The plane trip had never felt longer than the one he was on at that moment. It was not due to delays or any inconvenient airport processes that held him back, it was a standard flight that was well on schedule even by even the strictest aviation standards. After all, he was on a private jet given by Overwatch to bring him back to the headquarters. There was no lines or hassle in waiting for any stragglers to board the plane, nor was there a need for countless security checks and document validation. Though it was not a high speed military craft, it was still a high tech craft that traveled faster than most commercial planes in the country.

However, he couldn't help but feel his legs shake in impatience on the plane, only calming himself down with a deep breath and glancing around the cabin. He was alone of course, being the sole Overwatch agent to be sent on the mission. This was fine of course, considering his tendency to prefer working alone or in small groups as opposed to being a part of a team. Being a stealthy ninja was rather difficult when he had to operate in a large squad, though he could manage it. Of course, he was part of quite a few of these missions to learn how to work in groups and how to lead others to an objective. That was back when he was a new recruit to Overwatch though, and even then he greatly disliked the activity. Thinking back on it, it was most likely due to his dislike toward their doctor in blind hatred for what he had become. The thought made his heart ache, knowing that despite the many apologies he had given over the years and all the things that he had done for her, there was no way that he could ever take back all the harsh words and actions that he had shown to the woman who had taken care of him so tenderly after saving his life, the only one who had cared for him when everyone else either believed he was dead or did not care regardless.

Genji let out a small "tsk" off the tip of his tongue, crossing his legs in a sitting position as he made room on the chairs by lifting up the arms for him to meditate. His visor dimmed as he physically closed his eyes behind them, taking in deep breaths and feeling them leave his body. While his mind was definitely away from the impatience he felt, it strayed to a place that made him feel guilt and an aching that he could not escape even after years. As such, he resorted to meditation, a practice that his teacher had taught him long ago and one that he hated for the longest of time. His body was used to being in motion, always ready for the next move and actively searching for another thing to do. It took him quite a while before he found himself at peace in meditation, calming down his nerves and bringing him a sense of tranquility and peace that he could not have hoped to feel had he kept in motion. In doing so, he also allowed himself to come to terms with the inner conflicts that he had been running away from.

This session of meditation, however, was not one of such reflective and troubled times. Instead, Genji found his thoughts of Angela coming to him and keeping him company. He could see them together, from their first date together, on that sunny day at the amusement park hand in hand, her face as bright as the sun reflecting off of her golden hair and the white sun dress that she wore.

He could remember trying so hard to be gentlemanly, fearing that he may revert to his old playboy techniques and causing her to dislike him. She had smelled so sweet, of a gentle coconut scent that must have been her shampoo. He had kept his distance to not seem touchy, yet at the same time he was dying on the inside to be closer and to be able to fully enjoy being by her side and enjoying the sweet scent of her hair. She had it untied too, reaching down past her shoulder behind her and creating a beautiful curtain that he had admired from every angle that day through all the activities they did.

He had wanted to take her out on this beautiful day, a wish that could not have been granted due to the nature of his mission. While it was a shame, he supposed that he'll have to be happy with doing it the next day. He knew that she still had work of course, so perhaps it would not be the next day or even within the week. However, he simply hoped that the gift he had sent to her had made her happy, even before he came home to her. Of course, he had wanted to the gift to her himself but missions were always ambiguous. While he was skilled enough to perform them at ease and return home in due time, there was always a chance that something occurs that required him to return to the scene and definitively finish the job. As such, he did not want to hold on to the gift, lest they remain with him past the date and perhaps even melt.

The plane made a soft sound from below that a normal passenger would have easily miss, though the trained ninja operative immediately recognized it as the sound of the plane deploying its landing gears. It was a familiar sound that informed the cyborg that he should prepare to disembark from the plane down to wherever he was arriving at. This time however, he was more than happy to get off the plane and onto the car that would return him home as soon as possible. He had not wanted a helicopter to pick him up, a way to surprise the angel that he was returning to and also to not bother the resources of Overwatch for a trivial reason. He definitely second guessed his decision now, though he forced himself to be patient once again.

