~*~ What's this? An update in less than a week? Yep. I'm currently unemployed and school doesn't start for another week or so, and I've found myself sitting in my uncle's coffee shop a few days a week just get out of the house, so I have plenty of time and inspiration to write. ~*~
"Getting Katarina here is the easy part. She's been skulking around for weeks trying to see if she can get Stefan or Elijah to run away with her. Of course, it's not going to work out for her and she's only going to end up pissing off the wrong vampire. She absolutely doesn't know we're all awake or she'd be running for her life." Rebekah chimed in. "I've been of a mind to rip her heart out myself, but I think I'll leave that to you."
"Oh, I'm not going to rip out her heart. I'm going to de-spell her daylight ring and bind her to a tree and burn her like the witch she is. I want Katarina to suffer and I want her to know that 500 years of running has done nothing but delayed the inevitable for her. I could care less that she betrayed Niklaus, but she betrayed Elijah and no one hurts my family like that and gets away with it. I'd kill Damon Salvatore too, but his soulmate is the cute little witch who helped free me from my coffin and I don't want to hurt her. He does need to learn some humility though, and teaching that lesson will be fun."
Kol smiled at his wife from his seat next to her and reached up to stroke her cheek. "Looks like 700 years has done nothing to curb your little violent streak, darling."
"It's not a violent streak. It's a strong desire to see justice served to those who deserve it, and if my little quirk can help bring that about, then all the better." Hella replied with a devious smirk. "I have had 500 years to plan this out and I finally decided simple was the way to go. She can burn with the dawn."
"Well," Elijah interjected, "That all sounds lovely, but lets focus on some more positive aspects for the moment. We need to figure out the easiest way to settle in Mystic Falls without causing too much of a disturbance. I also fear that Damon Salvatore is not going to just let Elena go. He's much too attached to her and despite her best attempts to remain aloof, I fear Elena has decided that she can not live without him either. The pull between the doppelganger and the Salvatores is very strong and has apparently always been so."
"There is an explanation for that, actually. A Bennett witch, specifically Emily Bennett, tied Katarina and her line to the Salvatores. It's why Elena was immediately drawn to Stefan and why she's equally drawn to Damon. Katarina intended to play them off of each other forever. She enjoys the game and it's time to stop it. I can't break that spell on my own, it's tied to the Bennett line, but I can help Bonnie Bennett break it. The breaking of that spell will release Elena, Stefan and Damon from their odd little love triangle and it will hopefully allow them to see exactly what's in front of their noses. I'm not going to lie and say this is going to be easy and all sunshine and rainbows. You're all going to have to want this. You will have to fight and work to gain that which you seek. Damon especially is going to fight this. He's going to hold onto what he knows until the bitter end. Stefan will be the easiest. Breaking Klaus's hold and the spell will make him see what he's been missing since the 1920's. His status as a doppelganger himself renders the effects of Katarina's manipulations somewhat dimmed."
There was a moment of complete silence following Hella's final sentence. "What? Did you all not know that Stefan Salvatore is a doppelganger? How do you not know that? Did you think your mother was powerful enough to create two entirely new supernatural species at once? I can assure you, she's not. It's bad enough she created Vampires and had a hand in two different Hybrids. Tatiana was already a doppelganger and your mother took advantage of that. The doppelganger lines descend from a specific kind of witch. The Travelers, who got a little too big for their britches. That's why I'm a Hybrid. My ancestors were Travelers and when full-blooded Travelers become immortal through the means of a blood spell, they retain their magic. It's why anyone who ever talks of finding and waking Silas must be stopped immediately. He's one of the original doppelganger pair. He and his lover Amara. That story is for another time, but it is why the doppelgangers exist in the first place. Silas spurred his betrothed for Amara and she cursed them. How the four of you survived this long with no research skills amazes me. Especially you, Rebekah, after your love affair with the hunter."
"Now darling, don't be so hasty. I've heard of Silas, but not the doppelganger part. It makes sense though. I used to run with some witches in New Orleans who were terrified by the very idea of him. So let's keep that knowledge to ourselves, okay? We do not need anyone attempting to wake him. It would end badly." Kol responded with a smirk.
Hella nodded slightly. "Alright. That stays between the five of us. Back to the topic at hand. I suggest we throw a nice dinner party this weekend. Invite everyone from Mystic falls who will be affected by these decisions, from the sheriff and her daughter to the Salvatores, the Gilberts, the Bennetts and so on. It'll make it so much easier if we only have to explain this once."
"Why Caroline Forbes and her mother?" Elijah questioned
"I knew I forgot something. Caroline is Klaus's soulmate. And he knows it. He's just being an ass about it. It's only fair to tell her. She's already a vampire, but I did just seal him away in a coffin for 100 years and she should probably know about it so she can decide how she wants to live her life."