". . . I am your dragon. The blood within me, is telling me so."
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Follower, Princess, Friends
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It was very important for children to interact with each other, at a young age. It taught them how to behave, how to communicate, and it was good for their mental development. At least, that was what the mothers told Ik-Soo, when he went to them for advice.
However, Ik-Soo wonder if a normal childhood would ever suit his precious princess.
As he sat in the doorway of their small hut, he watched as Yona dived and scrambled, trying to tag Shin-Ah, the strange boy who had protected her. Even blinded by the mask, Shin-Ah held some hidden advantage, as he continued to duck and weave out of range of her scrambling hands. Their laughter filled the area, inflicting happiness into the air itself.
Almost every day, since Shin-Ah brought Yona home, the young boy would trot his way over to their cottage. Without fail, Yona would race across the hut, as if sensing his presence approaching, and greet him with a dazzling smile that radiated brighter than the sun.
Some days they would sit side by side, and Yona would chat about everything, and anything. Her excited chatter would fill the air, and she wasn't bothered when Shin-Ah didn't jump in with his own stories. Some days, Yona would force the boy to work with her in the garden, reciting Ik-Soo's teachings.
Some nights, he would stay and eat with them. Other nights, he would disappear before sunset, yanked away like he knew his family was looking for him. Yet, despite how many days the boy spent around them, Ik-Soo had never seen him without the cat mask, and the bells on its ear. To the priest, it was simply his face, as unmovable as his own nose and ears.
He knew it was normal for children to play with each other. It was healthy for their development, and taught them essential life skills. However, Yona had developed a sudden, deep bond with this strange child, over a deeply traumatic event, and it was concerning, because he knew it wasn't normal.
As the sun set, and night bathed the skies once more, Ik-Soo watched as the masked child turned his face to the south. Ik-Soo knew his family laid in that direction, as he would gaze into the same area every time, before going home.
"Shin-Ah," the priest's soft words pulled the child's attention back to him. "I would like to meet your family."
That was a normal request, the village mothers had assured him. Mothers often got together, so they could trust each other and watch their children. They gave him words of wisdom : 'It takes a village, to raise a child.'
Still, Shin-Ah reacted as if he had been struck. He flinched away, and his tiny hands curled into a tight fist. His masked face bowed, and Ik-Soo was sure, if he could see the child's eyes, he'd be tearing up.
Was the child ashamed of his family? Or was there a darker story to the masked child? Yona glared at the priest with all her tiny fury. She was mad that Ik-Soo had made her friend upset. Shin-Ah was good, and nothing should hurt him, not even words.
"Apologize!" The little princess immediately demanded.
Ik-Soo now reacted as if he was the one struck. Yona had never spoken with such hostility and conviction before! He wanted to scold the girl, but looking at the distressed boy, made regret twisted in his heart. Perhaps, it was a careless demand. Did the boy even have a family? The village did not mention having an orphanage, but perhaps it was a make-shift orphanage, made up of the broken families of the village.
The young priest has seen similar situations before.
"Apologize!" Yona stamped her little foot.
"I will not," Ik-Soo calmly replied. Yona's cheeks puffed up in agitations and the priest could see the approaching tantrum. He calmly braced himself for it, having grown use to the temper of the young princess. "I would think that young Shin-Ah's parents are wondering where he disappears to, too."
Someone had to be caring for the boy. He was not starving, though he did not refuse the food given to him. His clothes were old, but carefully mended to reduce damage. Occasionally he would bring some trinkets and toys to play with. Even if the parents were neglectful, and chose to ignore their child to a point of namelessness, Ik-Soo could meet them, and perhaps interfere if needed.
It was fate though brought Yona and Shin-Ah together, and fate that brought them under his eyes. Surely there was a reason for it.
Before Yona's tantrum could crest, Shin-Ah whisper of a voice interrupted. "Tomorrow," the bells jingled as he nodded his head. "Tomorrow, come to my home."
Yona's temper instantly froze, and a dazzling smile broke across her lips. The childish squeal that escaped her would be heard for miles. "I get to meet them!" Her feet stamped the ground as she did a small dance that only she knew the steps too.
Ik-Soo frowned that Yona's random excitement. "Have you met them before?"
The princess' only response was to giggle, and engaged in her game of chase with Shin-Ah.
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Zeno knew that Seiryuu was hiding something. The youngest child was sitting stiffly, his masked face bowed, and Zeno didn't think he was listening to Hakuryuu or Ryokuryuu speak. Which was odd, since Seiryuu normally latched onto anything Ryokuryuu said, still believing him to his savior and closest friend.
