Chapter 21

The knock on door had startled Daphne from her thoughts. Without thought, She glanced over at Astoria who was still fast asleep; falling asleep in Daphne's arms even before dinner. She had only tossed and turned, but had shown no sign of waking up from the noise.

There was another knock. "Come in." Daphne said as she unwrapped herself from her bed to grab her wand. "Lumos."

The room lit up brightly from Daphne's wand as the door opened. Harry carefully wandered in with his all-white night shirt and black trousers, glancing over at Astoria before looking at Daphne. His expression was one of concern as he stood by the door.

"It's rather late, Harry." Daphne said quietly, as she straightened her hair. "I hope you don't wake up all your prisoners like this."

Harry offered a small smile before he awkwardly asked. "Are you hungry...or...need...something?"

Daphne could only smile at his strange offer of hospitality, before replying rather innocently, "I could...use something to drink?"

Daphne could only assume he would have his house-elf - the dreadful thing- bring it up, but she was quite surprised when he motioned his head to follow him. Daphne didn't waste a second, it wasn't like she could sleep in the first place. With one more glance toward Astoria and the flick of her wand to turn off the spell, she quickly followed Harry out into the hallway.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked as they made their way downstairs. Images flashed in her mind of the several empty sleeping potion bottles on his chamber floor that night. She wondered how long he had been abusing them.

"Yeah," Harry admitted. "I figured you wouldn't be able to either." The silence of the manor filled their conversation for just a second before he asked. "Is she okay?"

"She's nowhere near the pest I know, but she's better." Daphne said as they entered the kitchen. "She, also, thinks you're never going to speak to her again."

"It's not like I ever had the chance to talk when she was around anyway."Harry said as he waved his right arm which brought two glasses flying out the shelves and onto the counter. "What would you like to drink? Water? Tea? Gin-"

"Anything stronger?" Daphne interrupted as she leaned against the counter. "I also learned that she still has a lot of guilt about our Mother, so with everything that has happened, she thinks she has killed both of our parents."

Growing up, there had been one intense argument, and Daphne could remembering telling Astoria her Mother's death had been her fault. She felt so stupid now, what an awful thing to say to your only sister, or anyone.

Harry grabbed from the icebox, Firewhisky, Dragon Brandy, and Berry Ock Rot, and put it in front of Daphne. "Take your pick, there's turnip wine, but no one really likes that stuff."

Daphne held each bottle in her hand, before lifting up the Firewhisky. She could really use something strong at this point. "I've picked a winner."

Harry smiled ruefully as he snapped his fingers. The bottle flew out of Daphne's hand, and poured itself into two glasses. Harry grabbed one and pushed the other toward Daphne.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked rather uncharacteristically. As Daphne looked at him, really looked at him, she noticed he seemed...different. She wasn't sure how, but she felt something different about him.

Daphne quaffed her drink and landed her glass down on the counter as the Firewhiskey bottle flew over and refilled her glass, surprising Daphne. The firewhisky burned as it made its way down on her throat, Daphne coughed as she picked up her new glass.

"I'm doing as well I can be with a year like this one," She admitted. "You and I both seem to be tragedy attractors."

Harry laughed as he downed his glass. "You're certainly right. We were made to be friends."

"What about you?" Daphne asked as she took a sip of drink. "At least I don't have the entire ministry trying to convict me."

Harry waited for his second glass to fill; swallowing that one just as soon it finished. "Needless, to say, I feel the same way. No matter how prepared you think you are...Life has enough magic to circumvent your preparations."

Daphne titled her head briefly at his words before downing her second drink. It was quiet for a moment.

"Let's play a game." Daphne said as she took a sip of her third glass.

"What game?"

"Riddikulus Boggarts."

Harry gave her a rather confused look as he downed his third glass.

"It works like this,' Daphne said as she put her glass down. "We each take turns guessing something about the other. If the asker gets it wrong, the other person says 'Riddikulus' and the asker drinks. If the asker gets it right, the other person says 'Boggart' and the other person drinks. Simple."

Harry gave a rather interested stare, "Sounds...interesting."

"Hey, You're the one that came and woke me up, Potter."

Harry shrugged, "You didn't have to come."

"Whatever," Daphne said as she took another sip. "Are we going to play or not?"

"Sure." Harry said. "Are we just guessing fears or-"

"No, it can be any guess. Obviously, nothing super easy..." Daphne giggled. She had started to feel really good. "You go first."

Harry nodded as he examined Daphne thoughtfully. Finally, he asked, "I'm going to guess your favorite color is green."

