A police cruiser drives down the country side. Inside the car two cops sit inside, the man driving open the sun blocker and looked at the picture of his family. The woman sitting next to him leaned over and checked the fuel gage, "Rick pull over, there's a gas station up ahead." She told him,
Rick nodded and slowed down stopping right in the intersection. The intersection was blocked by a overturned truck and wrecked car. Rick and the woman got out and walked over to the trunk of the cruiser. Rick grabbed a gas can and closed the truck, he and the woman quickly headed down the road towards a gas station.
The gas station was surrounded by a now destroyed car camp. Bodies, trash, and cars surrounded the fuel pumps. "You sure about this Anna?" Rick asked as they reached the edge of the camp. Anna let out a nod but put up a finger to her mouth signalling Rick to stay quiet. Rick and Anna moved through the cars towards the fuel pump, they checked the cars finding nothing but rotting corpses inside.
Just as they reached the fuel pumps Rick spotted a sign on the pump that read, 'No Gas' Rick pointed it out to Anna who let out a sigh. Just then they heard shuffling behind them. Anna and Rick quickly dropped to their knees and watched from under the cars as a little girl shuffled through the cars. Eventually she stopped and picked up a teddy bear and began to walk away.
Rick and Anna looked to each other and nodded in agreement. "Little Girl?" Rick called out,
"Sweetie, it's alright we're police officers." Anna added. The girl stopped and slowly turned back to them. The little girl no more than ten years only was dead, the large rip in her mouth revealed he jaw and blood slowly oozed out of the wound. Her milky eyes locked onto Rick and she started to moved after him. Rick out of shock stumbled back but quickly pulled out his revolver. He cocked the hammer of his .357 magnum revolver and pulled the trigger sending a bullet into the girl's brain. The girl flew back hitting the ground with a thud, both Rick and Anna let out a pained sigh as they stared at the body.
Three Months Ago…
"What's the difference from men and women?" Rick asked Anna and his partner Shane as they all ate at a park table,
"You joking or you serious?" Shane asked with a smirk,
"No serious." Rick said eating another french fry,
"Well for one women don't know how to turn off a light switch." Shane said with a smirk as he looked over at Anna,
"Oh don't even start with that shit." Anna said shaking her head,
Rick let out a laugh as Shane continued, "No I'm serious every girl I've ever dated would do this. I'd come home after a long day and see every damn light on in the house. So because I was born with a pair it's then my job to go through every room in the house and turn them off. And mind you this is the same chick who complains about global warming."
"And what do you say to that?" Rick said with a growing smile,
"I say, Honey maybe if you and every other pair of boobs on the planet could figure that the switch goes in two directions maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming." Shane said holding back a laugh,
"You don't really say that." Anna said in a bit of disbelief,
"I do but then of course out comes the exorcist voice. 'You sound just like my damn father! Always complaining about the electric bill.'"Shane said with a deep voice,
"So tell us oh wise one how do you reply to that one?" Anna asked with a grin,
"I'd tell you how i'd like to respond to that. I'd like to say bitch you mean to tell me you have been hearing this all your life and you're too stupid to figure out how to turn off a switch." Shane said then started to laugh, "Of course I don't say that, I pull it back a bit."
"Smart man." Rick said taking a sip of his drink with a smile,
"So how are you and Lori?" Anna asked Rick,
"Lori? She's good, she's real good at turning off lights." Rick said shifting in his seat,
"Come on man you know what she means. Now I may not be the best speaker here but I did try to butter you up, least you could do is speak." Shane said looking at his friend,
"Speak...Speak that's what she says. You'd believe that I'm the most closed mouth sonofabitch ever." Rick said then waited as moment before saying, "Lately whenever I try she just get angry at me like she didn't want to hear it in the first place." Just then their radios went off calling all officers to the highway to head off a car chase. Shane grabbed the food and chucked it into the trash while Anna and Rick ran to their cars and started them. Shane jumped into Ricks car and the two vehicles sped out of the parking lot while their sirens blared.
