Title: Orlean
Author: Forsaken2003
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none.
Comments: Always welcomed!
Summary: Spike and Xander are waiting at the airport for their flight.
Warnings/Spoilers: Post NFA
Beta'd by: Unbeta'd
Prompt #551 from tamingthemuse - Orlean
Note: From now on most of my tamingthemuse stories will be named as the challenge.
Spike hated waiting at the airport. It was always loud and crowded and the food sucked in his opinion. Xander on the other hand had no problem sitting there for hours on end because of the damn Kindle that was apparently glued to his hands. "I'm bored."
Xander didn't look up from the Kindle. He was reading The Shining for the first time. "You wouldn't be if you hadn't broken your Kindle."
"It wasn't working," Spike grumbled.
"The battery died. All you had to do was charge it. Instead you threw it across the room like a toddler having a tantrum and shattered it." Xander looked up. "We only have another thirty minutes before we can board the plane. We'll get to Newark, New Jersey then get to our hotel have sex until we head back to the airport and then Mardi Gras here we come!"
Spike looked down at his plane tickets. Giles treated them with two first class seats to Newark and to New Orleans. The girls had gotten a trip to Hawaii. He felt that the girls got the better end of the deal since he and Xander had to pay for the rest of their trip but it just showed that Giles did have favorites. If Xander had noticed he didn't say a word, he was just appreciative that he and Spike wouldn't be cramped for their flights. Xander knew that Spike would be a cranky companion the entire way there and back. "You could share yours."
"And then I can be bored?" Xander asked.
"It's only another thirty minutes," Spike threw back in Xander's face. He received a dirty look for that.
Xander pointed to a couple that had two children no older than six sitting across from them. The children sat quietly while they colored. "Do you realize children are behaving better than you?" He asked. When Spike just crossed his arms and pouted Xander sighed and said, "Why don't you go to the gift shop and buy a novel to read or a crossword book. You love reading and doing crosswords."
"I don't want to," Spike replied with a slight whine.
Xander bowed his head and sighed. "Baby, I love you and I would hate to kill you while on vacation. Why are you being so annoying? It's not just because your bored, are you?" Spike didn't reply. "Spike, do you not want to go to New Orleans? I know I picked it and maybe we should have talked about it. Do you want to go somewhere else? Maybe we can switch are tickets. We probably won't get first class..." Xander stood and was about to go to the customer service desk when Spike stopped him.
"Don't be a git. I'm looking forward to Mardi Gras. I'm just..." Spike paused.
"You're just what?" Xander asked.
Spike sighed and whispered so no one else could here his confession. "I'm afraid of flying."
Silent for a minute because Xander was trying to process what Spike just told him. "Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Because I'm a master vampire and I'm afraid of something as silly as flying," Spike hissed.
"We're all scared of something. And being afraid of flying isn't silly. You know what is? Angel being afraid to go without his hair gel. Now that's silly!"
Spike cracked a smile. "He's such a pouf."
Xander smiled. "A big one. How about I hope your hand on the plane?"
"The whole way?" Spike asked slyly.
"I think you just want to hold my hand. But yes, the whole way and even after we're off the plane. I'll hold your hand in the cab to the hotel and in our room, on the cab ride back to the airport and on the next plane. I'll hold your hand as long as you'll let me," Xander promised.
Spike took hold of Xander's hand. "What if I told you I never want you to let go?"
Xander squeezed Spike's hand. "Than I guess I'm never letting go."
The End