A/N: This chapter took me a while, not sure if I will ever be satisfied with it, but hopefully you all will enjoy.


Chapter 5: Onwards to Future Glory!

With sunlight pouring in gently through the singular window Erik slowly stirred, his body alerting him to the fact it was time to rise. Aware of Hazel's warm body pressed against himself he only opened his eyes, taking in the sight of the fox, a small smile forming on his lips. She was still asleep, pressed gently against him with her head resting on his chest. He shifted slightly, one hand slowly stroking her back as he whispered. "Come on Hazel, rise and shine."

A moment later and Hazel began to stretch, her back popping quietly as she turned her head up to face Erik, a small smile upon her lips, her tail slowly wagging under the blankets. "Good morn Erik."

"And a good morning to you Hazel."

"Is it time to get up?"

Erik chuckled at that. "Yes it is."

Hazel's face took on a childish pout. "Do we have to get up?"

Still chuckling Erik gave the fox a gentle hug. "Sadly, come now, we can get a quick breakfast and grab what we need before we head out."

Reluctantly Hazel and Erik broke apart, both sliding out of bed. Erik began to wrestle with his boots, his eyes pointedly fixed to the floor as Hazel changed into a set of robes given to Erik by the healer of the previous town… Erik had already forgotten the man's name. He pondered it while tying his laces before shrugging the thought away, standing as he grabbed the heavier of the two bags. "You ready Hazel?"

"As I will ever be Erik." She replied, picking up the second bag, following Erik through the door as he made his way out of the inn and into the streets, looking both ways down the road until his gaze settled upon a small shop. With a bit of haggling Erik managed to get a map and a tent for 12 silver pieces, buying a portion of dried meat almost as an afterthought as he lead Hazel north, the map partially unfolded in his free hand.

"Let's see… We are here, and we are." He turned slightly to catch a glimpse of the rising sun. "And we are heading north. So that puts us on this road." His eyes roamed the map, studying it as the fox next to him eyed him curiously.

"What is our situation then Erik?" She asked, looking at the mostly folded paper.

"We are boxed in, the sea is to the west, mountains to the east, and wolf territory north and south of us."

With a quiet sigh Hazel kept moving forwards. "Well then, what now?"

Erik turned to her, folding up the map as he went. "We go north, there is a passage through the mountains that is clearly marked there. I would take use south towards where fox territory is marked on the map but there is no road that heads directly south."

Hazel nodded, shifting the bag on her shoulders as they two kept moving. "At least we have a plan."

"True enough."

With that the two fell into a companionable silence, walking side by side along the dirt road. Searching for a way to occupy his time Erik drew the sword on his hip, looking the simple blade over. It shone dully in the midmorning sun, the double sided blade was well balanced but his arm began to burn slightly as he held it up. He resolved to train with the blade when he had the time. The thought lead his mind back to himself, he was not necessarily out of shape, yet there was plenty of room for improvement. That would come in time.

He turned his attention to the trees, sheathing his blade as he continued. It was strange, seeing such a variety and he wished he could pick out anything besides the occasional oak.

The thought was pushed aside, his eyes catching a glimpse of red. He turned his head forwards as a slight smile touched his lips. Hazel was a nice woman to be sure, at the very least cooperative and easy to get along with, if a bit timid at times. Then again he gathered that the general population mistreated the Keidran. If he had to think about it, in a cruel way it made sense. Humanity had enslaved it's own kind a mere two centuries before he had been born, had there been a 'lesser race', well it would have ended poorly for them. It did little to ease his mind knowing that in the future that Keidran might be left to their own devices, but that was a long shot.

There was always hope for them despite the situation they found themselves in, but it would require them to band together against his own species, and that would likely result in war. He turned to look at Hazel, wondering if he could bring himself to kill her, should she be his enemy. The thought sent a chill down his spine and he resolved to end himself before he ever had to fight her with a blade in hand. Hazel turned to face him, tilting her head curiously.

"Something on your mind Erik?"

He nodded. "Yes, I was just thinking about my home, comparing it to this place."

"Is there much of a difference between here and your home?" She asked, ears perking up as she listened to him.

"Well, for one, there are no Keidran."

"None whatsoever?"

