The day before

"Yakov, please let me cut my practice short today. I promise to make it up the next day."

Victor Nikiforov, five time World Champion, pleaded with his coach Yakov Feltsman like a puppy begging their owner to take them outside.

However, his coach let out a stern "No".

Victor should have seriously expected this answer. With the Worlds Championship a month away and the fact that he's both Yuuri's coach and competitor, he should have at least known that he's pressed for time.

But this Valentine's Day is different from the previous years because now he has someone to spend it with. Besides, it's his first time to actually celebrate Valentine's Day. He already planned out on how he'll surprise Yuuri. He just needed the time to pull it off perfectly.

"Aww. Why not?" Victor pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

Yakov, already too used with Victor's antics, replied with a sigh, "You know all too well the reason Vitya. What makes you think we have time for this?"

"Come on Yakov. It's just for a few hours." Victor pleaded, apparently not even letting logic get in the way of his plans.

Yakov then gave Victor an earful of a lecture, "Vitya, you just came back to compete after taking a break to coach Katsuki. I didn't really expect you'll compete and coach at the same time because competing is taxing enough as it is. I allowed you to do what you want since I believe you know well you have to work twice as hard to make everything work."

However, Victor wasn't listening as intently as Yakov wanted as he's seemingly deep in thought.

"And now you're telling me you want to cut your practice just when a major competition is nearing? Have you lost it?" Yakov nearly shouted at Victor for being inconsiderate. Seems like things will never change.

Victor would still push through with his request, "But Yakov, it's just for today. I promise to make it up next day."

With a resigned sigh, Yakov finally gives in. "Alright fine. We can cut your practice tomorrow but you'll have to make up for the lost hours. We can't be wasting any time. Seriously Vitya, you'll send me to the hospital one of these days."

"And I'll be sure to visit you there with Yuuri." Victor said innocently.

He doesn't get it, does he? Yakov thinks to himself.

"By the way, why are you asking to cut practice tomorrow?" Yakov asked. He needs to know why Victor has been insistent with his silly request today.

Victor then said with a smile on his face, "It's Valentine's Day tomorrow. I wanted to surprise Yuuri with something special. I already have plans for it so I just need the time."

He's actually worse than Georgi. Yakov thought. To think he'd cut precious practice time for something as silly as Valentine's is incomprehensible. Not to mention downright unforgivable.

Then again, it's thanks to Yuuri Katsuki that Victor changed for the better. His skating was not only better, it actually has life and love in it. Something that Victor's routines do not have before becoming Katsuki's coach. But most of all, Victor's happier now that he has Katsuki in his life. It's not only his skating that got life and love. Yakov supposes that he'd cut them some slack for that.

"Fine. I understand. Now get your ass on the ice before I change my mind." Yakov said with a huff.

Victor smiled before saying, "Thanks Yakov."

Valentine's Day

Victor then set his plans into motion. While Yuuri's still in the locker room preparing, he decided that now is the perfect time to ask Yuri to keep Yuuri occupied for a few hours.

He knows that Yuri isn't the easiest person to ask a request from. Usually, the boy would either ask for the reason or complain before finally conceding if he agrees with it. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try. Besides, he could always charm the boy just like what he did with Yakov to get his way.

"Yurio. I have a request to ask." Victor called aloud.

"What is it Victor?" Yuri asked while keeping a scowl on his face.

Victor then took hold of Yuri's shoulders and began his request, "Can you accompany Yuuri for a few hours? I have a surprise for him and I need to keep him from finding about it. Please?"

Yuri paused for a moment before agreeing, "Sure."

Well, that was easy, Victor thought. Yuri easily agreeing to a request happens only once in a blue moon. Then again, it seems the boy actually enjoys hanging out with Yuuri even if he won't admit it.

"Thanks Yurio." Victor said with relief.

He then saw his fiancé walking out of the locker room, ready to practice.

