Birthday Wishes Always Come True - Wish Upon a Star

written by: albe-chan

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and I do NOT own Harry Potter or any of the characters mentioned, I am making no money from this, and any similarities with real life are purely coincidental. This work will contain MATURE THEMES, such as coarse language, mature subject matter (scenes containing graphic sex, recreational drug use, nudity, etc.), and/or violence. Please, if you are not over the age of 18, or of majority in your country, DO NOT READ THIS! You have been warned!


It was her birthday, and Lily Potter had spent most of it waiting for dinner. Of course, she'd gotten her present from her parents that morning at breakfast, and even a gift from her older brother James, who'd sent a massive basket of Weasley's Witches products, and a sweet note telling her she was the best little sister a wizard could wish for. Even if he didn't know why one would wish for a sister of all things.

The redhead had spent the rest of the day wandering around the house, unable to settle to any task, too consumed with thinking she'd be, finally and after far too long, seeing Scorpius come dinner time. It had been confirmed, by both Albus who'd mentioned it to their parents last week, and Scorpius himself in a private letter to Lily, that the blond pureblood she had found herself embarrassingly, wholly and completely in love with, was indeed coming to her birthday celebration. Even if, as he'd written, he was only coming to make sure she 'didn't waste a perfectly good birthday wish on him again'.

By the time the hour finally arrived where it would be acceptable to get ready for the coming evening, without being unbearably over prepared too early and feeling anxious, and Lily was finally set to make herself beyond beautiful with the perfect hair and nails and makeup she had planned, the redheaded witch felt almost raw with nerves. All day it seemed, she'd been ramping up to this moment and now it was almost upon her, and Lily only felt anxiety over Scorpius's impending arrival. She felt as if every nerve was drawn taut over a bow, pushing her to the brink of exploding from within she was wound so tight, and the ache of missing the tall, sexy blond wizard who'd captured her interest and then her heart, was a tangible hunger that gnawed relentlessly, adding to her nerves.

She stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror for a long moment, trying to compose herself and get her raging anxiety, worse than any trip she'd had even after rolling with Carmichael, under control. It was just Scorpius. It wouldn't even be a big deal. He might not even come. Lily bit her lip, forced a smile onto her face that she deemed appropriate enough for the birthday girl, and went, at last, to shower.

"Oh Lily, honey, you look beautiful," Ginny Potter gushed as the younger redheaded witch came down the stairs at last. The elder redhead grasped her husband's arm, obviously fighting the urge to cry yet again that her youngest child, her little Lily, was now an adult. Hazel eyes barely refrained from rolling, even as Harry Potter beamed.

"You do look beautiful, honey," he said thickly, and Lily beamed, even if she felt a tiny wriggle of embarrassment, knowing just what was under the very beautiful dress her mother had bought for the occasion at Lily's personal request that had, eventually, devolved into pleading when she'd seen the dress the first time.

It was a slinky little royal blue dress with a sheer, black skirt overlay that made the way-too-short in her mother's opinion dress more acceptable, with the false volume and floor-length veil over her legs. Lily had loved it upon seeing it on the mannequin, even pinned up the way it had been, and her mother had instantly said no. So Lily had begged and pleaded, found the dress, and at last convinced her mother after trying to sample garment on. Of course, it looked even better then, the redhead was positive, with her sleek, tamed hair that was smooth as silk thanks to her Sleekeazy treatment, and her makeup that she'd applied with dedicated concentration, and of course, her new heels.

"Thanks," Lily said, having made her way successfully downstairs. "And thank you for throwing me this great big party," she added, hugging both parents.

"You're welcome, honey," Ginny said, releasing her husband to link arms with Lily, leading her slowly to the front door. "We're going to be very posh, and have you greet everyone. That should be fun, right? And of course, I'll be just inside with Dad, to greet everyone too. Do you think many of your classmates will come?" she added, and Lily barely repressed a sigh.