He shook his head. "Nope, only thing comparable to Keidran are the smaller animals you resemble. They are not intelligent, not in the way you are, and many are simply kept as pets when they are domesticated."

"Oh, then this must be strange for you." Hazel spoke softly, gesturing to herself.

"I… think I am enjoying this to be honest." He replied, hesitating slightly.

"And why is that?" Hazel turned to him, curious, one hand moving to tug at the strap over her shoulder as she paused on the trail.

"You are easier to get along with than most my friend, that and I have already stated you don't look half bad." Erik teased. "No, but besides the fur you feel just like any person I could have met back home, nicer than most people I knew as well."

Hazel shifted slightly, soft smile gracing her face. "Oh hush and let's keep moving."

Erik simply nodded, setting off once more, hoping for a quiet journey.

Far off two siblings glared at one another, each radiating a now depleted power as each panted to recover their breath, no wounds showed, but each had been battling for the past day for the most recent pawn in the game. To one side a black clad figure panted behind their mask, twin orbs of red fire fixed to the larger from across from them. The other, a head taller, clad in a royal blue robe tilted its head, mask concealed behind an imitation of a mortal man, dark skin shining in the sunlight from 'his' workout, lips curled into a slight sneer as he began to speak mockingly.

"What is the matter Lumi? Need a break?"

The masked figure threw her hand up in a gesture, force splitting the ground where the other once stood. "Quiet Phalore, your mockery will not win you this fight."

"No, but I will win regardless." Laminuna growled, the sneer upon her kin's puppet stoking her anger, both her fists once more blazing with arcane energy.

"Nothing is set in stone brother, and even time will see your arrogance eroded." She said as she readied her attack when something alerted her to another presence. Both brother and sister turned, and there at the edge of the clearing stood a shadow. With twin eyes of burning gold the shadow wreathed figure stepped forwards, sunlight bending around them. Halting in their midst the siblings approached, both hiding their hostility. Phalore was the first to speak.

"Mother dearest, what may these children do for you?" He said, kneeling along with his sister, Laminuna silently waiting beside him. Observing each figure for several long moments the shadow let them wait, each twitching slightly with unease.

"Children," the shadow whispered, both a musical and raspy vocals mixed in disjoined harmony. "Once more you bicker over pawns and puppets, this behaviour is most unbecoming."

"Yes mother." Both replied in unison, both raising their heads to explain only to find a raised hand to stop them.

"Phalore, you have your pawn well in hand, and once again I find you to be lacking dear Laminuna. Remember what I said, 'Danger come from the west'. As it is such danger still remains, you two must expedite your tasks. Exterminate the Keidran, ruin the Humans, so long as one remains strong and ready with a champion at the fore then your kingdom may just survive. Go now, this personal war between the two of you is over."

"Yes mother."

With a burst of arcane energy the shadow and Laminuna vanished, leaving Phalore to depart with his puppet of flesh, a grim smile upon his unmarked features. With his departure, the pawn was half forgotten.

Overhead the sun burned bright at it's zenith, Erik pausing to look up and eye a flock of black birds flying back the way he and Hazel had come, frowning as he turned his attention to the mountains looming ever closer. Turning Erik couldn't help but smile as Hazel drew level with him. "Ready to take a break?"

"No, I believe I can keep going for a while longer." She replied, returning the smile as the two once more began walking down the path, Erik turning to say something when his boot caught the ground, with a sharp intake of breath he hit the ground chest first, wincing at the impact. "Damn it… what was that?" He asked as Hazel helped him to his feet.

"It looks like a stone in the road." Turning to glare at it Erik studied the thing. It was weather worn and sunken deep into the compacted earth, square in shape. That gave Erik pause and he looked to the side of the path to see another just like it, hidden on the downward side of the grassy slope.

"Was this a road?" He asked aloud, pull his map from the bag and unfolding it, eying the paper.

"It looks like it once was." Hazel replied, stepping off the path to examine the grass. "Shall we Erik?"

The man began to grin. "To adventure then!"

A/N: A road eh? Wonder what this will lead to. For once I am able to follow my own plot so I believe we are on the right track. As I said before this chapter feels lack luster to me, and incomplete... feed back would be appreciated. Sorry about the short lenght, but hopefully it good enough.