After bidding his fiancé a short farewell, he then took advantage of what little time he has to perfect his program. He may be a five time World Champion but that doesn't mean he is infallible as he notes that both Yuris are formidable opponents. They did break the world records he himself set.

This will be fun. He thought.

Afterwards, he left practice and told Yakov he'll be going home. He also added to tell Yuuri that he went home and that he has a surprise from him if he asks where Victor is. Yakov agreed to his request. Then Victor left the rink in a hurry.

Victor was glad that he asked Yuuri's mother, Hiroko, to teach him how to make katsudon. He knows all too well just how much his fiancé loved the dish, so he's adamant in learning how to make it to surprise Yuuri. His first attempt was a bit of a disaster since the breadcrumbs didn't stick to the pork cutlet when it was done frying. He also over mixed the egg so it looked more like a pork cutlet omelet than katsudon. Thankfully, Hiroko was patient so Victor was eventually able to improve cooking katsudon.

On the way home, he also bought a bouquet of red roses. After all, nothing says "I love you." more than red roses however clichéd it may be. He checked on the Internet to make sure that red roses would convey his message perfectly in all languages.

Once he got home, he placed the bouquet on the table gently. He fed Makkachin before he started cooking the katsudon. Luckily, they had all the ingredients for katsudon so he didn't need to go out and buy them. He then cooked the katsudon according to how Hiroko taught him.

After deeming the katsudon to be perfect enough for his love, Victor then cleaned the kitchen and covered the bowls. He took a quick shower, dressed up and prepared the table. When he deemed everything to be perfect, he let out a satisfied smile. He pulled out his phone and took picture of the table. Then he posted the pictures in his SNS account with various hashtags like #ValentinesDay, #ForYuuriKatsuki and #Surprise among others before turning of the lights.

The door being opened and closed was heard then a familiar voice called out to him

"I'm home."

Victor responded with the usual warmth in his voice.

"Welcome home."

"Victor? Where are you? Why is everything so dark? Did the electricity got cut off?" Yuuri asked with a slight panic in his voice.

"I'm over here." Victor calls out to him. "I have something for you. Wait for me there."

Victor then went over to the door to fetch Yuuri to show his surprise. It was a bit difficult since it was mostly dark inside but thankfully, the sun hasn't completely set yet so at least Victor has an idea of where's they're going. Victor noticed that Yuuri was holding something in his right hand so he took the left hand instead. Victor then led Yuuri towards the dining table. Before they got to the table, Victor said, "Okay, my love. I want you to close your eyes."

Yuuri then laughed and said, "It's dark in here. I don't think closing my eyes is even necessary."

"But that would defeat the purpose of surprising you." Victor pouted. "Besides, isn't it more fun this way?"

"Okay, okay" Yuuri finally gave in to his fiancé's request and closing his eyes.

"Don't open your eyes until I say so, okay?"


Victor lit the candle that was at the center of the table. Yuuri felt the sudden illumination but he still kept his eyes closed.

"Open your eyes now, love"

Yuuri slowly opened his eyes and to say that he was touched was an understatement. He felt more in love with Victor just from this surprise alone.

On the table is a lit candle in the middle, two katsudon bowls and a bouquet of red roses on the side. Makkachin's sleeping just near the table.

"Surprise, my love. I hope you'll enjoy what we're having" Victor said with a warm smile on his face.

"Amazing Victor. You never cease to surprise me." Yuuri said while enjoying the romantic view.

"Why don't we sit down? You'll love what I prepared for you."

"Eh? You mean you prepared everything yourself?"

"Yes." Victor nodded.

"So you even cooked the katsudon?"

"That's right love"

Yuuri then said with a huge smile on his face, "That's the best surprise you've given me for this day"

"I had your mother teach me the recipe before we moved here. I wanted to surprise you with katsudon I made myself one day and today is the perfect day for that."

"Speaking of surprises, I have one for you as well." Yuuri the showed Victor the box he was holding.

