The gods weren't happy. The reason for this was that many of their children were coming close to causing war, again. To make it worse the children who were doing it were their most powerful. The jinchuuriki. They had been brought into this world but were separated by mysterious circumstances. Unfortunately, because the parents of these children didn't use their original forms when conceiving these children, they were different. Because of this, they could be either Roman or Greek, but neither as well. The children were impossible. That's what led to this current situation, you see, the jinchuuriki have a very strong bond that connects them, they think of themselves as family. This led to a large problem when they were separated and were de-aged by the process of getting them there.
This became a problem as the gods figured that having nine pre-teens, with the power of the bijuu was a bad idea to have randomly roaming a country they had no knowledge of. They also couldn't speak the language which would lead to even more confusion, and considering in their birth world they were bred to be weapons and fighting was what they were best at it was generally a bad idea to have them there. The Olympians quickly sent out all the people they could use to find them, both Roman and Greek.
This led to six of them, two being regular demi-gods, being brought to Lupa, the Roman trainer who tests heroes to see if they are worthy of going to camp Jupiter, and four being brought to camp half-blood by Artemis' hunters. The two regular demi-gods were the brother and sister to Garra, the one tails jinchuuriki. You will notice that one of them is missing if there were nine jinchuuriki and two siblings of one, which is true. One of them never made it to either camp Jupiter or camp half-blood, Naruto Uzumaki, son of Artemis was mistaken as an enemy by the lieutenant of the hunt, Zoe, and was shot. She presumed to have killed him but he survived.
Zoe was banished from the hunt and cursed to walk the world eternally until her mistress son walked on Olympus. But something had happened to Naruto, a prophecy was given to Zoe before she left on her quest, it spoke of her recovering him with nine 'heroes to come'. Zoe began her search, eventually, quite randomly to her, her curse was broken, she ran to Olympus and relayed to her mistress this news assuming her son had returned of his own accord. He wasn't there but Artemis, upon seeing her old friend free offered her a place amongst the hunt once again.
The jinchuuriki, while this was going one, had learned the language and some things about the culture. Those in camp half-blood left to find their brothers and sisters despite being warned that finding them would be nearly impossible. They left anyway and began the search to reunite their family and beg their youngest brother for forgiveness. The last time they had seen him they had betrayed him, and he had left them, they hadn't been forgiven for that.
The jinchuuriki who went to Lupa for the Roman camp learned much from the wolf, unfortunately against the wolf's wishes the jinchuuriki amongst them left to find their brothers as those at the other camp had. Temari and Kankuro, the sister and brother of Garra, began their journey to camp Jupiter after giving their biological brother a goodbye. They felt that they wouldn't be welcome in the group of jinchuuriki. They made it to camp Jupiter and were claimed by their mother Juno, this caused much outrage amongst the Romans as they were shocked that Juno would break her oath and have a demi-god child, never mind children. They joined the fifth cohort, and eventually became valued members of the legion when they showed the powers of chakra.
Both groups of jinchuuriki began their journey to find their lost siblings, this is what caused the ire of the gods. Each group knew of the camps and each knew a version of the gods, because of this they couldn't have the groups meet in fear of another civil war. Unfortunately, the link between the jinchuuriki thanks to the bijuu sealed in them was strong. Through a very strong use of their powers they managed to block off the link temporarily but it wouldn't last long. They had been searching for nearly five years now and were getting dangerously close to discovering the existence of the other camps. Right now, there was a meeting about it and they were not happy with the options they had to choose from.
"We cannot allow the two camps to discover the others existence," Athena said angrily, "they were separated for a reason!" She yelled, the usually strategical goddess now had anger in her usually calm and collected voice.
"I'm not suggesting that." Apollo said, "what I'm saying is let them find each other. Have them not say anything about either camp, and then see what happens." The god of the sun finished.
"We cannot allow any contact between the camps!" Athena yelled.
"Oh, and why not, it's not like they'll declare war on one another, the jinchuuriki consider each other family." Hera said, "the last thing they want is war." She said.
"That's not the point." Athena said angrily, "we can't have any of them have any knowledge of the other camp."
"Oh, listen to you," Ares said with a smirk, "are you purposefully denying knowledge Minerva?" He asked, enjoying her angry look.
"Shut it!" Athena said angrily snarling at the war god.
