Title Teaching Hermione

Rating M

Summary Following on from the events of Loving Hermione, Harry Potter and his girlfriend, Hermione Granger, are on their way back to Hogwarts for their Fifth Year as the Gryffindor Prefects, but what happens when their new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor is someone who is close to the Minister of Magic?

Pairings Harry/Hermione, Remus/Tonks, Cedric/Cho, Ginny/Neville, Susan/Hannah, Ron/Lavender; Fred/Alicia, George/Angelina, Roger/Alicia, OC/Daphne, Draco/Pansy

Warnings Contains mentions of a past rape, Molly, Percy and Ron bashing along with a couple of scenes of a sexual nature

Contains some text from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Yay! It is the first chapter of the highly anticipated Teaching Hermione, the sequel to Taking Hermione and Loving Hermione. Enjoy!

-Teaching Hermione-

Previously on Loving Hermione…

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE!" Mrs Weasley bellowed and Hermione jumped, hurrying out of the room, having quickly gotten dressed in a record time for herself. Harry seized Hedwig, stuffed her unceremoniously into her cage, and set off downstairs after Hermione, dragging his trunk.

Mrs Black's portrait was howling with rage but nobody was bothering to close the curtains over her; all the noise in the hall was bound to rouse her again anyway.

"Harry, you're to leave your trunk and owl" Amelia said, "I've assigned Auror Moody and Cedric to deal with that. We want to get to Kings Cross early as Sirius and I need to discuss with you and Hermione about the ritual, and Susan needs to come under guard as she is the DMLE Head's niece."

Harry and Hermione eventually left the house with Susan, the three prefects wondering what was in store for them this year. For Harry, however, for the first time in his life, he would miss his home.

Platform 9¾ at London Kings Cross, London, England

1st September 1995

It took the group of Tonks, Remus, Amelia, Sirius and Kingsley fifteen minutes to escort Harry, Susan and Hermione reach King's Cross, using the Muggle bus service to get there as Hermione had tried the Knight Bus a few years ago, and not to her liking. During the journey nothing eventful had happened to the group, leading them to have a safe trip throughout

Finding a restaurant, they discussed the ritual, and what it entailed, with Harry agreeing with Sirius to do it during the Christmas holidays, knowing that he would need a special room that can only be found in Potter Manor, a room which supported rituals of this sort.

Finishing a lazy breakfast, they headed across the Euston Road and headed inside the station, where they lingered casually beside the barrier between platforms nine and ten until the coast was clear, then each of them leaned against it in turn and fell easily through onto platform nine and three quarters, where the Hogwarts Express stood belching sooty steam over a platform packed with departing students and their families.

With two of her ore trusted Aurors, Amelia had the Hogwarts Express searched, letting the students on after a quick bag search, all in the name of precautions, following Ministry advice from Cornelius Fudge, who had seen his friend, Lucius Malfoy committing murder during the summer break, only just avoiding being Obviated by the 'Imperious Curse Sufferer' Death Eater.

"I hope the others make it in time," Susan said, anxiously waiting for the twins to come as she knew that they would guard the luggage that had been brought by the Order members, staring behind her at the wrought-iron arch spanning the platform through which new arrivals would come.

"Nice dog, Harry!" called a tall boy with dreadlocks.

"Thanks, Lee," said Harry, grinning, as Sirius wagged his tail frantically, having changed into his Animagus form before arriving at the station.

As they got onto the train, they bumped into Luna Lovegood, a friend that Harry and Hermione had met through Cho Chang prior to the first task, sitting in a carriage chatting about Cedric.

Seeing that Ginny and the twins had arrived, Harry ushered them over to the compartment that he and Hermione had reserved, knowing that the troublemakers and Lee Jordan together would be as bad, in his opinion, as leaving the two remaining Marauders and the twins together!

"Bloody nuisance Ronald is. We were almost at the station when he realised he had left that bloody owl of his back at your place." Fred said, "When Ginny suggested that mom send Pigwingdon to Hogwarts via a letter for him, she had a right go at her, telling her that she was banned from even talking to Neville."

"Dad then said that he was…he was going to force a betrothal on me if I didn't comply with that…that harpy!" Ginny said, crying. "Gred and Forge won't bother enforcing the ban, but mother…she said she was going to write to Madam Longbottom and tell her to make Neville Cease and Desist. She also told that brain dead brother of mine to make sure that he makes Neville understand."

"What our dear sister didn't tell you though is that she put a Bat Bogey Hex on our mother, and now she has had a warning about a breach of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery from that Mafalda Hopkirk woman." George said, smiling. "The first Weasley to get a letter like that, she is honoured!"

Eventually Harry, Hermione and Susan headed to the Prefects carriage where they saw, in the role of Head Boy, Ravenclaw student Roger Davies, accompanied by his girlfriend, Gryffindor Head Girl Alicia Spinett.

"Looks like Fred is going to be sad." Harry said to Hermione, noticing how the Head Students were holding hands. "He's had a crush on Alicia since Forth Year."

Eventually the remainder of the prefects for the meeting arrived. Representing the Fifth Years were Draco Malfoy and his girlfriend Pansy for Slytherin, Harry and Hermione for Gryffindor, Susan and Justin Finch-Fletchery for Hufflepuff and for Ravenclaw was Padma Patil and Kevin Entwhistle.