Worse, Seiryuu hadn't taken a single bite of the smoked fish that was given to him.
His brothers had taken noticed too. Kija paused, mid-chew, and tilted his head to the side. "Shin-Ah, are you okay?" Kija reached out his human hand, as if to lay his hand on Shin-Ah's forehead and check his temperature, but paused mid-reach when he remembered the wooden mask."Are you sick?"
Shin-Ah shook his head, the bells chiming softly with each movement. Shin-Ah's hands were fiddling with his dirty short sleeves, and his very aura seemed upset. Zeno knew something had happened to his hatchling.
"Seiryuu, were you hurt?" Zeno reached over to lay a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder.
Shin-Ah looked up, the wooden eyes staring at Zeno. It was hard to tell if he was crying or not. Perhaps, he was just nervous?
"Not hurt," Shin-Ah murmured. "My friend is coming over."
Zeno frowned lightly at the news. He knew about Shin-Ah's playdates, and though he had never met the child before, he had a sneaking suspicion of who it was too. Ever since he had returned with his new name, the child had been running off often. Yona. The girl from the village. The girl with unique red hair and memorizing purple eyes.
The one who attracted the dragons to her.
Seeing Zeno's frown, Shin-Ah hunched in on himself. His knees were drawn to his small chest, and he wrapped his arms around his legs. Though the atmosphere wasn't tense, it was suddenly quiet.
"When is she coming over?" Ryokuryuu was the one who broke the silence.
Three heads turned to look at the sun, which was already past its highest point and dipping towards the mountains. In a handful of hours, the girl that intrigued them all, would be at their house. Their eyes then moved around their dwellings.
Clothes, clean and dirty, were strewn around. Bones from previous kills were stacked in one corner. Their sink was full of dishes, some broken beyond use. The light layer of dust on the flooring clearly showed the imprint of Jae-Ha's bare dragon foot. Outside, Zeno knew that several freshly skinned rabbit were hanging up, waiting to be cooked.
Though not dirty, their home was well-lived in, and under the control of a traveler, and three boys.
"We better get cleaning," Ryokuryuu chirped up.
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"It's too tight," Hakuryuu whimpered as Zeno pulled the bandage even tighter around the child's right arm.
The snow white bandages were tugging and rubbing against his sensitive scales. The thought of covering up his dragon blood was unheard of. His village would swarm him for a glimpse of the heavenly claws. In their tiny hut, the dragons didn't hide from each other. Zeno even took the time to train them, and had showed Kija how to enlarge his hand in desperate times.
Zeno was stern though, and had insisted that everyone cover up their dragon limbs. For Jae-Ha, this wasn't a problem. Despite Zeno's words, and the encouragement of his dragon brothers, he still considered his dragon leg a hideous sight, and wore boots which hide his whole leg. Shin-Ah still hid his eyes from everyone, choosing to have his mask as his own identity. To the younger dragons, this was a thing of tragedy and mystery. They still had yet to see the dazzling sight of Seiryuu's eyes.
Kija admitted defeat and let Zeno wrap his arm, but since he was a boy who was worship, he was having difficulties accepting the fact that he had to hide an essential part of his identity.
"Repeat the rules lad," said Zeno.
Kija sighed, his eyes mournfully watching as the last of his scales disappeared behind the bandage. "Do not enlarge my hand. Do not take off the bandage. Lift everything with my left hand."
"Do not pick at the bandage, no matter how much it itches."
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"Repeat the rules," Ik-Soo murmured around the piece of cloth in his mouth.
His hands were busy trying to wrangle Yona's messy curls into one palm. The young girl was jittering in place though, bouncing her body up and down. Strands of curling red hair kept escaping, as if they had a desire of their own to be seen.
"I can not run off. Don't take off my hood. Don't talk about my mom and papa. Don't show my hair. Be respectful and nice."
"Don't complain about the food, no matter how bad it taste."
"Good girl." Finally, Ik-Soo managed to tie her rioting red curls into a simple ponytail. With an elegant twist, he forced the ponytail into a messy bun. His hands now free, Ik-Soo reached up to remove the strip of pink clothe from his mouth, and proceeded to wrap over the top of her head. The strip of clothe would hide her rioting curls up front, while her hood would hide the rest of her hair. "Now let's go meet your friend."
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There was something different about this family. Ik-Soo could feel it, as he and Yona stood a few feet from them. Shin-Ah had always felt different to the priest, but he had assumed it was because of his odd behavior. It wasn't a malicious aura, but something that was not ordinary.
