Hello readers! It's time for another wowtastic chapter.

Last time on Total Pokemon Island, we had a trivia challenge which proved to be difficult for some campers namely Blister and etcetera. Lucy proved herself competent by answering ten questions in concession. The challenge however ended prematurely because Lucy and Felicia detonated both of their 'devices'. In the end, it was down to Alexa, the timid sweetheart and Blister, the intimidating friend. But, Blister was eliminated due to not taking the pressure of the competition. With another alliance called Team Magic and Malikai doing some blackmail, what will happen next on TOTAL… POKEMON… ISLAND!


Lucy and her group of friends decided to 'hang out' in the middle of the camp. The group included Destiny, Mimi, Felicia and Alexa.

"So, what do you think we should talk about next? I'm getting too overdosed with memes!" queried resting on Felicia's lap.

"LET'S TALK ABOUT WORLD DOMINATION!" suggested Felicia stroking Lucy's ribbons.

"No world means no memes!" retorted Lucy.

"I won't destroy memes when I rule the world!" huffed Felicia arms crossed.

"Um… I suggest we talk about our love life!" suggested Destiny.

Lucy gaped at the clam. "I… I guess we can spare a few minutes!"

Mimi clapped her hands rapidly. "Oh goody! We can bond some more… friends?"

"Friends!" replied Lucy smiling.


Mimi smiled at the camera. "I'm so… happy! But… I wish… Semora would be my friend…"


Felicia neatly placed powder inside an empty jar. "Time for a prank!"


Alexa continued to scribble on her notepad. "Ace loves me… he doesn't… he loves me… he doesn't…"


"Okay, who do you think is attractive?" asked Lucy looking at Felicia.

Felicia blushed. "I'm bi… actually, I like… it's a secret!"

Lucy pouted. "Tell us!"

"I rather be buried alive!" spat Felicia. Her eyes then widened. "Um… forget what I said… I'm scared of being buried alive"

"But aren't some plants… umm… buried in the soil?" asked Alexa tilting her head in confusion.

"Um… let's just move on to Destiny! Destiny, who do you like?"

Destiny sighed. "Elijah, Jester and P.J. are my type"

"Alexa is mine!" blurted Lucy snickering.

Alexa lifted her face from her scribbling then gaped at her fellow Eeveelution. "That's a bit… alarming!" Alexa began to blush.


"Lucy is my friend! But… Ace is my type… but Lucy…" uttered Alexa frowning.


Lucy smirked triumphantly. "I will conquer Alexa like a meme expert!"


Malikai gathered Glimmershine, Semora and Goo in a hidden area in the woods.

"Malikai, why do you need us here?" asked Glimmershine nervously.

"Um… yeah!" intoned Semora shuddering.

Glimmershine eyed Semora in discomfort. "What happened to the assassin that was in the game?"

Semora cocked a brow. "Assassin? That's too dangerous!"

Just then, an owl perched itself on a nearby branch. "You three, want to join my alliance?"

Glimmershine stared at the floor. "I have no choice"

Semora nodded while Goo shook his head. "Man, alliances are always bad news!"

"I'll let you grope Mimi"


"And from now on, we're now called Team Accuracy!" declared Malikai.


In another part of the woods, Theo and Comet had their own alliance meeting.

"I'm getting annoyed that Malikai is not attending our meetings!" commented Theo.

Comet smiled. "That's okay, we two are enough to best almost half of our team!"

Theo smirked. "You're right! But what about our targets?"

Comet takes out a long sheet of papers.

"Alexa then Semora then Mimi then Lucy then Vigor then Glimmershine then Ace!" read Comet aloud. "The rest is still blurry in my mind"

Theo shook his head. "While you were reading that list, I created a new list!" Theo shoves a list unto Comet.
















"So you're keeping Notice Me Senpai in until every one of our team is out but us three?"

"I'm not a Notice Me Senpai!" screeched a voice from the other side of the island.

