Glad you've all kept up until the end!

Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.

Epilogue. Tomorrow

The next day, Akko and Diana are both taking it easy.

With their teammates there to dutifully remind them to take their medicine at the determined hours, they manage to make it through their classes. This time, when Akko steals glances Diana's way, more often than not, she catches Diana looking back at her as well.

An announcement is made that afternoon that the greenhouse has been cleared of pests, and students will once again be allowed access as early as the following day.

Akko longs to ask Diana if they can continue training together, but she doesn't want to rush things. Not after what had happened. Part of her has to wonder if Diana is truly still willing to go through with these private lessons after how careless Akko was.

Akko can't help but remember what had happened. It had mainly haunted her last night whenever she'd tried to close her eyes, but she keeps remembering it at random times in the middle of the day as well.

Her friends and professors attribute her distracted behaviors to her usual character.

But Diana knows better.

Therefore, at the end of the day, she seeks Akko out once their teammates have gone off. Diana is certain not to let Akko out of her sight. She is determined to speak to her no matter what.

That is why she is somewhat miffed when Professor Finneran calls out for her.

"Diana? Have you got a moment? I have a small favor to ask."

Diana turns to her professor as she's passing by her desk and pauses.

Diana respects and admires Professor Finneran very much, and she always goes out of her way to be of use or of help to her.

But today, Diana has something she wants to do even more ardently.

Therefore, she makes a conflicted expression and answers.

"My sincerest apologies, Professor. But there is something I have to attend to this afternoon."

"Oh, why of course! Don't trouble yourself, Diana. Go right ahead. Think nothing of it."

"Thank you very much."

With that, she continues after Akko with a bit of an increased pace.

She finds her heading for the dorm rooms with her posture slouched, just a little. It's a barely noticeable alteration, but Diana has been keeping an eye on her and spending enough time with her recently to be able to discern it. Once she is within a few feet of her, Diana raises her voice.

"Do you not have detention you are supposed to be attending at this time?"

She says it with a bit of a smirk in her voice, since she and Akko both know full-well the former does not actually have detention in the afternoons.

Akko perks up and spins around.


"So?" she queries. "What excuse do you plan to tell those two this time?"

"Oh, um... I'm gonna tell them my detention was cancelled for today. I just wanna hang out with Lotte and Sucy."

Diana nods.

"I presume you still aren't feeling up-to-snuff?"

"Not really..." she sighs.

"Have you been taking your medicine as prescribed?"

"I have!" she proclaims. "It's not that. I just..." Her shoulders slump again, and she looks away. Diana knows her guilt all too well, but she lets Akko express it in her own words. "I understand if you don't wanna practice with me anymore, Diana. I really do. You've already helped teach me this much, so maybe that's enough. I'll just use what you've taught me and keep practicing by myself from now on."

Diana moves her arms from behind her back to cross them in front of her chest.

"And do you honestly believe you will be able to successfully cast any spell when all that fills your head are thoughts of prior mishaps? I can guarantee you right now you will not be able to manage any magic whatsoever with that mindset."

"I know... but-"

"Do you want to stop practicing with me?"


"I inquired as to whether or not you want to stop."

"N-No! Of course I don't! I just-"

"Then if you do not wish to stop, there is no sense in stopping, is there?"

That makes Akko think before she speaks this time. Clearly, Diana wouldn't be pressing this matter if she doesn't also want to continue training with Akko.

So... she's not mad at me? She's not scared I might hurt her again...?

Akko feels a stinging behind her eyes and quickly wipes her face.

"Diana... do... do you wanna keep training with me?"

Diana lifts her chin indifferently.

"I certainly would not be opposed to it. After all, it occupies some of my free time, allows me to enhance my own skills in terms of teaching magic to others, and allows me to practice for myself. Additionally-"

She steps closer, and her lips curl up at the corners.

"-it is very encouraging for me to be able to watch you progress and perfect your skills. Seeing as much fills me with an otherwise-absent sense of pride. Therefore, I would not mind continuing our activities for a while longer. However, that is only if you are entirely willing to continue as well. I do not want my preferences to bear any influence upon your- eh?"

"Diana!" Akko throws herself forward and hugs her more tightly than ever before. Consequently, Diana's composed demeanor and steady voice shatter.


"Diana! I'm sorry about what happened! But I wanna keep practicing with you! I really, really do! You've helped me with so much, and I can feel myself improving more and more each day when I'm with you! I wanna become like Chariot, but most importantly, I wanna become the best witch I can be! Lotte and Sucy and everyone support me all the time! But I don't think I can do it without your support, too! So please!"

Akko lowers her voice now, but her hold on Diana only becomes more fervent.

"I wanna... keep practicing with you, Diana. I really do..."

And Diana hardly cares if a few random passerby in the hallways happen to see them like this. She chuckles softly, and resorts to patting Akko's back reassuringly.

"Then I shall see you tomorrow after classes in the courtyard."

She feels Akko perk up just as easily as she can hear it in her voice.

"Really?!" Akko jumps back, a bright, shimmering sparkle of excitement in her eyes. "You mean it, Diana?!"

"If I did not, would I be saying it?"

"Oooh, thank you thank you thank you!" Akko lunges back in for another hug. Diana rolls her eyes, but smiles.

"All right now. You'd best enjoy your evening off tonight to the fullest. Tomorrow it is back to work. And now that I am aware of your abilities, you can expect much more rigorous training."

"Got it! Yes, ma'am!" Akko lets her go and gives an energetic salute.

Diana never loses her smile. This is the Akko she wants to see.

"Very good. Then take care of yourself. Until tomorrow."


"What is it-?"

She is cut off – once again – by one last hug. Akko hums happily, all but purring into her shoulder. Diana sighs and hugs her back; she's become rather accustomed to doing so by now.

"I shall see you tomorrow, Akko," she murmurs.

At last, Akko pulls away and lets her go for real.

"Yup! See you tomorrow, Diana!"

Then, with a newfound, and very appropriate spring in her step, Akko skips off down the hallway toward her dorm room.

And again, Diana watches her go.

There is a part of her that already misses the closeness of those warm embraces.

But if she is certain about anything, it is that she will be experiencing that warmth again soon enough, as she continues to help Akko become the best witch she can be.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I'll be posting plenty more for these two in the future!

Please review!