Ok not much to say just another new chapter which I decided to add after reading well all the fanfics that I normal do and I'm sick of looking for new ones. So here you go I hope you like it.


With a sigh Bulma returned opened her eyes. They where now back on Colds ship, not like they ever left. Looking at Vegeta's dark black eyes as they opened slowly she saw that he was till full of questions. Soon she would answer then for she had kept them too long inside. Her secrets where starting to hurt her very soul. It was so hard to breath at times just thinking about how much she kept hidden from the world. At least telling Vegeta would get some of it. True he might not like what he heard but she also knew he would not tell.

Vegeta could see her blue eyes running with a thousand emotions and thoughts. She knew he was not satisfied with her explanation and there as much to discuss. But, no matter what he would not leave her she long ago had captured his soul and heart without knowing it. They where one for all time however, it was obvious she questioned that.

Taking a slow breath he began "what did you do under your years with Cold? What where you in his empire and to him?"

Looking at the ground she took a shaky breath and began. "What I did under the Cold Empire was whatever they asked." Looking into his eyes she water gloss over her own. "At times I would just help planets like I did yours. Though most of the time I was to help kill them off. Taking away all there natural resources making them unproductive there for a loss to the Empire and worthy of purging."

Her eyes told that what she said was true however he knew that she was still hiding much on this issue so he asked "As that all you did?"

Letting her body shake with memory she spoke again but very low almost to the point of saying nothing. "no." Letting tears from fall from her eyes she looked down "I also killed of planets all on my own. If there was someone they could not defeat they would send me. I was an innocent little girl no suspect at all. Then I was order to send planets spinning out of orbit and into there own suns or coldness of space." Taking a quick look at Vegeta she knew he could hardly believe what he heard. Though Bulma did not want so say more there was more so she added. "I did not want to but they threatened the lives of the people under my Empire. Also I was the only one strong enough to do what they asked."

Understanding this entirely he just nodded for he himself had gone through much the same thing with Frieza only he was a little older. Taking his mind out of his thoughts he continued with his questions. "Now what you where you do the Cold empire and to Cold himself?"

Shivering more Bulma started twisting her arm band as nerves and memories came back to her. "To the Empire I was the greatest asset of all time. I could kill off any planet and was easily manipulated to their needs and wants. I could also make planets more profitable and useful depending on what they need. They no longer had to go searching for the right planet 'no' they just need me and I could make it there happy dream planet" She ended with sarcasm dripping from her every word. "As for what I was to cold I was his most precise pet and I could get any material thing I wanted form him." Looking into Vegeta's dark eyes she added. "He watched me like a valuable jewel it was rare he let me go to a planet alone. Why he let me go to Vegeta-sei alone I do not know. But, I'm happy he did." She added with a light smile. "It was the best week of my young life. I was loved for me not because of what I could do."

Again Vegeta nodded in understanding and looked with a penetrating gaze into her tear swelled eyes. He knew she was telling the truth on all accounts but there was something hidden and he wanted to know what. Taking small form into his lap he traced one of the scars on her back causing her to shiver. "Now who did this?" In truth this was the question he wanted the answer to the most for the scars hurt him to the core. It was beyond him who could do this to her.

Bulma knew the question was coming and that she could not hid from it. But, the pain of it all hurt her so much still. The moment he asked she hunched over and began to truly sob as her soul and heart broke, and the truth came out. In a whisper that was almost none existent she spoke "cooler."

In an instant Vegeta knew who she was talking about and wanted to know more. Turning her around to face him he lifted her tear stained face to look into his eyes. Brushing the hair out of her face he asked quietly "How?"

Throwing her arms around Vegeta she sobbed into his chest for about 5 minutes. Then sniffling she pulled away and took a deep breath and began. The whole time Vegeta just held her tight making her feel the safety she had left long ago with him and his father. "After I came back from Vegeta- sei Cold heard what I had done. It pleased him none to greatly that his most precious possession would trick him. So he gave me a full time watcher his son Cooler. For 5 years he just watched me and hurt me on occasion but nothing more then a slap or something. I never was off guard in the Cold kingdom." She said with slight regret and longing. "But, I never expect what would happen to me, I was ready for mental torture and maybe a light beating or hard train season. One day however after I was heard crying on the day Vegeta-sei was lost." Looking deep into Vegeta's eyes with her deep blue pools she went on. "Cooler came and said he was sick of my crying over a stupid planet of apes and that you where all dead and I should get over it and he knew just how. Tearing me off my bed he took me into a cold desalt room and chained me to the wall. Then he proceeded to beat me and sexual assault me."

