Title Teaching Hermione / / / Rating M

Warnings Contains mentions of a past rape, Molly, Percy and Ron bashing along with a couple of scenes of a sexual nature

Contains some text from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

-Teaching Hermione-

Previously on Loving Hermione…

Hermione finished reading and looked across the table at her boyfriend.

"So now we know how we ended up with Percy! Fudge passed this 'Educational Decree' and forced him on us! And now he's given her the power to inspect other teachers!" Hermione was breathing fast and her eyes were very bright. "I can't believe this. It's outrageous!"

"I know it is," said Harry. He knew one thing…Percy needed to go…sharpish! Little did he expect that a certain person named Neville Longbottom was writing a letter to his Great Uncle Algie…planning for an 'accident' to happen to the redhead…

Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland

18th December 1995

Percy Weasley was happy. He had managed to stamp out most of the rebellion with Hogwarts, the situation being helped with his brother Ron being assigned as Gryffindor Prefect, with his parents and Ronald accepting a betrothal with the Ancient and Noble House of Brown, their daughter Lavender becoming the Fifth Year Prefect as a replacement for Hermione Granger, who had resign.

He still had problems with his sister, who was still insisting on dating Neville Longbottom, contrary to what his brother had ordered. She had received an Howler a few days ago from the Weasley Matriarch, announcing that she was going to pursue a charge in the Wizengamot against Longbottom and his grandmother for Line Theft, especially as she had forced through a betrothal between her and Stephen Runcorn, the son of the Head of the Wizengamot Administration Services, Albert Runcorn, and older sister of Augusta Runcorn, a Fifth Year Slytherin.

Unbeknown to Molly Weasley and her meddling at the time of the Howler, Neville had a counter for the claims to the charges of Line Theft, the Ancient and Most Noble House of Longbottom still having an outstanding betrothal contract with the Ancient House of Weasley which had been made seven generations, but had been reneged upon in favour of a union between them and the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy.

The Malfoy's had the last laugh in that deal, however, as they had screwed the Weasley family in a land deal, with the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter being the one to benefit, as they had increased their land holdings and gained an additional Wizengamot seat in the process.

As Percy put al of his parchementwork in a briefcase that his office of Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic gave him, he was unaware that the door opened, a pair of cloaked figures sneaking in, simultaneous heart stopping curses, which acted like but was not Killing Curses, hitting the redhead.

Portkeying the body to the top of the Astronomy Tower, the Unspeakable known as Saul Croaker smiled, his assisting his brother's great-nephew allowing him to rid himself of another problem within the Ministry, allowing the shunting of Amos Diggory to the position of Minister of Magic, a person who Saul knew would support the increase of work in the Department of Mysteries.

Heading to the Astronomy Tower, the two Croaker brothers knew that they had assassinated their second person to hold the position of Senior Undersecretary.

'Maybe I could get Amelia to send that pink haired Auror to be the next DADA Professor. My great-nephew liked her when he was doing that Summer training.' Algie Croaker thought, as he and his brother rolled the dead body of Percy Weasley off the Astronomy Tower.

Nobody would find the body until the morning, but as for the students, the reign of terror of the Hogwarts High Inquisitor had ended.

Onboard the Hogwarts Express, somewhere near Broughty Ferry

18th December 1995

Harry Potter was glad that the term at Hogwarts had finished and was now over, the problems that he had endured with Pansy Parkinson, who had admitted after an extremely public confrontation that she had been scheming with Malfoy to split Harry and Hermione up, and that despite saying that she had split up with him, she was still with Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy, on the other hand, found himself one night in the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night, but had not survived his encounter with a Thestral, which had 'accidentally' mistaken him for a piece of raw meat. It didn't help that he had been stripped of all his clothes and sprayed with a lure that the Thestrals liked. Harry was certainly glad he had listened to his Care of Magical Creatures Professor.

It had been a long few hours for the group of Harry, Hermione, the Weasley twins (Fred comforting Alicia who had found out the previous night that her boyfriend, Roger Davies, had been sleeping with a fellow Ravenclaw, and that he had been seeing her since Halloween and George having his girlfriend, Angelina Johnson, on his lap, a blanket covering their bodies as George was discreetly fingering her, judging by the way she was biting her lips), the Marsh twins, who Harry knew was be trouble to the two Gryffindor Prefects, Ron and Lavender, and Ginny and Neville, who had written Molly a Howler after she had sent him one, informing her that he was calling in the betrothal agreement his family had made all those years ago and the Weasleys had broken.

It had taken an in person visit to Hogwarts by Arthur Weasley to arrange for peace to be made, the call for family honour being high on his priorities, knowing that he could not afford a charge of Line Theft returned on his family.

Eventually the Hogwarts Express would arrive at London Kings Cross, where they saw Cedric Diggory tackled by an over excited Cho Chang, with Harry and Hermione being escorted by Sirius to Potter Manor to undertake the ritual that Harry had found in the Potter Family Grimoire to restore Hermione to the situation she was prior to Viktor Krum raping her.

Harry would come to realise a few years later, as he held his son named James Sirius Potter who was now the next generation of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, the ritual having been a success, that had it not been for Krum, he would never had gotten the courage to even be able to date Hermione, and that he would have probably ended up working as an Auror, or worse, dead.

Having ended the threat to his life from Voldemort in the summer after his Sixth Year, all thanks to the help of Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry knew as he sat there, watching his wife sleep, having just given birth, all would be well.

-Teaching Hermione-

And that's the end of Teaching Hermione... For all of those who have read the story, I thank you very much. For those who have reviewed and given their opinions, I have appreciated them very much!

Disclaimer I don't own the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any text used from the Harry Potter series is used under the fair use allowances of various copyright acts

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Type Multi Chapter / / / Status Complete

Distribution FFN, AO3, GryffindorTom Online

Story ID 242 / / / Publish Date 22/02/2017