Hello Ladies and Germs. So I know I got a lot on my plate, but this come to me suddenly, and I have never seen one like this one, don't quote me on that, if you found one tell me. Now, there's a extremely small handful of New guild fanfics of Fairy tail, but I have yet to discover one like what I am doing. Now Fairy Tail, the guild, will show up in my story, but my story does not revolve around them. I hope you all enjoy, Now, START THE SHOW! "Keep it happy, Keep it Snappy, Keep it Gaaaayy!" WRONG SHOW!

5 years. That's how long I have been training, how long I have been alone. My name... At least, the one I remember... Spirit, Spirit Oak. That's the name I have had since I met her. I can't say I remember my old name, having not heard it in 9 years tends to do that to you haha. But, let me give you an overview, of a life I once had...

I was born, and raised, in a small village not far from Worth Woodsea. I was lived with my parents for 6 years. Then I got a little sister. I loved her so much, but now, I can hardly remember her face. By that time I had developed the abilities that my dad had. The magic in music. He was a bard before settling down with my mom; she was a healer. I don't really use bard magic for battle, that's not what it's for, but I use it when I need to help others. Anyway, back to the past.

My dad was strict when it came to training with my magic. He said that while it wasn't battle oriented, I could help a lot of people. But to do that, I needed to train not just my body, but my soul. I asked him what he meant once, and all he told me, was that I would know when I needed it the most. He taught me my first instrument, a bamboo flute. He also made me carve it myself. He said it was tradition.

Over the next few years, I mastered my flute, much to the excitement and joy of my family. But that all changed one day...

A group of mages came to town one day, saying they were contracted to a job, and were looking for shelter for the night. They stayed at the inn. What we didn't know, was that they were member's of a dark guild that had been paid to wipe our village off the face of Earthland. They attacked in the dead of the night, using strange magic to kill everyone and set fire to the homes.

My dad and mom tried to stop them, but they... didn't make it. Before they left, they told me and my sister to grab anything important and make a run for it. I grabbed my flute and a few other things and I got out just as my home was set on fire. I don't know what happened to my sister. I was 12, and alone.

It was a month before I was discovered again. This time, I was near death after mistakenly eating toadstool. I had made it to a forest, Not Worth Woodsea, as I expected they would look there, but it was still an ancient forest. His name was River Breeze. The druid of the Forest. He healed me, and over the years, taught me a new magic. The magic of nature. I had become a Druid. It took me many years to master, but after while I had met the high standards he had set for me. Sadly after a few years, he passed, but not before telling me the code he wanted me to live by. Never leave anyone behind.

That was 5 years ago. After he died, I trained by myself, enhancing both my magics. I did a few jobs here and there, saving up money for a few plans I had. That is where the past meets the present. I stand at 6 foot 5, with a toned, muscular body, but not to the point of looking like a body builder. I have white hair, with streaks of blue in it that spikes and goes down to my upper back.I have piercing green eyes, with a nice light tan.

I had made my way to the western coast, a bit to the north, because I had found a request form for a town that was being attacked by bandits every other week. For freelance Mages like me, there is a board at rest stops for towns that can't pay for the big guilds to dispatch some help. The town is fairly new, having been made into a port. It's name was Folio Cove. And currently, I am in the office of the mayor's office.

"Thank you for coming at such sort notice Mr...?"

"Oak. Spirit Oak Mr. Mayor." I said. "Call me Stephen. I insist, after all, you plan to help us." Stephen said. "Alright. So, what seems to be the problem. I know it has to do with bandits, but I don't know the full story." Spirit said. "Well, a few months ago, a small group of bandits started to raid the outer part of town. At first we sent our guard, but after a while, more and more bandits showed up, and our guards started to get injured more and more. I sent out the request before anyone got killed." Stephen explained.

