A/N: Victorian Rush from the SPPf Shippers' Truth or Dare Thread dared me to write a drabble for a pairing of my choice, and for a challenge, have it be set around the Victorian era. This is short because I was short on inspiration, but I hope it's alright. ^^

Dawn skipped through the garden, a gingerbread cookie in hand. She was glad that she had finished up her hour with her mother, during which she had practiced the piano and worked on her sewing sampler. Now, she was looking forward to meeting the girl who had moved in next door. Dawn loved her mother very much, but it was summer and Dawn longed for a friend to talk to. So she held a gingerbread cookie in her hand and hoped that the new girl was friendly.

Dawn reached the gate between her and her neighbors' house and opened it. In the Wests' garden, she spotted a girl with orange hair and a plain red dress. The girl was hanging laundry out to dry. Dawn approached her eagerly.

"Hello!" Dawn greeted, causing the girl to look up shyly. "Are you the girl who just moved into the Wests' house?"

The girl took one look at Dawn's frilly dress and nodded respectfully. "Oh yes, miss," she said, turning back to her task.

"Would you like to play?" Dawn asked. "I brought a cookie that we can share."

The girl's eyes widened. "Oh no miss, I'm afraid I can't," she said. "I have a lot of work to do."

Dawn laughed. "My name's Dawn," she said brightly, extending her hand. "You don't have to call me 'miss'. What's your name?"

"I'm Zoey," the girl said, letting go of the sheet and shaking Dawn's hand tentatively.

"Would you like to play?" Dawn tried again.

"I'm sorry Dawn, the Wests would fire me if I didn't finish my tasks," Zoey said.

Now it was Dawn's turn to be surprised. "You're working for the Wests?" she asked.

Zoey nodded. "Yes. I don't get paid as much as I was paid when I was working in the factory, but the conditions here are a lot nicer. In the factory I had to work from dawn till dusk, and it was dark and stuffy."

Dawn was shocked at this. She wasn't expecting the new girl at the Wests' house to be a servant. Dawn had never worked a day in her life and could not imagine how things were like at a factory.

Still, she hoped to get to know Zoey better. The girl seemed like a decent person, if a bit shy.

"Would you like to play after you're done with your work?" Dawn offered.

Zoey smiled. "Sure," she said. "You're being very kind to me. Thank you, Dawn."

"You're welcome," Dawn said, smiling brightly. "How about I come back after dinnertime? We can talk more then."

"That sounds good," Zoey said, nodding. "I'll see you then."

"Alright, bye for now!" Dawn exclaimed. She was about to leave when she remembered something.

"Zoey, I'd like you to have this," Dawn said, handing the gingerbread cookie to the servant girl.

"Really?" Zoey asked, taking the cookie tentatively. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive," Dawn said. "I'll bring more tonight, if you'd like."

"Yes, that would be great," Zoey said, placing the cookie gently into her pocket as she turned back to her work. "Really, though, you don't have to…"

"It's okay," Dawn said, smiling gently. "I have plenty of gingerbread cookies in my house."

"Oh, that's nice," Zoey said. She glanced at the back door of the Wests' house. "I'm sorry, Dawn, I really must get at least this laundry done within the next hour. Uh… I'll see you after dinner?"

"Of course," Dawn said brightly. "Well, bye!"

"Goodbye," Zoey said, smiling.

Dawn waved at Zoey as she skipped back towards her house, wishing that dinner would be over soon so that she could see the new girl again.