Authors Note: Thank you all for reviewing so here's the next part! Another one shot inspired by Douglas teaching Marcus how to play the guitar! This is more cutesy and family bonding more than anything but as always there will be father/son sarcastic moments and quippy moments!

Review, Review and Review!

Guitar Lessons

"So if you want to catch Adam, Bree and Chase's attention, you're going to have to learn the guitar." Douglas pointed to the two guitars he had out. Marcus just sighed and rolled his eyes, whispering an oh god under his breath.

"I have super intelligence I'm pretty sure I can pick up a guitar like this" Marcus grabbed one of the guitars and wore the strap around his neck. "And play it like I've been playing it my whole life." And right on cue Marcus started playing a good sounding tune.

Even Douglas had to admit that he was impressed. Damn his brilliant genius in giving Marcus an amazing brain.

"I know I know but-" Douglas paused. It was hard to show Marcus any love and affection. For one Marcus might grow soft and the next reason was that him and Marcus didn't have much time left. In a little less than a year, Marcus would have his 16th birthday and he would burn out.

That part did sadden Douglas. If he had the technology to extend Marcus' life then he would have tried to. But then again would Marcus really be needed when he had three powerful bionic weapons of his own?

"Dad? Hey dad I was talking to you." Marcus waved a hand in front of his father's face and sighed. Probably thinking about his plans for getting his siblings back in his control. Douglas shook his head. "Yeah I wasn't listening, I was just thinking about how awesome my hair is today. I am seriously having a really good hair day." He smiled as he looked forward to his imaginary mirror and started admiring his hair.

And to that Marcus just rolled his eyes. His dad was arrogant, irritating and annoying but he did raise him and give him bionics and well… he was the only guy the teenager knew. Not like he had any other option of anyone else.

"You know what Elvis wannabe? When you're done admiring your hair just repeat what you said." Douglas looked at him for a moment, and Marcus hoped that he felt sorry but then he just smiled and shrugged at him.

"Thanks Marcus, you really are the best son a guy could ask for." Douglas patted Marcus' back and went back to admiring his hair. This just made Marcus outwardly groan at his dad. There were often times when Marcus questioned who had more maturity: him or his dad.

And this was definitely one of the times.

And yep right now it was looking like Marcus was a lot more mature.

"You know what dad? Just say what you wanted to before you went all la la land about your hair." Marcus rolled his eyes. Douglas looked to Marcus and for a split second was confused on what his son was talking about. But he realised the real reason why he got distracted in the first place was because of him realising how much little time him and Marcus had left with each other.

"Oh right, that. I was just saying that it could be a really good opportunity for us to you know… bond as father and son. After Adam, Bree and Chase get here, I'll be too busy training them and you'll be helping me. So we'll have no time to bond. Plus I do have 15 years of their life to get to know but we've spent fifteen years with each other." Douglas justified.

"And those weren't the most interesting ways I could have spent fifteen years." Marcus mainly whispered that under his breath so his dad wouldn't hear.

He didn't want Marcus to know that he wouldn't even be around after a few months, permanently. Marcus didn't know that he was an Android that wasn't going to live to see his 16th birthday but he didn't need to know that now.

"If it gets you to stop hounding me and chasing me for a week, begging me to let you teach me then sure knock yourself out dad." Marcus sighed. Honestly, a part of him probably liked having something to bond with his dad that wasn't abducting Adam, Bree and Chase.

And it was mainly his dad's plan. Me, me, me was how his dad liked to work.

Douglas squealed and jumped up in the air. "You'll see Marcus, it's going to be fun for the both of us, you're going to have a blast." Marcus sighed again and rolled his eyes. "Just hurry up and teach me what you want to teach me before I start regretting it and go invisible to hide from you." He grabbed the other guitar and gave it to Douglas.

"Okay, okay just sit down for a minute." Which led them both to sit on the steps near Marcus' capsule. "So the first thing about learning guitar is to learn the notes. The notes correspond from having the thickest string to the thinnest string. And the strings are named E, A, D, G, B, and E." Douglas explained as he lightly strummed the guitar.

"Regular guitars aren't going to capture their attention, you need something loud. Teenagers like that." Marcus explained, still a tad bit annoyed that he had to have guitar lessons with his dad.

"Oh how do you know what teenagers like!?"

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that I'm a teenager myself!"

Douglas huffed. "Fine, fine, most of the skills I'm going to teach you can transfer directly to an electronic guitar." This elicited a groan from Marcus who was growing more and more annoyed by the second at having to learn a skill he didn't need to.

"Now if you're done complaining, I'd like to talk about how to actually play a note. You don't hold down a string to play a note, you hold down in between the strings. Watch me." Douglas demonstrated by strumming a quiet E note. Marcus nodded and copied and it sounded identical to Douglas'. This caused Douglas to give a small smile.

"You're practically a natural, not bad Marcus." Douglas smiled. Marcus didn't say anything in response but just smiled back, continuing to play some other notes. Okay learning the guitar instead of using his intelligence to become a professional was actually a lot more fun than he thought.

"Now you're going to want to play some chords." Douglas strummed the guitar, which lead to hearing some music that was actually worth hearing. "The chords are: C-chord. G chord, E Major, D Major, E minor, A minor and D minor and you play each of them like this." Douglas started playing again demonstrating each chord to Marcus.

Even without using his bionic intelligence, Marcus was having fun playing. Every time he got a note or a chord right, Douglas smiled which made Marcus smiled too. He didn't know what that feeling of warmth inside of him actually was.

Maybe it was even the feeling love but who ever knew with Douglas…

After a while, Marcus and Douglas were laughing and playing together, even playing a few songs together. It was the most fun he ever had with Douglas after discovering Funeral Mishaps with him a few weeks ago. And Marcus was beginning to sound really, really good.

"Okay Marcus, do you think you can play something without me guiding you?" Douglas asked to which Marcus nodded and started strumming an upbeat tune which got Douglas to clap along to. "You're great! Join a band at school or something."

Marcus thought about it for a few seconds and shrugged his shoulders. "Probably not, I'm not going to be in Mission Creek High for long anyway. Besides I've been thinking about joining drama club. I figured that I could use the acting skills I've learnt from pretending to be friends with Adam, Bree and Chase to good use." Douglas paused before nodding in agreement.

So that's how the father and son afternoon went, with the both of them for a moment, forgetting whatever plans they had for the future and just enjoying sharing a hobby together.

Authors Note: And that's guitar lessons! Hope you all liked it and I hope you'll leave reviews for me to squeal, giggle and cry over. Also, it may seem like I skipped most of actually learning the guitar but that was mainly because I don't know how to play a guitar and google was my best friend.

Until next time!