"This does seem bad. I accept. Now, let us talk about price." I said. Stephen started to sweat. "Have no fear, I do no want a lot of jewels for this job, but I do want a little. What I really want, is something very different." I explained. "If you don't want the jewels we said we'd pay for, then what do you want?" Stephen asked. "I want to start a guild here." I said, shocking the mayor. "A guild? Really? Why would you want to start one here?" He asked. "I think this town can offer a lot to Fiore, besides, all the top guilds are in the east, there are hardly any out here. I see a chance to help out in a place that might not get it." I said. "Wow, that sounds great." Stephen said.

"All I need is for you to sign this paper, saying you approve of a guild and me as guild master." I said, pulling out an official looking paper. "I'll sign it if you succeed on your job. Oh yeah, you wanted some jewels for the job?" I said. "Yeah, I do need some funds, how about 300 instead of the 750." I said. "Sounds good. I hope you succeed." Stephen said. "I will see you in at most 3 days." I said before leaving the office.

"I wish Stephen told me what direction the bandits are at." I said before walking in a random direction. "Cuckoo! If you're looking for bandits, they are in the opposite direction." A voice said. "Um, who said that?" I asked as I looked around. "Up here, Cuckoo!" Said the voice. Then a small blue jay flew down in front of me. "Cuckoo, Hi there!" The bird said. "Hello little jay, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I ran away from the mean woman that enchanted me. Now I'm trying to live here, but those mean bandits keep making a racquet every few weeks." The bird said. "Could you show me? I plan to run them out of the woods." I said. "Okay, can I ride on your head?" He asked. "Sure. You got a name?" I asked as I walked in the direction the bird pointed out.

"Nope. I wasn't given one. Ran away to soon I guess." He said. "Hm, that might be a problem. If you were made by someone, then they can claim you as theirs." I said. "NO! I don't want to go back. She just wanted to experiment on me." He said. "Well, why don't you join me?" I asked. "Really? Would you want a bird to hang around you all the time?" He asked.

"Well no, but I'm planning on starting a guild for mages in this part of Fiore." I explained. "But all I can do is speak." The bird said. "Well, if you don't believe you can do anything else, then you won't BECOME anything else." I said. This confused the bird. "What do you mean, Cuckoo?" He asked. "Well, you are a magical bird. You have other abilities besides speech." I explained. "I do?" He asked. "Yep. You just got to join my guild and have a name for me to tell you." I said with a smirk.

We travelled in a comfortable silence for the next half hour. "I want to be called Maxwell." The bird said. "Okay. Good to know Maxwell." I said as I kept walking. "So what's your name?" Maxwell asked. "Spirit, Spirit Oak." I said. "That's a weird name." Maxwell said. "So? It was given to me, and I use it with pride." I said. "Okay. Hey Spirit? What's you're guild's name?" Maxwell. "I was thinking Wild Omega." I said. "Why is it called that?" Maxwell asked. "Well, I want people who don't fit in to join my guild, so they could be as wild and free as they want to be. No more holding out on themselves. I also want to help this part of the world, since there aren't a lot of Guilds here." I said.

"Sounds like a good cause, Cuckoo." Maxwell said. "So how close are we?" I asked. "We are almost there, we just need to get to the other side of the creek. Cuckoo." Maxwell said. "You should fly away." I said. "What?" Maxwell asked. "My magic can be... Destructive, I don't want to hurt you, so fly off to a safer place while I take care of this." I said. "Yes sir Boss! Cuckoooooo!" He said as he flew off.

"Uh, my first guild member, and a bird at that." I said as I kept going. Pretty soon I came upon a clearing. I then knelt down and placed a hand on my temple. "Druid Vision." I whispered. This is one of my more subtle techniques. It allows me to sense the location of all beings in the area. Hm, seems like there's at least 30 of them. Should be a good work out. I thought. I then walked into the bandit camp. "Excuse me Ladies and Gentleman!" I yelled. Within seconds I was swarmed by bandits. "Who are you!? And what are you wearing?!" Someone yelled. I looked at my clothes.

