Disclaimer: I Don't Own Gundam Wing.

Valentine's Day.

A day celebrated for the ancient martyr St. Valentine. His continued effort to wed young couples led to his eventual death. A testament to his beliefs he refused to revoke his Christian faith even though that would have saved him, potentially.

So Relena wondered why, as she passed the window shops with giant stuffed animals and delicious display of chocolates and deserts, and how did it end up so commercial? Her breath faded in the cold air as she sighed. Although, to be fair, she couldn't completely blame the masses, she was once one of those girls hoping she would get something on this day, or at least get to see the person she loved.

Now at 27, she had blatantly forgotten what the day was until her secretaries and other employees in the building were receiving flowers and other types of goodies. She danced around the questions she received about what her husband would get her or what they had planned for the night, playfully chiding them that they were at work.

And to dodge any questions during lunch she decided to go out to one of the little bakeries nearby. Drinking a hot chocolate, her lips curved to a soft smile as she saw a young brunette receiving what appeared to be a decorative bouquet of flowers. The young couple passed the window and she felt energy warm her muscles again, her work was worth it to see the next generation able to enjoy their youth. Live without the fear of being ripped from those they love, and able to celebrate any holiday they wanted.

Content, and her break over, she put her jacked back on and ventured through the chilly Brussel afternoon back to her office, with disguised security detail following diligently. There always remained a risk that she would be targeted, but with over a decade of peace prevailing some things, such as showing a large force of protection, became negotiable.

She'd received a couple of messages for meetings to be rescheduled from her secretary, which she suspected were due to the Holiday more than the actual implementing weather heading their way. She chuckled to herself as she responded to messages and reviewed propositions for the expansion of habitable domes on Mars.

Hours passed when she eventually heard her phone's chirp notifying her of a family text. Her phone screen flashed the time, only a couple of more hours before she thought it would be alright to head home. Relena planned to let her team off an hour early as a treat. Then she broke out into a wide grin as she saw the picture sent to her.

'I planned to make you desert. Those baby books were being serious about the mess part.'
The message read along with a picture below of the two culprits. Her children were smattered with what looked like white cake mix or some type of cream. The brown hair of her daughter appeared to be a mix of chocolate and vanilla, while her son appeared to have deliberately tried to dip his face and become a ghost. Relena couldn't hold back and laughed loud enough for her secretary to pop her head in to make sure she was okay. She spent the next ten minutes trying to control her laughter.

She replied and told her poor husband to be careful that they didn't get anything in their eyes and that she would be off soon. He let her know he would pick her up since he needed to buy new ingredients now. And true to his word after the last minutes of her shift ticked away she was out the door and her husband out in the car waiting for her.

A thrill rushed through her as she embraced him. "You survived," she looked up at him.

Heero kissed her forehead, "Just barely." He smirked. His sarcasm, although a surprise in the beginning, she found a great amusement and comfort in.

Relena looked over his shoulder to find Pagan and her happy squealing babies in the car. Clean and warmly dressed. Relena immediately opened the car door and kissed both of the little ones. "Hello Pagan," she smiled.

"Mrs. Relena." He chuckled.

"Ever since she learned to walk she's more of a handful," Heero said to her from behind, "And where she goes Odin wants to follow."

She giggled, "Heero I can't help but think that you've met your match."

"Hn," he lifted a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear, "I'm sure that happened a long time ago."

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you have a wonderful time with your loved ones! Felt very inspired recently with so much 1xR being posted on Sundays. I always look forward to them! And an update on some of my material I have been writing know that it is still going to take me some time to go through the chapters and revise/revamp them, but this semester I should have more time to edit since the hard hitter classes are out of the way! Harmonic Trials is close to reaching 40,000 words, and there are some Summer fics on the way! And on that note have a nice day every one!