Theo shrugs his shoulder. "This ends out meeting, Semora will be the next one to fall!"


"Comet and I can relate being both genderless. And oh, bye bye Semora!"


"It's time for a new challenge! Please head to the House of Chandeliers near the wreckage from last challenge… Lucy and Felicia, I'm not yet over it!"

"Sheesh, you don't have to point that out!" muttered Lucy heading to the challenge area.


Magearna smiled at all the remaining campers. "Campers, please head inside the house to find Kyurem!"

Magearna pointed at a dilapidated mansion. "Okay, the challenge begins inside!"

All the campers quickly entered the mansion. The inside looked… smaller than the exterior. It resembled their cabins.

"Where's Kyurem?!" asked Boo impatiently.

Someone tapped the pumpkin's shoulder. "I'm right here!"

Boo turned around to find Kyurem grinning.

"Challengers, it's time for a challenge that appeared in almost all of this kind of shows!"

Elijah arched a brow. "Did you three even host before?"

Kyurem sighed. "The three of us… didn't host before along with Phione, Manaphy and the Ultra Beasts… who are plain creepy!"

"But why?" queried Mimi.

"An incident… okay, let's just begin!"

Kyurem snapped his fingers and the room transformed. It was still a cabin now equipped with stools and a room in the upper left corner.

Mimi shivered then hid behind Lucy. "This… is… creepy!"

Lucy smirked. "This would be perfect-"

"BASE FOR MY VILLAINY!" finished Felicia.

The two looked at each other then snickered. "Let's share!"


Kyurem rolled his eyes as he saw the two girls bond. "It's time for the fear challenge, facing your fear gives you two points otherwise if you pressed the button, you lose a point!"

Semora raised her hand. "Um… are you Magearna?"

Kyurem faced- appendage himself. "Semora, your amnesia is killing me!"

Semora frowned at the dragon's remark.


Semora continued to frown. "Amnesia? I'm perfe-"

A book falls on her head.

Semora rubbed her head. "Wha… what happened?"

Her eyes widened. "Malikai!"


Jack levitated the book above him. "I can't believe Blister left my book in the confessional tied to the ceiling!"


Kyurem and Zygarde were now seated near the room. "Okay, this is the room where some will face their fear!" explained Kyurem.

Mimic raised his appendage. "Can you kindly turn the doorknob?"

Kyurem rolled his eyes then proceeded to turn the doorknob.

It clicked open dropping two jars of powder on the host.


"Mimic and Felicia are collaborating to destroy me!" uttered Kyurem wiping off the powder on his body.


Mimic continued to chuckle. "I placed a Powder Jar on top of the door! I dunno who placed the second one though!"


Felicia laughed maniacally in the confessional. "One step closer to annihilating Kyurem!"


Lucy continued to chuckle. "Felicia has a wicked sense of humor… I like that about her!"


After finishing wiping off the powder, Kyurem crossed his arms then smirked sadistically. "Because of that… Mimic will be our first challenger and Felicia will follow!"

"Dammit!" muttered the two.

Kyurem opened the door then directed Mimic inside. Mimic found an empty room looking back at him.

"Wow, an empty room, how scary" drawled Mimic rolling his eyes.

The lights then turned off.

"Very funny, I'm not scared of the dark"

Suddenly, from behind him, light flickered from a candle held by a young girl. Mimic turned around to see the girl. He shrugs it off then approached the girl. The girl had a malicious glint in her eyes like a… psycho robo-bear.

Mimic stared at the eyes and noticed… there were no pupils. He then felt… naked, bare and cold. He looked at his body to find him… naked. He reverted his gaze to the girl to find a corpse.

Mimic's eyes widened.

"Humans… don't trust them… ghosts… are the only ones you can believe… never look a human in the eyes… don't let them see what's underneath"

Mimic's screams were then heard by the people outside the room.

"What torture must he be experiencing!" said Corina fluttering around the building.

The door then burst open. Mimic quickly scurried out.

"Mimic earns two points for the team!" declared Kyurem.

