AN: Hey guys, how are ya? Well here's another chapter for ya, please leave a review, I love them! Favouriting and following are welcome too! Enjoy!

~ 'Crastinate

Gwaine's POV

"Please welcome my leading champion for eight consecutive years; the Angel of Death; the Lady of the Blade; the Swords-woman… Akila!"

The words echoed in Gwaine's stunned mind. Nothing made sense… Akila was Falgrid's champion? Her haunted eyes suddenly came to his mind, the deep, twisted emotion now recognises as guilt. For every night of eight years, Akila took another life. She was a killer, a fighter, a monster!

Arthur's clear voice brought him back to the shocking scene in front of him. "I will not fight her." Falgrid simply responded by raising his hand. Ten of the guards raced towards the little group of knights, sword and maces swinging. Percival let out a roar of anger when a thug took a vicious swing at Elyan's unsuspecting back. Gwaine leapt into action and swung a heavy punch at the offending man's ugly face. He spun around at Leon's shout of pain. The eldest knight had been surprised by a quick blow to the temple and now as the blood dripped steadily down the side of his gaunt face, a crooked dagger found it way into his muscled bicep.

Arthur shouted over the angry din. "STOP! I'll fight, I'll fight." Falgrid smirked and raised a hand. Immediately, the masses of guards ceased their clamouring and stilled their swords. Descar handed the king a heavy black sword. Arthur bore it without complaint and did an impressive leap off the raised platform. He landed in a perfect fighting stance, his eyes ablaze with focus and concentration.

The thin figure in the door way strode forward, the torchlight flaring on her pale face, eyes as dark as an indigo night glistened behind the unkempt hair that hung in the braids that Gwaine once found attractive. Akila wore the same clothes as before, but only this time, she wore two straps of leather across her chest and back, in which held twin daggers that glinted ominously as she drew them from the sheaths on her back. Long swords as thin and deadly as their owner hung unattended on her belt.

Arthur and Akila began to circle each other, Arthur's eyes conflicted and studying his opponent. But Akila strode uncaringly in a loose circle, her stance relaxed. She wasn't even trying to look at Arthur.

Gwaine's heart thumped in his chest. His king was about to go against an opponent that managed to completely catch them off guard, someone who had deceived them without thought. Gwaine didn't even know her that well and her betrayal was like a fierce punch to the gut.

Arthur lunged Akila, his sword raided high, Camelot's battle cry echoed throughout the oval chamber. "For Camelot!" Akila merely took off towards the wall. Gwaine blinked and Arthur slowed his pace in surprise. Time seemed to slow as Akila launched herself at the stone wall, and with her own battle cry, did a spectacular summersault off the wall, her back arched like a half moon as she sailed straight over Arthur's still raised sword and landed directly behind the blond. Gwaine gasped as Akila slashed the dagger at Arthur's calfs, which he only deflected thanks to his quick reflexes, Gwaine had never seen such agility. Only Arthur's strength managed to counter her swift attacks.

Akila flipped the daggers in her palm until the blades pointed downwards, like fangs. She pirouetted towards Arthur, a deadly blur of white and brown. Arthur simply kicked her legs out from under her, making her drop her weapons in order to get her balance, but instead of falling flat on her face like Gwaine expected, she fell backwards and hand-springed out of the way.

Now weaponless, Akila bared her teeth in a snarl, looking strangely animal-like. She drew her two swords, crudely shaped iron blades with what looked like human bones as handles, which were wrapped in black leather for better grip. Arthur charged at her straight on, and feigned an attack on her left, but she kicked at his head. They danced around the room, graceful as a waltz, trading slices and thrusts that their opponent only very narrowly dodged.

Akila sent a spinning kick at Arthur's sword hand. Arthur recovered, but only just in time to block a jab to the gut that would have taken his life. Gwaine winced as she slashed at Arthur's now exposed back, leaving a thin trail of crimson down his white shirt. The fight was over; first blood had been drawn.

Silence echoed loudly in the crowded room. Then… "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Falgrid's unbridled laugh shocked Gwaine out of his thoughts. "The greatest swordsman in the land has fallen to my champion!" The guards and Descar added their voices to the din. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The chorus of guffawing rattled around Gwaine's reeling mind. He glanced beside him. Leon too stood stock still as he watched Akila stand, not even winded from the fight. Gwaine noticed that all the knights as Merlin had been watching with something akin to wonder as Akila retrieved and sheathed her weapons and sent a deep bow at the platform.

Falgrid stood and smiled. "Akila, my darling. Come to me." His finger curled in a beckoning gesture like a claw. The young woman nodded and walked up to the table. No emotion was shown. Stoic as a grave, she stood beside her master and stared at the grime-covered wall opposite her. "My dear, you have done me proud." said Falgrid his fingers threading through her hair. The only reaction he got was a very slight flinch, Gwaine was sure only he noticed as she hid it well.

Arthur stood on shaky legs. "I have fought you champion. What now?" Falgrid waved a careless hand. "You go back to your cell, have your friends patch you up, get back to work tomorrow." Arthur frowned and glanced briefly at Akila. "What of her?" For the first time that night, Akila spoke. "I will also return to the cell. I will rest for tomorrow's battle." Falgrid patted her shoulder in a parental way. "Yes, yes. Now, all of you, back to your cells. Dinner is ready."

There was a clamour as all the prisoners hurried in the direction of the dungeon, the guards shouting and herding them into a line. Akila walked briskly to join the line. Gwaine sighed and went to join Arthur as he too went to join the endless stream of men.

The knight glanced at the back of his king, trying to see how much damage was done. To his surprise, Gwaine realised that it was a shallow cut, just deep enough to draw blood. He guessed the part of the Princess that hurt the most was his pride.

A hand on his arm made him turn. Gwaine saw the same relief that Arthur was not harmed too badly in Merlin's deep cerulean eyes. The three of them made their was back to their cell as the other knights stood behind them protectively.

When they reached their disgusting abode, Akila was already crouched in the corner holding a plate of moulding bread. Merlin retrieved the three other plates and handed them to the other men. They hungrily ate their food, uncaring of the flavour. Arthur's injury needed no stitches, it was as harmless as a large paper cut.

After they had practically licked their plates clean, Gwaine spun on his heel and glared at the corner where Akila sat half-hidden by a blanket of shadows. What came out of his mouth next shocked both Merlin and Arthur at the uncharacteristic way the words flew at a defenceless Akila like arrows.

AN: Please review!

~ 'Crastinate