
Whistling, Caitlyn walked down the hall of the department, her rifle held firmly by her right hand.

"Vi?" She called out as soon as she swung the office door of her partner's office. Unfortunately, she was only greeted by a dark empty room.

With a sigh, the sniper continued down the hall and walked out of the department, locking the doors with a small remote only she and Vi possess.

"Where could she be?" She murmured under her breath as she exited the department.

"Maybe she's still investigating on that building I assigned her to." Caitlyn thought, making her way down the sidewalk.

The streets of Piltover were silent, but Caitlyn was used to it. After all, Piltover citizens are early-sleepers.

During mornings, Piltover's noises are the usual 'tock-tock-tock' of the horses' trots, Vi's usual clanking metals from her large gauntlets and her rifle's occasional. . .


Her head whipped up and her eyes widened when she caught the sight of the three-story building in front of her. The same building where Vi was assigned to search and investigate.

With a huff of air, Caitlyn sped forward and got to the building in no time. After a few seconds of searching for an entrance, the sniper finally found a back entrance.

"Vi!" Caitlyn shouted, her voice echoing throughout the empty structure. With speed she didn't know she possessed, she climbed the steel staircase leading to the rooftop.

When she arrived at the very end, she found the rooftop door ajar. Worry built up inside of her, her whole system filled with tense nerves.

Kicking the door open, Caitlyn's heart shattered in millions of pieces. The sight in front of her was unbearably heart-wrenching and she could only drop her rifle and run a hand through her dark hair, her hat falling down the floor.


The bloody corpse could only do so much to the sniper's broken heart. Running towards the bloodied form, Caitlyn collapsed onto her knees and wrapped her arms around Vi's begrudgingly lifeless body.

She was dead.

The bloodied bullet holes through her chest was the only proof she needed to know if Vi was alive or not.

Fresh blood dropping out of the corner her partner's lips.

"Vi. . ." Caitlyn whimpered, her voice cracking as her tears escaped the restraints of her eyes. "I'm sorry. . ."

Caitlyn blamed herself. If only she hadn't assigned Vi to investigate this alone. Her partner actually asked her to accompany her, but she insisted that Vi could do it alone due to the trust the sniper has in her.

"Vi, I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry!" Caitlyn screamed, her pain-filled voice filling the silent environment. "Please! Please, don't leave me!"

Silence was the only reply she received.

"Come back to me, Vi!"

In the end, the dark night sky mirrored her mood. Rain started dropping from above her, imitating her mood perfectly.

All she could do was cry.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Author's Note: Well, this is the first one shot in this book! Please, tell me if you like it. 😊

Oh, and not all of the stories in here this sad and short, okay? But, there will be other short ones though. 😆