Minutes later they arrived onto a stretch of highway while their radios alerted them to the location of the vehicle Shane and Rick pulled forward and grabbed their spike strips from the trunk. They set them up then jumped back into the cruiser and reversed into the small vehicle blockade. Shane and Rick got out once again, Shane grabbed a shotgun and set up behind the door while Rick crouched down and aimed his revolver.
"What makes people think they can get away from the cops." Anna said flicking off her safety,
"Who knows but maybe we'll be on one of them cops shows or something. What do you think guys?" Anna's partner said with a giddy smile,
"What I think Leon, you should check to make sure your safety is off and you have a round in the chamber." Rick shot back to him. Leon then slowly clicked off his safety and pulled back the receiver putting a round in the chamber. Rick looked at him with a disappointed look and turned back to the road ahead of him,
"Would be cool to be on one of those shows." Shane mumbled out causing Anna and Rick to look at him only to see him let out a smirk. Just then the vehicle in question came speeding down the road as two police cruisers tailed it. Rick and the others began to fire at the car while they shot back at the cops chasing them. Suddenly the car's tires exploded as they hit the spike strips the car skidded to the side and began to flip and roll off the side of the road finally landing upside down.
Rick and Anna slowly walked forward guns drawn at the driver door. A man got out pistol in hand, everyone yelled for him to drop it but the man began to fire at them. A eruption of gunfire was heard as the cops shot at him just as a bullet hit his chest the man pulled the trigger one last time hitting Rick in the chest.
As Rick laid on the ground another man jumped out of the car holding a shotgun and began firing. Anna quickly shot the man down and everyone stood waiting for a moment. Without seeing anyone else Shane ran over yelling, "Rick! Rick are you alright?!"
"I'm alright." Rick cried out as his shaking hand reloaded his revolver,
"I saw you got tagged man, scared the hell outta me." Shane said as Rick got to his feet,
"Catch you in the vest?" Anna asked as Rick unbuttoned his shirt,
"Yeah, look neither of you can tell Lori how close I came. Ever." Rick said turning towards them. Just as he was saying this a third purpetrator crawled out of the car with a pistol in hand. He took a shot hitting Rick in the back, blood sprayed out of him as he fell to the ground. Rick and Anna immediately opened fire on the man killing him within seconds.
"Oh no no no no." Shane said as he ripped open Ricks shirt and applied pressure to his wound, "He's hit Anna, you get paramedics out here and you do it now!" Shane yelled to her. Anna quickly ran over to the police cruiser as Rick started to drift out of consciousness.
Two And A Half Months After The Shooting…
Rick drifted into consciousness as he saw both Shane and Anna standing over his bed. Shane held a vase with flowers in them, "So uh the girls from dispatch picked these out for ya." Shane said with a smile,
"I thought this vase looked pretty nice, so I picked it out for you." Anna said talking the vase of flowers from Shane and putting it on the night stand next to Rick. Shane and Anna looked down at Rick and quickly turned away, "We say the same shit every time we come here Shane." Anna grumbled out to him,
"I know, I know." Shane said with a nod.
Rick let out a cough and said, "Be honest Anna, Shane stole that from his mom's place." He said with a chuckle. He looked around seeing neither of them in the room, "Anna? Shane?" He called out as he looked around. He turned to the night table and saw the flowers that they had brought him now dead and falling off the stems.
Rick pulled himself up and swung his feet off the side of his bed. While using his IV pole for support he tried to get to his feet. He quickly collapsed under his own weight, "Nurse...Nurse help!" Rick called out while lying on the floor. Minutes passed and no one showed up into his room. Rick pulled himself up and went to the bathroom, He looked into the mirror and saw a confusing sight, he had a beard of at least two months growing on his face which made no sense, he could remember shaving that day before work.
He turned on the faucet and quickly moved his mouth to it as water began to flow from it. He took five heavy gulps of water and finally walked out of his room. The hospital was in a state of disrepair, trash littered the floor and lights were burnt out. Rick stumbled down the hallway and looked through the rooms of the hospital seeing no one. Eventually he stopped at a door that lead to the elevators, in front of them laid a body that was ripped apart, no flesh remained on the body except for the face. Rick stared at it for a minute not realizing what he was seeing and as soon as he figured it out he jumped back walking away from the body.
