Fourteen years after Meimi and Asuka Jr. got married, their daughter Umi was up in the addict looking through old boxes.

"These are some cool looking books," said Umi as she looked at some thick books. When she opened one, a pendant fell out onto the floor.

"Wait, I saw this in a picture of mom once," said Umi as she held up the golden oval shaped pendant. Meimi then called her down for dinner. As Umi walked into the kitchen, she was still holding onto the pendant.

"Hey mom, I found this in a box up stares," said Umi as she showed it to Meimi.

"Wow, that brings back memories," said Meimi as she took the pendant and sat down at the table to look at it.

"What do you mean mom?" asked Umi as she sat next to her.

"Well you see Umi, I was a thief long before you were born," said Meimi with a smile.

"Really?" asked Umi with a surprised expression.

"That's right; I was the Phantom Thief, St. Tail," said Meimi as she remembered all the times she helped people.

"You were the St. Tail?" asked Umi with sparkles in her eyes.

"But I gave all that up when I fell in love with your dad," said Meimi.

"That's so cool," said Umi as she stared at the pendant, which was still in her mom's hand.

"Here, why don't you have it, but don't tell your dad, he thought I got rid of it years ago," said Meimi as she put the pendant into Umi's hands.

"Alright; by the way, is he not coming home again?" asked Umi as she noticed the clock on the wall, which was showing 5:49.

"He cot a case and won't be back until morning, so I was going to run some dinner over to him after we eat," said Meimi. The next day at St. Paulia's Private School, Umi was walking into her class.

"Hey, what's everyone looking at?" asked Umi as she walked over to her friends, who were crowding around another student.

"I found this picture in my dad's stuff last night," said Rina and Manato's son Shashin as he showed her a picture of St. Tail, which was only the back of her head and in the dark.

"Is that a real picture of St. Tail?" asked Umi with some doubt in her voice.

"That's correct, my dad took this picture before she disappeared," said Shashin with a proud voice.

"She was still to sneaky for him to get a picture of her face," said Umi as she sat down at her desk, which was right next to Shashin's.

"Whatever, by the way, tonight I get to go and take pictures at the museum of the Montra for the school paper," said Shashin.

"That statue from America of the woman standing in front of the sun?" asked Seira's daughter Senshi, who looked just like her.

"That's right," said Shashin. Later at the church, Seira and Senshi were talking to an older man who looked to be in his late eighties.

"You're the creator of the Montra?" asked Seira.

"Yes, and you see, the owner of the museum stole it from me," said the man whose name was Mathew Jones. After they were done talking, Senshi call Umi to meet her at the pond.

"So, the owner of the museum had Mr. Jones sign fake papers?" asked Umi.

"Yes, and in those papers, it states that he sold the Montra to them instead of lending it to them," said Senshi.

"But what can we do without proof?" asked Umi as she put her hands into her pockets and felt the pendant.

"Did Mr. Jones find out where the contract is?" asked Umi.

"It's most likely in the owner's office," said Seira as she walked out from behind a nearby tree.

"What are you doing here mom?" asked Senshi.

"I had a feeling Umi might be like here mom, you do have the pendant, right?" asked Seira with a smile.

"You bet I do," said Umi as she held up the pendant.