Author's Note:

Hi, everyone! It's me, the Gamerwhogames, and welcome back to Midnight Massage! So, first I'll cover some reviews!

RapidSammi: Hi! Glad you liked it!

CremeDeLaMeme: Hey, boi! Thanks for the congrats! That college exam wasn't so bad, actually.

DynamiteHunter6: Thanks! As far as that Luktra shot, I might be able to do one, and I'm also planning a multi-chapter story with Luktra as the main ship.

Word of False Alarm: THIS IS NOT LEMON OR LIME. While this story has a romantic theme and descriptive words, there will be no reference or description of sex-acts. SFW!

Hit it, Crisper!

Crisper: (hits it)

"I think your room'll be fine." Lukas said quietly, feeling heat pulsing through his cheeks. Jessica gave him a small nod as she turned around and pulled out her keys with slightly trembling fingers. The door unlocked with a loud click, and the hinges squeaked as she pushed it open.

Lukas squinted like he'd eaten a lemon when the ceiling fan's bright light flashed into his eyes. When his eyes adjusted to the sight of her well-lit and tidy apartment, he felt relieved that they weren't walking into his messy room.

He followed closely behind as she led him into her room. She stopped next to a plush couch that sat behind a wooden coffee-table. He felt his legs twitching as he stared longingly at the warm, inviting couch that begged him to sit.

"Wait here." She said as she bent over to pick up a cup of stale, old coffee from the table. "I'll be back in a few." She sleekly rushed into another room to change into more comfortable clothes. Lukas flopped onto the couch with exhaustion as the door shut behind Jessica. He yawned, further shifting into the couch's soft, squishy comfort.

You are the only fan I want to see tonight, he thought as the ceiling fan's breeze cooled off his sweaty, warm face. He ran his hand across the soft, velvety couch as he looked around Jessica's relaxing living-room. Being in someone else's apartment made him feel pleasantly curious, a cute characteristic humorously linked to his status as an Ocelot. But even the thought of moving his aching legs to do anything made his sleepy eyelids droop as he wished he was in bed.

He stifled a yawn and wildly blinked his eyes open when he heard Jessica's soft footsteps. He sharply exhaled and put on a smile as rigid as his posture as he fought to stay alert.

"Hi!" Jessica squeaked as she walked towards him.

"Hey." His tired voice made her regret her decision to keep him up so late, but she gently nudged the thought out of her head as she took a seat next to him. Their closeness brought warmth to her face. She briefly stretched her fingers to keep from anxiously wringing them out like a wet shirt as she and Lukas caught gazes.

"So… you ready?"

"Oh, sure. Lemme just—" Her tired eyes popped and a wave of heat racked her whole body when Lukas began to slide off his leather jacket. She couldn't fight her eyes from locking onto his lean torso and muscular arms, shown off well by the tight, orange shirt he wore. She felt another flash of warmth when she realized she didn't want to look away. "Ready." He said, giving her a small grin that drew her pleasantly surprised gaze back to his face. She could only utter a dumb, nervous chuckle and hope he didn't catch her staring.

"Alrighty, then…." She spoke slowly, her mind jumping all over the place to recollect her scattered, fuzzy thoughts. "Um, could you turn around?" She stuttered, making a small, circular motion with her finger.

"Oh—sure, sure." In a slow, restful movement Lukas lifted one leg after the other onto the couch, leaning back so his head of blond hair tickled Jessica's nose. He felt her scoot back a bit to give herself room to move her arms. As he sat nestled between her slender legs, his heart felt like a ticking time-bomb about to explode. Sweat prickled around his neck and his face went red at the feeling of his body pressed up against hers.

"So, where does your back hurt?" The blood finally began to leave Jessica's cooling cheeks as she tried to interest herself in gingerly poking around his back with her finger. She was completely oblivious to the deadly exchange of temperatures her shy touch caused from her cheeks to Lukas's reddening face.

"It's, um—" His clumsy tongue gave way to a nervous giggle, "—It's pretty sore right up—" Lukas yelled in pain, and Jessica wrenched her finger away from jabbing at his shoulder-blade as Lukas awkwardly reached around and grasped it. Jessica only felt an ounce of relief when his back shook lightly with a chuckle. "Yeah, mostly in the shoulders, a-and my neck." His voice was pinched with pain that made Jessica want to shy back and call it a night. Almost.