"Oh, I wonder what surprise my adorable fiancé has for me." Victor wondered aloud while Yuuri set the box down at the table.

Victor then pulled the seat out and offered it to Yuuri, like how a gentleman would.

Yuuri then joked before sitting down, "You're a sap, you know?"

Victor replied earnestly as he kisses Yuuri's hand before taking the adjacent seat, "Yes but I'm your sap."

They then dug into the katsudon bowls. Yuuri loved how the katsudon tasted and the effort Victor went through to make it for him. Maybe this is why Victor has been acting a bit strange today. He just hopes he returns the favor with his surprise.

"So this is why you left early after practice. I'm surprised Mr. Yakov allowed you to even cut practice short."

"I had to charm him to get my way. It wasn't easy since he knows me all too well." Victor complained.

Yuuri scolded Victor like how a mother would to her child, "You have to make up for the lost time on practice. You know we don't have much time until the Four Continents Championship. Then we have to compete at Worlds and I have to win a gold medal before we get married."

"Exactly why I asked for a short break today. I won't be able to do this with you before we compete at Worlds. Besides, Valentine's Day comes only once a year. Today's also our first Valentine's Day too." Victor said. He had a point, Yuuri thought.

"This is the best katsudon I've ever eaten." Yuuri said as he ate the katsudon.

Victor then went closer to Yuuri and said softly, "You know, I put in a secret ingredient in the katsudon."

Yuuri then got curious, "What's the secret ingredient?"

"Love." Victor said so seductively that Yuuri blushed right after hearing it.

Victor enjoys seeing his adorable fiancé gets flustered from hearing cheesy lines. It just made Yuuri more adorable.

Victor then chuckled before continuing and taking his seat, "Just think of it as 'the pork cutlet bowl fatale that enthralls men' image you initially thought for the Eros program."

Yuuri blushed out of embarrassment for initially using katsudon as his inspiration for Eros. That was one of his most immature ideas to date.

"Did the katsudon I made seduced you?" Victor then held Yuuri's hands with his own, "Or should I be the one seducing you?"

"You don't need to do that anymore." Yuuri said and laced his fingers with Victor's gently, "You seduced me a long time ago. I'm in your spell forever."

This time, it was Victor who blushed at Yuuri's words. Wow, Victor thought. Seems like he was not the only one capable of being this bold.

Yuuri said after finishing their katsudon, "Oh yeah. I made something for you. I hope you'll like it."

"If it's something you made, I'll love it. Now, can you show me what it is?" Victor said with excitement all over him. Yuuri never ceases to surprise him after all.

Yuuri nodded and took off the lid. Like him, to say that Victor was touched was also an understatement. He could feel Victor's blue eyes well up with so much happiness that he could drown in them forever.

On the cake, the words "For you. Love, Yuuri." Was written with white icing.

"You never cease to surprise me love. This is the best Valentine's gift anyone has ever given me. I feel like I fell more in love with you." Victor looked like he was about to cry tears of joy.

Me too, Yuuri thought to himself.

Victor took a lot of photos of the cake. He didn't want the thought of his Yuuri making something for him on Valentine's Day to be just a mere memory. Besides, he wants to show to the world how sweet his Yuuri is and how he's the luckiest man on earth.

Before he was about to post the pictures, Victor suddenly remembered that it's Christophe's birthday today.

"Oh yeah. Today is Chris's birthday. Why don't we call and greet him." Victor said.

Yuuri agreed, "Yes we should. I almost forgot about that."

They turned on the video messenger app on Victor's phone and Chris picked up the call immediately. Luckily, he was online.

"Hi guys." Chris said on the video.

"Hi Chris. Happy Birthday!" Yuri and Victor said in unison.

Chris chuckled before saying, "Thanks guys. I appreciate it."

"So Chris, any plans you have for today?" Victor asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'm actually about to go out. I'm just waiting for someone right now." Chris replied. "But enough about me. How's your dinner date going?" He added while wagging his eyebrows.

