Four years passed in slow motion for Genesis.

He knew that Zack had been captured by Hojo, along with the boy who had succeeded in killing his lover. He spent his time between the Shinra Mansion and Banora, haunting both like a ghost. His hair was mostly white now. Every mirror he encountered he cracked with angry fists, the reflection reminding him that he was but a monster. It wouldn't be long now, but he knew Zack would escape soon, and he'd be rife with Jenova cells. That was his plan, to receive the gift of the goddess. In the end he'd get his wish from so many years ago. He'd never shared a Banora White with Sephiroth, not really. It was his dream to take Sephiroth to his hometown and show him the taste of Banora White apple juice fresh from the factory, to share a fruit with him. If he could share a fruit with Zack and Cloud he'd come full circle.

Zack was Angeal's successor, and he would carry a part of his lover. The three friends would be reunited once again. He knew the planet had more in store for him. He knew that he'd been allowed to live because he had some hand yet in saving what was yet his to save. Perhaps he wasn't the villain he'd once thought he was when he killed his parents, had a hand in destruction of everything he held dear. Perhaps Zack would save him, make him whole once again.

So it was that that agonizing wait was over. He still remembered Angeal and Sephiroth's faces like it was yesterday that carefree times were about him. But Zack was weary and he'd wanted to save him. He wasn't sure why the boy-turned-man wanted to save him. Perhaps it was an obligation to Angeal, to seeing his honor played out, and saving the world from Genesis himself. Perhaps this was the Game he sought out all along.

But Genesis did not crave destruction as he once did. The rage that washed over him when Sephiroth met his cruel fate was all but gone; in its place was a desire for his goddess to save him, to spare him his cruel fate and to make him the hero once again. He needed Zack, as much as he hated to admit it, because he was the reunion he sought out.

And so, when Zack sought him out in Banora he smiled. He would not make it easy.

They fought bitterly, and Zack, weary from fighting, still bested him. He had all the power of Angeal and Sephiroth. As much as he hated to admit it, he was no match for the man.

When Zack held out the apple to him as he rested against a propped chair he bit into it gratefully. He accepted his slumber, his descent into Deepground. Perhaps, one day, he'd be needed. After all, he was the hero now, every bit as much as Zack.

It gave him no pleasure to find out when he woke from his slumber that Zack was dead. He'd thought that the man was the three friends' living legacy. He wasn't sure what woke him, but he remembered the touch and presence of Minerva, of Gaia, the planet opening up to him.

And he felt the presence of his beloved too.

It took him a few days to travel to the Northern Crater, but he found Sephiroth's body there encapsulated in crystal. Was it some cruel joke? He watched his own reflection in the crystal, his face hovering right before Sephiroth's. But something was wrong. Jenova's presence was too strong.

He left the Northen Crater and waited for his lover to reemerge into the world born anew. He waited until his presence was desired once again. It took everything in him to watch and wait for the perfect time.

Cloud had left Sephiroth's dying and bloody body to return to the lifestream, and that's when he came to him.

"My poor sweet Sephiroth,"he crooned. The dying man's face turned up toward him, eyes opening wide with shock. He carefully shined the apple he'd brought with him from the budding new trees in Banora. He raised the fruit carefully to Sephiroth's bloody lips. "I have one last request for you. Bite this apple, and then…use your sword to bring me with you into Lifestream. We will be together, finally."

Sephiroth took a slow labored breath and gently worked his mouth against the apple.

"It was always my wish to share one with you," he whispered, taking the apple and biting into it where Sephiroth's bite was. It tasted sweeter for it having been shared.

"Death is not the end," Sephiroth whispered hoarsely. "Even there, mother may follow me."

"We will fight her, you and I," Genesis promised. He put the apple aside and helped Sephiroth sit up. "Kiss me, before you kill me," Genesis whispered. Sephiroth obliged, kissing Genesis sweetly, perhaps a little too weakly, as he was dying.

"We'll find one another, in Lifestream?" He asked like a child.

"I will implore the goddess for you. She won't refuse me this time." He took Masamune in his hands and pressed it into Sephiroth's. Sephiroth kissed him one last time before sliding it into his ribs. Genesis gasped. It felt every bit as sweet as it felt horrible. He would be with Sephiroth.

They lay dying together on the rock face, and soon Lifestream came to claim them.

Genesis saw Minerva smile as he died. Finally he stretched his arms out and she embraced him. His Gaia had accepted him, and he fell back amongst tendrils of green.

When he awoke, Sephiroth was beside him in a bed of flowers, lilies arranged carefully like a pillow below his head, silver hair streaming below him. Genesis himself had daisies, the wild flower, below him. They lay, joined at the hip. Sephiroth smiled sleepily at him.

They made love on their bed of flowers, and it was every bit as sweet as he remembered, even more so because Sephiroth finally submitted to him.

If this is how he would spend eternity, he would willingly accept his fate.

"Love and Loss" did not follow them here, but Sephiroth often played him lullabies on the grand piano in the church to help him go to sleep. Nightmares did not follow him here. There was only peace.

Before them appeared a large chess board and the pieces were the heroes of Gaia.

"Check mate," Sephiroth announced as he used Aerith to overcome Genesis's Cloud.

"Go again?" Genesis intoned, as pleased as a cat.

"Of course," Sephiroth replied silkily.