"Enough!" Zeus said, silencing the others, "as much as I hate to admit it," he said looking at Athena, "they won't give up looking for their family, it would be better to tell them of the other groups location and have them meet."
"Father we-" Athena began, shocked that Zeus would go against her.
"No Athena, at the moment they are simply wasting time, and we cannot keep that link closed between them forever, we don't know the consequences of that. The bijuu may break out if we pressure the seals too much." Zeus said with a sigh.
"Father," Artemis began, "even if that were to happen the bijuu won't attack us."
"I don't trust them anyway, besides, if they gather maybe they will help find your… son." Zeus said, even now Artemis having a child still confused him.
"I say we put it to a vote." Poseidon said, "all in favour of allowing them to meet up?"
Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Hermes, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Ares agreed, though Ares did it mostly to spite Athena.
"All against?" Zeus said.
At this Athena, Demeter and Dionysus, who didn't look particularly interested raised their hands.
"Then it is decided, the jinchuuriki shall be re-united." Zeus said, thunder roll in the background dramatically. "Who shall tell them were to meet?"
"I'll go to the Greek's," Apollo said happily, "I'll get to see little Fu again."
"I shall go for the Romans." Hera said, she transformed into Juno and disappeared from Olympus, anxious to see her youngest again.
"Right, then I'll be off to then." Apollo said, and in a bright light he was gone.
(With the Greek jinchuuriki)
The four jinchuuriki consisting of, B, Fu, Yugito and Roshi were currently walking aimlessly around New York. They had been searching for their siblings for years but had found nothing on any of them except Naruto, and that wasn't something particularly good.
"Where could we look?" A now eighteen looking Roshi asked, the jinchuuriki had looked around the entire country for their family. The whole time they hadn't been able to contact their bijuu at all, and hadn't been able to use the link to talk with their brothers and sisters.
"I don't know." Fourteen-year-old Fu replied, angrily.
"Well where haven't we looked?" Yugito replied, her form that of a fourteen-year-old like Fu.
"I may be able to help with that." A voice said, they turned and saw a tall blonde man, he smiled happily at them, Fu particularly drew his gaze.
"Who are you?" Roshi asked protectively, standing in front of the others.
"Why, is that any way to greet your uncle?" The man asked, "hey sweetie." He said his gaze going to Fu, his grin widened.
"Apollo? Dad?" Fu asked, uncertainly.
"Yeah," his smile became softer and he walked over to her, he wrapped his arms around her smaller form in a hug "I'm sorry we never met before, but, well, I'm kind of a god." He said sheepishly.
"Dad." Fu said quietly.
"Yes sweetie." Apollo said.
"Could you let go know?" Fu said.
"Sure," he ended the hug and looked at his daughter, she smiled at him then smacked him on the face. "Oww." He yelped in pain, "I probably deserved that." He then got smacked on the head again, "ok I definitely deserved that one." She then went for another hit but he caught her arm, "ok I think I get it, you're mad but please calm down. I have good news."
"You'd better." The daughter of Apollo said angrily.
"We can bring you to the other jinchuuriki." Apollo said, that got all of them to freeze.
"You know where they are?" Yugito asked hopefully.
"Yeah." Apollo said.
"Where are they?" Roshi asked.
"Well, right now Garra, Hana, Yagura and Utakata are somewhere in Detroit but they are headed here." Apollo said, "I'm here to basically tell you to stay here, they will meet you in the empire state building lobby, about two days from now."
"Wait, how long have you known where they were?" Roshi asked suspiciously.
"Well, we've known were the location of the eight of you were since a couple of days after you got here." Apollo said sheepishly, at seeing his daughter about to smack him again he held his hands up, "wait, there is a very good reason for this."
"It had better be." She said and reluctantly lowered her arm.
"You see, there are actually two camps of demi-gods." Apollo said, "the plan was to originally bring you all to one of them, preferably camp half-blood, but when you were separated we sent loads of groups out looking for you. You were found by Artemis' hunters, who brought you to camp half-blood, the others were found by another party who brought them to another camp. You see there is a reason that there are two camps, one is for Roman demi-gods, the other Greeks, when these two sides mix there tends to be war." Apollo finished.
After a pause, Fu spoke up, "why didn't you just say that?"
