Finding himself amongst the over energetic Strawhat crew Law found he had starting to acquire some surprising habits. The first and most annoying would be that he's actually started muttering to himself. He found himself talking out loud to no one in particular all the time and it had to be bad when members of this crew are looking at him like he'd gone crazy. "Like I'm the crazy one here," he said lowly to himself and rolling his eyes.

Second was the new habit of leaving random items all over the ship. A book, a feather, a scrap of cloth were a few of the things tucked around the ship. He'd tried eating utensils of various kinds but they always seemed to be picked up by the cook and taken back to the kitchen. "Does he have everything inventoried right down to the forks? Guess with Luffy around he'd have, too," was muttered while shaking his head in disbelief as he walked to his room.

His room was his only sanctuary on the ship against its crew. Though that seemed a harsh way of describing the happy gang of misfits that formed the Strawhats but it was what it was after spending time, we are talking days here, with them. It was a store room turned sleeping chamber with one small window and a large sturdy bed that Franky built for his use. Besides the bed the shipwright had fashioned a matching night stand and dresser. A couple hooks to hold a lantern and a candle, complete with gold holder, for lightening and a chair to relax in and Law was pleased.

It didn't take long for him to almost beg; yes he was very close to begging on that day, for a door – a very sturdy door – with a lock installed. This was to keep a certain someone from crashing in at all hours of the day and night, "To simply see what you are up to Traffy," he mimicked Luffy's voice. But it had been worth the near humiliation now that the door was installed and provided a barrier against the roaming rubber man. At least for now, but looking at the wood and how the hinges were a tad loose Law wasn't sure how long it would hold.

At least he had plan B to fall back on when it did give way to the powerhouse of a boy. All the items he placed around the ship were for him to swap the hell out of any place once he had enough. Sometimes it was while eating that Law disappeared suddenly only to return with his empty plate once his meal was finished. Though he had to admit, "I have gotten good at keeping Luffy-ya from stealing my food," he said with a smirk.

The problem was with the looks Luffy would give him after he'd swap away from him or, at least, out of the same room as the other captain. It was almost a look of sadness or loneliness flashing for a brief moment on the other man's face. "It couldn't be…," shaking his head again, "I mean that's too much to hope for."

Law knew he'd been harboring feelings, beyond friendship or respect, for the younger captain. Sure he had those feelings too. He genuinely liked, though in a rather discomfited way, the boys forthrightness, honesty, and spontaneity. It was rather hard to admit this since these things went against all that was…well…Law. Law planned and plotted before making his moves. Luffy simply rushed in headlong and without fear, or a plan, and used instinct as his guide. This innocence amazed Law. What amazed him more was that the innocence was still intact even after everything the other male had went through during the war at Marineford.

A light knock on the door to his room brought Law out of his thoughts and he could sense Luffy on the other side. Setting aside the book that had found it's way into his lap, Law opened the door. "Hey," was all he could bring himself to say while eyeing the younger captain. He looked forlorn...yes...forlorn was the word that would describe Luffy. There was no look of excitement in the others eyes. No endless energy encompassing the thin body.

"Hey," was the soft reply.

"Want to come in?" stepping aside to allow entry. He had thought he'd refuse entry to the boy but the way he looked wasn't...well...normal Luffy and it had him worried. He'd probably regret this impromptu decision but he's never seen the other looking so...down. "Is there something wrong Mugiwara-ya?" was next to leave his mouth after they'd settled down. Him in the chair and Luffy perched, a bit awkwardly Law noticed, on his bed.

"Well, I...," Luffy seemed unable to continue.

"Yes, You...?" Law encouraged.

Deep breath sucked in before blurting out in a rush, "Do you hate me? Do you not want to be friends anymore? Are you ending our alliance? By the way I like you. I don't like that you keep swapping out, or whatever that thing is you do, and away from me all the time. I stopped stealing your meat when eating so I don't understand."

