Wow... I haven't looked at this since July 2017. I never intended to leave this story untouched for so long, and I always felt guilty about not continuing it after receiving such lovely reviews.
I won't go into major details, but about a month after publishing chapter two I found out my dad is terminally ill, so naturally my writing took a serious back step. He's still fighting though, and I have found my motivation again.
For the people who read, reviewed and followed this story, if you are still interested I hope this chapter was worth the wait. I WILL finish this.
When Marco reached the platform he almost groaned at how busy it was. A crowd of kids were standing with several adults, and the blonde had to stop himself from turning round and walking straight back out of the station. A school trip. Just what he needed after another hectic day at the docks.
All the kids had either suitcases or backpacks with them which littered much of the platform, and some were sitting in huddled circles munching on snacks, or hogging the few available plugs to charge various devices. A school trip looking to be heading out of the city - the same direction as Marco. How he hated his life in that moment.
It wasn't that Marco disliked children. He'd actually been told he was quite good with them once. But dealing with a crowd of noisy young teenagers on a train journey after one of the most stressful days he'd had in months was not at the top of his priorities. Ace had been a welcome change to his dull evening commute the past few days, but a crowd of high schoolers was too much.
Come back, dull and boring!
Other lone travellers seemed to be giving the group a wide berth, though the teachers were doing their best to control their young charges and prevent them from causing any problems. Marco wandered further down the platform in the hopes of finding a quieter spot, then heard a second commotion.
Towards the end of the platform another small crowd was gathering, this time adults who did not appear to be travelling together. People wandered from several different directions to a single point, and Marco found himself growing curious when he saw a woman crouch down on the cold station slabs.
That's when he spotted it. A rather distinctive green and black bag, lying on the floor. Beyond it, mostly hidden by the gathering people trying to offer assistance, was a figure in bright clothes wearing an orange hat.
Marco didn't even realise he was running until he carefully pushed his way between folk, already sliding his coat off. After a quick check for any noticeable injuries, remembering his first aid training, Marco folded his coat and slid it carefully under Ace's head.
"Should we call an ambulance?" a woman beside him asked, phone already in her hand and poised to dial.
"It's all right, he's narcoleptic," Marco told her. "I'm a friend."
Friend? Really? Maybe he was assuming a bit too much. He'd known Ace for a whole two days. That didn't really count for much, certainly not enough to be considered a real friend. Whatever, it was a lot quicker to say and Marco found that no one questioned him. As soon as people realised the situation was under control most of them began to disperse, while a few lingered those extra moments to offer further assistance.
The train rolling into the station was what finally drew the remaining stragglers away, and the animated chatter of high schoolers migrated into the carriages with the other passengers. It was just as the doors were sliding closed that Marco saw Ace's eyes crack open, his moan drowned out by the noise of the train pulling away.
Hazy grey eyes lifted towards him and Marco offered a warm smile. "Hey," he greeted. "This is a little different."
Ace frowned, no doubt taking a moment to come fully awake. "Marco?"
Marco was relieved. Ace recognised him, so hopefully that meant he hadn't banged his head or done any damage when he'd fallen to the floor. The younger man sat up slowly with Marco's assistance, blinking his confusion away. He turned his head just in time to see the back of the train disappear from sight.
"Shit. Sabo's gonna kill me." Marco waited patiently, and met Ace's gaze when the younger man turned back to him. "You missed your train because of me."
The blonde shrugged, arm still round Ace's shoulders like a brace to support him. "I couldn't exactly leave you lying on the platform like that."
Ace blinked. "A lot of people do. Either that or they call the cops 'cause they think I'm drunk. Or they think I'm dead and call an ambulance, but normally it's the cops."
"Well, lucky for you I'm a bit more understanding." Marco smiled. "Glad you told me about your narcolepsy yesterday though, otherwise I'd have been the first to phone for an ambulance." He slowly removed his arm, confident now that Ace was awake enough to hold himself up. "Are you okay?"
Ace groaned and rubbed at his face. "Yeah, just a bit woozy. Been a hectic day and that often makes me worse." He managed a smile. "I'll be fine though. Thanks for helping me. I'm glad I didn't wake up to a complete stranger."