It was a trait shared with his family apparently.
Ik-Soo stepped forward, and bowed before the head of household. Yona copied him, bowing at her waist, and nearly losing her balance. Ik-Soo was pleased to see her hood stay in place.
"My name is Ik-Soo, and this is my ward -"
"Yona!" The young girl chirped up before he could finished. "I'm happy to see Zeno again."
The young man had been staring at Ik-Soo with curiosity and a touch of hostility. At Yona's voice though, his face softened to a wistful smile, and a haunting smile crossed his lips. "Zeno is happy to see the Little Miss too."
Ik-Soo was now the one frowning. Even since her kidnapping, the priest has been very protective of the young princess. There were too many strangers who would still hurt her. If the kingdom found out who she really was, there was no doubt the young girl would be thrown into a civil war, with half the kingdom wanting her blood spilt, and the other half wanting her to wear a crown.
Ik-Soo reached out and wrapped a protective arm around Yona, tugging her closer to him. "How do you know her?"
"Little miss found us, in the village."
"And how do you know her name?"
"You shouted it out, when you were looking for her," the boy with white hair spoke up. Bravely, he walked forward, until he could extended his left hand, which was not bandage, to Ik-Soo. "My name is Kija, I am Shin-Ah's older brother, and the younger brother of Jae-Ha, and Zeno."
Ik-Soo reached out and shook the small boy's hand. The priest shivered, as something else traveled from the boy's palm, to his own. An aura, which was too large for the child, made itself known. Ik-Soo couldn't help himself when he ripped his hand back, holding it protectively to his chest.
Yona reached up, and poked his ribs. "You're being rude," she loudly proclaimed.
There was a moment of silence, as Yona glared up at her guardian, and Ik-Soo couldn't help but eye the new family. Suddenly, he wasn't sure how to feel about the odd family, and he wasn't sure if he wanted the princess around them.
"Shall we go inside?" Jae-Ha was the one to finally break the silence. "We made some rabbit stew."
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"So, why are you here?"
The meal had gone over well enough. Yona has only grimaced once, but she managed to finish the bowl without complaint. Afterwards, Shin-Ah and requested that Yona play with him outside. Yona invited Kija, and Kija had insisted on someone responsible watching them. So Jae-Ha was forced to go with.
That left Ik-Soo, and Zeno, alone in the doorway of the humble cottage. Seeing that the two guardians were now alone, Ik-Soo thought it was safe to ask a few questions.
Zeno reached up, his fingers twirling a strand of hair around his finger. He was carefully watching the four children play, and carefully thinking his answer over. "Zeno use to own this cottage, a very long time ago. When Zeno found himself caring for the ha-, children, Zeno knew the country would be the best place for them."
"Oh?" Ik-Soo was now watching the boy himself. Despite the odd aura they had, there was something else bugging him. Shin-Ah hide his face behind a wooden mask, and rarely spoke. Kija, though quiet, had his right arm and hand heavily bandage. Jae-Ha, seemed hostile to the priest, defensive around the younger boys, and walked with a distinct limp, as if one foot was heavily than the other. "Kija said you were all brothers."
"We are all related by blood," said Zeno.
Ik-Soo gripped a handful of his worn pants. The signs were all there. It would explain why Shin-Ah didn't want them to meet. Why the boy was so quiet, and the hostile aura the family gave off. He didn't want to believe it but he has seen many cases of abuse before.
Quiet laughter escaped Zeno, and he leaned back on his palms, still watching the children play. "It's not what you think. Zeno would never harm his brothers. Shin-Ah would see Zeno coming, and Jae-Ha and Kija are much stronger than Zeno."
Ik-Soo didn't sense a lie, like he normally would, and there something about Zeno's voice that was so sincere. It was as if the gods themselves had leaned down and blew away Ik-Soo's worries and doubts.
"We're brothers, but we were separated a long, long time ago," Zeno continued. "I found Jae-Ha, and rescued him from an abusive village. The rest is destiny."
In the distance, was a yelp and a shout of, "You can't do that!" A quick glance over, showed that Yona was on the ground, pinned beneath Jae-Ha's right foot. The young teenager wasn't applying pressure or harming the young girl, but she seemed unable to move him. She was squirming beneath his foot, trying to escape Shin-Ah and Kija's tickling fingers.
Both guardians smiled, seeing the carefree smiles on the children's faces. They were playing, and acting as children should. To Zeno, this was a delight that the hatchling were never granted. To Ik-Soo, it showed him that the past events wouldn't define the young girl he had grown to love.
