Hey guys and girls.

This fanfic was extremely hard to create. Not going to lie. But after a long long time, I can now do it. This is Son Of Slender.

In this fanfic, Naruto will learn what it really means to hold the power of the faceless demon. Slenderman. Slenderman will be different in this fanfic. as well, this fanfic will take place in modern day era. Konoha will not have ninja or anything. But there will be supernatural things happening. I will not get into it anymore than that. As well this will have a main pairing. Naruto x Hizaki.

I can make this a harem but that will be the main pairing. Harem goes as follows:

Hizaki Chikage (Triage X. Fuck she's hot)
Sayo Hitsugi (Also Triage X)
Yuuko Sagiri (Triage X)
Miki Tsurugi (Triage X)
Mito (Won't be related to Kushina or Naruto. Will be the same age as Naruto)
Kushina (Naruto. Again won't be related like in Overlord Of All)
Vitaly (From Hundred. Anime can be found on Kissanime or where ever else. Best guess is Kissanime)
Kejoro (Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan)
Claire Harvey (Hundred)

And finally:

Mikoto (Triage X again)



Disclaimers: I own nothing.

Chapter 1: The Demon Awakens.

Long ago.

Legends of demons and monsters walking the earth was common knowledge. People living among the supernatural was just as ordinary as anything in the world. In feudal Japan, a king rose to power through the help of a summoning ritual he did using the power of a demon. His rule was cruel and ruthless. As his rule was going on and on. A rebellion started. They too chose to summon up a demon of their own to combat the demon of the king. But they decided to summon a demon that none had ever heard before. Using the youngest pirestess who was only 16 years old, they used some of her blood to summon the beast.

What they got was a monster from their deepest nightmares. The beast was so tall it look to touch the sky just by reaching out its hand. While it only reached a height of 2.5 meters. Fingers so long that were topped off with claws dripping with a lethal poison and tendicals shooting out its back as if it was part octopus. But the frightening part was that the demon held no face. But it seemed to know exactly where you were. And just by staring into the face of such a monster, you'd find yourself losing all forms of sanity and lose your mind. Even going to the extent of commiting suicide, just to stop the infernal screams that sounded in your mind from the beast.

The demon formed the contract with the young priestess and lived with her. During the time she lived with the demon, she came to see him for who he was and even around the house, he stayed in a human variant of his monstrous form. Hair grew on his head that was a silver colour and his eyes were as cold as ice. The demon fought as per the contract and after 3 years they won the war. 10 years later, the demon and the priestess married in secret and she gave birth to a child. A son.

And now...

Walking along the busy roads. Walking to his college was a young man with blonde hair that defied gravity and stayed spiky. But at the same time, it was slightly tamed. His clothes were quite unique. He wore a black tank top under a black leather jacket. Blue jeans and sneakers. He was currently running 7 minutes late due to some, unexpected issues he ran late. For one, he had yet another episode.

These episodes were where he would hear voices and he'd feel a need to kill anything and everything around him. The other day he had an episode and he passed by a mirror. To his horror, in the mirror was himself but out his back was what looked like tendrils. As well, his teeth were purely sharp and his nails were claws. He nearly had a heart attack because of it.

He had a girlfriend but she didn't know any of these episodes. Whenever he was with her, it was like he wouldn't need to have any form of episodes whatsoever. His girlfriend went by the name of Hizaki Chikage. She and Naruto knew each other rather well and were also childhood friends. She cared for Naruto when his mother was involved in a car accident and even ensured he was okay.

Oh right, Naruto lost his mother when he was only 7 years old. His father remarried when Naruto was only 10. Naruto hated the new woman and even hated the way she treated him. She drank all the time and when she was drunk enough, she'd beat the living shit out of him. Naruto took kendo lessons to ensure he could handle himself. But one night, she played the wife being beaten by step-son card. Minato came home to find the scene like this and scolded Naruto. He told Naruto that should he do this again, he'd be thrown out. Sometimes Naruto wondered if his father cared for him at all.

"Sheesh. Naruto-kun. You're gonna be late again. Kushina-sensei's gonna kill you." said a woman with purple hair standing at the gate of the college.

Looking up, Naruto found his girlfriend standing there. Her purple hair flowed in the wind as she looked to him with a slight pout. This very woman was Hizaki Chikage. When they were in high school is was the talk of the town. Everyone wanted to be with her, everyone wanted to be like her. But one day, one of her teachers tried to rape her when she was only 12. Naruto found her just as he was about to plunge into her. He beat the living shit out of him to the point where he was hospitalised. That was when Naruto began to hear the voices. Chikage fell in love with him ever since that day. But for some reason, he kept rejecting her advances on him, she still hadn't gotten her first kiss from him. But she was planning on getting it soon.