"You… mean up here?" Her soft, slender fingers gently graced the top of his shoulders. His tight, spasmed muscles felt like swollen clusters of tiny ribs under his shirt.

"Yeah, th-that's—" His words rapidly melted into an indulgent sigh as Jessica's fingers gently rubbed circles into his shoulder. His eyes shut and his head lolled to the side as his body relaxed to the handiwork of the girl with angelic fingers.

The relieving feeling on just one of his shoulders made him feel drowsily peaceful. Before he realized it, he was blinking his eyes open after catching himself falling into a light nap. Sleepiness and ecstasy tugged at his eyelids, threatening to pull him even deeper into the trance. Even if his brain wasn't melting into a warm, pink puddle of heaven and his heartbeat wasn't as slow as a sleepwalking turtle, he wouldn't be able to recall a time when he felt more at ease in such a hazy paradise.

From behind, Jessica dug the balls of her small fists into his comparably broad shoulder, kneading it like a mound of dough. The burning sensation in her tired arms was something she chose to ignore, and she focused instead on giving him his first, best—and probably last—massage. She worked on his shoulder with all the strength she could muster, and she knew she would've knocked him right onto his face if he didn't keep his back straight and firm against her strong, soothing squeezes.

His tough muscles wore out her hands and she hissed in pain and jerked away when a cramp shot through one of them. She grasped at her hand, rubbing it vigorously with her thumb until the sharp pain ebbed away. Almost as quickly as Jessica ripped her hand away from his back Lukas did the fall from cloud nine back to the couch in her living room. His eyes fluttered open and he gave a tiny, tired yawn.

"Why'd you stop?" Lukas asked in a quiet, pleasured voice, his head slightly turned to glance at her out of the corner of his eye.

Jessica glanced up from her twinging hand. His gratified beam and satisfied, happy eyes made hot blood rush all the way to her ears. She quickly broke eye contact, pretending to study her hand for an invisible injury.

"It's nothing. My hand just cramped." Jessica flexed her fingers with inward satisfaction at their painlessness. "Here, turn around." She said as she latched onto his shoulders. She knew she was massaging him in precisely the right way when she felt his chest expanding as he breathed deeply with a pleasure that grew with the speed of his breaths. Her knuckles dug into his shoulders and rolled the muscles back and forth, drawing a loud, shaky moan from Lukas's gullet that made her heart and hands freeze.

Holy crap! Wrong move! Her face was overpowered with heat and red hue as the blaring noise echoed in her ears. Surprise kept her hands idly glued to his shoulders and her heart swam wildly in her chest.

Lukas stared at his legs with stunned, wide open eyes. He sat in dumbfounded silence, a fisted hand to his parted lips. His heartbeat quickly climbed into his ears, hammering loudly and painting his face burgundy red. He felt a spray of cold on his neck and in his shirt where sweat quickly formed.

Her silence made him nervous, but he didn't dare turn around to face her. "Is… everything alright?" He asked cautiously

"Um…." Jessica snapped out of her dazed stare, noticing that her clammy hands were still on his shoulders. She instantly pulled them into her lap as she fumbled for words. "My hands cramped again." With lame effort, she pretended to massage one of them, idly holding one in the other. She watched his figure from behind. He sat as still as a wary ocelot hiding in tall blades of grass that loomed over them like the silence.

"Oh." He barely glimpsed at her out of the corner of his eye. "Are you okay?"

"… I don't know." Jessica's voice was sticky with hesitance. She stared at the couch, still trying to chase Lukas's indulgent cry out of her head.

Lukas raised a hand to his neck, biting his lip as her timid voice confirmed the painfully obvious. He didn't need to be a genius to know she had definitely heard him. "Um…." He raked a sweaty hand through his hair and swallowed back the shakiness in his voice. "I'm, um… s-sorry about the noise. It's just that you're… really good with your hands."

Unable to bear anymore heat to her tomato face, Jessica caught an embarrassed sigh in her hands as she covered her face. She heard Lukas giving a nervous, embarrassed laugh.

"Th-that's not what I meant." He stammered almost uncontrollably, his words unstable with laughter. Jessica didn't know what to do, and she slowly removed her hands from her face as they both chuckled uneasily.

