((Note from the author: I know this isn't what everyone has been waiting for and I'm sorry. I haven't forgotten and/or entirely abandoned the other fiction. I'll tell you right now I struggle with depression and it makes it hard to write and sometimes it takes a long time to get back to what I was doing. Years even, as you can see. Let me get this one out before I get back to Fable 2 and The Fifth Element. I've loved the Fallout universe for nearly a decade so this was bound to happen. I don't know how dedicated I'll be to finishing the entire Fallout 4 story line but we'll see. Also, this is a long ass chapter. I hope you enjoy it))

One: The Day the World Ended

War. War never changes. In the year 1945 my great great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he would get to go home, to his wife and the son he'd never seen. He got his wish when the US ended the war by dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The world awaited Armageddon, but instead something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought in the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion powered cars, portable computers.

But then in the twenty first century people awoke from the American dream. Years of consumption led to shortages of every major resource. The world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077, we stand on the brink of total war. And I am afraid, for myself, for my wife, for my infant son, because if my time in the army taught me anything, it's that war, war never changes.

"War.. warfare? Conflict never changes?"

The face in the mirror moved closer, muttering the words under his breath.

Nate Roberts was demonstrably a lucky man; nice looking neighborhood, nice looking house, one little bun recently delivered and one very nice looking-

"Honestly, darling, it's a little grim."

Wife. Nora had snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He wondered what she saw when she looked into the mirror. They were, arguably, a nice looking couple. He had always felt his nose was a little prominent, and the near permanent five o' clock shadow was a gift of Italian heritage but Nora said it gave him 'character'. Certainly he wasn't going to complain as his wife brushed soft lips underneath his ear. He must be doing something right. She pulled back and smiled.

"But accurate. Did you want to hear about the Selective Training and Service Act we were discussing in the office today?"

He squeezed the hand on his chest. "Not whatsoever."

She laughed playfully and pulled away. "Spoilsport.

"You're going to knock em' dead at the Veteran's Hall tonight, hon."

"You think?"

"Absolutely. Now stop hogging the mirror."

With a spirited swat to the behind he left Nora to finish her morning routine and stepped into the hallway of the relatively new house he and his wife had occupied for the last three years.

Suburban life was as boring as it was challenging. Nora and himself were one of the younger couples on the block, though Nate had just celebrated his 38 birthday and Nora was three years behind him, he still often felt like a damned teenager with the Morrisons (respectively 101 and 98 years old and still going strong) to the left of them, always bringing over photos of their great-grandchildren and giving well-meaning advice towards their newest addition.

The Pritchards, across the street, were working on a fourth, while their eldest, Emma, had already offered babysitting services. With the recent renovations and additions to the household, however, it wasn't really necessary but Nate hadn't the heart to tell the kid that, and hell, maybe he could find something for her to do, she seemed so eager for responsibility.

He knew there was some tension with the neighbors; with both he and Nora having well paid jobs, they could afford some of the nicer things in life, and that always inspired some jealousies in people.

From the kitchen came the sound of bustling, dishes clinking and the familiar noise of the coffee maker. Their newest acquisition and 'nicer thing' was busy creating the perfect morning.

'Ah, Good morning, Sir! Your coffee, 173.5 degree Fahrenheit. Brewed to perfection! And todays newspaper, just delivered."

Codsworth the robotic butler from the latest line of Mister Handy, a RobCo product, fairly danced around the kitchen, if one could term it as such. He was more like a jet-propelled swiss-army knife ball of helpfulness and damned if Nate couldn't imagine how he had gone his entire life without the services that Codsworth offered.

"Mm, amazing as always. Thanks, Codsworth."

Most people found it odd that he and Nora treated the service robot so, well, humanely, as though he were a real breathing thinking butler, but honestly you just couldn't help it. Whatever the lads got up to at the RobCo Laboratory, they were coming up with technology that so closely imitated life that Nate occasionally got the urge to pry open the welded ball of metal that was Codsworth to make certain there wasn't a tiny grey-haired Brit stuck inside.

Nate settled into his chair and opened the newspaper, grimacing. While most people were happy to ignore tension and turmoil the front page left no doubt that the world was a troubled place.

He was jolted out of a recap of the presidential speech concerning foreign policies by two simultaneous noises of both a baby crying and the doorbell ringing. Laughing, he stood uncertain which took priority.