As he walked to the other part of the hospital Rick once again stopped at a door this time however it was chained shut with giant words written across the double doors, 'Don't Open Dead Inside' Rick looked at it not understanding. Suddenly he heard growls from inside the room and the doors began to be pushed against. Rick had pure fear coursing through him while he watched a hand of a human reach through the two doors.
Not waiting anymore Rick began to run to the nearest set of elevators. All he could think about was Lori and Carl, his family. The power to the elevators was out so he quickly ran to the fire escape. He ran down the steps and out the exit of the building, yet as soon as he left the building he saw a disturbing sight. Truck filled and rows of bodies wrapped in white sheets laid on the ground. Rick moved through the row of corpses until he got to a hill across from the parking lot. He pulled himself up the hill and saw a blackbird helicopter surrounded by military vehicles sitting on the ground with no military in sight.
Rick now numb from fear just walked home unsure if anything was real at this point. He stopped for a moment when he saw a bike on the side of the road. He walked over to grab it just as he did however the body of half a woman turned over and reached out at him. Rick fell to the ground breathing heavy as the rotting corpse snapped its jaws at him and reached for him. Rick quickly got to his feet and got onto the bike, he didn't stop riding until he got to his home.
He burst through the door calling out for his wife and son but received no response. He ran around the house checking for them frantically but still he found nothing. Broken he fell to his knees and began to cry, he asked himself if this was even real and began to slap his head making sure he was awake, unfortunately he was. After a long time he made his way outside his house and sat on the stairs leading up to it. He looked around and saw a man slowly shuffling towards him. Rick waved towards him and the man began to move quicker to him. Slowly behind Rick a child holding a shovel snuck behind him.
Suddenly a shovel wrung out and smashed Rick in the face. Rick looked up at the young black boy and said, "Carl?"
Another man came out and shot the approaching walker in the head. "Daddy I got the sonofabitch!" The boy exclaimed as he stood over Rick,
"Did he say something? I thought I heard him say something." The man said to his son,
"He called me Carl." The boy replied,
"Son you know they don't speak." The man said to him,
Just then Anna Lucia ran over to them, "What happened Morgan?"
"Put down a walker, Duane hit this man. He thought he was a walker." Morgan said as he looked down at Rick. He spotted his gunshot bandage and immediately put up his gun, "What's your wound? Mister what's your wound?" He asked frantically. Rick stared back at him drifting out of consciousness, "Damnit you tell me" Morgan said as he cocked his revolver, "Or I will kill you."
Anna finally arrived and looked down at her old friend, "Rick?" She asked just as Rick fell unconscious
Two Hours Later…
Rick's eyes flickered open, he looked around and saw he was tied to a bed in a house. Morgan stood a few feet away washing off his hands, "Got that bandit changed, it was pretty ragged."
Morgan turned back and took a seat on the bed next to Rick, "So what was it? The wound." Morgan asked.
"I got shot." Rick replied,
"Anything else?" Morgan asked,
"Shot ain't enough?" Rick replied in disbelief,
"Hey I ask you answer, it's common courtesy right?" Morgan then leaned in close, "Did you get bit?"
"Bit?" Rick asked confused,
"Bit, scratch, anything like that?" Morgan asked,
"No I got shot, just shot." Rick replied,
Morgan reached out his hand but Rick pulled his head away, "Just let me." Morgan said softly and put his hand on his forehead and felt it for a fever. "Feels cold enough." Morgan said to his son who was standing at the doorway. Morgan suddenly pulled out a pocket knife. He held it up to Rick's eye and said, "I'm gonna untie you but first look at the blade. See how sharp it is? You try anything I will kill you, understand?" Morgan asked. Rick nodded his head quickly and Morgan quickly cut the ties that bound Rick to the bed. "Come out when you're able." Morgan said leading Duane out of the room.