Mimic didn't reply then quickly left the building.


Mimic stared at the camera with blank eyes, unresponsive.


Mimi continued to shiver in fright. "The fact that we're the same species scares me… I need to hide"


"Felicia, you're next!" announced Kyurem.

Felicia frowned at him. "What if I die?! The world would be hell if the heroine of evil dies!"

Kyurem smirked. "The world would become a better place"

Felicia pouted as the legendary led her outside. Outside, Magearna and a coffin and a hole were waiting.

"Get in the coffin!" ordered Magearna pointing at the coffin with a button on its sides.

Felicia shuddered as she laid on the coffin.

"You have to last an hour!" explained Kyurem.

"An hour? I might die of suffocation!" protested Felicia as the lid was now place over the coffin.

"Don't care, I have a challenge to run"

Magearna shook her head in disdain as Kyurem entered the building and she finally placed the coffin in the hole.


"Kyurem used to be a gentle… oops I mean, gentler soul. But he turned… less gentle. I blame Zekrom and Reshiram!" fumed Magearna.

"I remember the time when we three we chosen as hosts… it was like a dream come true!"


"Lucy, there's a truckload of memes waiting for you outside!" said Kyurem smirking.

Lucy jumped in joy then went outside.

"Okay, who's next?" thought Kyurem. "Mimi… you have the same fear as Mimic so… I'll just use your other fear"

"O… other fear?" stammered Mimi nervously.

"Mimi, approach Semora!" ordered Kyurem.

"Yes, legend, yes!"

Mim quickly approached Semora who sitting near the corner of the wall.

"Um… I'm sorry"

Semora arched a brow. "What do-"

Mimi quickly pressed the button near Semora.

"And Mimi loses one point for the team!"

"What the 'f', that was child's play, why did you press the button!" spat Draco angrily.

Semora got up then slapped Draco. "If I was angrier, I would have used a knife!"

She then glared at Malikai then went back to her seat.


"Shit, her amnesia is now gone! I can't exploit her now!" fumed Malikai.


Lucy rapidly pressed her button as she didn't want to risk her virginity from the Mightyenas.

"I'll never be the same again…"

Kyurem sighed as Corina also entered the cabin, failing her fear which was… ketchup!


"It might stain my dress!"

"That's not a dress!" retorted Draco.

Corina rolled her eyes then flew next to Goo.

"Semora is next!"

Semora rolled her eyes as she followed Kyurem outside.

After the two's departure, Draco decided to talk with his alliance in private.

"So who do we eliminate in this episode?" queried Boo in a hushed tone.

"Alexa!" answered Draco.

"Shy girl?" said Shell taking a glance at Alexa who was talking to Ace.

Draco nodded. "She's smart so she'll be a threat in a future!"

"What about Lucy? She answered ten questions in the last challenge consecutively!" retorted Shell.

"She's crazy, the hosts will just drop her if she bombs another place" explained Draco.

Shell nodded before heading back to his seat while Boo shrugs her shoulder.


"Alexa is next!" smirked Draco.


Zygarde and Magearna entered the room with Felicia in their tail.

"Felicia earns two-" started Zygarde.

"Two points!" interrupted Magearna.

Zygarde rolled his eyes. "Ace, Sander, Malikai, Patricia and Vigor, please follow Magearna!"

The five reluctantly followed Magearna outside.

Zygarde then turned to Alexa. "Alexa, please dictate your favorite character in all of the books you've read!"

Alexa nodded reluctantly then went to the center to start talking.

"Destiny and Donny, enter the room!" ordered Zygarde.

The two siblings quickly went inside.


Magearna led the five to a power plant.

"Ace, Patricia and Vigor, your fears are loose electricity, being restrained and Magnemite respectively so please enter!" barked Magearna.

The three walked inside.

"Okay, you two, please follow me"


"This challenge is merely the beginning" said Sander with blank eyes.


Kyurem returned to the mansion with a scorched Semora.