"We kind of thought this would end in war between half-bloods, again. That is the worst situation, you see we gods have a Greek and Roman half, if there was war we wouldn't be able to choose sides and things would end badly. The last time was the American civil war." Apollo said, "after all the bloodshed from both sides you can see why we were reluctant."
"Fine." Fu said angrily, "so we just wait here for them?"
"Yeah, oh, I have a present for you as well." He said, he then removed a hair clip from his pocket, it was orange and looked like Fu's current hair clip, "here."
"Umm, thanks." Fu said, she looked at the hairclip.
"It's not just a hairclip." Apollo said, "here," he took it back and clicked a small button on the side, the clip transformed into a quiver of arrows, each arrow had a golden tip, when Fu removed them the tips glowed in the sunlight, the shaft of each arrow was made of celestial bronze. "See, it goes well with the bow I gave you." He said with a smile.
"The what?" Fu asked.
"You never used them, did you?" Apollo asked, slightly sad, "I gave it to your mother as a gift." He reached out and gently took the hair clip she always wore in her hair, he then pushed a small button on the side that went unnoticed to her for years. The clip lengthened and became a beautiful golden bow, there was a blade at the top of it that was made of celestial bronze, Fu looked at it in amazement.
"You gave me this?" She asked, astounded that her father had given her something.
"Yeah," he said, "I told your mother to give you this, I said it would protect you, I guess she thought it was a charm, I did mean it quite literally, click the side and it becomes a hair clip again, there is a button there," he demonstrated with the bow, he then put the clip in her hair again, "and it is the same with the quiver." He then tapped a small button on the side and the quiver became a matching clip, he put that in the other side of her hair, "you may have noticed but it is enchanted to never be lost, it'll always come back to you."
"Thank you." Fu said, she then wrapped her arms around her father and hugged him tightly, Apollo froze for a minute before he smiled and wrapped his arms around his daughter.
"You're welcome." He replied, "I have to go now, I'm sorry." He then began to walk away.
"Bye… dad." Fu said, her father then disappeared in a flash of light.
A few minutes later the jinchuuriki had made their way to the empire state building, they went to a small coffee shop beside it to sit down. They sat in a booth and began to chat.
"So, we just wait?" Yugito asked.
"Yup, we'll meet them there like dad said." Fu said happily, drinking some coffee. The Olympians had given each of them their own allowance before they left, they got a certain amount of money each month to pay for their living arrangements, since they preferred the outdoors they had quite a bit to spend on little things like coffee.
(With the Roman jinchuuriki)
Like Apollo had said, the jinchuuriki were currently walking the streets of Detroit, they had been searching for their siblings and had nearly searched every state.
"Ok, now where?" Hana asked Garra, who held a map of the US with several states crossed out.
"Now we go-" Garra began but was cut off.
"New York." A voice cut him off, they turned and found a woman, she had dark hair and wore a cloak of what looked like goatskin. Her form then shifted, her hair became a brown colour, her eyes became blue. Her clothing stayed the same, she smiled at Garra, "hello Garra." She said, her voice happy but still held authority.
"Mother?" Garra guessed.
The woman smiled, "yes," she said, "I am Juno, I have come to guide you to your siblings." She said, "like I said they are in New York, waiting for you."
"Mother…" Garra trailed off, he stared at the woman who birthed him, conflicting emotions running through him. "Did you hate me?" He finally asked.
"No." Juno said, sounding horrified at the mere prospect, "I love you and your siblings with all my heart, why do you think that?"
"Uncle, he told me you named me Garra to curse me. One who loves only himself, you did this because I… because I killed you." He sounded ashamed at this.
"Garra," Juno said softly, "I did not curse you with that name, I gave you that name to protect you, I even gave the last of that bodies chakra, I imbued it within your sand. It is I who protect you, not Shukaku, why do you think it still automatically protected you when Shukaku left?"
"Thank you, mother." Garra said happily, "we shall go to New York and reunite with the other five."
"Garra, not all of them are there." Juno said sadly, "Yugito, Fu, B and Roshi will be waiting in the lobby of the empire state building. Naruto, is complicated." Juno said wincing slightly.
"What happened to him?" Hana asked.
"He… we don't know exactly." Juno said.
"How can you not know?" Yagura asked, "you are gods."
"That doesn't mean we know all." Juno said sadly.