"Ah, that would be young Shaun, having made a Stinky, no doubt. Never fear, Sir, I shall attend to the young man."

Codsworth propelled himself out of the room which left Nate to the door, that was currently being abused by whoever was on the other side.

"Hon, you getting that?"

Nora called from the bathroom.

"It's probably that Vault Tec man again, don't worry, I got it." Nate replied, crossing the living room as he spoke.

Beaming brightly in a suit that was an almost offensive shade of yellow complete with matching fedora hat stood possibly the most disgustingly cheerful door salesman to have ever entered the Sanctuary Hills Private Residence.

"We have to stop meeting like this."

It was almost worth it to see the look of blank astonishment on the man's face but the Vault Tec representative was nothing if not resilient in the face of a difficult customer. Chuckling he replied,

'Oh, you, now you, sir, are a Character. On behalf of Vault-Tec I am here to discuss YOU! As the future of our world becomes more-"

"I've heard this already."

" unstable, we are all about you! Securing YOUR future, Vault-tec is the foremost-"

"Look, a three headed monkey!"

" builder of state-of-the-art underground fallout shelters. Luxury accommodations, constructed with the specification of waiting out the horrors of nuclear devastation with the upmost in comfort, providing hope when –"

Nate sighed and let the man continue. He should have known by now, after three visits that this particular Vault-Tec representative stuck to his script like a life line and nothing, perhaps not even the nuclear destruction they were being threatened with, could derail him from glorifying the wonder that was Vault 111.

The construction had begun even before Nate had carried Nora over the threshold of their home, and in fact had been a favorite topic amongst the neighbors who liked to complain about the noise and activity surrounding the dig, but were covertly miffed by the mystery surrounding the great underground shelter. Access was strictly prohibited and nosy neighbors were deterred by the presence of armed guards. So great did Vault-Tec value its privacy, that they even had several Power Suits – the latest in lethal efficiency. A modern day suit of armor powered by a fusion core and strong enough to absorb possibly even a nuclear strike. Provided, of course, it was at a distance.

The Vaults had been popping up all over the country and were as celebrated as they were mocked. One famous senator had called them a terrible waste of resource and money, unneeded and unnecessary as a screen door on a submarine. There was still a great deal of confidence in the country, and the Vaults were unpatriotic and Vault-Tec was a top company that held its secrets close to their money lined vests.

Popular television shows and news reels had interviewed various figures involved in the multi-million company, but getting a straight answer out of them was notoriously difficult. Through his connections, Nate had heard rumors, whispers, that the company had its hand in more than just futuristic comforts. Whether or not they had been true was something he never felt the need to investigate.

The base of their slogan was just as the Vault Tec Corporate representative had said –

'Revolutionizing Safety for an Uncertain Future'.

Nate couldn't argue with that. His neighbors only read the papers, watched the news, but Nate – he had been on the front lines, had blood on his hands and had seen what was marching towards the greatest country on the planet.

He had used all his military clout to carve out a space in the vault for himself and his growing family using the old adage 'prepare for the worst, hope for the best'.

It had worked well for him so far.

"-so if you would just sign one last form, we can welcome you to the Vault-Tec family! Complimentary hat and mug included with the final down payment, of course."

"Of course." he said wryly.

"And-there we! Go! All done!"

The Vault-Tec Rep flourished the sheets of paper with a beaming grin and a flick of the wrist placed them back into his briefcase.

"Congratulations, Sir, congratulations on your purchase –"

"Yes, thank you-"

"-won't be disappointed, oh the beauty! The majesty of the size-"

"I'm going to need that hand back."

"You won't be disappointed, I promise!"

"Mmmkay, yes, thank you."

It wasn't without effort and a few more 'congratulations' before Nate was able to shut the door. From behind him peals of laughter jostled him out of exasperation and made him grin as he turned to see Nora holding the baby against her shoulder as she wiped tears of mirth from her eyes.

"Oh, well done, darling. Couldn't have, ha, done it better myself. That was an entire twenty five minutes shorter than the last visit."

Nate circled his arm around his wife and ran his hand over his son's sleeping head.

"Ha. Flatterer. You just didn't want to deal with him yourself. Admit it."

"Guilty. What do you intend to do about it, Mr. Roberts?"

Nora's dark eyes went sharp and hungry and didn't wait for an answer from him and Nate returned the kiss with interest.

"Sir! Mum! You had better come and see this!"

