.


"Shun... If you don't stop this, you're going to put yourself in a danger that I can't get you out of." Lory told the young man.

Shun Takarada just sighed. "Nii-san... It will be fine. It's just a little job for a small law firm. Nothing noteworthy."

"I don't like how you're using your incredible talent. You should be and actor not an industrial spy or, whatever it is that you're doing!" Lory was frustrated with his younger brother.

Shun sighed. "Onii-san, tonight's my last night for this. All I have left to do is talk to my contact and turn in the information they need. I'll be home in the morning. No worries." He assured him.

Shun never returned to the Takarada Estate. His body was found with several bullet holes and no one had a clue as to what he had been involved in.

Across town in the Viride General Law Offices, Saena Mogami nervously explained her grave error of taking home several important discs that a major case hinged upon.

Two Days Ago:

"Takarada-san..." The pixie-like acting prodigy LoveMe #1 stood before his desk asking for his help. "I was wondering if you could help me with something."

Lory looked up at her with chin propped on folded hands. "What did you need Mogami-kun?"

"Well... I'm not sure you can help but, I would like to find my father." She told him meekly.

He looked at her tenderly. "I will do what I can Mogami-kun... Do you know his name?" He inquired.

She nodded vigorously with hope in her eyes. "I'm not sure if it was his real name, but my mother said it was Kazushi Misonoi." She told him quietly.

Lory attempted to hide his shock. "Kazushi Misonoi?" He cleared his throat and wrote the name down for appearances. He didn't need to write it to remember it. He knew who it was. He hid his shaking hand under the desk. "Well then Mogami-kun... I will get right on that for you. Is there anything else you need?" He asked, studying her face and eyes with a nagging feeling.

She flashed him a big familiar smile. "Thank you so much Shachou. Even if nothing comes of it, I will be eternally grateful."


"Takarada-sama... The lab states that they will have your results in 24 - 48 hours." Sebastian told him as he stood stoically before the eccentric man's desk.

Lory nodded. "Did they say what the conditions would be for it to be less than 24 hours?"

Sebastian nodded. "If it is a positive match beyond doubt... It will be less than 24 hours." He recited to him what the lab had informed him of.

"Thank you Sebastian... You're dismissed. Please take Maria to the park." Lory didn't want her to walk in and see him in this distress.

"Yes Sir." Sebastian turned and left to find the little blonde imp.

"Shun... What did you do?" Lory asked to the empty room with head in hands.

"Lory Takarada, how can I help you?" He spoke into his office phone to the lab technician that had been transferred to his office on the top floor of the LME building.

"Yes Sir. We have the results to the samples that you sent in yesterday afternoon. We can have them sent by e-mail or, hand delivered by courier." He told him in a business-like tone.

"I would like both please." Lory told him. He wanted the e-mail to get the information quickly and the courier's hard copy in case he needed it later.

"Very well. I need to confirm the e-mail address. Is it LuvMan at the LME dot com address?" The technician asked holding back a snicker at the ridiculous address.

"Yes, that is correct. When do you think you can get that to me?" Lory asked in a serious tone.

The tech paused, "I'm doing that as we speak sir. You should find it in your in-box shortly."

Lory pulled up his account and nodded. "I have it. Thank you." He hung up and stared at the ominous, unopened e-mail with an attachment. His heart was pounding in his throat. His nervous hand reluctantly clicked on the e-mail and opened the letter.

Dear Lory Takarada,

Our labs have found that the two samples that you submitted to us are a 100% match for the paternity between Shun Takarada and Kyoko Mogami. Enclosed is the lab's final results. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices here at GenCo.

Thank you.

Marcy Lippmann,

CEO GenCo.

Lory dropped his glasses on the desk and broke into 18 years worth of tears filled with sadness and regret.