"What happened to him?" Garra asked.
"He… was shot." Juno said, the others looked shocked, "he had an arrow through his head, but his body disappeared, he entered my husband's domain briefly before he just disappeared. There was a prophecy about it, we have been searching for him."
"What was the prophecy?" Utakata asked, Lupa had informed them of the significance of prophecies in Roman history.
"It said that: 'The cursed huntress shall begin anew; To find the one by her hand, slew; Her future unknown and task made bleak; To succeed her quest nine, she must seek; They will be found with the heroes to come; No path is made, her but a trial has begun; For years, she shall search but the child is dead; No man can be found down the path he's been led.'" Juno said, rhyming off the prophecy.
"Who is the cursed huntress?" Hana asked angrily, figuring that this is the one who attacked her brother.
"Zoe Nightshade, previously lieutenant in the hunt of Artemis, at the moment however she awaits Artemis judgement over the whole issue. She found several things leading to him but no actual trails. My guess is she will be the one to find him in the end."
"Who are the heroes, with the 'nine'?" Yagura asked.
"No one knows, they could be any demi-god in the future, the nine, they could be metaphorical. Prophecies are usually vague like that."
"What does it mean by 'the child is now dead'?" Hana asked, concern rising.
"We don't know, again, he shouldn't have survived a shot like that. No one could have." Juno said.
"He's survived worse." Yagura said sadly, the others agreeing silently.
"Regardless, you must make your way to New York, you shall find the others at the empire state building." Juno said, "now I must leave." She then vanished.
"Well, at least we know where to go now." Hana said.
"Yeah." Garra agreed, looking at the spot his mother stood wistfully.
(With the hunt)
After being unable to track down her father's bolt, Artemis wasn't in the best of moods, and now she had to talk with Zoe, to decide her fate. She wasn't sure what to do, Zoe was one of her oldest friends and she knew that it wasn't entirely Zoe's fault. Someone had been giving her dreams for years, it only made sense that she would react the way she had. At the same time though she blamed her for killing her son, which is something that you shouldn't be able to forgive someone for, yet she longed to have her friend back.
She had been punished enough, one side of her reasoned, no she needed to be killed, another said. She didn't know what to do.
"Zoe," she said, addressing the woman kneeling before her, "I… I've missed you, the whole hunt has, but… I just can't forgive you." Artemis said causing the woman to flinch.
"I know it means very little, but I apologise for what I have done. Mine actions cannot be justified, and thine hatred is fair, but I will find thine child, my lady." Zoe said, her head bowed.
"I know." Artemis said, "I will not give you your title as hunter back fully, but you are welcome to join us. We shall all search for my son, and I think it is wise that you should lead some of my hunters to see if you can find anything." Artemis said, finally coming to a decision.
"Very well, who shalt I lead my lady." Zoe said, happiness in her voice, her punishment was better than the last one at least.
"You shall take a small group with you, three hunters who joined just before you were… you left." Artemis said, "Yugao, Anko, Kurenai." She called out, three women entered the tent, Zoe recognised them as the ones who were 'sisters' to her lady's son.
"Thank you, my lady." Kurenai said, after the three of them were told the situation, they all glared at Zoe, but it was to be expected.
"You shall go now, find any traces of my son and then bring him to me." Artemis said.
The four of them left the tent and began their journey.
As soon as Zoe was far enough away from the hunter's camp she called out to nowhere in particular, "thou can come out now." The three others looked at her weirdly.
They were surprised when another voice called back, "I don't think I want to."
"Who's that?" Yugao asked.
"Mine companion, who hath joined me on my previous journey." Zoe said.
"What's his name?" Anko asked, curiously.
"He… I named him after mine quest." Zoe replied slightly sadly.
"…Naruto." Kurenai said quietly.
"Yeah… now, Naruto, reveal thine self, we have new companions on our trip." Zoe said to the voice.
"Zoe, err… thou shalt have to continue thine journey without mine help." The voice named Naruto called out.
"What, but thou hath been mine companion all these years, why now have thou abandoned me." Zoe asked, sounding quite hurt.
"You know I am none too fond of the hunters. I am afraid I shall have to leave, our paths shall cross again though Zoe." Naruto called.
"But they shalt not hurt thou. They probably have not even heard of thou, I know thou hath had bad history with a hunter but no one shalt harm you now, least not us." Zoe tried.