The two broke away as though ice water had been dashed over their heads. The hair on Nate's neck rose for he had never heard Codsworth use that tone of voice. How on earth a robot could convey terror was a marvel Nate had no time consider.

Both he and Nora ran into the living room.

Codsworth was fidgeting with all appendages, actually making the motions of wringing his metaphorical hands as the tentacle-like eye receptors focused intently on the television. The television had been just a pleasant background distraction, easily ignored, but now the broadcaster was staring at the camera like he had seen a ghost.

"… followed by, yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions… We're…. we're trying to get confirmation…

We seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations… we… we do have … coming in…confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania. My God."

The television blinked out as though someone had cut the cable.

There was a moment of silence so deep, so full of petrified horror that Nora's gasp of breath made Nate jump.

"We need to get to the vault, now!"

The harshness in her voice was alien, rasping and desperate and shook Nate out of the shock that held him immobile, frantically trying to deny what he had just heard. Deeply ingrained training kicked in and he pushed Nora and the sleeping Shaun towards the door.

"Just like we practiced, Nora. Stop for nothing, take nothing, don't let anyone stop you, just get to vault. I'll be right behind you."

She reached for the door but paused and turned.


It was a sad and heart wrenching cry and Nate paused just behind her. Their faithful robot butler hovered over the coffee table and waved his appendages.

"Go! Sir, Mum – it has been an honor but you must go! God speed to you…"

Outside was pandemonium. They had hardly made it down the driveway before the air sirens started, splitting the air, shaking Nate's gut with the scream of danger. It was all he could do to just breathe – it was happening, this was actually happening.

The entire neighborhood was streaming down the Sanctuary Hills road like a frantic mob, screaming, cursing, praying and weeping. One neighbor (what had been their name? They lived a couple blocks away) simply sat on the concrete sidewalk and stared, dazed, at the crowds of people rushing by.

A shot rang out and the people screamed. Nate jerked his head behind him to see Mr. Morrison holding the bloodied body of his wife in his lap on the well-manicured lawn of their home as he turned the pistol towards himself…

Nora made a terrible noise in her throat and he grabbed her free elbow and pulled her harshly along.

"No!, Don't look, baby, don't look."

They were heading towards the small dirt pathway between the Bredeson's and the Sparks homes that led to the wooded area behind Sanctuary Hills. Vault 111 had been built into the base of the mountain that the subdivision had sprung up around.

Military personal that had been stationed around the vault were all along the rocky steep path, wrangling people, shoving them towards the Vault, screaming at them to stay in line but they may as well have tried to stem a flood with a colander.

He grabbed the shoulder of a soldier, barking out his rank and confirmation number.

"Where is the entrance to the vault!?"

The soldier was really just a kid, couldn't have been more than 22. White faced and determined he pointed up the path.

"Sir! Up the path and to the left you will come to the check point. Good luck, Sir!"

"You as well, son."

Here, towards the leveled top of the hill, Nate could see a gathering crowd. Chain-link fence guarded the border of the Vault 111 property, along with dozens of military personal. Only a handful of people were trickling through the opening in the gate.

Using one broad shoulder he relentlessly shoved his way to towards the front of the line, noting a familiar yellow hat and coat that was cursing at the armed guard; intimidating and immovable in their Power Armor.

With one arm firmly around Nora, silent and terrified, he shouted across a dozen voices screaming to be let in,

"Nate Roberts, 108th Infantry Regiment, number one dash zero-"

"Cleared, Sir. We got word just a moment ago. Wife, child, everything checks out – hurry up and get in there."

Wasting no time the small family dashed past the guards while the people behind them roared in anger.

No time to think, to sympathize. God only knew how long before those bombs dropped – they needed to be behind shielded doors when they did.

"What's going to happen to those people?" Nora asked, breathless and quiet.

Nate didn't answer.

Another guard in a uniform waved them towards the very top of the hill. Dotted along the landscape were obvious signs that the Vault had only just been completed; heavy machinery and dozens of metal pallets and paraphernalia were stacked neatly before the control box that over looked the opening of Vault 111.

The guard pointed towards the gigantic metal platform and yelled over the noise,

"Sir! Ma'am! We need to send you down to the Vault, step on the platform!"

A kind of railing surrounded the giant metal platform; lights were blinking red, while a rhythmic alarm indicated that something mechanical was going on. There was motorized grinding and the ground beneath Nate's feet vibrated as the Vault prepared itself to lower the last group down to its debts.