"Destiny," Ik-Soo murmured to himself. Perhaps this was destiny. Destiny that brought the brothers together again, and destiny that brought him to Yona, that fateful night. It was certainly destiny now, that brought all six of them together. "It certainly has a weird way of working," the priest mused.
"We are mere mortals. Who are we, to question the course of destiny?"
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"You're gonna get her in trouble," Kija was nervously trailing after his younger brother.
Shin-Ah paused, as if debating his words, before continuing into the dark woods. Around them, the wildlife fell quiet as the hatchlings traveled through. Though dark, dawn was not far off, but it was still too early for even the songful birds to be awake.
Kija shuffled after his younger brother, silently telling himself that all would be well. Shin-Ah has been sneaking off since the dinner, several nights ago, and though Zeno knew about it, their guardian did not put a stop to it. In fact, Zeno made sure that his baggy cloak was near the door, and extra food was set aside for Shin-Ah to take with him.
Kija knew who he was meeting. Shin-Ah was quiet, but he was not secretive. It had taken Kija days to work up the courage to ask his brother to take him with. Finally though, he was going to meet Yona again.
Shin-Ah drew to a quick stop, which Kija didn't noticed until the older boy nearly slammed into Shin-Ah. "What are we-" Kija's loud voice was cut off, as Shin-Ah turned around and quickly covered Kija's mouth.
Understanding the message, Kija nodded once, his face scrunched up in a look of concentration. Whatever was beyond the trees in front of him, Kija had to be silent. When Shin-Ah fell into a crouch, Kija copied him and both boys crept forward, silently moving the foliage out of their way.
She was there, crouched in the center of a clearing. Her own coat was a soft plum color, pooling around her tiny body, with the hood successfully covering her face. Behind her, the river gurgled and bubbled in a silent song. She held long, droopy stalks of vegetation, and her lips were moving in a soft coax, that Kija couldn't hear.
Crouched in front of her was a startled, young hare. It's long ears were back, and its body was wound in a tight huddle. One of its legs were mangled, and blood clotted its light brown fur. The whole body of the tiny creature was trembling, and its eyes were so wide, Kija was surprised that they didn't pop out.
Yona crept forward a step, her browning stalks now brushing the hare's nose. The injured creature hesitated, before slowly stretching its neck forward and taking a nibble. A smile split cross her face, and Yona's free hand reached forward, her fingers stretched towards the hare's twitching ears.
A startled cry filled the air, and Yona fell back, clutching a bleeding palm to her chest. Tears swelled in her eyes, and a startled sob escaped her. In front of her, the hare was gone, leaving a bloody trail in its escape.
Shin-Ah was just as quick, making it to Yona's side, and clutching her bleeding palm on his own. Kija watched as the quiet boy worked on comforting the young girl, slowing down her tears with his words.
Shin-Ah glanced up, his cat-like mask staring uncomfortably at where Kija was still hidden. It was a beckoning, which Kija found himself answering.
At his approach, Yona glanced up, and gave a watery smile. "Kija," she greeted.
Before Kija could greet her back, Shin-Ah extended his free hand, and demanded, "bandage".
Bandage? Kija didn't have any supplies on him. He was rarely injured himself, and therefore didn't carry medical supplies with him. It was Jae-Ha and Zeno was acted as healers, as worked to heal any injuries that happened.
Still, Shin-Ah kept his palm extended out, his mask staring at him in a silent demand. Kija glanced down at himself, and saw his right arm. It was wrapped tightly, from mid-bicep down to the tip of every one of his fingers. The bandages were quickly becoming part of his identity, the white strips acting as a poor replacement for his white scales. Still, Zeno was stern about the fact that Kija had to keep his arm hidden from everybody who wasn't his dragon brother.
Except, Yona had fire red hair like the original red dragon, though it was hidden right now. The color which was sacred, and unheard of, anywhere else. No human, since the passing of Hiryuu himself, had such color. The color of passion, of fire, and blood.
The same color, which was now pooling in Yona's cupped palm, as her torn bite mark continued to bleed, risking infection.
Kija extended his banged arm forward, and held his breath as Shin-Ah started the process of unwrapping him. Strips slowly loosened and fell away, uncovering sparkling scales with each inch revealed. Yona's eyes grew wider, as more scales made themselves known. Since the bandage was one continuous strip, as Shin-Ah unwrapped Kija's arm, he started to wrap Yona's palm, applying pressure to try and get her wound to stop bleeding. The once white bandage quickly seeped into a garnet color, opening like a rose at her palm, and spreading quickly towards the rest of the bandage.
