Don't own Supernatural. Just borrowing.
I dedicate this story to my love and friend, Suki Uchiha Lamprouge. You are a light in the dark and a true friend. Thank you for making me smile.
*Does Italian turn you on?
Chapter 1: Valentine's Angel
Debbie couldn't stop her tears as she cried, curled up on the bench of the bus stop. Her day had started out bad and then went downhill from there. It was like today was not going to be her day. She had woken up late, which was unusual for her. Waking up so late meant that she had to rush through her shower only to find that there was no hot water. She got through her shower as quick as possible and got dressed only to find that her favorite pants had somehow gotten a large rip in them right at the knee. She had no time to change because she was already late to work and figured it would be okay as long as she stayed at her seat.
How she wished she had been right. The manager had seen and ripped into her about the dress code leaving her shaking as she wasn't given a chance to explain why they were like that. During her lunch she realized that she both forgotten to pack her lunch and didn't have enough money to buy food. She ended up in the bathroom crying due to her co-workers being snide behind her back, saying how 'sad and lonely' she was because she didn't have a significant other while most of the women were celebrating Valentine's Day. She hated Valentine's Day because she was always alone.
Her crappy day hadn't ended there. Debbie had gotten asked to stay behind because someone had called saying they'd be a few minutes late. The manager had made her stay insisting that 'she had no life anyway so what did it matter?'. She almost walked out then. Instead she stayed later since she could use the money. It was only when she was leaving that she found out her ride wouldn't be able to pick her up due to the later hour. That was how she ended up here, crying on the bench because she had missed the last bus and it would be a several hour walk to get back to her house.
Drying her tears somewhat, she reached into her bag and pulled out the bag of her homemade rock candy. She broke a small piece off and sucked on it, enjoying the flavor. Candy always made her feel better since she had major sweet tooth. Rock candy was the the latest in her sweet tooth craving. She broke off another piece and decided it might be best to just start walking, despite the fact she was in heels. Standing up she was about to step out from under the shelter when the skies opened up and it began pouring rain. Sitting back down she buried her face and started sobbing again.
"Is that...strawberry rock candy? I didn't know there were any places that sold it around here. Where'd you get it?"
Debbie looked up, startled by the man that she was quite sure hadn't been standing there a minute ago. She looked up at the short blonde with bright golden eyes. He was in a pair of well worn sneakers, dark blue jeans, a dark red button up and a sage green coat that was, oddly enough, completely dry. She looked down at the bag in her hand then up at the man and slowly held it out to him. He broke into a huge smile and reached out and took a small piece before frowning.
"You're crying." He said softly.
"It's nothing." She said quickly drying her tears, on the sleeve of her jacket.
The man nodded and sucked on the candy, giving her a smile. "This is good. Where did you get it?" He asked taking a seat next to her, making sure to leave enough room that she didn't feel crowded.
"I didn't buy it. I made it." Debbie said, happy that she made someone smile. "Want another piece before I go?"
"Sure!" He said, his strangely gold eyes lighting up as he took a slightly bigger piece than last time. "I can't believe you made this! This stuff is amazing! I would know. I have a huge sweet tooth and have sampled candy from all over the world." The rest of Debbie's words seemed to catch up to him. "Go? Where are you going? I don't know if you noticed but it's late and raining cats and dogs. Well not literally but you get my point. And if I'm reading that schedule behind you right then the last bus came almost an hour ago."
Debbie nodded and put the candy back. "I know. It's okay though. I don't have work tomorrow. The walk won't kill me. It's just a few hours. A crappy end to a crappy day." She said preparing to step out into the rain.
Her stomach chose that moment to let out the loudest growl she had ever heard it make before. She flushed and wrapped her arms around her stomach. The man raised an eyebrow and stared. Debbie turned away, her flush darkening. He heard it, as if luck wasn't bad enough today and it was only four.
"Sorry. I forgot to pack my lunch and only had enough money on me for bus fare." Debbie explained to the small blonde Adonis.
"So not only are you about to walk who knows how far in the dark, during a storm, and in high heels, but you're about to do so on an empty stomach?" The man asked asked skeptically. "You could pass out and get hit by car or worse!"
Debbie just shrugged. "I know but I have no other way home. My ride can't come get me and like you said, the bus already came. There are no taxis and even if there were I don't have the money to pay for one. I don't have a choice."
Debbie pulled her hood up and started out into the rain again only to hear a snap and to have an umbrella suddenly over her. She blinked and turned to look at the man wondering where he had gotten the umbrella from. She hadn't seen it a few minutes ago and given how big it was she wasn't sure how she could have missed it. He gave her a smile.
"Can't let you walk in the rain now can I?" He said with a smirk. "You gave me candy after all. What kind of guy would I be?"
Debbie shook her head but her stomach growled again making her flush. "I'm sorry."
"Well that settles that. How about we go for some dinner? My treat! Payment for the candy you gave me. What do you say?" He said, giving her the brightest smile.
"I don't even know you." Debbie blurted out, mentally kicking herself for turning down dinner with the gorgeous man before her.
"Gabriel. Gabriel Godson." He said with a smile holding out his hand.