Shaun had woken, finally, and was crying as Nora rocked him against her shoulder.

"Almost there, is Shaun okay?"

"Fine, he's fine. We'll be fine. I love you."

Nate brought both of them into an embrace as they crowded with the other people. Finally, with a gut-wrenching jolt, the platform began its descent.

In the back of his mind, Nate had been hoping that this was all a mistake. Everything was surreal, stretched out. The military guards attempting to control a desperate and wild crowd of people, the frightened and anguished faces he called neighbors, the strong morning light that glinted off the metal railings of Vault 111 and the quiet shock of the lucky few around him all mixed up with the crazy thought that maybe this was a hoax, maybe they could just go home and he could finish his coffee, and maybe later he and Nora and the baby could go to the park -

The sky shattered with light so searing, so bright that even as he covered his face with his hands he could make out the bones through his closed lids.

The world was ending. With fire, with light, with a power beyond comprehension that would lay waste to everything it touched.

He could feel his body moving, could feel Nora shaking next to him, clutching an arm around his back so tightly it was actually painful.

There was nothing but a terrible roar, like a thousand freight trains, blotting out everything- even his own scream of terror.

Darkness. Silence.

The platform had served its purpose and moved them away from the surface, away from the terrible light and fire. The place where they stood was quickly becoming a tiny pinpoint of light as the Vault's elevator system moved them deep into the mountain.

The lift finally came to a stop at the presumed base of the mountain. Asides from snuffling and repeated murmurs of 'I can't believe it' and 'if we had left a moment later' the small group was silent in its grief and shock.

Nate could only stare at his tiny son's face, unaware and red from being jostled without consideration. He had quieted down but his tiny fists grasped his mother's dark hair as if searching for an anchor. Nora stared ahead blankly, unseeing. Nate pulled her tighter against him.

Against all the odds they had survived and that had lit a tiny fire of jubilation inside of him. They had survived.

"We did it. We're okay…." he murmured into Nora's hair.

The lift stopped its rattling and the hydraulics moved the double gates aside to the unexpected.

The Vault-Tec staff awaited them, smiling brightly, looking neat and immaculate in white over coats and clip boards firmly in hand. It looked like a dozen or so technicians and even more security behind them. A man stepped forward.

"No need to worry folks! We'll get everyone situated in your new home, Vault 111! A better future, underground!"

Shaking hands and gently pushing the shell shocked group forward Nate let himself be moved and felt his detached mind study the firm face of man who welcomed them.

Clearly he was the one in charge; the form fitting full length blue suit had a tiny silver insignia on his right chest that must have meant some kind of rank.

There was no hesitation or unease in his face as he kindly helped those around him.

The bay of Vault 111 was a cavernous room filled with complicated looking machinery that moved the lift and the great security door that had kept all of them dying just minutes ago. It was like nothing Nate had ever seen in his life; he had no idea that such a thing existed right under their home practically.

Someone from the crowd said, hesitating, "So, we just…"

"That's right everyone, right up these stairs. Just a few procedures to get out of the way and we'll get you all settled. No need to worry, you are quite safe with us."

The crowd moved slowly, herded along by technicians.

It was like stepping into a science fiction novel. Long corridors of steel, ventilation shafts, high ceilings (how far under the earth are we?) with embedded lighting (how is it powered?) bright as noon day sun, giant cables that ran underneath the perforated steel walkway (where did the technology able to do this come from?) all of it passed too quickly for Nate to really grasp what was going on.

The steps led to another room filled with tables and the surviving refugees. Several doctors bent over bloodied and hurt individuals while others lined up before a woman who was shouting,

"Please step this way for your Vault Tec suit! State of the art, self-regulated cooling and heating, one –size-fits-all Vault Suit! That's right, this way! Please no pushing, there are plenty for everyone!"

Nate shortly stepped out of the changing stall to pull gingerly at the spandex-like material that was… a little too form fitting for his tastes. He wasn't sure how much he liked the lady Vault Tec staff members staring at his backside as the suit left little to the imagination.

It was decent material though; thick, surprisingly comfortable yet heavy. He could feel wires and things running through the joints and chest area. He made a mental note to ask later what exactly went into making the suit.

Behind him Nora was still silent and withdrawn, holding Shaun closely to her chest while her other arm held the Vault Tec suit still in its plastic wrapping.