"I'm sorry, but this is where our paths must end, I pray that you have a safe journey and wish you luck catching your prey but I can no longer be part of thine hunt." The voice said.
"Very well," Zoe said, sadly, "I too which you luck, may your journey be a safe one. May our paths cross again in thine future." Zoe said.
"Goodbye, my friend." The voice called out, before it went silent.
"Who was he?" Yugao asked, knowing that Zoe was probably saddened at the loss of her friend.
"A friend." Zoe said, a sad smile on her face, "the only one, who could see mine face."
(Two days later, empire state building)
The 'Greek' jinchuuriki were waiting nervously, they wondered if their siblings would show up, they were having more doubts and worries as the day went past. Maybe something happened, maybe they were in the wrong place somehow, maybe they came too late even though they were here from the start of the day.
It was now about mid-day and the worries were just getting worse, every time the door opened all four of them would turn to it and look at the person entering. They were beginning to get pains in their necks from doing this too many times. Eventually they turned and they felt pure happiness, there they were, they would recognise them anywhere.
Garra stood there, he was wearing a grey shirt, and black sweats and a pair of black canvas shoes, he had a red trench coat covering most of his form, the gourd on his back looked slightly smaller but had shifted form slightly. It now resembled a backpack with the various markings on it that the sand gourd had before, there were no cracks in it anymore.
Yagura wore a black long sleeved shirt and grey sweats, she had a green scarf around her neck and a dark green coat over the top, she wore pale green canvas shoes. Her staff was strapped to her back, no one was drawing attention to it though or even looking at it, this must be using the mist that apparently helped demi-gods.
Hana was wearing a dark red jacket that zipped up, she had the hood up and had a black hat on under the hood, she wore a red scarf around her neck which covered the bottom half of her face. She had a black trench coat that ended at her knees, baggy sweats that were tied on at the bottom with tape. She wore black trainers and had gloves on as well, her entire body was covered like always. She had a backpack that occasionally gave off steam, showing that she must have re-invented her armour to work under these conditions.
Utakata was wearing a blue jumper with black highlights on the seams, he was wearing black jeans and blue canvas shoes. He had his bubble pipe in his hand and was absentmindedly blowing bubbles as he entered the building.
(POV 'Roman' jinchuuriki perspective)
They entered the building and looked around for their siblings, they were nervous, what if they were late or something had happened. They looked around and eventually came across their siblings standing waiting for them, they looked different from the last time they had seen them.
Yugito was wearing a purple long sleeved shirt with a grey jumper over it, she had jeans blue jeans and blue trainers on. Her ponytail was lying over her right shoulder and was plaited in place.
Roshi was wearing a brown short sleeved shirt with a purple jumper over, he had purple sweats the same colour as his jumper, he wore black trainers. He had a brown beanie and had his purple nose guard on, since he had been going through puberty he had re-grown his beard, it was now shorter than it had been and was just more than stubble at this point.
Fu was wearing blue denim shorts and a white short sleeved shirt, she had a small denim jacket in her arms. She now had two hairclips instead of the singular one she used to have, and had white canvas shoes on, with orange socks on. She also had a large red rucksack on her back that they guessed was in place of the red cylinder she always carried. How she was warm with the current weather was a mystery.
B was wearing a white bandana and a white scarf, he had a white short sleeved shirt and black baggy sweats on. He had a white hoody on and had his sunglasses on even though they were inside. He wore black trainers and had white fingerless gloves on with red highlights on it. Samehada was on his back, he had stolen it when he killed Kisame, the first attempt to catch him had failed horribly. The sword now sat on his back, rattling gently occasionally, there was cloth around it, it must take a lot of mist to cover up the fact that it was a living sword. B had been using the living sword to hold his other swords in, not that the sword minded, if it got to eat some of B's chakra occasionally.
They stood there, staring at each other for a few seconds, and then ran towards each other, they met in the middle, hugging happily. They stayed in that group hug for a few minutes before breaking and standing back.
"We missed you." Fu began.
"Yeah, where have you been?" Yagura asked.
"We've been looking for you for years." Yugito replied.
"We have too, as soon as we learned to speak English and knew enough about the culture." Hana said.
"Same." Fu said.
"I don't suppose you know anything more about Naruto?" Yagura said almost pleadingly.