Debbie frowned but held out her hand and, to her surprise, he took it and kissed the back of it. Debbie flushed and pulled away, trying not to let him see. Who was this strange man? This Gabriel Godson who was appearing out of no where and making umbrellas appear? He cleared his throat and gave her a smile that made her knees weak.
"How about telling me your name Deborah?"
Debbie opened her mouth intent on telling him but then her brain caught up and she realized that he knew her name. How did he know her name? She'd never met the man before. She gripped her keys tightly and took a step back, forgetting about the curb. Her eyes went wide as she started to fall before she closed them tightly. There was a sudden warmth around her wrist and she felt the direction of her fall change. There was an 'Oof!' as she landed against something soft and it made her eyes snap open in shock finding herself staring into a pair of concerned golden eyes.
"Hey, are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself falling did you? I mean, I know I caught you but I wasn't sure if-"
Debbie pulled back and looked around, wondering how he managed to get her fully under the awning again. This guy had to be stronger then he looked. Maybe even strong enough to hurt her even with his short stature. She pulled away, hissing as it hurt her ankle a bit. He frowned and reached down going for the zipper of her boot and Debbie pulled away sharply with a hiss.
Gabriel held his hands up in a non threatening gesture. "It's okay! I'm a doctor. I promise. Just let me have a look okay? I'm not letting you leave now. Not when it's my fault you got hurt."
Debbie nodded her consent. They were pretty well out in the open and it was well lit in the dim fading light. With a grin he unzipped her boot and pulled it off making her wince, the area already swelling. His long fingers touched her ankle and she was shocked by just how warm he was. He rubbed at her ankle making her hiss but the pain was slowly starting to fade and everywhere he touched felt warm and it left behind tingles. He pulled back with a grin and helped her back into her boot.
"There you are my Cinderella. Good as new. I think it might just be a very mild sprain." He said giving her a smile.
Debbie nodded but didn't say anything, instead just clutched her keys tighter.
Gabriel noticed and frowned. "Okay I admit that was a bit out of line. I didn't mean to make you freak out like that. I was not trying to...I just like pranks. I'm a trickster at heart." He said with a smile. "Can you forgive me?"
"How did you know my name?" Debbie asked, still alarmed.
Gabriel chuckled and pointer to her chest. She looked down and groaned. She was still wearing her badge from work. It had her picture, employee number, and her name. He hadn't known her at all but read her badge which she had forgotten to take off after work.
She flushed and relaxed. "Sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for." Gabriel said standing. "I should be apologizing. I just scared you and made you hurt yourself after you were nice enough to share your candy with me. Now will you agree to have dinner with me? It'll be my apology to you. I'll even drive you home afterwards if you want me to."
Debbie frowned and considered her choices. She could walk home, in the dark and rain on a sore ankle while in heels and get home super late and then have to cook, or dinner with a blonde that could double for a model. Her stomach growled again and Gabriel let out a chuckle.
"I think that solves it. I can't let you starve on my watch. Come on. I know this nice little place around the corner. Come on. Please Deborah?"
She hesitated again; she really shouldn't be having dinner with some strange man she just met.
Gabriel gave her a smirky smile. "How about if I say pretty please?"
"Debbie." She said getting to her feet and brushing off her clothes. "My friends call me Debbie."
"Debbie." He said, his smile turning soft. "Beautiful name. Now. The beautiful lady deserves a beautiful meal." He said offering her his hand once more. "And I promise I won't play anymore tricks. For now anyway."
Debbie couldn't believe it. Not only had Gabriel taken her to his car, a beautiful bronze '68 AMC, but she was now eating at the most expensive place in town. It took months to get into this place even with a reservation but the staff had tripped over themselves when Gabriel had flashed his id at them. They were taken to the best seat in the house, a private little section that had a good view of the large water fixture, complete with koi pond in it. Their first bottle of wine was even on the house; a nice blush that Gabriel insisted she pick with a smile.
"You seem shocked." Gabriel said with a smile, taking a bite of his filet mignon.
Debbie looked down at her own filet mignon. This was not what she had been expecting. With the wine they had brought out bacon wrapped scallops, which she never had before, followed by a Caesar salad that was topped with rosemary roasted chicken. Then came the lobster tail in a buttery garlic sauce, another new one for her, along with a change in wine from the blush to white. Once the lobster was eaten out came the small bacon wrapped steaks that were cooked to perfection.
"I just...You don't seem like the kind of guy who'd be rich." Debbie admitted before finishing off her own steak.
Gabriel broke into a smirk and his eyebrows gave a little wiggle at her. "Oh yeah? And why is that? It's the height isn't it? I hope you know that good things come in little packages. I'm actually quite big for my size."
Debbie flushed, trying not to think about his package size now that he had mentioned it. "I mean that you're nice. You are a good guy."
"You think so?" He asked, his voice taking on a serious tone.
Debbie nodded. "You didn't have to offer to talk to me, or even give me the umbrella. You could have ignored me and let me walk away. You could have even left me there after I got hurt. Instead you sit here trying to make it up to me."