Marco chuckled. "Nah, just a half stranger, if that makes any sense." He helped Ace to his feet and lifted his bag for him, which Ace accepted with another grateful smile. They both had a glance at a nearby timetable board. "Well, we've got forty-five minutes until the next train. There's a good coffee shop that stays open late round the corner. Care to join me?"
Marco couldn't help but notice how Ace seemed to brighten at the suggestion. "Beats standing here in the cold. Only if you let me pay though, to say thanks."
"Fair enough."
They headed off together, and within ten minutes Marco was nursing a steaming cup of coffee between his hands while Ace sat across from him with a hot chocolate, crowned by an impressive dollop of whipped cream.
The shop was small and had a cosy feel to it, and the two men had nabbed a table by the window where they could see the station. Ace was on his phone, sending a text to his brother to let him know he'd be late, but Marco still enjoyed being in his company. He was a regular at the coffee shop, but until now he'd only ever gone alone. Even the waitress who he often exchanged pleasantries with had smiled upon noticing he actually had someone with him this time.
Her colleagues had also been eyeing Ace up, rather obviously, from behind the coffee machines, but with little success. Ace hadn't reacted at all to them fluttering their lashes, and Marco wasn't about to bring that up in conversation. For all he knew Ace had a girlfriend. It would be weird to ask when they technically weren't even friends yet.
"You okay?"
"The blonde turned back to his companion. "Hmm? Sorry, what?"
He couldn't help but notice the faint smudge of cream at the corner of Ace's lips as he smirked. "You were miles away. Go anywhere nice?"
"Oh." Marco looked away again, feeling a little flustered. "Nah, just let my mind wander, no idea where. Happens sometimes."
The smirk, and the cream, were still on Ace's face when Marco glanced back. "Thought you said you weren't scatterbrained?"
The blonde blinked. "Huh?"
Ace chuckled, and Marco slowly realised it was one of the nicest things he'd ever heard. "Drink your coffee, I think you need it."
Was he being teased? If that were the case Marco realised he didn't even care. Damn, what the hell was wrong with him? Since when did he let his guard down so easily? He had another sip of his coffee and tried to clear his head.
Think of a conversation starter. It had come easily enough before when he'd seen Ace. The last thing Marco wanted was for things to turn awkward now. Then Ace might stop talking to him, and Marco's daily commute would slump back into depressing sepia tones.
"You know, when I got up this morning this isn't how I expected I'd be spending my evening." Ace had beaten him to it with making conversation, and any awkwardness that Marco had started to feel was immediately blown clean out the water. "I'm kinda glad though. I was enjoying chatting with you last night until I got off the train."
Ace enjoyed chatting with him? Really? It was almost ridiculous how much that admission from the younger man stirred up feelings in Marco's chest. He had to respond with something similar, to show Ace how much he appreciated his company too.
Come on, mouth. Work!
"You certainly brighten my day." And Marco now wanted to drown himself in his coffee. Seriously?! A master of the English language and that was what he came up with?
Embarrassed, he looked up as Ace laughed, unsure if he should try to take back the comment and replace it with something more appropriate. But once again Ace beat him to it.
"Is it the orange hat?" Ace had just provided him with a loophole, an easy way for Marco to escape with a little dignity. He jumped at the opportunity and mustered up a smile.
"That and the watermelon bag." Ah, good. His mouth and brain were working in tandem again. "You're very colourful compared to a lot of other people."
Ace grinned. Apparently he took that as a compliment. "I've never been a fan of dull tones. A splash of bright colour is more exciting and I just seem to suit it better. I don't mind standing out a bit."
Marco for one was glad of that, considering it was what had first drawn him to Ace. Three days ago he may as well have been colourblind with how he'd been viewing the world, stuck in his dull routine with not even a glimmer of excitement.
Now he was sitting in his favourite coffee shop with a handsome young man who genuinely seemed to enjoy his company, despite Marco being made up of the very dull tones Ace claimed to dislike.
He would need to look into the subject of colour psychology when he got home. For now though the conversation flowed, and Marco let himself be swept away by Ace's words and his bright smile.
I'm glad I finally went back to this and wrote another chapter, though this has taken several attempts to upload. It went all weird and filled up with code which I couldn't figure out how to fix easily.
Anyway, the rest of the story is still in my head. I'm sorry I kept those who were interested waiting so long. If you have the time to review at all I would really appreciate it, but please be nice.