As Roger and Alicia outlined the rules as prefects, including the times that they were due to patrol the train, Harry and Hermione noticed that Pansy was twiddling a ring on her finger, one that Susan would later describe as a betrothal ring, which held magic to ensure that the future bride would remain a virgin until the wedding day..

"They're letting Mudbloods get away with all sorts nowadays." Pansy said as the meeting had broken up, Roger and Alicia heading back to the private compartment for the Head Students. "Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you had slept with Potter over the summer, you fucking Mudblood whore. If not then at least let a Pureblood shag him first, seeing as you've already sullied yourself."

Hermione took one look at Pansy and the state of her uniform, and subsequently started laughing. "Me, a whore...that concept is laughable, especially when you are the one who is dressing like a trollop. The day I let my Harry see you naked would be the day that you appear in a certain Muggle nude magazine, not that Harry would ever look at them."

"Hermione is telling the truth. He is completely and utterly devoted to her. And if you remember it was that bastard Krum and his friend that forced themselves on Hermione." Susan said, wishing that she could give Pansy a kicking.

Suddenly Harry dived in front of the two women, taking a Cruciatus that was meant for Hermione, an alarm going off all throughout the train, Roger and Alicia running into the Prefects compartment.

"The wards alerted us to the use of an Unforgivable being used in here." Roger said, doing an impersonation of the speech that was contained in the Auror Handbook. "Nobody leave until we find out who the culprit is." As Hermione went to stand up, having been pushed out of the way, Harry grabbed her hand in an attempt to get up himself.

"It...it was Malfoy." Harry said, being helped onto a chair whilst Alicia sent a Patronus to the Hogwarts Healer, Poppy Pomfrey. Pushing a rune that was hidden behind a panel, she turned off the alarm, the express stopping just outside of Peterborough station. "Malfoy cast... Cruciatus."

Eventually the Healer, along with Aurors Shacklebolt and Tonks, arrived at the Express, Pomfrey to administer treatment and Tonks and Shacklebolt to remove Malfoy for questioning.

Auror Headquarters, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic, London, England

1st September 1995

Draco Malfoy was in glee. Despite the last few hours since his processing at the Headquarters of the Auror Department having been a been a nightmare for him, being hauled into the Holding Cells following the attempted murder of the heir of another Ancient and Most Noble House by use of the Cruciatus Curse, he was now free, thanks to his mother and her influence.

'Fucking freak of a half blood spawn of a blood traitor 'sister' of my mother and a Mudblood arresting me, a Malfoy. The Dark Lord would kill her for living.' He thought as he was forced to take Veritaserum during his interrogation.

His mother had come through for him, getting him a warning for breaching the Reasonable Restriction for Underage Sorcery instead of a Life sentence at Azkaban, instead making it so Rufus Scrimgeour had to possibly make a decision over if he wanted to remain Head Auror, or be fifed by Amelia Bones, all because Narcissa threatened him to make sure her niece was put on Azkaban guard duty.

Draco knew he would be on his way to Hogwarts and the sorting soon...if only he could succeed where the Dark Lord failed...and kill Harry Potter...

Hogsmeade Station, Hogsmeade, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland

1st September1995.

Having been excused for the remainder of the trip by Madam Pomfrey from Prefect duties, Harry and Hermione made their way back to the compartment that contained Ginny, Luna, Neville and the twins, with Ginny on Neville's lap, Hermione following suit with her boyfriend.

Eventually they had arrived at Hogsmeade when Harry remained behind with Hermione, looking at something weird.

"What are those things, do you reckon?" he asked his girlfriend, nodding at the horrible horses as the other students surged past them, seeing the Thestrals due to having witnessed a car crash in the window of Grimmauld Place a few days before returning, seeing the driver of the car die instantly after he had hit a lorry.

"I'm not sure. I think Luna would know." Hermione replied, looking at the creatures, their black coats clinging to their skeletons, of which every bone was visible. Their heads were dragonish, and their pupil-less eyes white and staring. Wings sprouted from each wither, the vast, black leathery wings that looked as though they ought to belong to giant bats.

Standing still and quiet in the gloom, the creatures looked eerie and sinister. Harry could not understand why the coaches were being pulled by these horrible horses when they were quite capable of moving along by themselves.

A short distance away, Pansy Parkinson, followed by a small gang of cronies including Crabbe, Goyle, and Theodore Nott, was pushing some timid-looking second years out of the way so that they could get a coach to themselves.

"Parkinson was being absolutely foul to a group of Second Years back there, I swear I'm going to report her as she has only had her badge three minutes and is already using it to bully people worse than ever...Where's Crookshanks?"

"Ginny's got him," said Harry. "There she is..." Ginny had just emerged from the crowd, clutching a squirming Crookshanks.

"Thanks," said Hermione, relieving Ginny of the cat. "Come on, let's get a carriage together before they all fill up..."

Little did they expect this year to be interesting..

-Teaching Hermione-

Coming Up in Chapter 02 – The new DADA Professor arrives…

Disclaimer I don't own the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any text used from the Harry Potter series is used under the fair use allowances of various copyright acts

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Type Multi Chapter / Status WIP

Distribution FFN, AO3, GryffindorTom Online

Story ID 242 / Publish Date 17/02/2017