"Trying? Am I not succeeding?" He asked suddenly, as if the thought that he wasn't impressing her was the greatest travesty that he had ever heard of.
Gabriel clapped and their waiter appeared as if summoned. With a smirk the blonde said something in French and the waiter rushed off. Another person returned a few moments later playing the most beautiful melody on the violin. Gabriel turned back to her with a smile.
"Am I doing better now?" He asked with a smirk.
Debbie flushed. "I'm not used to this. I feel a bit overwhelmed." She admitted.
Gabriel let out a strange noise. "You've never had some guy treat you like the queen you really are? Not even once?"
"I don't get out much." Debbie said looking towards the water. "My ex's weren't exactly the best at being in committed and caring relationships."
Gabriel frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's nothing." Debbie said, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "So you're a doctor then?"
The blonde let out a chuckle. "Not really a doctor. More like a healer. I don't use conventional methods to heal. As you saw earlier with your ankle. I'm still sorry for that."
"It must pay a lot." Debbie said before flushing. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud."
"It's fine. I like it when a woman speaks her mind to me. As for it paying well...Let's just say I'm very good investing." He said as the waiter came and took their plates only to replace them with a small dish of mint ice cream. "Je vous remercie." He said to the waiter.
"So you speak French?" Debbie asked. "I only remember what I took in high school."
"I actually speak quite a few." He said with a smile. "Why?"
"Can you speak Italian too?" She asked with a smile.
The smile that broke across his face was infectious. "Non parlando Italiano a sua volta voi su?"*
Debbie flushed and Gabriel broke into a fit of chuckles. She dug into her surprisingly rich ice cream. It didn't take her long to finish it, making sure she got every little piece of chocolate she could find. She looked up to find Gabriel giving her a knowing smile and she realized that he had already finished his. The waiter came and took the bowls and Gabriel said something in French and the waiter nodded and left.
Gabriel gave her a grin. "I asked them to box up our last course. I was wondering...Maybe you'd humor me a bit longer? I'd like you to come home with me. We can have our last course at my house. It's on a beach. I have a fire place and bear skin rug." A flush darkened his cheeks. "Listen I don't normally do this. Strike up conversations with strange women who carry homemade rock candy in their bags, scare them and make them hurt themselves and then take them out to dinner. I'm...I don't-"
"I'd love to." Debbie said with a smile; he was adorable when he was flustered. "I don't do this either. That makes us even. Least I can to do repay you for dinner and healing me."
The smile that lit up Gabriel's face this time it was different. It was soft and heart warming. He looked so much younger; his golden eyes were so, so old. It was strange to see eyes that looked so old on someone her own age. He held out his hand to her.
"Milady! Allow my to escort you." He said with a bow.
Debbie chuckled and placed her hand in his. "It would be my pleasure."
"No! Really! See!"
Debbie couldn't help but laugh, watching as the blonde balanced one of their chocolate covered strawberries on his nose. The strawberries had been the desert that he had gotten to go. His house was amazing and sitting in a nice little cove on the beach and completely cut off from the rest of the world. It was large but not overly so and for some reason Debbie couldn't stop herself from feeling completely at home. Gabriel balanced the berry for a few more seconds before tossing it up in the air and catching it in his mouth giving her a grin, a sexy growl, and waving his eyebrows again making her laugh harder.
"You are a total goofball Mr. Godson." Debbie declared.
Gabriel quickly sucked the candied fruit into his mouth and ate it. "What did I say about that? I thought I told you to call me Gabe!"
"Sorry! I think it's the wine! It's gone a bit to my head." Debbie admitted. "I'm sorry. You're just too cute for your own good!"
Those gold eyes brightened. "I'm cute am I?"
"Very!" She said with a giggle. "I'm so sorry. I tend to get flirty when I get like this. I should have turned you down for the drink."
"Yeah but if you had then I'd never get to see this side of you!" He said with laughter. "I must remember to have you drink more often. I think I like you this way!"
"I'm a such a blonde." She said falling back on the rug.
"So what does that make me?" Gabriel asked.
"You're a dirty blonde!" Debbie said with a giggle, before turning to look for her boots. "I really need to stop. I'm so sorry. I should head home before I say something I regret."
"Oh yeah? Like what?" Gabriel asked.
"Nope. You don't need to know that I think you're hot." She said with a chuckle. "Now I need to go home."
Gabriel turned to look at the clock. "Debbie it's really late. It's almost two in the morning. How about you stay the night? You can sleep in my room and I'll take the guest room across the hall. Sound like a good deal? How about if I say pretty please?"
Debbie thought about it. "Yeah. I guess so. But only for tonight."
Gabriel nodded and helped her stand before leading her up the stairs and into a large room with a huge four post bed. "Here you are my dear. Help yourself to anything and everything. I hope you have a good night's sleep. I'm across the hall should you need me. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight my dear." He said softly, before leaving the room.
Debbie smile and striped down, finding it a bit strange that Gabriel had pajamas that fit her but in her buzzed state she didn't care too much. As she climbed into bed she was shocked by just how soft and warm the bed was. Settling down she fell asleep dreaming of smiles and bright golden eyes.