"Okay, Semora passed her challenge. Goo, Glimmershine, Ruffles, Carmen and Amber, follow me!"

By then, Alexa had already pressed her button and returned to her seat.

"Minus one point!" Kyurem declared leading the aforementioned five outside.


Alexa continued to cradle herself. "I'm… in… PUBLICCCC!"


Donny and Destiny found themselves in the same empty room Mimic was.

"Sis… I'm scared!" said Donny hiding behind Destiny.

Destiny smiled. "Donny, let's talk about your love"

Donny blushed. "She was fluffy… like a pillow"


The lights were turned off. When it turned back on, they found their father, a Cloyster.

"Children… leave!" said the Cloyster with wide eyes.

"What-" started Donny.

Suddenly, a knife stabs their father through the heart.

Destiny gasped while Donny looked like he was going to puke.

"Let's… press the button!" said Donny about to press it.

Destiny slapped him. "Get yourself together, it's just a knife… which is a weapon… but! This is just an illusion"

Donny nodded reluctantly.


The three entered the powerplant and lying in wait for them was… a gigantic Magnemite!

Vigor fainted on the spot, Ace took a step back while Patricia frowned. "YOU'LLNEVERRESTRAINMEYOUBASTARDS!"


Donny and Destiny both earned two points for their team as they exited the room.

Zygarde then directed Stephanie and Bliss inside.

"What's my fear again?" asked Bliss as Zygarde closed the door.

"Stephanie!" replied Zygarde.


Bliss quickly pressed the button and she quickly ran out of the room. When Stephanie was about to leave, Zygarde stopped her. "Stay in there, your illusion's starting"

Stephanie rolled her eyes as Zygarde closed the door.


Magearna led Sander and Malikai to a clearing.

"We invite a special someone for this challenge!" explained Magearna smirking.

From behind a tree, another Decidueye perched.

"Makai" muttered Malikai.

"Brother, how are the ladies?" asked Makai. He then turned to Sander. "Sand castles are rad!"

Sander frowned as his eyes turned black.

Magearna gulped then floated away.


Malikai now has a cold compress on his head. "Sander is… unstable!"


Magearna sighed. "They both failed! I'm sorry but…"


Stephanie was facing her worst fear: loneliness.

Stephanie frowned. All she can see was rain, lots of it. It was lonely… very. Determined, she continued to sit through the loneliness.


Vigor, Ace and Patricia finally returned to the mansion with Patricia being restrained.

"INEED…BLOOODDDDDD!" chanted Patricia as she was carried next to Alexa.

Alexa quickly nuzzled Ace. "How was it?"

"It was scary!" replied Ace smiling.


"Alexa is sweet" remarked Ace.


Hello, my name is Porygon and I'm the camera man! It's time for a montage since this was taking too long!


Carmen and Amber both had to face their worst fear together which was being boiled alive (don't ask) which they passed. Ruffles had to face a… Dunsparce (again, don't ask) which he passed, Goo had to be alone without girls, which he failed miserably.


End of montage.


Glimmershine was led back to the mansion.

"What?! We're back here!" said Glimmershine dumbfounded.

Kyurem smirked. "It's fun to see you suffer!"

"So… what fear would I face?" asked Glimmershine.

Kyurem smirked then snapped his finger. Glimmershine morphed to a… Trubbish.

"I… I'm ugly!" remarked Glimmershine looking at his new form.

Luther gritted his teeth then approached Glimmershine. "You hate me because I'm trash, because I'm retarded!"

Glimmershine gaped at him. "That-"

Luther smacked him in the face. "I… I'm different so do not hate me!"

Luther went back to his seat leaving a dazed Glimmershine who reverted back to an Absol.

"Umm… two points for the Umbreons" declared Kyurem awkwardly.


"I do not hate Glimmershine but I dislike Pokemon who care more about their looks…" pointed out Luther.