One of the lab coat technicians (doctor?) extended a hand and said kindly,

"All right, you three, step this way, please. Follow me."

"Don't we need to sign in or something? Don't you need-"

"No, no. We have already have all the Vault dwellers on record."

"How, may I ask, do you-"

"Now, now. Questions later, please. Follow me."

Trying to inject a sense of normalcy to the situation (but the world, the world above, it's gone isn't it? Nothing normal about it, is there Captain Roberts?) Nate forced a smile and said to Nora,

"See? This will be our new home. We're all right. It's going to be all right."

At least this time, Nora managed a weak smile and followed beside him as the doctor led them down another corridor.

"Oh, you're going to love it here!"

The doctor's voice echoed strangely in the widely spaced metal hallway.

"This is one of our most advanced facilities, spared no expense! In the last decade you can't believe how far Vault Tec has come-"

He chuckled.

"Well, perhaps you can. All you need is to look around you. Not that the other Vaults aren't as great, mind you, but Vault 111 is special…"

They continued on and if Nate was honest with himself, he was a bit lost and overwhelmed. The underground Vault was very much like a rat maze and if he wasn't mistaken they were going even deeper underground.

"How long do you think we'll be down here? I mean, how do we get food and.. well, air? Is there-"

"Oh, we'll be going over all that in the orientation. You needn't worry about it."

Through the thick comfortable fog of shock that kept Nate sedate and almost compliant with his surroundings something was rising to the surface. A warning was itching between his shoulder blades. (but the world, Captain, the world ended. Of course you aren't happy, who would be? Why do they keep telling us not to worry? That's the second time a question has been evaded...)

"Almost there now! Just a few medical items we need to get through first. Please step this way."

As the doctor spoke he led them into a large room that held several long rows of some kind of containers. Nate stared openly. Each was just large enough to fit a single adult and indeed, all up and down the rows were people in blue suits being helped into the pods by the white coated technicians.

"This is…"

"The Decontamination Center! You must understand that being so close to the blast you have been affected by some amount of radiation. Here, we will remove all contaminants and make sure you are in the pink of health before we move you deeper into the facility!"

Calm, cheerful, rational. An explanation for everything. Beside him Nora had stopped. She had never really been fond of tight spaces to begin with.

"Honey, do what the doctor says. You'll be in and out before you know it."

Another technician approached them.

"Ma'am, you need to put on your suit. Regulations, you understand. Here, I can hold your baby-"


Curious eyes turned to stare at Nora as she turned abruptly away from the staff reaching out to hold Shaun.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you need to-"

"He doesn't like strangers. I don't want the suit-"

"We must follow procedure, Ma'am. Please put on the-"

Sensing an oncoming storm (God help the fool who got on Nora's bad side) Nate reached out to pluck his dozing son out of Nora's arms.

"It's all right, Hon. I got him. Go ahead and change."

She hesitated, then nodded.

Finally, with everything settled they were led to the end of the aisle to the last two unoccupied pods. Nate cradled Shaun carefully as he sat down in the chair and asked nervously,

"This won't have any adverse effects on him, will it? He's seven months old, I'm not exactly comfortable-"

"The technology has been thoroughly tested, Mr. Roberts. Your son will take no adverse reaction, I promise. We are simply removing any radiation and other contaminants; please believe me it is in his best interest that you comply. There we go, lie back and relax, this will only take a moment."

Technicians busied themselves around the two pods. From across the aisle Nora sat stiffly in the chair and stared at Nate with frightened eyes. He smiled, trying to reassure his wife. Later, he would take her in his arms, later he would hold her tight and help her into this new world.

"Time for a whole new life!"

The door closed and Nate tried to ignore the leap of fear and nervousness as things hissed and made noise around him. From a speaker above his head he heard,

"Resident secure. Occupant vitals, normal."

Was it his imagination or were things getting… colder? It was hard to tell through the suit; it certainly was doing its job in keeping body warmth in.

White steam rose up around him and deep inside himself he realized he should be alarmed, angry but he only felt … sleepy. Leaden, unable to lift his head. He could taste something chemical in the back of his throat as he took a deep breath, trying to get oxygen into his lungs but that only seemed to pull him deeper.