"W-wait. How did you know we're having dinner?" Yuuri asked nervously.

"Victor posted his surprise for you online. I never could have imagined that Victor could fall for clichés. Well, aside from you that is." Chris replied.

"Hey Chris. My sweet Yuuri made something for me." Victor then showed Chris the cake Yuuri made for him. Yuuri was embarrassed how Victor was showing him off.

"That's so sweet of you Yuuri. I can see why you two are perfect for each other."

Just then, a door being opened and a man's voice was heard on the other line, "Chris, ready to go out?"

"I'll be ready in a minute. Just need to tell my friends goodbye." Chris told the man.

"Sorry guys. I'll be off in a while. Thanks for the birthday greeting." Chris told the two.

"We will." Yuuri said.

"Enjoy your day Chris." Victor added.

"I will. Bye." Chris said before the call ended.

'Now why don't we eat the cake you made?" Victor said excitedly. "I want to taste the love you made for me."

Yuuri then nervously said, "I'm not quite sure how it tastes to be honest. That was my first attempt at baking a cake."

"Really?" Victor asked.

"Yeah." Yuuri then added, "I had Yurio help me out in making the cake. I'm not even sure if it tastes any good. I'm sorry if it doesn't." Yuuri had anxiety written all over his face as he said all of these.

So that's why Yurio easily agreed to keep Yuuri occupied. Victor thought.

"But you know, I did give bake some cookies and gave some to him as thanks. I did the same to Mila, Mr. Yakov and Ms. Lilia." Yuuri then explained further the Japanese custom of giving Valentine's chocolates. "This is how we do things back home."

"So I'm guessing the one you made for me is special then?" Victor asked with his trademark heart shaped smile.

Yuuri blushed and nodded his head.

"Then it doesn't matter how it tastes. It's the thought that counts after all. I'll love it either way." Victor then grabbed a fork to taste Yuuri's homemade chocolate cake and took a bite.

"Thanks for the food."

It's actually delicious, Victor thought. And to think it's his first attempt at baking a cake. Again, it amazes just how much Yuuri surprises him.

"Yuuri, this is quite good." Victor then offered Yuuri to take a bite. "Why not take a taste yourself?"

"Eh? But that's for you?" Yuuri said. "Besides, feeding me like that is kind of embarrassing."

"Please Yuuri?" Victor pleaded with his blue puppy dog eyes. "Do this for me? I've always wanted to feed you like this.

Yuuri won't admit it but he wants to feed Victor the same way too. "Fine. This is embarrassing but I wanted to do the same with you."

"You're right. I'm amazed I made it this delicious." Yuuri said after he took a bite from the cake that Victor offered.

And so, they fed each other with Yuuri's homemade cake like a lovesick couple. Just then, Victor noticed that Yuuri has some icing on his lips.

Victor smirked and held Yuuri's chin with his thumb, "Yuuri, you have some icing on your lips. Let me remove it for you"

"Eh. There's no need to do that Victor. I can do it mys-"

Before Yuuri could finish with what he was saying, he suddenly found Victor's lips pressed on his own.

This is sweeter than any chocolate. Yuuri thought as he indulges in the kiss with much gusto.

When they broke the kiss, Yuuri was blushing redder than a tomato. But then, they gazed at each other lovingly for a brief moment before leaning their foreheads against each other.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." Victor said in a soft voice.

Yuuri smiled brightly and replied, "Yeah. Happy Valentine's Day too."

Victor will always make sure that every Valentine's Day with Yuuri in the future will be this sweet. He wouldn't ask for it any other way.

Author's note:

In Russia, they celebrate Valentine's Day just as how other western countries do. I'm sorry if Victor's surprise is not exactly original or grand. I'm surprised I managed to make Victor's part cheesy. I don't know how I did it but I hope you liked it.

Oh yeah. Happy Birthday Chris. Hope you enjoy your birthday.

Thanks so much for the reviews, favorites and for reading this fic. I hope you all enjoyed it.