"Trash bag is going down for insulting me!" said Glimmershine seething in anger. He then shook his head. "I'm not Malikai so… I'll just… leave it to fate"


Malikai snickered. "This is perfect! Extra blackmailing material!"


Stephanie also completed her challenge afterwards.

"Okay, Elijah is next!" declared Kyurem.

"What do I have to face?" asked Elijah.

"Stand next to Choo!" replied Kyurem. "Elijah is scared of being severely ill and Choo has…"

"Measles, chicken pox and the flu at once!" explained Choo scratching her face.

"When did you got sick?" asked Bear letting go of her.

"Since yesterday"

"Ooookay, Choo, on the other hand, is scared of fire so… use Ember on her or whatever"

Elijah reluctantly walked towards Choo who quickly covered her face in embarrassement. Sighing, Elijah pressed his button.


"I pressed my button because… how can a sick contestant do well?! I would be considered the weakest link and I would be out! Then again… Choo survived three eliminations" pointed out Elijah.


(Another short montage (very short))

Bear was scared of… bears?

"Eeekkk!" screamed Bear as he ran out of the Ursaring Cave.

The Ursaring exited the cave then clenched its fists. "Gate crasher!"

Boo was scared of carving knives and easily failed.

(End of very short montage)


"Bear is scared of bears? That's a laugh!" chortled Malikai.


"Luther, you're next!" announced Kyurem.

Luther shuddered as he was led by Magearna outside.

"Shell, get in!" continued Kyurem pointing at the room.

Shell nodded then entered.

Theo frowned. "I'm getting bored"

"That's okay, I have something to say!" declared Kyurem.

Everyone looked at the dragon eagerly. Theo's eyes then narrowed.

"Theo… has been arrested after being framed by fake friends!" revealed Kyurem.

Elijah eyed Theo concerned and Sander smirked.


"The Steel-Type revealed his nature to us… it might be easier to boot him off!" said Sander grinning.


"Poor guy…" said Elijah.


"I don't need pity… I can… only trust… myself!" cried Theo.


Shell cried as she saw her mother died… again. He wiped off the tears as the video repeated.

"Oh come on, that's fifth time!" groaned Shell annoyed.


Luther was on top of the mansion which was surprisingly high.

"This is CRAZYYYYYY!" he screamed.


"Okay, it's time for Round Two!" announced Kyurem as Luther and Shell both failed their challenge.

"But, I thought we only had one challenge" pointed out P.J.

Jester nodded in agreement.

"But… since we're running low in remaining time, we incorporated those who didn't face their fears into one challenge!"

"Kindly elaborate to us" offered Elijah.

'Each teams pick three Pokemon who didn't participate yet to participate in their fears! The one who successfully face their fear earns a point for their team, the team with the most points win the challenge!"

"So… the first challenge was a fluke!" huffed Luther.

Kyurem nodded.

"You revealed my secret… for this!" fumed Theo about to attack Kyurem.

"You can't damage me! Just pick the Pokemon you want to participate!"


"Bugger, my timidity would not be effective for this!" exclaimed Jester frowning. "Semora promised to train me but… I'm too scared to approach her"


"Okay, who do you want to face their fear?" asked Kyurem.

"Hazel and I will participate!" replied Crimson.

Hazel rolled his eyes. "Let Jack in instead!"

"Fine! Who else?"

"Umm…. I volunteer!" said Jester.

"Are you sure?" asked Crimson.

Jester nodded.

"Okay, how about for the Umbreons?" asked Kyurem turning to the Umbreons.

"Draco, Comet and Volty are the only ones left so we have no choice!" answered Theo.

"Your team sucks!" commented Kyurem smirking.


"Kyurem is a fat bastard!" exclaimed Theo arms folded.


P.J. shivered in the confessional. 'I'm worried about Jester… is it my big brother instinct or maybe I'm worried about something else"

P.J. shook his head. "Get yourself together P.J."


Jack was the first to participate for his team. He was told to go outside only to meet familiar faces.

"Moms… dad… brother?" he intoned confused.