"Riddikulus," Daphne laughed. "It's actually liliac."

"Damn it." Harry said as he finished whatever drink he had been on. "Okay, it's your turn."

"Okay." Daphne said. "I'm going to guess you've never been in love?"

"Boggart," Harry said as he finished his drink. "It's all Dumbledore could talk about today, but I don't know what it is?"

"Maybe he is in love with you?" Daphne laughed. Harry scrunched his face in a disgusted manner which made Daphne laugh even more.

"That's not funny." Harry replied as he pointed his fingers at Daphne. "And anyway, it's my turn." He brought his fingers back to his face as thought for a minute. "Guessing you were in love with Theodore."

"Boggart." Daphne said as she frowned.

Harry shook his head, his cheeks flushed, "I can't believe someone like you would-you that guy."

"On the few great days, He was like intelligent, and funny, and he could be so... thoughtful."

"What about the other days?" Harry asked, as he leaned further into the counter.

Daphne stuck her tongue out. "He was shit. And super closed off and you."

Harry roared, "I'm nothing like that pompous arsehole."

Daphne giggled slightly. Suddenly, saddened by talking about Theordore. "You just described yourself, arsehole."

"Well, I am better!" He said arrogantly. "I mean I did kil-"

He burped as he tried to finish which caused both of them to laugh.

"Shit. Whose turn… Yeah, who is boggart?" Harry stammered.

"It's mine I think." Daphne replied. "I'm going to guess, you're the chosen one." As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized her mistake, quickly bringing her hands to cover her mouth.

"Boggart." Harry said sullenly as he took another drink. "Stupid prophecy."

"I'm like really, really, real-lee sorry." Daphne apologized.

"For what?" Harry asked curiously.

"I wasn't supposed to know that, but I heard you that night and I just-" Daphne said as she had flayed her arm, knocking over glass. It shattered as it hit the floor. "Shit."

She had tried to reach down to pick it up, but when she opened her eyes, she was on the ground. Her hand had been placed in the glass, causing blood to spill from her hand.

"Fuck." She said as she looked for her wand.

"You okay?" Harry asked as he came closer.

"I'm fine. Just need my wand." She replied.

"Let me….look." Harry said as he grabbed her hand, pulling out his wand, and pointing it over Daphne's hand. "All better."

Harry let go and Daphne looked at her hand, the blood and cut was gone. No scar. Not like the one she had on her midsection. The stupid long and purple scar. She wondered if Harry could erase them.

"I think I can sleep really well now." Harry whispered.

She was annoyed that Harry had interrupted some important thought she couldn't remember, "Then let's go to our cells."

Harry helped her up, hoisting her arm around himself, as he led the way, although he led them into a wall at first.

"You are so not good at this." Daphne said as she was led to the stairs. "This is just like last week except…" She wasn't sure where she was going with her sentence.

"No... one is burning. burning." Harry said as they slowly ascended the stairs. Daphne closed her eyes as they ascended, but the next time she opened them they had finally made it to the top. Daphne felt a wave of tiredness fall over her as they made it to her room.

"Herrre," Harry slurred as he let go of Daphne.

"Thanks, Theodore."Daphne said as she faced him.

"Harry." He said angrily.

"That is what I said." Daphne said, unsure of what he meant. He was always so angry. Daphne dug her finger into his chest, "Relaxx."

"No." He said as he grabbed her wrist. "You called me...the... guy."

Daphne looked up at Harry. She was sure she hadn't called him anything, but they were both very close together now. Close enough, that she could smell the firewhisky on his breath.

"Boggart." She giggled.

She wasn't sure what happened next, but their lips crashed into each other rather roughly sending Harry against the wall as their bodies embraced. Although his lips were a bit sloppy and off-centered, his warm hand sent chills throughout Daphne as he held the side of her face, awkwardly. She moaned as she placed her hands against his hard chest, exploring his chest….Harry's chest... Harry.

Daphne's eyes flew open as she looked at Harry.

"Merlin." She said suddenly as she pushed her lips away from him. She was almost positive she wasn't supposed to do that, "Not...good."

Harry stood awkwardly, rubbing his head as he stayed against the wall.

"Good...morning. I… I mean...night." He stammered.

Daphne lowered her head as she stumbled into her room, not bothering to respond to Harry. She had kissed Harry, and you shouldn't kiss friends. No.

"Stupid me." She said as she fell into her bed. The room around her began spinning, slightly, as she touched her lips. She had kissed Harry Potter. As her eyelids grew heavy, she was sure no good would come of this.

A/N: Well, that escalated quickly. Thanks for reading!