"Plenty of them sent back RSVP cards," she said, and shrugged. "I hope so."

Ginny hugged her daughter close. "I'm sure it'll be grand, honey. And don't forget, even though you're an adult now," Lily hoped her mother wouldn't burst into tears, even as the elder redhead's lower lip wobbled dangerously, "and you've grown into such a beautiful young woman, you'll always be my little Lily."

Lily smiled, rolled her eyes a tiny bit, but hugged her mother tight, because she wanted to always be able to talk to her mum, the one person she'd always turned to with her troubles as a child and young adult. "Thanks, Mum," she said earnestly, and then released the elder redhead when she heard the muted pop of Apparition inside the wards of her first guests arriving. "Now go back inside, Mum. I'm going to be posh as hell and greet my guests."

"Language, honey, please," Ginny chuckled, shook her head, and went into the main foyer properly, even as Lily's first guests arrived.

A half hour later Lily saw Scorpius, from her post just inside the front door that had been thrown wide, Apparate into the front yard and felt her breath catch in her throat. Her parents had allowed, since it was her seventeenth birthday and she would technically be an adult, her to invite whichever male guests she liked, and Lily had sent invitations to everyone of both genders she liked from school, hoping for a good turnout, with the exception of Carmichael, knowing he would be with his mother in the Amazon already. And first on her invite list had been Scorpius, the tall, handsome, and utterly desirable blond pureblood that now strode toward her, smiling widely.

"You made it," she said, unable to resist beaming, barely holding back from throwing both arms around him and snogging him senseless, only held back by her parents a few feet behind her in the hallway, ready to direct guests through the house.

"Of course," Scorpius said bending to brush his lips over her cheek, drawing his mouth across the skin toward the corner of her mouth, just barely brushing her lips as he withdrew. "Happy Birthday, Lily," he said, and held up a smartly wrapped little package. The redheaded witch snuck a glance over her shoulder seeing her parents talking with Draco's father, whom they'd invited for the grand party Lily had let her mother throw for her in lieu of a graduation event, and smiled back at Scorpius.

"Thanks," she breathed, and lifted onto her toes, pressing her mouth firmly, if far too briefly against Scorpius's, before sinking back down onto her toes. "Come on in," she added, unable to dim the blinding smile that graced her face knowing he'd come, that he cared, and she would be able to, maybe, spend the night with him. She had yet to ask her parents, knowing her mother would be ecstatic she was choosing better than Carmichael for any boy to even remotely date, because Lily feared her father's reaction. At times he seemed fine with her being an adult witch, but there'd been a couple instances already that day where Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, had seemed more than a little perturbed his little girl was in fact a fully grown, legal witch. Especially when Lily had tossed out, casually, at breakfast, that she could technically purchase any and all Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products. Harry had told her adult she may technically be now, but first she was their little girl, and would always be, and so long as she lived with them, nothing had changed.

After that, Lily had no desire to even mention a sleepover with a wizard to her dad, for fear he'd lose it entirely. She had already planned on begging her mother to have a night away for her birthday, after the party of course, anyway.

By the time she'd finished greeting all her guests, and had joined the now enormous party personally in the back garden, Lily had already planned just how she'd ask, and beamed as she thanked all the guests again after a softly murmured Sonorous Charm. She then made her way around the room, pointedly drinking some elf-made wine, because she was of age, even though her father frowned at her, socializing and trying to ignore the urge to grab Scorpius and slip off somewhere quiet to properly celebrate.

The party seemed to be fantastic as the hours melted away, and Lily laughed and chatted, milling and eating the delicious food that her parents had arranged with her friends and family. She danced with a couple people, even as she hoped Scorpius would ask her, blew out candles and cut the massive cake, and thanked everyone once again for bringing gifts and the like, and attending her birthday. At last, at long last it seemed to the redheaded witch, the party was winding down, and the guests began to head out. Lily, after a not so subtle reminder from Ginny, managed to pry herself away from her friends long enough to bid people goodbye, and after a solid hour of standing at the door once more, smiling and thanking everyone profusely, was ready to be done herself. To her surprise, Albus was the one who came to relieve her of hostess duties.

