Disclaimer: I do not own Bioshock or The Amazing World of Gumball. All rights go to their respective owners.

A/N: Please leave a review to let me know if you like it or not, because I really wonder if people actually like it or not.

Gumball had just watch the person in the diver suit save him, but he also saw the him kill the person who attacked him. He stared as the man in the diver suit plunged his spinning drill into the deformed man and listened to the pained screams. After all had fallen quiet the man in the diver suit ripped to drill out of the man and walked over to him, causing the ground to shake with each step.

All Gumball could do was look into the glowing yellow porthole of the diver suit as it looked down at him. Then the man reached towards him with his left hand. Gumball started scooting back from the hand out of fear and the hand hesitated to come any closer. But after a second he continued to reach towards Gumball.

The hand grabbed him by the right side of his torso and and lifted him up like he was nothing. Gumball was amazed at how strong this thing was to be able to pick a twelve year old with only one hand. He expected the grip to be like a vice, but it was surprisingly soft.

He squirmed in the grip of the thing with the diving suit, but was unable to get its grip to loosen. He tried hitting and puching the arm that was holding him and it did nothing. But when he looked up he froze at the sight of the large yellow porthole that glowed. He felt the eyes behind it looking at him. He tried to say something but was unable to for some reason.

Then he heard that sound again. The metal on stone. The man that was holding him seemed to have heard it too because he turned his attention to the source of the sound. It was another one of those deformed things that held meat hooks, but this one was wearing a rabbit mask.

He gently put Gumball down on the ground and pulled out a large gattling gun that had a box with a red stripe attached to the side of it from nowhere. It looked like he was about to fill the deformed man full of holes, but then more of them showed up, but these ones had guns. They were on several of the other, lower hanging, balconies.

Gumball knew that if they had guns, they meant business.

Now with that spider splicer dealt with, Delta could focus his attention on the small blue cat child that sat there in front of him. He reached down and tried to pick him up like a little sister and the cat shied away. Delta hesitated because he didn't want to make the blue cat too scared, but he needed to protect it, like he always has with every child he has ever met.

Delta reached his hand closer and picked him up by his side. He was about the weight of a little sister. The cat squirmed and hit his arm trying to make him let go, but his grip was unmovable. He examined the cats face. On closer inspection, it looked like it moved in a lot of the same ways a human face would.

'What a strange child. But I will protect any child, like I always have.' Thought Delta.

But Delta heard the sounds of another spider splicer behind him, so he put the child down and switched to his machine gun with the anti-personnel rounds already loaded into it. He took aim and was about to fire at the splicer but was cut off by a pistol round from a leadhead splicer that was one of the many that filled the balconies that he hadn't seen.

They had pistols, tommy guns and shotguns at the ready. The cat child behind him was cowering in fear from the gun shot. Anytime a child became scared by a splicer, he was trained to become enraged.

'Oh, it's ON YOU FUCKERS!' Delta told himself in his head as he became angrier.

But before he could maul the splicers, he had to get the child to safety first. He knew they would fire the second he moved, he made a plan.

He turned around quickly and the splicers open fired with all the firepower they had. Delta grabbed the child and held him close to his chest, shielding the kid from the rain of lead. He moved sideways with the child over to a large piece of rubble from the ceiling and set him down behind it, provinding cover for the child. He turned around still being pelted with the bullets and activated his winter blast 3 plasmid and shot a continuous stream in a sweeping motion freezing everything on the balconies.

Delta then used his machine gun to shoot in a sweeping motion, shattering everyone and shredding the spider splicer. After the rather short battle, all that remained were fleshy pieces of ice and frozen blood. Delta went over the the child that was behind cover, picked him up, and put him on his back.

'Let's go, buddy.'