Rick held his wrists for a moment and slowly sat up, confused and frightened, "You look like shit." Anna said leaning against the door frame,
"Anna?!" Rick exclaimed getting to his feet. He stumbled over to her and pulled her into a hug, "What is going on?" Rick asked as he hugged his old friend,
"Here put this on, meet me in the dining room, I'll explain there alright." Anna said handing a set of clothes. Rick slowly nodded and Anna walked out of the room to the dining room. Rick put on the tee-shirt and jeans Anna gave him and made his way through the house. He recognized it as his neighbor's house but chose to just keep quiet for now.
As he entered the living room he saw the windows boarded up and covered with blankets. He walked over and grabbed one of the blankets trying to peer outside, "Rick don't do that." Anna said to him. They'll see the light."
Rick turned back to Anna who was sitting at the dinner table with Morgan and Duane. Morgan quickly lead the group in a prayer and then everyone began to eat. Rick took a bite of food, "You killed a man today." He said staring at Morgan,
"What are you talking about?" Morgan asked,
"The man on the street when you found me. You shot him in the head." Rick said to him,
"That weren't no man." Duane butted in,
"What the hell was that out of your mouth just now?" Morgan asked his son immediately,
"That wasn't a man." Duane corrected himself,
"Yes it was, he was walking over to me." Rick said shaking his head defiantly,
"Rick that was a walker." Anna said to him,
"A what?" Rick asked,
"You do know about the dead ones right?" Morgan asked,
"Yeah I know about that, I saw the bodies outside the hospital." Rick said remembering the grisly scene,
"No not the ones they put down the ones they didn't." Morgan said to him,
"Rick what do you know?" Anna asked now confused,
"I got shot, I woke up in the hospital that's all I know." Rick said taking a bite of the food,
"Christ you don't even know. The thing Morgan killed today was a walker. If he had gotten to you he'd ripped into you. At least taken some flesh and if that happened you'd be dead." Anna started to explain,
Morgan nodded, "You get bit you die. You get a fever after a few hours, it burns you out but after a while you come back as one of them."
"Seen it happen." Duane said with a sullen voice. Morgan put his hand on his sons and gave him a thoughtful look.
"God if this is the first you're hearing about it I know how it must sound." Morgan said turning back towards Rick,
"They're out there right now?" Rick said with a slightly disbelieving tone,
"Yeah, they get more active after dark. Maybe it's the cold air or maybe it's because I fired that gun today." Morgan said shaking his head,
"We'll be safe as long as we stay quiet. They should be gone by morning." Anna told Rick. Rick nodded to Anna and took another bite soaking in this new information.
Thirty Minutes Later…
Rick, Anna, Morgan and Duane all laid in the living room on different made beds. "How did you end up here Anna?" Rick asked her,
"It wasn't really my choice. I was moving along towards so where safer when I found Morgan and his family. His wife, she got bit." Anna said hanging her head, "We stopped here just for a few nights. I guess it turned into longer than a few nights." Anna said leaning back against the wall. Just then they all heard a car alarm go off outside, everyone jumped in shock.
"Duane get the light." Morgan said while heading to the window. While Duane shut off the light Morgan, Rick and Anna moved to the windows and peered outside, "Yeah same one as last time, blue one up the street." Morgan said pointing to the car with flashing lights,
"I knew I should have turned that battery off after the first time." Anna grumbled out while watching at least twenty walkers shuffle around the car. Suddenly a black woman walker walked into view,
"She's here." Duane said and quickly ran away to the bed. He began to cry hardly into a pillow. Morgan ran over to him and began to comfort him,
"She uh, she died on that bed in there." Morgan said sniffing while holding his son's head, "That fever man, she gave off heat like a furnace. I-I should have put her down, I should have...Maybe I just didn't have it in me. I mean she's the mother of my child." Morgan said while wiping away a tear. Anna walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. Rick turned his head back to the front door as Jenny, Morgan's dead wife turned the handle trying to get inside.
So this is chapter one of my Lost/Walking Dead Crossover. This crossover won't have the magic/mystic elements from Lost in it this is strictly a story about how I'd expect the characters to survive in the world of the walking dead. So let me know what you think about it and if you enjoyed it leave a favorite and a review.