"Hey Lils," he said, even as their Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur headed down the walkway to Apparate out, "there's a surprise waiting for you down by the beach."

Lily's brows pulled together as she frowned, positive she was about to be pranked. "What kind of surprise?" she demanded.

Albus smiled, looking far too smug and far from trustworthy. "The best kind. Go see for yourself, sister of mine." He gave her a little push toward the door, but Lily refused to budge.

"Is this another one of those surprises like you and James had for me on my eleventh birthday?" she demanded, hands on hips, hazel eyes fully glaring now. On the night of her eleventh birthday, both her older brothers had planned a 'surprise' for her down at the little spit of beach on the Potter property, which included all of her cousins pranking her. She'd cried and made both her brothers feel like jerks the next morning, after ratting them out to their parents of course, and never trusted either of their 'surprises' again.

"Of course not," Albus said, smirking at the memory. Lily's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "That was a traditional coming of age thing, Lils. This is just a regular, amazing, well-planned, and utterly generous surprise from your favourite older brother."

Lily still wasn't buying it. "Oh, so on my actual coming of age, you don't have any traditional pranks that need pulling on me?"

Albus sighed, rolling his vibrant green eyes then hugged her with one arm. "I promise it's not a prank. You'll like it. Promise."

Lily stuck out her pinky finger challengingly, and was a little shocked when her brother simply hooked his own pinky around hers and bound his promise with their childhood vow he wasn't bullshitting her. "Fine," she said, at last moving away from the door.

"Godric, Lils, so untrusting," Albus teased, smiling at her. "But for real, happy birthday, Lils. Consider this your gift. And don't worry about Mum and Dad, that's included." Lily wanted to ask questions, mostly like why she would worry about her Mum and Dad, but Albus laughed and shoved her outside a bit further. "Just go, damn it. Before I change my mind and say fuck it for you not trusting me."

Lily took a couple hesitant steps away, then looked back at her brother. "Thanks, Al," she said, hoping she wasn't going to regret those words when she got down to the beach proper.

"You're welcome. Just do me a favour and never, ever, mention it again, okay?" He waved as Lily turned properly and headed down across the lawns to the shadowy figure of the boathouse in the distance, and the sounds of gentle waves crashing against the tiny spit of beach the Potters had on their property.

When she got there she didn't see anything except a bottle of Ogden's finest, unopened, with a note on top. Lily kicked off her shoes, hiked up her dress, and marched over the sand toward it, snatching up the note even as she felt frustration at all the secrecy building, and flicked it open. There was only a single word written in a very familiar hand across the crisp parchment, and Lily smiled as frustration turned into excitement within her.


She looked around, wondering if Scorpius was going to simply pop up and surprise her, but there was nothing other than sand, and water, and the unopened bottle of whiskey. Sighing, she bent to pick it up and head back to the house to demand Scorpius explain the bottle and the cryptic note, and to berate Albus for making her walk all the way down to the beach in the first place, but the moment her fingers closed around the bottle, she felt a sharp jerk behind her navel, and was instantly Portkeyed away. Her feet slammed into the ground hard when she landed, and then her knees buckled, leaving Lily in a heap on pale hardwood floors, surrounded by myriad candles that emitted a soft glow, still holding the bottle of whiskey.

"You made it," A familiar voice said, just as she managed to get to her feet, and when Lily turned, she saw Scorpius leaning against the doorframe to his bedroom in his flat in London, smiling at her. "I was worried you might not believe Albus wasn't going to prank you again."

"It crossed my mind," Lily admitted, beaming wide, and took two steps forward, closing the distance between them, lifting onto her tiptoes to hug Scorpius like she'd wanted to do earlier that night.