Sounding as though it was coming from a far way away he heard the robotic voice continue,

"Procedure complete. In...five….four….three…"

Cold. Oh, so cold, all limbs were deadened. Nate was falling into a great black void that was sucking all knowledge and consciousness with it. A tiny spark of unwilling thought burst through with one last coherent thought, and that was those damned doctors were going to have some explaining to do when he got out of this metal coffin…


Darkness. Silence. Nothing, no one. No… one? Nate? His name. Heavy, he was heavy. Something was… sound. He could hear.. sound. Insistent. Buzzing. Rhythmic. It's a…warning. The warning alarm. Was the house on fire? No, Codsworth was too well programmed to allow a house fire… house… light… heat…

A great bright flash in the sky… heat… light!

Nate gasped and jerked his body forward, trying to scream only to choke on it deep in his throat.

The automated system repeated itself,

"Manual override initiated. Cryogenic stasis, suspended."

The door was opening and the air that rushed in felt like fire on the exposed skin of his face, his hands. His body was shivering uncontrollably. Nate drew deep breathes, almost sobbing from the pain, like thousands of tiny shards of glass being drawn into his lungs. Against his chest Shaun started to move feebly.

Over his own deep, wrenching coughs he could hear his baby boy muster up some weak cries and he almost wept. Shaun was okay. He was alive. Nora!

He cracked open crusted eyes to look across the aisle that separated them. The square cut glass to the metal pod she lay in was partially visible. His wife struggled in the chair, body convulsing with coughs he could barely hear through the closed pod door. What was…?

"Here. This is the one."

Voices. Footsteps, coming closer. Was his eye sight bad, or was the entire room nearly pitch black? He groaned, feeling as though his entire body was simultaneously on fire and frozen. Two people. One (a woman? That had been a woman's voice) had a full hazmat suit on, face covered in the white dome-like shielding and the other…

"Is.. is it over? Are we okay?"

Nate's voice sounded weak to himself, small. The man looked at him for a moment. Not a doctor, not a technician. Not unlike some of the men he had run with in the military before his retirement. Cold, dead eyes. Jagged scar across his face. Heavy armored plates across his chest.

Nate felt fear and confusion rise up in him. …what..?

"Almost. Everything is going to be fine."

If it was meant to soothe it fell short. The words dropped from the man's mouth like stones; cold and hard.

Even through the confusion Nate could feel his hackles rise. Something, something was not right. He needed to get up. He needed to protect his wife and son. He needed to get up!

Limbs would not respond, he could barely lift his head.

The woman shuffled closer to him, holding out her arms, crooning, almost nervous.

"Here, come here… let me take him."

He tightened his arms around his crying son.

"No, I… wait, I've got him."

Smoothly, quickly, like a striking snake the man pulled a large pistol and pointed it at Nate's head.

Incredulously Nate's mind automatically catalogued the weapon and the man holding it.

Colt M1911, military issue. Well trained, no wasted movement, no hesitation. Mercenary.

"I'm only going to say this once. Give us the boy."

The pull of hammer of the gun was almost deafening the cold silence of the room and Nate knew he was looking at his death. And he responded the only way possible.

"I will not give you my son."

There was no pain, there was no time. In the sparse moments between the blinding explosion of bullet and nothingness Nate only had a single second to spare a terrible and sad thought that he would be leaving Nora and Shaun alone for whatever Fate had in store for them.

Then there was only darkness.

The man cursed vehemently over the loud cries of the baby and gestured angrily to the slumped figure.

"Grab the kid and let's get out of here."

The figure in the white suit seemed shaken; she clumsily pried the still screaming child from limp, unresponsive arms, nearly tripping in haste to get away from the gore and blood that stood out in stark contrast to her pristine white suit.

The man with the gun absentmindedly wiped the blood off of his face and lazily regarded the last cryogenic pod that currently held the hysterical sobbing woman who was futilely beating her fists against the reinforced glass.

After a moment he walked up to the thick plated steel door and looked dispassionately at the person inside as though she were a mildly interesting zoo animal.

Not bad looking; even in her angry agitated state she would be considered a looker. Scrawny from the time spent in cryo, that ridiculous Vault suit hugged every curve that might amount to something if she had a few square meals. It was an entertaining thought that if he let her out, she might give a few amusements before putting a bullet between her pretty dark eyes just as he had done her husband. However, duty called.

He smiled and said over his shoulder,

"At least we have a backup. Close it up, we're out of here."

The last sound that echoed throughout the silent chamber was the weak beating of fists on metal and the dispassionate electronic voice that said,

"Cryogenic sequence, reinitialized."