So I had this idea after finishing my story 'Shared Feelings'. I was reading some reviews on my story 'The Catch' and I noticed that most of you seem to love my OC Bree so I decided to include her in this story. I hope you like x
It was a beautiful summers day and Castle Beast was a lively, happy place. It was Prince Ben's and Princess Bree's second birthday and the party was in full swing. Everyone loved the royal twins and the adults watched as the children ran around playing. Queen Belle and Kind Adam couldn't have been happier. They had a wonderful marriage, two beautiful children and the most perfect family either of them could hope for. Belle looked around at their friends who were gathered around the table in the garden and smiled. She was close with most of the other royals but these ones were the ones she was closest too. Fairy Godmother, Snow White, Elsa, Cinderella & Charming, Jasmine & Aladdin, Philip and a heavily pregnant Aurora were all talking amoung themselves.
"Elsa? Where is Anna today? I thought she was coming to the twins party?" Belle asked the woman, who smiled gently as the Queen.
"She said she wasn't feeling too well today and she didn't want to pass on her illness to the twins. Kristoff stayed home to care for her." The woman explained but before anything else could be explained Adam spoke up.
"And where is Leah and the Sultan today?" He asked the table. It wasn't very often either of them missed anything like this.
Clearing her throat, Aurora leant forward a little. "My mother said she had paperwork to attend to and therefore couldn't come, she sent her apologies and a gift fot the twins." The pregnant princess explained.
Jasmine quickly answered with "Father had a meeting he had to attend. He as well sends his apologies." She explained. Adam nodded to the two princess' before both he and Belle turned their attention to their children.
Ben and Bree were running around the garden with the other children having as much fun at they could. It wasn't clear what game they were playing but the children were enjoying it so the royal couple didn't care. The game the toddlers were playing quickly turned into one the couple recognized. They watched as their eldest twin, Ben covered his eyes. "One, Two, Three..." He began counting slowly but loudly causing Bree, Audrey, Chad, Aziz, Jordan, Ellie, Doug and Jane to run in various different directions and hide.
Once Ben had counted to ten and turned around the King and Queen turned back to the adults around the table, joining back in with the conversations. It had been a while and the children were having fun playing hide and seek but they were still on their first game. Apparently Bree was very good at hide and seek, something the castle staff knew all too well from when they tried to make Bree do something she didn't want to and she would run and hide. All eight of the other children were looking for her but other them occasionally looking over to ensure no one was hurt the adults left them to it.
Until Ben came running over to his parents. "Mommy! Daddy!" He shouted, his parents turning to him immediately. "We no find Bree." He stated. Laughter and chuckles emanated from the adults at the table.
"Ben, honey. That's the point of the game. Bree hides and you find her." Belle explained to her son. But Ben kept a straight face. He didn't understand how his parents weren't worried he couldn't find his sister.
"No!" Ben exclaimed, shocking his parents. They knew he had inherited Adam's temper and had often shouted at his father but he had never shouted at his mother before. Not until today anyway. "Bree not here. We look everywhere." He explained trying to get his parents to understand. He wanted to find his sister and his parents weren't understanding what was happening.
"Okay, Ben." Belle said to her son before looking up at the garden. She knew Bree would be in there somewhere. "Bree! Come here, sweetheart!" The Queen out for her daughter. After waiting for a few minutes Belle began to get worried. It wasn't like Bree to not answer her when she shouted and there was no noise coming from the garden at all.
Belle shared a look with Adam. Maybe Ben was right and Bree wasn't here. "Bree, Princess! Come out!" Adam shouted as he stood from his seat. Immediately Aladdin, Phillip and Charming stood to see if they could spot the toddler. As the four father's looked around for the little princess the mother's scooped up their children. Snow White picking up Doug, the eldest of the dwarfs children. After a couple of minutes Belle had had enough of watching the four men search for her daughter. She was going to help find her baby.
Standing she passed Ben to Fairy Godmother, who was sat next to her. Once ben was sat on the fairies knee, next to Jane, Belle walked towards the back of the garden. She knew her daughter would have moved further back then the guys were looking to hide from her brother. Slowly and carefully, so if Bree was hiding back there she didn't get hurt, Belle looked behind bushes.
For a while she didn't see anything but as she was about to give up and go back to her son something caught her eye. Something was reflecting the sun's rays. Moving closer Belle immediately recognized the item. "No." The Queen whispered, disbelievingly, her eyes filling with tears. She didn't want to believe her eyes but she knew what she was seeing was the truth. "Adam!" She shouted to her husband, as tears started streaming down her face.
Seconds later her felt her husband wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her into his side, as she pointed at the item on the ground. Within a second Adam had bent down to pick it up and was back holding his crying wife. "It's Bree tiara." Belle managed to choke out before she began sobbing. Her baby was missing and she didn't even know when she had been taken. The Queen felt she should have kept a better eye on her children.
"Guards!" Adam bellowed, his eyes never leaving the small silver tiara in his hand that belonged to his daughter, and immediately four guards were surrounding the upset parents. "Bree is missing. Spread out and find her." He ordered and the guards immediately ran off to do what they needed to. The King slowly walked his distraught wife over to a nearby bench, where upon sitting down Philip, Aladdin and Charming left the upset parents and headed back to their families. "We'll find her Belle. We will." He said to his wife but he was unsure if he was trying to convince his wife or himself.
In a car barreling out of Auradon City was a frightened Bree. When someone had grabbed her from behind while she was playing in the castle garden she had tried to scream but found her mouth was quickly covered. Tears were streaming down the little princess' face. She didn't know who had her and she had no idea where they were taking her.
Almost as though the person holding her read her thoughts a familiar voice said "I'm taking you somewhere where you will not be found. Nor be able to stop the plans I have for my family and no one will care who you are." She just hoped her daddy would find her soon and take her home to her mommy and Ben.
Author's Note: I hope you guys like this story. Please review and let me know what you think x