Scorpius pulled her into his embrace, his strong, warm arms enveloping her and his hot, hungry mouth descending upon hers. Lily moaned into her blond haired wizard's mouth, arms sliding with seemingly well practiced ease up his chest and around his neck. Her legs moved around his hips as he lifted her from the ground, both hands cupping her arse as his tongue tickled the roof of her mouth before engaging her own tongue in battle once more.

"Fuck, I can't tell you how badly I've been waiting for this," Scorpius growled as he released her mouth, moving with her into bed, laying her back gently on the plush linens. Lily was positive, as he stripped her slowly and methodically and she felt her libido burning into a blazing inferno of lust, she at least had an inkling. She'd wanted him so long and so fervently now, it almost felt surreal to have Scorpius's hands smoothing with slow reverence over her body as he removed the very last of her clothing.

Dark grey eyes met hazel for a long moment, and then Lily sat up and licked her lips, eyes dropping to the blond wizard's still-dressed body. "Me too, so now it's my turn," she said, and with steady hands she reached up and began unfastening the buttons down the front of Scorpius's robes, only partly distracted by the feel of warm, slightly rough hands gliding temptingly up her thighs and smoothing with reverence up her waist.

"You're so damn beautiful," Scorpius breathed between slow, lingering kisses once his robes had been removed and he moved over her again. Lily groaned as his questing hands cupped the weight of one breast, thumb drawing tempting circles around her nipple before plucking at the hardened nub teasingly.

"Scorpius!" she gasped as his mouth nibbled down her neck, and she grasped his broad, naked shoulders instinctively as that sinful, perfect mouth took over for his fingers, teasing and tasting leisurely.

"Godric it's been too long," the blond pureblood moaned into her flesh as Lily's nails bit into his flesh and he nipped hard at her nipple. The redhead couldn't agree more, it had been way too long for her, and if Scorpius didn't hurry the fuck up, and just get inside her already, she was going to go mental.

"So stop making me wait longer," Lily growled, releasing the blond's shoulders to attempt to remove his trousers and underpants.

Scorpius, looking a little surprised, pulled back to grin down at her, silvery blond hair lit to spun gold by the candles that surrounded them falling into his very dark grey eyes. "I was going to go slow, darling," he rumbled, kissing her again before sitting up on his knees between her splayed thighs. "We do have all night, y'know," he added teasingly, and Lily gulped as his voice, rough and thick, grazed over her eardrums pleasantly, making shivers of electric desire jolt over her, pooling low in her belly.

"Don't go slow," she moaned, and then her back arched up off the sheets as she felt Scorpius's hands parting her thighs more fully, thumbs sliding up either side of her dripping quim, groaning low in his throat. "Fuck, please don't go slow," Lily gasped as the pad of one thumb brushed her straining clitoris. She bit her lip on a whimper as Scorpius finally pushed his undone trousers and pants down, revealing the thick, turgid length of his cock.

"Do I need-?" he asked in a tight voice, sliding erotically slow and teasing against her slick flesh, cleaving her pussy lips around his erection as the head of his prick bumped her clit and made stars burst behind Lily's eyelids. The redhead would've laughed if she wasn't so eager, because she was forcibly reminded of the very first time Scorpius had ever taken her to bed, but simply shook her head. "Thank Merlin," Scorpius whispered.

Lily opened her mouth to tell her boyfriend Merlin be damned, he should thank her for having the foresight to perform a Contraceptive Charm on herself before she'd met him down at the beach, but the words died on her lips. Because in the next breath, Scorpius had lined himself up and slid, with one even, steady thrust, into her sleek, hot center, and Lily's eyes all but rolled back in her head. Liquid fire was coursing through her veins, even as a buzz of primal magic seemed to tremble over every inch of her skin at the feeling of being completed by this wizard above her.