I was wearing what I normally wear, but since I'm not so normal, I guess it's a bit weird for some people. I wear a grey wolf skin, sleeveless hoodie, with the ears still on the top. I also wore black Hakama pants, a side bag, and on my feet flip flops. "What are you talking about? I look fine to me." I said. Everyone sweat dropped. "And I am Spirit Oak. Now, the way I see it, there's two options for you all. The first one: you give me everything you stole, then leave and never return." I explained. "And what happens if we don't?" Said one of the bandits.

"That would be option 2: I beat you all into the dust and take back everything you stole." I said with a smirk. "We choose... TO FIGHT!" They yelled, charging me. "Haha, idiots." I then raise my hands to my mouth. "Take this. NATURE'S ROAR!" Suddenly a blast of Nature magic shoots out of my mouth, hitting the bandits in front of me. I then slammed my hands on the ground. "Druid Style: Thorns of despair!" I yelled. Suddenly giant vines with thorns erupt from the ground, piercing what was left of the bandits.

"I hope you learned your lesson." I said before collecting all of the stolen goods and destroying the camp. "HEY MAXWELL! WHERE YOU AT?!" I yelled. "Cuckoo!" Maxwell yelled as he flew down from the trees. "That was cool! How did you do that Cuckoo?" He asked. "I'll tell you on the way back.

The next day...

"Amazing, not a scratch on you! Here's your reward Spirit." The Mayor said, throwing me a bag of jewels. "Just give me the papers, and I will send them after I sign them. In the meantime, why don't you check out the place I gave you. At the moment, there's only a hut and a barn, but there's about 15 acres of abandoned farm land that I set aside for you. It's a bit out of the way of the town, but it's a 5 minute walk from Merchant street." Stephen said. "Oh, and I'll put your name in the local paper for you." Stephen said with a smile. "Thanks Stephen, see you around!" I said as I ran from the office.

"How'd it go?" Maxwell asked. "Stephen's sending the papers after he signs them. You're now looking at the soon to be guild master of the Wild Omega Mages!" I said with a cheer. "Cuckoo!" Maxwell said. "Oh, now that it's official, what other power's do I have?" Maxwell asked. "I'll give you a scroll I got later, lets go check out the site now." I said, grabbing the jay as I started running. "SSSSSLLLLLOOOOOWWWWW DOWWWWWNNNN CUCKOOOOOOOO!" Maxwell yelled. "No way, we're almost there!" I said.

A few minute's later

"Hm, well this place could use a bit of a clean up, but, it seems to be in relatively good shape." I said. I was currently in the hut, examining how bad of shape it was in. "Cuckoo! The Barn isn't looking to good, we should get some supplies tomorrow." Maxwell said as he entered the hut. "Yeah, anyway here's that scroll I told you about." I said as I grabbed a scroll from my bag. "Where do you keep all your supplies?" Maxwell asked. "In my bag. I met a dude once who created a type of storage magic. I bought this off him. It lets me carry a lot of equipment and supplies." I explained. "Well, we should get cleaning, we do want the guild to be in tip top shape." I said.

"Oh yeah, I want to take a picture of how we start out." I said as I grabbed a camera. "What do you mean Cuckoo?" Maxwell asked. "I want to show the future generations just how far we have come." I said. I then went outside and took the photo. "Now, we can always know how far we have come." I said. We spent the rest of the day cleaning what we could.

"We need everything on this list." I said, handing said list to the clerk. "What's all this for Sunny?" The old clerk asked. "I'm the new guild master. And I need to build up the guild hall. But for now, I'm using an old barn as the headquarters." I explained. "Oh, you must be the young'un that scared off all them bandits. I read about y'all in the paper this mornin." The man said. "Wow, when the mayor said he'd put me in the paper, I thought he meant after I got a few members." I said. "Everything is half off sunny." The man said. "I can't let yo-"

"Nonsense, y'all helped out our town, and y'all need all the Jewels y'all can get. Besides, my boy's in the guard, and I don't want 'im t' get hurt anymore." The man said. "Thank you sir, if you have anything you need, send a job over to the guild." I said, grabbing everything before exiting the store. "Maxwell!? Where you at?" I yelled. "Cuckoo!" Maxwell said. "I got everything, come on." I said.