Jessica stared at her hands, anxiously pulling and pricking at her fingers as their laughter faded. "Do… you want me to go on?" There was that same shy, adorable squeakiness in her question that slightly lightened the uncomfortable, muggy feeling that floated around them.

A small grin tugged at Lukas's cheeks. "Sure. That'd be really nice." He said, casting her a quick glance.

His sweet, blue eyes and blushing cheeks made Jessica give a comforted smile, as small a dose of comfort it was to cure her racing heart. Even her resultant smile was small, still showing traces of her embarrassment. Lukas turned to face forward. Jessica laughed a little when she raised her hands to his shoulders again.

"And, Lukas?" She asked, her voice hinted with mischief.


"Try not to make so much noise this time." Her "well-timed" joke made Lukas freeze completely and she giggled loudly—be it from nervous hysteria or her own good humor—when she felt his shoulders stiffen up as redness spread across his neck.

Lukas felt his heart skip a beat when her delicate hands touched his shoulders again that night. He felt himself unwind as she worked her magic. Jessica gently rubbed away at Lukas's tense shoulders. Over the minutes, she felt his shoulders loosen and heard a slow sigh to hiss from between his pursed lips.

"Your shoulders feeling any better?" She asked after some more massaging.

Lukas slightly flexed the muscles in his arm, sleepily grinning with contentment when he didn't feel the sharp pain shooting into his neck. "Yeah, I think I'm good. Thanks, Jessica." He said quietly, turning around in his seat to face her.

"You're welcome, Lukas." She said, casting him a happy smile.

"Well," Lukas said, clamping his eyes shut as he stretched his tired arms. Jessica felt her heart flutter as she gazed at his muscular build. "I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"Yeah, sounds good." Jessica said, standing up with Lukas to lead him to the door.

She opened the door and he stepped over into the dimly lit corridor where it all started. A chilly breeze radiated through the door and Jessica clutched her arms to herself. Lukas slid his leather jacket on as he stepped outside.

"Well, g'night, Jessica." He cast her a small grin that made her giggle.

"Goodnight, Lukas."

When he left, she closed the door behind herself and walked back over to the couch, flopping onto it and shutting her eyes. She pulled her arms and legs into the huge, baggy shirt she wore to shield herself from the chilly fan as she dozed off to sleep.

POV Switch

"Oh my gosh." Petra whispered to herself as she watched with wide eyes as Lukas walked back into his own room. She backed away from the small window near her door and flopped onto the couch. She breathed out her past anxiety and anticipation in a long, heavy sigh.

Staying up past midnight because Lukas didn't quite make it to his room was definitely worth its while, she thought.

"I told you I heard something, didn't I?" Olivia shouted over the line, the telephone amplifying her already loud and excited voice. Petra scrunched her nose and pulled the phone away from her ringing ear. "D'you think they… y'know… did it?" Petra glanced down at her feet in the pink, fuzzy bunny slippers as she dwelled on that possibility. That strikingly unexpected possibility.

"I dunno… maybe…? He was pretty loud." She heard Olivia laughing and snickered as well. "Tomorrow, don't say anything. Don't even look at them weird." She demanded her friend. Petra was never quite one for gossip, and she really didn't want to get busted in the shamefully delicious act. The anger in Jessica's eyes alone wasn't something she wanted to survive through the next day.

"Alright, alright. And we definitely cannot ask them what happened." She added.

"Definitely won't." She added. A pause.

"… but we can make subtle jokes, can't we?" A smug, mischievous grin spread across Petra's face.

"Only a few, now. See you in the morning, Liv."

"You too, Peets." There was a click, signaling that Olivia had hung up the phone. Petra tossed her phone onto the floor next to her couch and shut her eyes.

Tomorrow was going to be so much fun!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to favorite this story and follow me! Thanks for the contributions, favs, reviews and follows so far!

So, how'd you like that Lukesse, eh? You don't wanna know how many times I fangirled while writing this. And you really don't wanna know how weird it felt writing that… noise part…. I'm hoping this wasn't too awkward to be enjoyable. XD

I sure hope you enjoyed that "bonus" ending with Petra and Olivia. The gossip is real!

Remember that reviews are much appreciated! Thanks for reading, everyone! Close it, Crisper!

Crisper: (closes it)