I don't own Titanic and all that, I only own, Vanessa, London, Sara, Ashley, and Edward :)

Vanessa's pov

As we started to walk I looked at Jack as he started to joke holding his head up high making me giggle quietly. We were now behind mother and Cal, I touched Cal's arm and felt sick saying what I said. "Darling?" He turned around, "Surely you remember Mr. Dawson?" I don't know if he did but he looked surprised as he looked at Jack as did mother. Behind them, I saw London smirking while Tommy looked around the room very impressed and I have to add that Tommy looked great.

"Dawson? Well, it's amazing! You could almost pass for a gentleman" He said amazed with a smile, I wanted to roll my eyes but stay natural.

"Almost" Jack answered back making me a smile a little, meJack was really more of a gentleman than Cal but what could I say now? Cal just kept smiling and escorting mother into the dining room. I hated all those stairs we had to walk down just to get to the tables. London and Tommy had now joined us so all four of us was walking next to each otherIand London shared a look knowing Sara and Ashley had a much more fun party down in 3rd class.

Ashley's pov

Dinner was getting close and tonight by my table it was me, Fabrizio, the little girl named Cora and her parents. Tommy and Jack was of with London and Nessa while was no ear to been seen, it made me a little nervous but Sara was older than us by several months so I knew she could take care of herself. But me and Fabrizio had it cozy without the others as we sat pretty close to each other, I was starting to fall for him real hard and real fast so I made a decision, I was gonna try to save him whatever it takes. Maybe we could not save the ship, but we could try and change small things. I looked around and my heart broke knowing how many people down here were going to die and my love was one of them...

London's pov

These shoes were totally killing me and my feet, but I put on a fake smile showing of my best acting skills. Me and Vanessa was gossiping to Jack and Tommy about the people that were going to be at our table, so many people that went down in history and on this boat. I leaned close to Nessa and whispeared in her ear, "It's not only in our life teenagers get pregnant" I nodded towards Madeline Astor who tried to hide the fact that she was pregnant. Nessa started to giggle and nodded her head, I turned to Tommy next.

"Just pretend you have plenty of money and you're in the club" I whispeared to him and he nodded his head still looking around. "Lying my teeth out, now I know I'm in 1st class" he mumled in his thick accent, I laughed leading him towards the table meeting my mothers eyes, they were glaring and wondering were she had gone wrong with her two girls having invited two 3rd class passengers, I just smiled at her as Tommy pulled out my chair.

"Why thank you", I said to him smilling as I sat down and he pulled in my seat before sitting down himself.

Vanessa's pov

Tommy and London managed to slip to the table without any trouble, lucky them. Then my new idol Molly Brown came from behind us.

"Care to escort a lady to dinner?" She said smiling looking at Jack, but I also swore she looked at me and winked. I wrinkled my nose confused but shook it off looking up at Jack.

"Certinaly", He said offering his other arm now escorting me and Molly, I was in heaving being escorted and touching the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. I heard from a distance Cal callling on me.

"Sweet pea? Sweet pea!" I ignored him wanting to dispapear under the ground.

"Ain't nothing to it Jack, they love money so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you're in the club" Molly gave hi advice, she of all people knows how it is to be thrown into a world like this. Sure my family also had money back in present day, but not money like this. This was glamour and hollywood kinda of money. We walked up to JJ Astor and his wife.

"Hey Astor!" Astor turned and smiled a friendly smile, I could feel my heart sink. That smile reminded me of my dad back home. Ever since my brother had moved out and joined the army it was only me and dad left and we were always there for each other expect for now... and it hurt, it trurly did. Did he know I was missing? What was happening back home right now?

"Well hello Molly, it's nice to see you" I focused now on Madeline instead as she had gotten intrested in who Jack was.

"JJ, Madeline. I'd like you to meet Jack Dawson" Madeline and Jack shook hands.

"How do you do?"

"Pleasure" Jack answered with a smile, JJ offered his hand as well which Jack took.

"Are you of the Boston Dawon's?" he aske curoiusly.

"No.. The Chippewa falls Dawon's actually" Jack answered friednly and JJ nodded pretending he knew who that was.

"Oh yes.." you could see on his face that he was thinking, I just smiled as Jack led me to the table Molly now behind us. As much as I wanted to sit next to him I ended up next to Cal on my right, luckily I had Mr. Andwers on my left. I looked at the man and my heart sankt more thinking how his loveley ship was gonna rest on the bottom of the Atlantic soon enough. Molly sat down next to with Jack then after, then came London and Tommy so I knew Jack had help next to him.

Mother of course didn't keep quiet.

"Tell us of the accomodations in sterage , Mr. Ryan. I hear they're quite good" she made it sound nice even if she meant all bad. I glanced at both Tommy and Jack, Jack opened his mouth first.

"The best I've seen maám, hardly any rats" everyone around the table chuckled expect for mother and Cal who just had small fake smiles on.

