So, the day went by with Timmy/Danny talking to Cosmo and Wanda about him saving the town with his gost powers

"Wow Timmy! You did amazing things! First off, how did you get your powers?" Asked Cosmo

"Well, my parents made this portal between the human world and the gost world. It backfired unfortunately. So then my friends came over, Tucker and Sam, a.k.a, AJ and Trutie, and wanted to take a picture of it with me inside it. So I put that suit on. And when I got in, I was so eger for it to work, I accently pressed something and it turned the portal on while I was still in it. And my molecules got rearranged. And you know the rest"

"Well, you did ask for powers when you wished for a new life" said Wanda in a Gleeful voice

"Anyways, what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, Cosmo thought since it's a new world, there would be more tocos. He also thought that some potions in your school could make more"

"And, they work!" Said Cosmo holding so many tacos at once.

"Speaking of your school, how are your teacher. Are any like Mr. Crocker?" Asked Wanda

"No, but there is this one teacher that isn't fond of me but he isn't as crazy as Crocker. His name is Mr. Lancer. He keeps eyeballing me. But he's not like Crocker who states jumping around screaming that have faries"

"Speaking of us, how do you still remember us? You were supposed to forget about us and every thing else?"

"I don't know? I just do."

Well. As long as were together, that's all that matters"said Cosmo

"I think that was the smartest thing you ever said" said Wanda

Danny giggled at that comment

~in another place~

"So your saying we should team up?" Asked Vlad

"Yes, why would I bring you here?" Said Ani-Cosmo

"But for what exactly?"

"To get rid of our enemy : Timmy Turner, also known as Danny Phantom"

"Timmy Turner? You mean Daniel has two names?"

"Yes. He used to have another life in which he dealed with me. Be he wished he had another life. So here he is being 'Danny Phantom' as he may be called"

"Oh ok. Sure. We'll work together.I have a few gost friends who also dispise him"

"Exhalent! Give one of them a call"

"My pleasure"

ok so can any of you guys tell me what the name of the red head woman who pretends to be a teacher but she's actually a gost? Sorry i it's been a long time I haven't watched Danny so I don't remember some characters. Please tell me in the review. Thank u!