"Okay?" Shin-Ah murmured.
"It doesn't hurt much anymore," she turned her eyes away from her bleeding palm, instead glancing at the white scales of Kija's arms.
Her unhurt hand reached out, and gently brushed against the scales. The warmth of her fingertips were pleasant against his cooler arm, and he let her brush, stroke and explore the unique scales. With each touch, her smile grew wider, and Kija found himself smiling back.
"They're so pretty," the young girl breathed out. "Thank you," Kija felt his cheeks warm up, and his heart skip a beat.
Simultaneously, they all looked at her palm. The blood had stopped spreading, and her hand was dwarfed under the full length of the bandage. Shin-Ah puffed out his small chest, proud of his sloppy medical skills. Yona giggled, as she flexed her fingers, the movement barely seen under the bandages.
"Thank you, Shin-Ah." At the small tilt of his mask, Yona shook her head. "It doesn't hurt anymore."
Suddenly the young girl's eyes narrowed, and she took a step closer to Shin-Ah. The two children were nearly nose-to-mask now, with Yona peering unblinkingly into the paint cat eyes. A secret grin appeared on her lips, and she reached forward and poked the cheek of the mask.
"Are you special too?"
Kija watched as Shin-Ah hesitated, and then gave a single nod. An excited squeal broke from her lips. She leaped back, and boldly wrapped her arms around Kija's dragon arm. At her innocent but excited touch, Kija felt his cheeks growing even darker. The other children from the village never play with him, and though he loved his dragon brothers, they weren't as affectionate as Yona was being.
"You remind me of the dragons in the palace!" She was off on an excited ramble now. Speaking of a Hak, a cousin, a mother, and a painting, and lots about her dreams. Dreams which consisted of dragons, scales, and strange warriors.
There was something innocent about her speeches. It wasn't the reverence that his village raised him in. It wasn't the hesitation of Shin-Ah, the hatred of Jae-Ha or even the quiet wisdom of Zeno. She just stood there, with her bleeding palm wrapped in his bandage, clinging to his dragon arm, while locking eyes with the cat mask of his brother, chatting about her imaginary dragons. The river gurgles behind her, as the breeze played with the few wisps of red hair that had escaped the hood of her cloak.
Kija wasn't sure when he pulled away, or when he fell to his knees, performing a bow at the feet of the young girl. He knew when it fell silent though, as Yona and Shin-Ah stared at him with curiosity.
"Kija, why are you bowing?" With a curious tilt of her head, the hood of the cloak finally fell back, exposing her fire red curls.
So enchanted was Kija by the sight, that he stuttered and said the first thing he could think of. "You have red hair."
"Well you have a lizard's hand." She clamped both of her hands over her mouth, in an attempt to stifle her gasp. "Should I be bowing too?"
"No!" Kija's forehead hit the ground, and he attempted to hide his red cheeks. He was embarrassed. Embarrassed to be bowing without knowing why, and embarrassed that Yona, despite her appearance, did not seem to be the legendary king that he thought her to be. She was a girl, a girl who had found herself in the same village as them. Nothing more than that.
There was tugging on his heavenly arm, and Kija peered up to see Yona crouching by him, attempting to pull him up with her little strength. Kija let himself be lead up, once more standing before the pair.
"You don't have to bow, we're not at the palace." Yona took one more glance at the dragon arm, before letting it fall from her grasp. "I'm just Yona, and you can just be Kija. We can be friends."
Friends. The simple concept filled Kija with joy, and he found himself returning her smile.
"And don't worry about your secret, I won't tell anyone. Not even Ik-Soo."
This damn thing is developing plot, and its a pain in my rear. I want childish stories here!
What would you guys rather see next chapter? Our dragons finding some cute animals, and perhaps learning a few fears? Or a bonding moment with Jae-Ha and Yona? Bonding with Zeno and Yona? Something else?
In regards to the bonds, I've gotten a lot of questions about it. The fact is, I don't want to come out and say it. Zeno gave a hint in the first chapter. I love the bonds, but I wanted the children to grow up without the whole "dragon and king" aspect, controlling their lives and views. Perhaps when I get bored of this story and prepare to complete it, I will bring the bonds back.
Editing as always, is done by yours truly. I get bored pretty quickly, and I gloss over my own writing. Some mistakes probably slipped by. Feel free to point them out, so I can fix them and pretend they never happened.