Upon arriving back at the guild, I found a letter addressed to me. "Hey Maxwell, check it out, we got a letter." I said before opening it.

Dear Mr. Oak,

We here at the Magic Council would like to congratulate you for successfully creating a guild. You will find your stamp in the bottom of this letter. You are now known as Master Oak. We wish to invite you to next months Guild Master Meeting held at Magnolia city. We hope to hear great things about Wild Omega.

-The Magic Council

At the bottom of the letter there was an image of a stamp. "How do you get it out Cuckoo?" Maxwell asked. "No idea, maybe putting some magic into it." I said. I then pushed my magic into the image, and the stamp came out. (Stamp is the image of the story) "Alright, lets get to stamping." I said. I moved my jacket to the side and stamped myself over my heart.

"Where do you want yours Max?" I asked. "I don't think I'm big enough for a stamp." Max said with a grim look. "I have an idea, be back in 10." I said, running out of the barn.

5 minutes later...

Knock knock. "Just a minute!" Maxwell said before opening the door. "Hello! Cuckoo!" Maxwell said, surprising the man at the door. "A bird?" The man said. "Yep, the name's Maxwell!" Maxwell said. "A-are you the guild master here?" The man asked. "Nope, you just missed him, but he said he'd be back soon." Maxwell said, sitting on the table.

"So are you apart of the guild?" The man asked. "Yep! But I am only just now wanting to control my magic." Maxwell informed. "Hey Max I'm- Oh it seems we have company." I said entering the barn. "Hello there, are you the guild master?" The man asked. "Yes, I am Master Spirit, Or Master Oak. Depends on the day haha." I said with a lopsided grin. "What can I do for you?" I asked. "I just wanted to know if this job is still available." The man said pulling out the job to defeat the bandits.

"Ah, I'm afraid it isn't. I defeated the bandits and started this guild afterwards." I explained, sitting down. "Oh, thank you for your time." The man said before going for the door. "Now wait a second. You can all this way, why not join the guild?" I suggested. "No, you wouldn't want me. I don't fit in with large groups." The man said.

"So? Look at us," I said referring to myself and Maxwell, "You think we belong in large groups? Haha, that's funny. No, I want to start a place where everyone can be accepted, to have friends, to rely on those around them for support." I said. "Here at Wild Omega, Our motto is Never left behind." I said. "It is?" Maxwell asked. "Yep, you just never asked." I said with a grin.

"Alright, I'll join on one condition." The man said. "If you can beat me in a fight, then I will join." He said. "I won't have a guild master that's weaker than me." He said with a smirk. "Very well, it lets me test your nature as well. We shall fight in a minute. Meet me outside." I said. The man walked out of the barn. "Hey Max, I got something I think you might like." I said, pulling out a blue jay sized fire red beanie. "Try it on." I said. "Oh almost forgot. I got you these too." I said pulling out a small pair of goggles. "So how does this give me a guild tattoo, Cuckoo?" Max asked. "Yours is on the back of the beanie." I said pulling up a mirror.

"Oh wow, that looks good." Maxwell said. His stamp was a dark grey. "Now, lets go get a guild member!" I said running out of the barn. "Ready to become an Omega?" I asked with a smile. "Nope." The man said with a smirk. "Before we begin, I want to know the name of the man that I will be facing." I said. "Six. Now lets fight." Six said.

And that's where ima gona leave yall off with. Hope ya like it. If you got a guild member than send me a review or message. I bid you all adieu.