Hold the snailsponder! Was there a confession in that rushed speech? He thought he'd heard one but couldn't be sure and this wasn't something you took chances with after all. Taking a breath of his own Law said slowly, "Let's start slowly ok? I don't think I got all that. No, I do not hate you and no, I'm not ending the alliance. As for the friends part I never agreed nor disagreed to that. We are allies so that puts us on friendly terms so I guess you could take that leap and say we are friends. For as long as the alliance is formed anyway."

He was proud that he'd gotten, what he thought, was the main parts of the others inquiry. Now for the important part..."I don't think I got what you said after that Luffy-ya".

"Um...well...I guess that...yeah that would about cover it," Luffy said with a bright red stain across his cheeks as he started to stand.

Looking curiously, yet directly, at the other man Law rose at the same time, "Oh I thought there was more to it than that. Something about stealing meat and maybe about my using shambles to leave or something of that sort." Shrugging while never losing eye contact, "I guess we are done then?"

Luffy looked away as his blush deepened to a crimson making Law wonder if he would pass out from all that blood going to his head so quickly, "Well, there was that I stopped trying to steal your food so you wouldn't disappear from the galley during meals. I thought maybe it was making you mad but you still kept leaving so I don't know…" The speech trailed off and Luffy dipped his head so the brim of his hat shaded his face from the others scrutiny.

"And there is nothing else bothering you? Nothing you want to tell me Luffy-ya? Like maybe like me?" Law asked quietly as he inched slowly closer to the other male.

Seriously the blush could get even deeper? Apparently it could since Luffy was now a glowing red from his neck to the top of his head. Ok, Law could only make an educated guess that the boy's head was inflicted by the crimson glow since the back of the damn hat was being pushed so that it covered more of the boy now in front of him.

"Strawhat-ya?" he prompted when it looked like the other was going to combust on the spot.

"Heard that did ya?" The sound of confidence returning a bit to the younger man's voice, "Yes, I like you. Not like I like Nami or Zoro or Chopper. More than that...but I'm not sure what to do since it seemed like you didn't like me cause you kept vanishing suddenly. Then when I'd come down here to see you I found the door had changed and Franky said something like you wanting space of your own and needing to respect people's privacy."

Luffy continued to avert his gaze and hide behind his hat so Law decided to take it a bit further. He needed to see the others face. It wasn't every day you heard a confession from the one you have a crush on. Crush? His feelings went further than a simple crush and needed to verify that the other was on the same page, as it were.

In a slow movement, Law gently pushed the straw hat away from the still red face. When gray eyes finally found their target it was to find black eyes filled with determination and uncertainty and...did he dare to think it was possible?...Love.

Law did the only thing he could think of and grabbed the other man, bringing him in as close as possible, to place a small kiss on the lips he had wanted to kiss for ages now. It wasn't a sloppy passionate kiss. It was one that spoke to the smaller man that he didn't need to be insecure. That Law had heard what he said and his feelings were accepted.

Feeling no response beneath his lips Law drew his head back, not by much, just enough to look at the face below his and discern the well-being of the boy.

"I'm not sure what this means Tora-o…" Luffy glanced bashfully at the taller male.

"It means that if you really meant what you said and like me I would like to accept those feelings and return them in kind. If you will accept that, that is?" said quietly still staring into the black orbs that searched his face.

"So you like me, too?" Luffy asked, a light shown in the depths of his eyes at the idea of getting a positive response.

"Yes, I do Luffy-ya." Law bent to kiss the other again but found nothing but air under his lips. Eyes opened wide with shock he looked around the room.

Luffy had slipped from the arms holding him gently and flopped heavily onto the bed behind him. "Phew! That was stressful. I thought for sure you hated me." Breathing deeply, "I'm so glad we are friends still Traffie," he smiled up from the bed before promptly falling asleep and snoring loudly.

Scratching his head, Law looked at the body lying sprawled upon his bed and wondered what the hell had actually just taken place. "Don't tell me he hasn't a clue that he just confessed to me?" could be heard faintly as he flopped into his chair and picked up the book he'd previously set aside.