"Gomen. Guess I overslept." said Naruto in a monotoned voice as he walked inside with her.

Something was definitly wrong. Normally, Naruto was always cheery and exciting. But he was so drained it wasn't even funny. On many occasions, she would try and heal his wounds only to see them healing at such a rapid pace. It was so incredible that she decided to ask Yuuko Sagiri the college nurse. Apparently she was into the whole abnormal stuff. When she told her, Yuuko chased her out and never brought the topic up again. Something was wrong as Yuuko always told her everything when she had a problem.

Getting into the class, Naruto sat down as Kushina continued her lesson. Stopping when her eyes landed on Naruto, she became furious when he placed his head down and slept. Grabbing a piece of chalk she threw it with precision aiming and managed to land it on his head with a slight smacking noise being heard.

Rubbing his head as he looked up, he saw Kushina standing there as she held her metal pointer in her hands with a smile that promised death.

"Mr. Namikaze. Care to tell me why you are sleeping like that? More importantly, late for my class?" she said as the other students began to shit themselves in fear.

"I guess I overslept." said Naruto laying his head back down only to have a board duster thrown at his head.

"Is that so? And why did you overlseep?" asked Kushina in a more stren voice.

"I guess I had another one of those days okay." said Naruto making Kushina's eyes widen at what he meant by that.

She knew Naruto's mother very well, and before she passed on, she gave her everything about their family curse. And what else it entails. The reason why Naruto had been having episodes. Why his mind was racked with voices, screaming at him and then they go away as if they were never there. Carring on the lesson, she lectured the class on Business Economy and all that shit. When the break bell went, she went to meet her friends. Miki, Yuuko and Sayo.

Sayo worked as the assistant to Yuuko with patients, she was a bit of a weird one and considered herself to be weird as well. She was extremely strong and powerful to where she could lift up 100 jg like it was made of feathers. Miki worked as the financial manager to the director. Fugaku Uchiha, his son Sasuke Uchiha studied in the school and was ensured he was given special privilages.

With Naruto.

Sitting with his friends as they sat at ther fountain in the college ground, we find Naruto with his head in his lap as a woman with Silver hair, blood red hair and finally Hiazki. All three of them were eating as Naruto tried to get some sleep. Only to have it end when the one with silver hair whacked him on his head.

"Oi. Sleeping Beauty. Wake up." she said.

"Leave me alone Mikoto-chan." said Naruto as he shifted to the side and went back to sleep.

"Jeez. He sure can sleep." said the one with red hair.

"You said it Mito-chan." said Hizaki as they carried on eating.

Looking over to the side, they spotted Sasuke with his two girls, Sakura and Ino. Both were having a massiver conversation as they made their way to the group. Stopping before Mito, Sasuke smiled to her while Mito looked away.

"Hey! How dare you do that? You should feel happy that he smiled at you slut." said Sakura as Naruto winced and groaned att being woken up by a banshee.

"I don't need to care about such bullshit. Plus, you're the slut, Cock sleeve #1." spat Mito making them stutter before walking away.

Before meeting Naruto, Mito actually ran after Sasuke. Believing he was her knight in shining armor. But when Sasuke began forcing himself onto her, she fought back only to be nearly raped by him. If Naruto hadn't intervened when he did, Mito would've been scarred for life. Guess she and Hizaki her had the same back story. Only Mito's happened when she was in high school and didn't have a teacher try do it to her. Ever since then, she felt ever so grateful to Naruto and like Hizaki, she wanted to grow their relationship.

When the day ended, Naruto made his way home. He chilled over looking the traffic and even went to the arcade. Opening the door he came face to face with the drunken woman he called a step-mother. Her name was Chizuru. Her hair reached her butt and her eyes matched her hair. A violent black. Her skin was pale and she always held a scold on her face. Her clothes were a mess as she looked on with a whiskey bottle in her hands.

"Why the fuck are you so late? It's 18:00." she said in her drunken state.

"At college." said Naruto in a monotone voice walking up the stairs to his room. Halfway up the stairs he felt a hand on his bag and soon found himself being pulled down the stairs.

Hitting the counter at the bottom of the stairs, he hissed in pain as he rubbed the back side of his head. This was getting too far. Getting up and glaring at her, he went to grab something to defend himself with.

Grabbing the telephone, he got ready only to feel his heartbeat become irregular. Dropping the telephone as his vision blurred, he looked at the encrouching woman as she reared the whiskey bottle up, ready to srtike.