"Jack, stay away, this is going to get dirty!" warned a Floatzel which sounded feminine.

Jack gulped as the pair of the Buizel evolution line fights the two Chandelures. Quickly, he went back inside.

"And Jack failed the challenge!" declared Kyurem.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't press the button so I'm technically… still in the game!" corrected Jack.

Kyurem face-plamed to Jack's loophole. "I should've known… if anyone follows his example, it means automatic elimination!"

The contestants all rolled their eyes.


"Loopholes! What a fascinating thing!" smirked Jack.


Lucy clapped her hands. "Jack is such an interesting guy! Felicia and I should team up with him sometime!"


"Crimson, you're next!" ordered Kyurem.

Crimson sighs as she was led outside.

"Volty… you're automatically out!"

"WHAT?! I didn't do my challenge yet!" protested Volty.

"Well… your fear was impossible so you're out!"


"My fear is not impossible! I'm very much aware that Ultra Space exists!" huffed Volty.


Crimson returned to the cabin after succeeding with her fear.

"Okay, Jester has to face his fear and succeed or else the Umbreons will have a chance to retaliate!"

Jester gulped.

"Okay, Elijah, do it!"


Elijah shot embers at Jester who tried to last it.

"I… can't do this… no… I can!"

Jester smirked as the fire was extinguished.

"Impressive, the Arcanines win!" announced Kyurem.

The Arcanines all cheered while the Umbreons all groaned in annoyance.


"And we lost… again!" moaned Draco.


Alexa frowned. "I wonder who's going home"


Before the elimination ceremony, Semora decided to take a walk a recall her experience during the amnesia escapade.

"I hate Malikai" she muttered.

"Tsk tsk, you seem to have forgotten our deal!"

She turned around to find Malikai.

"What do you want?"

"Vote for Alexa"

"But why?"

"Because I've said so"

Semora wanted to kill him but… she made a pact so… she reluctantly nodded.


Malikai: Bye Alexa


Lucy: Ace! Alexa is mine


Alexa: Umm… Theo?


Felicia: Ace, because that's Lucy's choice!


Draco: Alexa


Mimi: Malikai… he has that malicious vibe to him


Theo: Semora!

At the campfire ceremony, Kyurem held a tray of PokePuffs.

"Okay, everyone but Alexa, Theo, Malikai, Semora and Ace!"

Alexa frowned, Theo looked calm, Malikai smirked, Semora looked at the ground ashamed and Ace was plain confused.

"Wow, the results are surprising!"

"Just give me my PokePuff!" growled Theo.

"Theo and Malikai are both safe!" announced Kyurem.

"Semora is also safe!"

Alexa crossed her fingers while Ace bit his claws.

"And the one leaving tonight is…"


Ace frowned as he received his PokePuff.

"Me?! But… why?" said Alexa surprised.

"We don't know either but you are leaving tonight!"


"I'm out… this is so aggravating!" commented Alexa.

"I want Ace or Lucy to win this because… they are my friends!"


Alexa is now sitting on a white box while Kyurem turned the crank.

"What is this exactly?!" she asked.

"Your sendoff!" replied Alexa as an eerie song played.

"What do you MEEEE-" started Alexa only to be sent hurtling away because of the Jack-in-a-Box.

Kyurem left. Unknown to him, a Pokemon was watching.


"My beloved… is out! Ace has something to do with this, I'm sure!" fumed Lucy. "I'll get you out then I'll have Alexa all for myself"


That ends this chapter. Alexa is gone…

Lucy becomes jealous of Ace. Luther snaps at Glimmershine. Sander assaults Malikai for pleasure. Mimi can't find to say sorry. What will happen next on TOTAL… POKEMON… ISLAND?!

Next Chapter: Zygarde organizes a new kind of cooking contest that baffles the remaining campers. A contestant betrays another and reveals his/her secret thus breaking the heart of another. With sabotage from another contestant, a contestant leaves broken-hearted.

Alexa: Please review!