"Mr. Dawson is joining us from 3rd class and emm Mr. Ryan as well I believe", Cal said then continued after he cleared his throat.

"Mr. Dawson was of some assistance to my Fiancée last night" he exlained.

"Mr. Dawson is quite a fine artist, he was kind enough to show me some of his art work today", I said putting in a good word for him.

London's pov

As Nessa was talking about Jack's work I could see Tommy being pretty calm about not being in the spotlight. I knew he had high judgement about 1st class just as much as 1st class had about 3rd class. I heard Cal talk again as Nessa shout Jack a look.

"Vanessa and I differ somewhat in our definition of fine art, not to impugn on your work, sir" he added looking at Jack whom waved his hand and shaking his head. Nessa cleared her throat and I gently shoved both Jack and Tommy since I was sitting in between them and told them to put away their napkins. Both of them stared in horror at all the silver down on the table.

"Are all these for me?" Tommy asked in horror to me, I nodded whispearing back to him.

"Start from the outside and work your way in", I told him and then started to listen to the conversation as they talked about the ship itself.

"Your ship is a wonder, Mr. Andrews truly", Nessa said to Mr. Andrews.

"Thank you Vanessa", he said smiling, I smiled joining in.

"I agree with Vanessa, it's truly wonderful" he smiled and thanked me as well, poor man if he only knew...

I now noticed the caviar was being served and the look on Tommy's face was priceless, Jack had however managed to keep his face unreadable.

"How do you take your caviar sir?" Jack was asked but he held up his hand and shook his head.

"No Caviar for me thanks, never did like it much" I smiled hearing Tommy saying about the same thing while I saw saw Nessa declining it looking green just by looking at the caviar on the tray the server was holding.

"And where exactly do you live ?" mother asked Jack.

"Well, right now my adress is the RMS Titanic and after that I'm on God's good humor." Jack answered reaming calm.

"And how is it you have the means to travel?" she pushed on making me snort under my breath earning a look from Tommy.

"I work my way from place to place. You know, tramp steamers and such. But I won my ticket on a lucky hand at poker, a very lucky hand" I could see Nessa look at Jack and smile, the glow I was used to see on my friends face before we came here as back and it was good to see.

"All life is a game of luck" I heard the Cornel speak up with a firm nod on his head, Cal smirk and half shook his head a bit not fully agreeing on there.

"A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right Dawson?" Cal said, Jack only made a hmm sound with a short nod.

"And do you find that sort of roothless existence appealing, do you?" mother asked going to far according to me, I saw Molly Brown also giving her a look and Nessa also turned to stare at her with a hard glare as I snorted again making Tommy look at me again but also mother. But I know my favorite line from Jack was coming and looked at him quickly.

"Well, yes ma'am, I do. I mean.. got everthing I need right here with me. Got air in my lungs and few sheets of blank paper. I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen.. who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I slept under a bridge, now I'm on the grandest ship in the world having Champange with you fine people" Jack said also taking some more champange as some people chuckled including me and Tommy while Tommy whispeared. "Good said Jack" before Jack continued.

"I figured life's a gift and I don't intend of wasting it, you never know what hand you're gonna get dealed with next.. you learn to take life as it comes at you... oh here you go Cal" Jack throw a box of matches towards Cal who was looking for something to light his ciggarate.

"To make each day count" he now finished. It was quiet for a moment at the table, Molly Brown was the first to speak.

"Well said Jack", she said and I hummed as I agreed.

"hear hear!" Jack seemed to have won the people around the table, Nessa held up her glass and I smiled seein how she was totally eye flirting with Jack.

"To making it count" Jack looked up to meet her eyes as we all lifted our glasses.

"To making it count!"

Vanessa's pov

Dinner went on as usual, Jack, London and Tommy whispeared having their own proivate conversation when they were not talking to me and I spoke a lot to Mr. Andrews, him ton times more then my mother and Cal. Molly Brown had also gotten to one of her stories making me giggles till my sides almost burst open, I leaned over to speak to Jack while London informed Tommy.

"Next it will be Brandies in the smoking room", I said and Jack nodded.

"Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other on being masters of the universe" I made it sound like the jocks back home and I guess London thought so as well as she laughed shaking her head. Tommy and Jack got up to leave while London ran over taking Mr. Andrews place now. Tommy kissed her hand good bye as Jack came to me.

"Jack, must you go?" I really didn't want him too.

"Time for me to row with the other slaves, good night Vanessa" he took up his hand and I placed mine in him to let him kiss it gently, my skin tangled from the warmth of his hand and his hot breath against my skin. He walked away leaving a paper in my hand as he and Tommy walked away, London leaned over me as I opened the note. Make it count, meet me at the clock! The note said. I looked at London who looked like she wanted to squeal at that, I smiled over to her. Time for a real party.

We made an excause and made our way to the stairs seeing Jack standing there watching the clock and Tommy standing a bit futher up. Jack smiled at me and held out his hand.

"So you wanna see a real party?"