Soon, though not soon enough, the car slid up to the driveway of the Overwatch headquarters. Genji thanked the driver politely, beginning to walk toward the front door at a calm pace until he was sure that the car was out of sight, at which point he jogged with the excitement of a child returning home to a delicious treat. This was technically not wrong, though he would have been embarrassed as hell if anyone ever described him that way.

"Welcome back Genji. I hope your mission went well," the robotic voice greeted him even as he arrived at the front door, as if anticipating his arrival. The door opened for his entrance, making the man smile beneath his visor. "Thank you Athena. While it would have been quite romantic for Angela to answer the door, I suppose I shouldn't bother you with getting her."

The logo floating near the door was silent for a few moments before speaking, "She is probably preparing herself, though she must be done by now. You came right on time I believe." Though the robotic voice did not show a change in tone, something made Genji feel as if Athena was a doting mother watching over them with amusement. "Besides, I didn't think you wanted to wait for that long. You were running toward the door quite eagerly. Much like an overly eager child I must add."

The logo blinked out, as if leaving without giving him a chance to react or even defend himself. While his cheeks and ear tips felt suddenly very warm under the visor, he knew that even if she had seen it Athena would not have told anyone else about it. That was something that he rather liked about her, something that made her more than just an AI in the headquarters.

As Genji walked through the familiar halls of the headquarter toward her room, he couldn't help but notice his heart racing in anticipation. Where was she? Did she like his present? How would she react?

When she got to her door, it suddenly slid open, revealing a sight that made his jaw drop. On the other side stood an angel that was don in a delicately crafted thin white dress. It was frustrating, considering that he could not see any part through it despite the soft and thin fabric. He was going to have to pay the tailor a visit later, both to thank and to complain about this matter. However, his gaze found itself captivated by hers after a once over, gulping at the light he saw there. Angela leaned against the wall, a small seductive smirk on her lips.

"Welcome home my dear~ You've kept me waiting for quite a while you know."Genji blinked and glanced away sheepishly, "I'm sorry. I wanted to come back earlier bu-"

The lady in front of him laughed, covering her dark red lips with one hovered hand. She looked back up at him, the smile still on her face though she seemed rather conflicted. "You're making it very hard for me to be seductive right now. Can you please play along dear? I'm not as good as you are with this, remember?"

Genji blinked twice and nodded. With that, Angela grabbed him by the wrist gently, pulling him past the door and into the room. She did not move too far, pulling him close to her. Her left hand trailed up, expertly finding the hidden function to enable the nerve endings on the his robotic body. With that, she slid her hands up his sides in a teasing manner, barely touching its surface but enough to make the stoic man in front of her let out a soft gasp in surprise at the sudden stimulation. She smirked, reaching up and removing his visor plate as she gazed deeply into his eyes. With that, she leaned in, kissing him softly on the lips.

When she leaned back, Angela admired the red stain that was now there, satisfied with her mark on him now that he had returned. She then leaned in once more, kissing him again before whispering in a silky soft tone, "I got you some chocolates Genji. Swiss, they're the best. Or~" She then walks back, separating her body from his for the moment. As she walked toward the bed, Angela expertly undid two flimsy straps that held her dress up, letting it slide smoothly to the ground and revealing what she had underneath. His focus instantly went from the smooth curve of her tanned neck to the curve of her back, completely exposed in the scandalous sweater that she was wearing. He had no clue what it was called, other than the fact that there wasn't a chance in hell he could turn down such an overt act of seduction when she wore it.

Angela stopped before reaching the bed, turning slightly to look at him and teasingly showed him her exposed side, leaning forward just a bit to show off the curve of her ample chest but not enough for him to see anything further. With that, she winked and beckoned for him, bringing the cyborg walking toward her, entranced and fully charmed by her audacious display tonight. As he did, he closed the door behind him and placed his visor on the nearby table. He won't be needing that for the while.

"If you would like, then why don't you come over here and get a taste of a different kind of Swiss delicacy? I'm sure you'll be quite happy with this one~"

The steel door hissed silently shut, its lock engaging and soundproofing their proof from the outside. The door's ringer and speaker system to contact them was shut off, the transparent display show lighting up with a simple message.

"Do Not Disturb"