Vegeta's anger rose to unknown highest at the knowledge of this. He wanted to do something but for now he knew she needed to finish. "He went at this all day then at that night he formed the bond that plagues me to this day." Taking down her top she pointed to what looked like to little bits on the top of her right breast. Then quickly replaced it knowing that Vegeta, however pissed would still get heated at the sight and that was not what she wanted right now. Hugging him deeply she went on. "Now when an Ice-jin does such a thing they form a link with however they did it to but not just them there whole blood family in this case Frieza and Cold. The instant he did it Cold knew what he had done as did Frieza. The latter however was in space and it was no concern who I was, at least to him. For his brother did it often to whores he would kill later. So he blocked me out. Cold however did not and quickly asked where I was and ran to stop anymore from happening for he knew I would be angry and hurt after."

Leaning a little away from Vegeta she gazed into his eyes and went on. "Now if someone of my race his angry or truly hurt we have out power increase 10 fold. By the time Cold reached me I had used strength that would make a saiyan proud to break free. I then left the palace called my staff to me that had been left in the room. Once it was there I pounded into the ground of planet Cold and disappeared with in. With in moments I set the planet firth from the sun making it over 100degress colder everywhere. I then killed of all planet life but my tired was not yet done. It takes a power Osirian to control planets that they are not on but in my anger I controlled every planet to the end of the universe. Lifting my staff high I took every planet on owned by the Ice-jin Empire and turned them into deserts and sent them in the deeps of space. Cold did not know what today. Over ¾ of his Empire was dying he ran to me and asked me to reverse it and I would get anything. So I asked for me and my people to be free. There was hesitation but it went by fast. In the end he agreed. I knew he would not let me go but I knew away to escape. I waited until all of my people where out of the Ice-jin Empire which with the fast ships took like 2 days. I then reversed everything except for what I did to planet Cold. Well they waited for there planet to return to normal I ran to a shuttle with my tech knowledge I wired it and escaped. The rest is old news."

Vegeta could only look at his new found mate with the greatest respect. She was powerful beyond dreams but still so in need of protection. Living through all she had it was amazing she made it out a live. Taking her tear stained face he pulled her into a deep kiss to which she instantly replied with equal passion.

Lifting her light body off the couch he brought her into the bedroom and slowly kissed all of her that was not covered by her skimpy out fit. He then slowly took his hands and lifted her tiara off her head and out of her hair. When she looked at him in question he just responded. "You are mine to night. Not your peoples not Colds, your are my mate nothing more." He then took her into a searing kiss before there could be any protest.

Coming up for air he smirked at her and slowly began to remove her top. Untying the strings in the back her breast fell free and he threw it to the side. Kissing each of her breasts with equal care he took one into his mouth well kneading the other. This earned him a moan from Bulma who dug her hands into his thick hair.

Once finished paying ample attention to both of her breasts he start kissing her down her soft creamy stomach. At the same time his arms ran down hers removing her two arm bands and throwing them aside. When he reached her belly button he kissed it harshly before sucking on it and using his tongue her removed her belly ring. Then he licked a wet trail down to her center.

With his teeth he gently teased her nub until it hardened and until she had her first orgasm which he eagerly licked up. By this time he was very hard and could tell she was begging for him but he just continued to torture her loving her wreathing body beneath him.

Not likely being the only on undressed Bulma using her powers stripped Vegeta. He was a little shocked but she just smirked at him which made him chuckled. But, his tortures where far from done. As Bulma started to run her hands down his back he place to fingers with in her causing her to buck with need. Lowly pumping in and out of her he brought her to the panicle of desire again allowing a wave of passion to wash over her.

By this point Vegeta was very much in need so taking her lips into a bruising kiss he shoved into her. The moment she was adjusted to his size she wrapped her legs around Vegeta's slim waist urging him to go further which he did. Nearing his climax Vegeta once again bit into her shoulder causing Bulma to shutter in pain and pleasure. This time however she also pit back. This brought Vegeta over the edge along with Bulma and they held each other tight as they waves of sensation washed over them.

Once it was done Vegeta pulled out of her gently and pulled her form to him. He then whispered in her ear. "Thank you." For he knew that after such a traumatic day it was not total right of him to take her but she had allowed and for that he was grateful. Also he was grateful that she had told him everything, now they where truly united. She had dropped her mental wall to him. He now saw and felt everything of her past and present. In the back of his mind he could not believe he was so lucky as to find some on like her. But, he was grateful and he would never let her go.

Turning to Vegeta Bulma just kissed him lightly on the head and whispered. "Your welcome Geta. I love."

Though he would rarely say it again for it was against his pride he mumbled into her mouth as he gave her a light kiss. "I love you to woman."

Bulma just smirked at this and would have complained about her name but it was a lost cause years ago when he had called her 'girl.' Falling asleep in his arms she felt content and safe and wished it would stay this way for all of time.


Well here it is the end of another chapter. Just a warning I will not always update this story everyday sorry. This week sadly I have other things to do like write reports on Greek Tragedy and take Italian test. But do not worry this along with my other fics will be updated this weekend for sure.

Oh also happy day with in two weeks my best friend ever Emily is going to take me on as a pity case and edit my fics so soon there will be no more grammar mistakes. It never was my strongest point.

Well later and as always review even if it is just two sentences or less.

Ciao miei amici.