A/N: Welcome to my newest Fic. I am doing this one by request by about thirty or so people both on and off the net. and I have always really wanted to do one of these things too. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing the first chapter. On to the warning and such stuff: 1: This will be a very OP story like all my story's are turning out to be. 2: There WILL be some very bad scenarios in this story. 3: This will be rated M for a reason. Now that i'm done with that I will say this: While the tags say this is a Young Justice and Naruto crossover there will be a lot of different crossovers into this with Naruto in the middle of it all. Enjoy.

Revised: I have revised this chapter after seeing some of the complaints and explanations in the reviews throughout the day and would also like to thank those that did review so far. As for the idea that was behind the end of this chapter originally I will be posting a mid week chapter that will explain some of it as well as go on to what I was going to do next week as I had already written about three chapters so far. I hope you enjoy the somewhat edited version.

Warning: it is smaller than before but next chapter will be longer to compensate.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice nor Naruto if I did Young Justice would still be going.

Oliver and Dinah sip their coffee while sitting at a table in at the Blackfield City Cafe while waiting for sightings of their target.

"Sigh, why are we looking for some teen hero when he's not even doing anything wrong?"

Dinah looks at Oliver for an answer. She was having such a nice day before Batman called her and Oliver to come look,for some teen hero just because the guy didn't know who he was.

"You know why we are here. To make sure he is not a threat to the league and to access his capabilities. It's not like it ruined our day completely, we're still technically on a date we just moved to a different location and it has a better view than the one we were going to see." Oliver said trying to placate her.

Dinah sits up a little straighter and looks Oliver in the face.

"That's just it! We are looking for a child as if he were a villain, and for what? Because Batman of all people thinks that an unknown child is going to be the end of the league? And don't even get me started on this so called date we've been to at least a dozen different cafe's since eight this morning, it's five now Oliver! Please don't tell me you are following Batman without a care!" Dinah whispers frantically in Oliver's face.

Looking around to make sure that no one heard her Oliver looks at her and says….

"It's not like that I just don't want to have us be blindsided by an unknown. We could be being watched right now by this new hero and we would never be the wiser. Anyway I thought we were having a good enough time out here I don't think either of us have visited Blackfield before."

Dinah just stares at Oliver for a moment before getting up and saying….

"I'm going to walk to the closest Zeta tube and go to Batman and I'm going to tell him that if he needs me and you to work together again that he can go shove a Bat-o-rang up his ass. And me and you are through just so you know. Goodbye Oliver."

Before Oliver can say anything Dinah starts to run off down the street.

Dinah started walking after a while when she was sure that Oliver was not following her, but in her rush to leave she got a little lost and she ended up wandering in a alleyway near the red light district of Blackfield. While walking she hears something and she looks around to herself surrounded by a gang of street thugs armed with knives and one with a gun.

"Hey there pretty woman what a gal like you doing in a place like this you might get hurt around here woman go missing all the time." The leader says with a smirk on his face when he says women go missing all the time. The man walks towards Dinah when all of the sudden she kicks him in the jaw and he is sent flying into the circle of thugs. They look back and forth between her and their boss before they start to converge upon her. Right when they're about to try to stab at her three of them fall unconscious to the ground with little peppels biting the ground by their feet.

Looking around frantically the thugs start shouting saying….

"Oh shit, its The Shadow! We need to get out of here." They then turn tail to run, but when they got one step away they all get knocked out by peppels that come from the shadows surrounding the alley.

Dinah looks into the shadows looking for the one responsible for the deed but can't see a thing. She then remembers that the kid they were sent here to find was sometimes called shadow and realized that she was just saved by her target.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Dinah yells hoping that the kid didn't leave yet.

"Are you alright ma'am? Did they get you?" A voice comes from the shadows all around her. She couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from at all, and that was a feit in itself considering Batman couldn't hide himself while doing that to her with her advanced hearing.

"I'm alright. I was actually out here looking for you shadow. I was sent as a representative of the Justice League to talk to you." Dinah says happy that she technically didn't have a secret identity and was somewhat recognizable at the moment.

"Really?" The voice came from behind her and she turned around as fast as she could. She didn't see a thing.

"I see" the voice says before Dinah sees her wallet come out of the her eyes at that she checks her pocket to find that it really was gone. She hadn't even feel it get taken.

"According to your ID. you are telling the truth Dinah Lance or would you prefer 'Black Canary'? Anyway what is it the Justice League would like to talk with me about? I have stayed within the law when helping people." The voice says from the shadows in front of Dinah. 'He sounds like he's in his late teens probably sixteen or so' Dinah thinks after hearing the voice again.

"We just wanted to talk to you and see if you would like to meet with us so that you could actually be recognized and reworded for your heroism." Dinah says trying to get the teen to come out from the shadows. It worked somewhat.

From the shadows stepped out a blond boy just about sixteen and about as tall as Dinah. He was warring what could be considered black rags for pants and no shoes. However his eyes are what drew attention, to him, Deep sapphire blue eyes.

"I know you are lying, what is the real reason that you are here?" He says in a monotone voice.

"Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't catch that. Well Batman you see has problems and doesn't trust anyone and true to investigate everyone. So he sent me and Green Arrow to come and find you and well me and Arrow had a little misunderstanding and separated. And you found me…. But if what I said was true would you come in?" Dinah said hopefully, but all she got was silence.

"If it was true would the 'reward' include a place to live with food?" Dinah hears hopefulness in his voice and looks up to see desperation in the teens eyes. She takes a closer look and she can see that the blond is very malnourished.

"Kid do your parents even feed you? And why would you need a place to live? You didn't run away did you?" Dinah asks hoping that this was not a runaway.

"I never knew my parents and I technically did run away from my home but that's because they were going to use me for a weapon for their military. But I don't have to worry about them anymore they can't get to this demotion. I have been living on the streets for as long as I can remember and I don't really get a chance to eat much as everyone that knew who I was back 'home' tried to kill me either directly or by making sure that I couldn't fend for myself. I just want to find a place to fit in." The teen says and before Dinah can say anything else the teen starts to tear up. Seeing the child crying something in Dinah awakened. Walking over to the teen she pulls him into a hug and he stiffens in her hold.

"Its alright to cry, don't worry kid I'm here for you." Dinah says while rubbing his back. The boy starts to relax and lets out all his pain.

"By the way kid what's your name? I can't be just calling you kid all the time." She asks after the teen starts to calm down. He looks up at Dinah and says….

" my name is Naruto Uzumaki." The now named Naruto said into Dinah's shoulder.

Dinah then thought about the perfect way to get the boy to open up to her, the only way to get to any guy's heart.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" she decides to ask after he calmed down.

He looks up at her with shining eyes.
"Can we get Ramen?"

Dinah giggles and says….

"Sure thing Naruto."

And now together they walk off to start what will be a change to both of their lives.

A/N: I hope you all liked this chapter. Review and tell me what you think. Also tell me if I should make this a harem story or if I should stick with one girl. Good bye people see you next update.