Echoed a voice in his mind. What? What did that mean?

Awaken. NOW!

Screamed another voice in his head. Was he having another episode? Dropping to the floor as he clutched his head as the voices began again, he soon felt the foot of Chizuru hitting his ribcage. While the whiskey bottle slammed repeatedly into his back.

'Leave me alone.' thought Naruto as the voices became louder and louder.


Screamed the voices more louder and louder.

Arching his back up as he couldn't take it anymore, the most horrifying thing happened. Shooting out from his back with a bit of blood spraying all over the place. The appendages that shot out his back were pure black tenticals that hissed and thrashed about. They were the very things of nightmares and right now, Chizuru stopped her rantings as she soon became stiff in fear.

Slowly getting up as his body and clothes shifted, Naruto covered his face with his hands as a black suit with a black tie and white collared shirt materialised over his other clothes while his skin turned a ghostly white. Chizuru placed a hand on his shoulder and felt him to as cold as ice. Grabbing his face she yanked his hands away and fell back in fear.

Gone were his facial features, his hair dropped from his head and a wicked demonic mouth. Razor sharp teeth occupied his mouth as it stretched to inhumane levels to resemble a grin.

"Naruto. What is this? Stop this. Now." snapped Chizuru as she backed away in fear with Naruto slow taking steps toward her. The tenticals on his back swishing and thrashing violently as he encroached on his prey.

2 minutes away.

A black sedan was seen speeding to the house Naruto lived in. Inside the car were 4 woman, one had silver hair, one had purple hair, one had red and the other had blue hair. Both were wearing battle suits that they used in these type of fights. (A.N. Those suits they wear in Twin Star Exorcists).

"Step on it. He will be going berserk the first time he awakens. How could we have been careless." said the one with blue hair from the back seat.

"I get that. Now shut up." said the silver haired one in the driver seat.

With Naruto.

He had successfully backed Chizuru in the lounge and had her in the corner. Smiling even deeper as he watched her clutch her head as she screamed in horror. One thing was sure. She was going mad the way she rolled her eyes and then darted them everywhere. Naruto stood there as he smiled wickedly at whatt he was doing to her. He was so much in a bloodhaze he didn't know what he was doing. All he knew was that he had an itch. And the more he scratched, the more it would not go away.

And this soon got to the point where Chizuru got up and grabbed a very long knife from the kitchen. Turning to her, the smile really giving her the creeps. She raised it up and charged at him, hoping to stop the incesid screams that got ever louder inside her mind. As she got close to her step-demonic-son, she raised the knife, but then stop as she gained a wicked smile, one which matched Naruto's.

Starting out with a small giggle, she began to laugh insanely as she lifted the knife up and drove it into her stomach. Dropping to the floor as she pulled it out and then drove it in repeatedly, the laughing never stopping until the 41st stab where she died immediately.

That was when the door swung open to reveal the 4 woman holding talismans. Naruto swung his head to them and screamed in a powerful voice. Opening his jaw wide that it seemed to have unhitched itself and showed that he had a very long tongue and 3 rows of serated teeth ready to bite into the flesh of anything.

Looking down to the woman, they gasped in shock. She had completely mangled herself from the exposure of all of Naruto's strength. His awakening had begun. And with every passing day it will grow more stronger.

Throwing their talismans, at him, they encaged him where they began the ritual of cleansing him. They sure as hell weren't cleanse the power inside him as they knew from what they knew, this was inborn into Naruto. All they were doing was caoxing the power to become dormant. And dormant it became. Naruto returned to normal and collapsed on the floor. His body exhausted and his eyes closed showing him to be asleep.

"Kushina. You got this one." said the one with silver hair.

"Hey no fair. You made me do two of yours. It's your turn now, Yuuko." said the red head as she glared her silver haired friend.

"If no one wants him, we can take him." said Sayo with Miki nodding their heads.

"Fine, let's just get him to our place. The sooner he wakes up the sooner we can tell him of his heritage." said Yuuko with them agreeing.

"I hope he takes it okay with us telling him he's the descendant of Slender." said Miki as they lifted Naruto up and placed him in the car.

And scene.


What a way to start off the first chapter eh? So Naruto has been going about his entire life not even knowing of this power that slept inside him. Nor about the heritage he had pulsing through his veins. But now he's going to learn just who he is. And what it means to be a Descendant Of Slender.

Chapter 2: The Demon Learns.

Coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

Please rate and review.

BlackSpirit101 out. ;)