Her arms rose to loop around his neck and shoulders, and she moaned into his golden tan flesh with abandon, legs lifting to wrap around his hips as he eased out slow and thrust, harder and deeper than before, back in. "Scorpius," she panted, moaning raggedly as her lover slowly began fucking her, deep and controlled, into the mattress.

"Lily," the blond groaned, burying one hand in her mane of dark red waves, the other sliding between their heated bodies. "Fuck, yes, Lily," Scorpius hissed as she cried out, clenching him hard within as her pleasure skyrocketed at warp speed to heaven when the pureblood's thumb brushed her clit as he reamed her.

"Scorpius, yes, please, Scorpius, yes," Lily chanted, lost in mindless ecstasy, unable to do anything other than pant heavily between the moaned words of her mantra and clutch the tall, blond haired wizard who tilted his hips on the next thrust, the blunt head of his prick grinding hard and perfect up against her g-spot. "Yes, Scorpius!" she squealed, feeling the pleasure spiking to its pinnacle, ever so close to coming.

"Shit, I'm not going to last," Scorpius hissed through gritted teeth, thrusting hard and erratic before he tensed entirely. Lily threw her head back as she felt the hot burst of his come spurting within her, even as her own orgasm slammed into her and she lost touch with reality as pleasure and ecstasy and love for the wizard cursing into her neck filled her and set her floating in a sea of contentment.

When hazel eyes fluttered open at last, chest rising and falling rapidly as she looked up at the white ceiling, Lily was certain she'd never wipe stupid, sappy smile off her face. "Wow," she panted when Scorpius lifted his weight off of her, cuddling her close as he flopped onto one side, hands roving tenderly over her back and buttocks and hips and thighs as he peppered her face with soft kisses.

"I love you so damn much," he replied, lips brushing her forehead and eyelids, cheekbones and pulling her thigh over his as his mouth moved to kiss the tip of her nose and her Cupid's bow before he kissed her properly. Lily moaned into his mouth as the kiss deepened rapidly, arching and rocking a little against the thigh he'd slid between hers as their tongues slid and slipped over each other.

"Mmm, I love you too, and maybe even more, but I'm not saying no if you're looking to prove it," she replied in a husky voice when his mouth finally broke from hers, kissing, much hungrier and far more fervently down her neck. Scorpius chuckled into her flesh and Lily gasped as his teeth grazed her suggestively, undoubtedly marking her pale flesh.

"It'll be my pleasure," he replied huskily, kissing her once again on the mouth before meandering lazily, mouth kissing, licking and biting slowly down her body, and although her face was aching, Lily couldn't stop grinning even still.

Lily Potter sighed happily several hours later as exhaustion overcame her at last, a small smile turning up the corners of her mouth as she snuggled into the warm body behind her. She closed hazel eyes for a beat, luxuriating in the feel of a heavy arm draped across her middle, a hand loosely cupping her breast, and the steady, lulling sounds of even breathing in her ears, then opened her lids sleepily, staring up at the night sky in the dark. She watched clouds drifting lazily across an almost-full moon, stars twinkling, and realized that, yet again, the wish shed made as she blew out her birthday candles had come true. She had Scorpius, and his love, wrapped around her for the foreseeable future, and contentment thrummed through her.

She blinked and then saw a streak of white light soaring across the night sky. A shooting star. She grinned and closed her eyes once more, making a wish for the second time that night that she could spend eternity with Scorpius, and stay as happy as she was in that moment forever. Part of her doubted it would really come true, because she knew it was foolish to rely solely on wishes to keep a relationship alive, but Lily felt much better regardless as she began to drift off to sleep. Because even if it seemed her birthday wishes always come true, she figured it couldn't hurt to wish upon a star.


The End

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks so much for all the love and support the second part of this story has gotten! Every kind word and wonderful reader makes my day, and I truly thank you all who enjoyed this fan fiction. It's been a journey to write, and stay tuned here in future for the third installment and Lily's Seventh Year! (Whenever I get far enough ahead in writing it to post of course). Cheers! :)