"What do you know?" Yugito asked.
"Almost nothing." Utakata said sadly.
"We'll tell you what we know." Roshi said, he then explained who Naruto was shot by Artemis' hunter, how Artemis cursed her. He told them everything about camp half-blood and the Greek demi-gods, they were surprised at the differences. Once he was done Garra spoke up.
"We haven't been to the Roman camp, there is a separate area where we learned about all of the Roman culture." He went on to explain how they learned from Lupa, how Kankuro and Temari went to the Roman camp and, as far as they knew, where fine.
"Wow." Fu said, "so… now what?" She finished.
"Now, we find our brother." Garra said.
"How?" Yugito asked, "we've looked everywhere in the country."
"We'll split up, try and open the link again, maybe that was how the gods have been separating us." Roshi said.
"Right, I'll see now, Utakata you too." Garra said, "the rest of you stay awake, make sure that we don't stand out."
"Yeah, because we definitely didn't before." Fu said sarcastically.
Garra and Utakata entered the link and soon found themselves in the familiar surroundings of the centre of the link. There they found eight sleeping bijuu and one awake fox looking at them happily.
"Where the hell have you lot been?" Kurama asked the jinchuuriki.
"We were brought to another world." Garra began, the two of them then told Kurama everything about the new world of gods, in the end Kurama looked worried.
"Damn it, you need to find Naruto." The fox said.
"We know, but he is nearly impossible to find, we've searched the country." Utakata said.
"You don't understand, there is only one way that he could survive a wound to the head like that, and if he did it, bad things will happen." Kurama said.
"What did he do?" Garra asked worriedly.
"It's… complicated, he'd been trying to create a new jutsu, based off our ability to reform. He made one of the most complicated seals ever as the perfect backup plan. But he never actually got to test it, because you know, he made it to only work when he's fatally wounded. The side effects though, theoretically, could be disastrous." Kurama said.
"How does it work?" Utakata asked.
"Even I don't know, he started designing it before any of you were caught, to save you but, well it took too long but he eventually completed it. It is in essence extreme clones, they are living breathing clones of him, depending on the injury it will split him into clones. The big danger however is psychological damage though, he needs to be brought together again, and quickly, the longer he stays like this the more individual the clones get." Kurama said.
"Is there any way to find him that you can think of?" Garra asked.
"He'll be near something powerful, he made it so that he would have an instinctive 'feel' for power. He figured since we were the most powerful chakra entities he would be drawn to us immediately. Since we're sealed in you though we won't give off too much energy, so he will probably be drawn towards the gods." Kurama said.
"The gods hide a great deal of their power though, when we see them they give off the minimum they can." Garra said.
"Then what would be the next most powerful source of power?"
"Heroes to come…" Utakata muttered under his breath.
"The prophecy, Naruto is with nine demi-gods, he split himself into nine pieces." Utakata said.
"That doesn't narrow it down though, he could easily pass himself off as a demi-god and no one would know, we have no clue as to where he would be." Garra said.
"He may not be human." Kurama said, the two of them looked at the bijuu, "the process takes a lot of energy, he used sage chakra for that, he never actually tested it but I could guess that he would automatically enter sage mode and become a fox."
"No man can be found down the path he's lead." Garra said.
"So, we're looking for nine foxes, with nine random demi-gods, either Greek or Roman, since he could go to either of the camps, anywhere in America?" Utakata asked.
"Well, at least we narrowed it down a bit." Kurama said.
"Can you not find him, he was your jinchuuriki?" Utakata said.
"Not anymore, when you left this world since I wasn't in him he isn't a jinchuuriki, there is no way of tracking him down. As a matter of fact that is why I'm the only one awake. The others got bored and just decided to sleep until I wake them, the Elemental Nations has become quite peaceful, they fear me again and since no one could seal me I just walk about. If no one tries to fight me I'm fine." Kurama said.
"So, you're stuck there?" Garra asked.
"No, if I wanted to I could leave and go to your world using the link, it would probably hurt whoever I did it to a bit but it could be done." Kurama said.
"Right, well, we'd better get going, we need to tell the others what happened to Naruto."
They left the mindscape and soon found themselves back in the real world, the blinked and sat up, their siblings looking at them expectantly.
"We know how to find Naruto." Garra said.