Severus apparatus back home with harry he could not belief what was going on, he called for missy his personal house elf "is my grandfather here?" Yes young master, he is in the family room with mistress Elaine.

"Thank you, missy, can you please get a room ready for a child and get him some thing to eat, and if you could get some of the kitchen elves to bring us some refreshments to the family room that would be greatly appreciated." He strode out without looking back at the elf.

His mother treated him as he came in "Sev, how was your business, why do u have a child?"

His grandfather looked up from the book he was reading. Severus sat down and sighed "this child is Harry James Potter and he is Lily's child, Petunia contacted me this morning and well what she said concerned me." The elf brought some tea and biscuits for the adults while bringing a bottle of milk and some porridge for the child, Severus handed the child to his mother and served his grandparents and mother. He handed the letter to his grandfather, he was sure his grandfather would know more about wards considering he was the head of the DMLE for years before retiring to focus on wizengmott.

Alexander Prince could not belief what he was reading. He had never liked Albus, but to ward someone's house especially blood wards without permission! Why is Albus so invested with this child that he would place him with a family without informing them of anything. He had heard of the prophesied fight that ended Voldemort's reign of terror, the idea that a child could have killed him sounds idiotic.

"Severus, when did petunia get the child?" Alex asked. "early this morning, why?"

"Because this letter is dated two days ago, what was that demented old man doing with the child for two days?". Severus confused the news said lily and potter were called on the 31st, today was the second, did he take care of the child on his own.

"Something is going on, but first we should sleep for the night. Severus, I will take care of him for the night and tomorrow we will talk about we should do." Eileen said the poor child needs some sleep and maybe food.

Alexander was not sure if that would be a good idea "how about Severus and I visit Petunia and check the wards, you should put the baby to sleep we will plan more in depth tomorrow." Severus joined his grandfather and apparated to the alley outside privet drive, Alexander took out his wand and started casting. Once Alexander identified the wards they apparated back home.

Severus was still reeling from what he found out after a short nigh cab he went to sleep, tomorrow is a new day and that is when he can attack this problem head on.

hello guys, sorry about the late post i will be posting again this weekend.

please read and review i look forward to any suggestions